# The path (relative to the build.xml file) to your input document.
# To use your own input document, create a build.xml file of your own
# and import this build.xml.
# Modify this so that it points to your copy of the Saxon 6.5 jar.
-# If you wish to have the ant script validate the document before
-# building it, set this property to the location
-# of your DocBook DTD. The sample document is
-# a DocBook 4.5 document and uncomment the line validate=true.
-# Better yet, you can list the DTD's catalog file in your
-# CatalogManager.properties file.
+# For non-ns version only, this validates the document
+# against a dtd.
# Set this to false if you don't need a search tab.
<loadproperties srcFile="${ant.file.dir}/build.properties"/>
<property name="webhelp.include.search.tab" value="true"/>
- <xmlcatalog id="catalog">
- <catalogpath>
- <pathelement location="${docbook-xsl-catalog}"/>
- </catalogpath>
- <dtd publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" location="${docbookx.dtd}"/>
- </xmlcatalog>
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="ant.jar" value="${env.ANT_HOME}/lib/ant.jar"/>
<pathelement path="${ant.jar}"/>
- <condition property="perform-validation">
- <equals arg1="${validate}" arg2="true"/>
+ <condition property="perform-validation-dtd">
+ <equals arg1="${validate-against-dtd}" arg2="true"/>
<condition property="do-search-indexing">
<equals arg1="${webhelp.include.search.tab}" arg2="true"/>
- <target name="validate" if="perform-validation">
- <xmlvalidate file="${input-xml}" classname="org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser">
- <xmlcatalog refid="catalog"/>
- </xmlvalidate>
+ <target name="validate" if="perform-validation-dtd">
+ <xmlvalidate file="${input-xml}" classname="org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"/>
<target name="chunk" depends="clean">
- <xmlcatalog refid="catalog"/>
<param name="webhelp.include.search.tab" expression="${webhelp.include.search.tab}"
<param name="output_file_name" expression="${output_file_name}"/>
- <target name="zip" depends="build-indexer,webhelp">
- <!--xslt
- in="${ant.file.dir}/xsl/webhelp-common.xsl"
- out="${ant.file.dir}/xsl/profile-webhelp-common.xsl"
- force="yes"
- style="${ant.file.dir}/../profiling/xsl2profile.xsl"
- classpath="${xslt-processor-classpath}">
- <xmlcatalog refid="catalog"/>
- </xslt-->
- <zip destfile="../webhelp-gsoc2010-beta.zip"
- basedir=".."
- includes="webhelp/**"/>
- </target>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${output-dir}"/>
<target name="help">
- <echo>Usage:</echo>
- <echo>webhelp: Generate the document in webhelp format.</echo>
- <echo>index: Index the content.</echo>
- <echo>build-indexer: Rebuilds the indexer jar.</echo>
- </target>
- <target name="create-ns-version" depends="zip">
- <!-- TODO: Prep for profiling, then run xslt over ../profiling/xsl2profile.xsl over webhelp-common.xsl -->
- <exec executable="perl" dir="${ant.file.dir}">
- <arg line="..\..\releasetools\xslns-build ../webhelp ../webhelp-ns"/>
- </exec>
- <xslt
- in="${input-xml}"
- out="../webhelp-ns/${input-xml}"
- force="yes"
- style="${ant.file.dir}/../../docbook/relaxng/tools/db4-upgrade.xsl"
- classpath="${xslt-processor-classpath}">
- <xmlcatalog refid="catalog"/>
- </xslt>
- <replace
- file="../webhelp-ns/build.properties"
- token="validate=true"
- value="validate=false"/>
- <replace
- file="../webhelp-ns/build.properties"
- token="docbook-xsl-1."
- value="docbook-xsl-ns-1."/>
- <replace
- file="../webhelp-ns/xsl/webhelp.xsl"
- token="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/xhtml/chunk.xsl"
- value="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl-ns/current/xhtml/chunk.xsl"/>
- <!-- TODO: Add xinclude step to build? -->
- <zip destfile="../webhelp-ns-gsoc2010-beta.zip"
- basedir=".."
- includes="webhelp-ns/**"/>
+ <echo>
+webhelp: Generates the document in webhelp format and indexes the content.
+clean: Deletes webhelp output directory.
+index: Indexes the content.
+build-indexer: Rebuilds the indexer jar if necessary (required JDK).
+ </echo>