Response arguments: none
-3.2. Torrent Info Requests
+3.2. Torrent List
+ Method name: "torrent-list".
+ Request arguments: none.
+ Response arguments: "list", an array of objects that contain two keys:
+ a torrent's name string, and its unique torrent id.
+3.3. Torrent Info Requests
Method name: "torrent-info".
- Request arguments: 3.1's optional "ids" argument.
+ Request arguments: an "id" number specifying a torrent id number
Response arguments: "info", an array of objects based on libtransmission's
- tr_info struct but differ in the following ways:
+ tr_info struct but different in the following ways:
(1) tr_info's "hash" field is omitted.
(2) tr_info's "pieces" field is omitted.
Example Request:
- "arguments": { "ids": [ 7, 10 ] }
+ "arguments": { "id": 7 }
"method": "torrent-info",
"tag": 39693
"tag": 39693
"result": "success",
"arguments": {
- "info": [
- {
- "id": 7,
- "totalSize": 9803930483,
- "pieceCount": 1209233,
- "pieceSize": 4096,
- "name": "Ubuntu x86_64 DVD",
- ...
- },
- {
- "id": 10,
- "totalSize": 2398480394,
- "pieceCount": 83943,
- "pieceSize": 12345,
- "name": "Ubuntu i386 DVD",
- ...
- }
- ]
+ "info": {
+ "id": 7,
+ "totalSize": 9803930483,
+ "pieceCount": 1209233,
+ "pieceSize": 4096,
+ "name": "Ubuntu x86_64 DVD",
+ ...
+ }
-3.3. Torrent Status Requests
+3.4. Torrent Status Requests
Method name: "torrent-status"
- Request arguments: 3.1's optional "ids" argument.
+ Request arguments: an "id" int specifying a torrent id number
- Response arguments: "status", an array of objects based on
- libtransmission's tr_stat struct but which differ in the following ways:
+ Response arguments: "status", an object based on libtransmission's
+ tr_stat struct but differerent in the following ways:
(1) tr_stat's "tracker" field is omitted.
(2) a new string, "announce-url", is added.
(3) a new string, "scrape-url", is added.
(4) tr_info's "name" field is added.
-3.4. Adding a Torrent
+3.5. Adding a Torrent
Method name: "torrent-add"
The "filename" argument is required; all others are optional.
Response arguments: on success, a "torrent-added" object in the
- form of one of 3.2's tr_info objects.
+ form of one of 3.3's tr_info objects.
-3.5. Other torrent settings
+3.6. Other torrent settings
Common arguments:
"speed-limit-up" | int maximum upload speed (in KiB/s)
"speed-limit-up-enabled" | boolean true if the upload speed is limited
-3.5.1. Mutators
+3.6.1. Mutators
Method name: "torrent-set"
- Request arguments: 3.1's "ids", plus one or more of 3.5's arguments
+ Request arguments: 3.1's "ids", plus one or more of 3.6's arguments
Response arguments: none
-3.5.2. Accessors
+3.6.2. Accessors
Method name: "torrent-get"
Request arguments: none
Response arguments: A "torrents" list of objects containing all
- of 3.5's arguments plus the torrent's "id" int.
+ of 3.6's arguments plus the torrent's "id" int.
-3.6 File Priorities
+3.7 File Priorities
Common arguments:
"priority-low" | array indices of one or more low-priority files
"priority-normal" | array indices of one or more normal-priority files
-3.6.1. Mutators
+3.7.1. Mutators
Method name: "torrent-set-priorities"
- Request arguments: 3.1's "ids", plus one or more of 3.6's arguments
+ Request arguments: 3.1's "ids", plus one or more of 3.7's arguments
Response arguments: none
-3.6.2. Accessors
+3.7.2. Accessors
Method name: "torrent-get-priorities"
Request arguments: none
Response arguments: A "torrents" list of objects containing all
- of 3.6's arguments plus the torrent's "id" int.
+ of 3.7's arguments plus the torrent's "id" int.
4. Session Status Requests