--- /dev/null
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | PHP Version 5 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, |
+ | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
+ | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
+ | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt |
+ | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
+ | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
+ | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Author: Antony Dovgal <tony@daylessday.org> |
+ | Etienne Kneuss <colder@php.net> |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "php.h"
+#include "php_ini.h"
+#include "ext/standard/info.h"
+#include "zend_exceptions.h"
+#include "php_spl.h"
+#include "spl_functions.h"
+#include "spl_engine.h"
+#include "spl_fastarray.h"
+#include "spl_exceptions.h"
+#include "spl_iterators.h"
+zend_object_handlers spl_handler_SplFastArray;
+PHPAPI zend_class_entry *spl_ce_SplFastArray;
+typedef struct _spl_fastarray { /* {{{ */
+ long size;
+ zval **elements;
+} spl_fastarray;
+/* }}} */
+typedef struct _spl_fastarray_object { /* {{{ */
+ zend_object std;
+ spl_fastarray *array;
+ zval *retval;
+ zend_function *fptr_offset_get;
+ zend_function *fptr_offset_set;
+ zend_function *fptr_offset_has;
+ zend_function *fptr_offset_del;
+ zend_function *fptr_it_next;
+ zend_function *fptr_it_rewind;
+ zend_function *fptr_it_current;
+ zend_function *fptr_it_key;
+ zend_function *fptr_it_valid;
+ int current;
+ zend_class_entry *ce_get_iterator;
+} spl_fastarray_object;
+/* }}} */
+typedef struct _spl_fastarray_it { /* {{{ */
+ zend_user_iterator intern;
+ spl_fastarray_object *object;
+} spl_fastarray_it;
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_init(spl_fastarray *array, long size TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ if (size > 0) {
+ array->elements = ecalloc(size, sizeof(zval *));
+ array->size = size;
+ } else {
+ array->elements = NULL;
+ array->size = 0;
+ }
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_resize(spl_fastarray *array, long size TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ if (size == array->size) {
+ /* nothing to do */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* first initialization */
+ if (array->size == 0) {
+ spl_fastarray_init(array, size TSRMLS_CC);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* clearing the array */
+ if (size == 0) {
+ long i;
+ for (i = 0; i < array->size; i++) {
+ if (array->elements[i]) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&(array->elements[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (array->elements) {
+ efree(array->elements);
+ }
+ } else if (size > array->size) {
+ array->elements = erealloc(array->elements, sizeof(zval *) * size);
+ memset(array->elements + array->size, '\0', sizeof(zval *) * (size - array->size));
+ } else { /* size < array->size */
+ long i;
+ for (i = size; i < array->size; i++) {
+ if (array->elements[i]) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&(array->elements[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ array->elements = erealloc(array->elements, sizeof(zval *) * size);
+ }
+ array->size = size;
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_copy(spl_fastarray *to, spl_fastarray *from TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < from->size; i++) {
+ if (from->elements[i]) {
+ Z_ADDREF_P(from->elements[i]);
+ to->elements[i] = from->elements[i];
+ } else {
+ to->elements[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_object_free_storage(void *object TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)object;
+ long i;
+ for (i = 0; i < intern->array->size; i++) {
+ if (intern->array->elements[i]) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&(intern->array->elements[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (intern->array->elements) {
+ efree(intern->array->elements);
+ }
+ efree(intern->array);
+ zend_object_std_dtor(&intern->std TSRMLS_CC);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->retval);
+ efree(object);
+/* }}} */
+zend_object_iterator *spl_fastarray_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref TSRMLS_DC);
+static zend_object_value spl_fastarray_object_new_ex(zend_class_entry *class_type, spl_fastarray_object **obj, zval *orig, int clone_orig TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ zend_object_value retval;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ zval *tmp;
+ zend_class_entry *parent = class_type;
+ int inherited = 0;
+ intern = ecalloc(1, sizeof(spl_fastarray_object));
+ *obj = intern;
+ ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(intern->retval);
+ zend_object_std_init(&intern->std, class_type TSRMLS_CC);
+ zend_hash_copy(intern->std.properties, &class_type->default_properties, (copy_ctor_func_t) zval_add_ref, (void *) &tmp, sizeof(zval *));
+ intern->current = 0;
+ if (orig && clone_orig) {
+ spl_fastarray_object *other = (spl_fastarray_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(orig TSRMLS_CC);
+ intern->ce_get_iterator = other->ce_get_iterator;
+ intern->array = emalloc(sizeof(spl_fastarray));
+ spl_fastarray_init(intern->array, other->array->size TSRMLS_CC);
+ spl_fastarray_copy(intern->array, other->array TSRMLS_CC);
+ }
+ while (parent) {
+ if (parent == spl_ce_SplFastArray) {
+ retval.handlers = &spl_handler_SplFastArray;
+ break;
+ }
+ parent = parent->parent;
+ inherited = 1;
+ }
+ retval.handle = zend_objects_store_put(intern, (zend_objects_store_dtor_t)zend_objects_destroy_object, spl_fastarray_object_free_storage, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (!parent) { /* this must never happen */
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_COMPILE_ERROR, "Internal compiler error, Class is not child of SplFastArray");
+ }
+ if (inherited) {
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "offsetget", sizeof("offsetget"), (void **) &intern->fptr_offset_get);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_get->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_offset_get = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "offsetset", sizeof("offsetset"), (void **) &intern->fptr_offset_set);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_set->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_offset_set = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "offsetexists", sizeof("offsetexists"), (void **) &intern->fptr_offset_has);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_has->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_offset_has = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "offsetunset", sizeof("offsetunset"), (void **) &intern->fptr_offset_del);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_del->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_offset_del = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "next", sizeof("next"), (void **) &intern->fptr_it_next);
+ if (intern->fptr_it_next->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_it_next = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "rewind", sizeof("rewind"), (void **) &intern->fptr_it_rewind);
+ if (intern->fptr_it_rewind->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_it_rewind = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "current", sizeof("current"), (void **) &intern->fptr_it_current);
+ if (intern->fptr_it_current->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_it_current = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "key", sizeof("key"), (void **) &intern->fptr_it_key);
+ if (intern->fptr_it_key->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_it_key = NULL;
+ }
+ zend_hash_find(&class_type->function_table, "valid", sizeof("valid"), (void **) &intern->fptr_it_valid);
+ if (intern->fptr_it_valid->common.scope == parent) {
+ intern->fptr_it_valid = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* }}} */
+static zend_object_value spl_fastarray_new(zend_class_entry *class_type TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_object *tmp;
+ return spl_fastarray_object_new_ex(class_type, &tmp, NULL, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+/* }}} */
+static zend_object_value spl_fastarray_object_clone(zval *zobject TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ zend_object_value new_obj_val;
+ zend_object *old_object;
+ zend_object *new_object;
+ zend_object_handle handle = Z_OBJ_HANDLE_P(zobject);
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ old_object = zend_objects_get_address(zobject TSRMLS_CC);
+ new_obj_val = spl_fastarray_object_new_ex(old_object->ce, &intern, zobject, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
+ new_object = &intern->std;
+ zend_objects_clone_members(new_object, new_obj_val, old_object, handle TSRMLS_CC);
+ return new_obj_val;
+/* }}} */
+static inline zval **spl_fastarray_object_read_dimension_helper(spl_fastarray_object *intern, zval *offset TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ long index;
+ zval **retval;
+ index = spl_offset_convert_to_long(offset TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (index < 0 || index >= intern->array->size) {
+ zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Index invalid or out of range", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ retval = &intern->array->elements[index];
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* }}} */
+static zval *spl_fastarray_object_read_dimension(zval *object, zval *offset, int type TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ zval **value_pp;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_get) {
+ zval *rv;
+ zend_call_method_with_1_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_offset_get, "offsetGet", &rv, offset);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&offset);
+ if (rv) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->retval);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(intern->retval);
+ ZVAL_ZVAL(intern->retval, rv, 1, 1);
+ return intern->retval;
+ }
+ return EG(uninitialized_zval_ptr);
+ }
+ value_pp = spl_fastarray_object_read_dimension_helper(intern, offset TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (value_pp) {
+ return *value_pp;
+ } else {
+ return EG(uninitialized_zval_ptr);
+ }
+/* }}} */
+static inline void spl_fastarray_object_write_dimension_helper(spl_fastarray_object *intern, zval *offset, zval *value TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ long index;
+ index = spl_offset_convert_to_long(offset TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (index < 0 || index >= intern->array->size) {
+ zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Index invalid or out of range", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if (intern->array->elements[index]) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&(intern->array->elements[index]));
+ }
+ intern->array->elements[index] = value;
+ }
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_object_write_dimension(zval *object, zval *offset, zval *value TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_set) {
+ zend_call_method_with_2_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_offset_set, "offsetSet", NULL, offset, value);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&value);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ spl_fastarray_object_write_dimension_helper(intern, offset, value TSRMLS_CC);
+/* }}} */
+static inline void spl_fastarray_object_unset_dimension_helper(spl_fastarray_object *intern, zval *offset TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ long index;
+ index = spl_offset_convert_to_long(offset TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (index < 0 || index >= intern->array->size) {
+ zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "Index invalid or out of range", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if (intern->array->elements[index]) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&(intern->array->elements[index]));
+ }
+ intern->array->elements[index] = NULL;
+ }
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_object_unset_dimension(zval *object, zval *offset TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_del) {
+ zend_call_method_with_1_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_offset_del, "offsetUnset", NULL, offset);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ spl_fastarray_object_unset_dimension_helper(intern, offset TSRMLS_CC);
+/* }}} */
+static inline int spl_fastarray_object_has_dimension_helper(spl_fastarray_object *intern, zval *offset, int check_empty TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ long index;
+ int retval;
+ index = spl_offset_convert_to_long(offset TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (index < 0 || index >= intern->array->size) {
+ retval = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (!intern->array->elements[index]) {
+ retval = 0;
+ } else if (check_empty) {
+ if (zend_is_true(intern->array->elements[index])) {
+ retval = 1;
+ } else {
+ retval = 0;
+ }
+ } else { /* != NULL and !check_empty */
+ retval = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* }}} */
+static int spl_fastarray_object_has_dimension(zval *object, zval *offset, int check_empty TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (intern->fptr_offset_get) {
+ zval *rv;
+ zend_call_method_with_1_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_offset_has, "offsetExists", &rv, offset);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&offset);
+ if (rv) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->retval);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(intern->retval);
+ ZVAL_ZVAL(intern->retval, rv, 1, 1);
+ return zend_is_true(intern->retval);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return spl_fastarray_object_has_dimension_helper(intern, offset, check_empty TSRMLS_CC);
+/* }}} */
+static int spl_fastarray_object_count_elements(zval *object, long *count TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ *count = intern->array->size;
+ return SUCCESS;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto void SplFastArray::__construct([int size])
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, __construct)
+ zval *object = getThis();
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ long size = 0;
+ if (FAILURE == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|l", &size)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (size < 0) {
+ zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, 0 TSRMLS_CC, "array size cannot be less than zero");
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (intern->array) {
+ /* called __construct() twice, bail out */
+ return;
+ }
+ intern->array = emalloc(sizeof(spl_fastarray));
+ spl_fastarray_init(intern->array, size TSRMLS_CC);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int SplFastArray::count(void)
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, count)
+ zval *object = getThis();
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ if (FAILURE == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ RETURN_LONG(intern->array->size);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int SplFastArray::getSize(void)
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, getSize)
+ zval *object = getThis();
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ if (FAILURE == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ RETURN_LONG(intern->array->size);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool SplFastArray::setSize(int size)
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, setSize)
+ zval *object = getThis();
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ long size;
+ if (FAILURE == zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", &size)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (size < 0) {
+ zend_throw_exception_ex(spl_ce_InvalidArgumentException, 0 TSRMLS_CC, "array size cannot be less than zero");
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ spl_fastarray_resize(intern->array, size TSRMLS_CC);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool SplFastArray::offsetExists(mixed $index) U
+ Returns whether the requested $index exists. */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, offsetExists)
+ zval *zindex;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zindex) == FAILURE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ RETURN_BOOL(spl_fastarray_object_has_dimension_helper(intern, zindex, 0 TSRMLS_CC));
+} /* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto mixed SplFastArray::offsetGet(mixed $index) U
+ Returns the value at the specified $index. */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, offsetGet)
+ zval *zindex, **value_pp;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zindex) == FAILURE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ value_pp = spl_fastarray_object_read_dimension_helper(intern, zindex TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (value_pp) {
+ RETURN_ZVAL(*value_pp, 1, 0);
+ }
+} /* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto void SplFastArray::offsetSet(mixed $index, mixed $newval) U
+ Sets the value at the specified $index to $newval. */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, offsetSet)
+ zval *zindex, *value;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &zindex, &value) == FAILURE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ spl_fastarray_object_write_dimension_helper(intern, zindex, value TSRMLS_CC);
+} /* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto void SplFastArray::offsetUnset(mixed $index) U
+ Unsets the value at the specified $index. */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, offsetUnset)
+ zval *zindex;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern;
+ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &zindex) == FAILURE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ intern = (spl_fastarray_object *)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ spl_fastarray_object_unset_dimension_helper(intern, zindex TSRMLS_CC);
+} /* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_it_dtor(zend_object_iterator *iter TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_it *iterator = (spl_fastarray_it *)iter;
+ zend_user_it_invalidate_current(iter TSRMLS_CC);
+ zval_ptr_dtor((zval**)&iterator->intern.it.data);
+ efree(iterator);
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_it_rewind(zend_object_iterator *iter TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_it *iterator = (spl_fastarray_it *)iter;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = iterator->object;
+ zval *object = (zval *)&iterator->intern.it.data;
+ if (intern->fptr_it_rewind) {
+ zend_call_method_with_0_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_it_rewind, "rewind", NULL);
+ }
+ iterator->object->current = 0;
+/* }}} */
+static int spl_fastarray_it_valid(zend_object_iterator *iter TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_it *iterator = (spl_fastarray_it *)iter;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = iterator->object;
+ zval *object = (zval *)&iterator->intern.it.data;
+ if (intern->fptr_it_valid) {
+ zval *rv;
+ zend_call_method_with_0_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_it_valid, "valid", &rv);
+ if (rv) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->retval);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(intern->retval);
+ ZVAL_ZVAL(intern->retval, rv, 1, 1);
+ return zend_is_true(intern->retval) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE;
+ }
+ return FAILURE;
+ }
+ if (iterator->object->current >= 0 && iterator->object->current < iterator->object->array->size) {
+ return SUCCESS;
+ }
+ return FAILURE;
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_it_get_current_data(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval ***data TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ zval *zindex;
+ spl_fastarray_it *iterator = (spl_fastarray_it *)iter;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = iterator->object;
+ zval *object = (zval *)&iterator->intern.it.data;
+ if (intern->fptr_it_current) {
+ zval *rv;
+ zend_call_method_with_0_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_it_current, "current", &rv);
+ if (rv) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->retval);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(intern->retval);
+ ZVAL_ZVAL(intern->retval, rv, 1, 1);
+ *data = &intern->retval;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(zindex);
+ ZVAL_LONG(zindex, iterator->object->current);
+ *data = spl_fastarray_object_read_dimension_helper(iterator->object, zindex TSRMLS_CC);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&zindex);
+/* }}} */
+static int spl_fastarray_it_get_current_key(zend_object_iterator *iter, char **str_key, uint *str_key_len, ulong *int_key TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_it *iterator = (spl_fastarray_it *)iter;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = iterator->object;
+ zval *object = (zval *)&iterator->intern.it.data;
+ if (intern->fptr_it_key) {
+ zval *rv;
+ zend_call_method_with_0_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_it_key, "key", &rv);
+ if (rv) {
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&intern->retval);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(intern->retval);
+ ZVAL_ZVAL(intern->retval, rv, 1, 1);
+ convert_to_long(intern->retval);
+ *int_key = (ulong) Z_LVAL_P(intern->retval);
+ }
+ *int_key = (ulong) 0;
+ } else {
+ *int_key = (ulong) iterator->object->current;
+ }
+ return HASH_KEY_IS_LONG;
+/* }}} */
+static void spl_fastarray_it_move_forward(zend_object_iterator *iter TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_it *iterator = (spl_fastarray_it *)iter;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = iterator->object;
+ zval *object = (zval *)&iterator->intern.it.data;
+ if (intern->fptr_it_next) {
+ zend_call_method_with_0_params(&object, intern->std.ce, &intern->fptr_it_next, "next", NULL);
+ }
+ zend_user_it_invalidate_current(iter TSRMLS_CC);
+ iterator->object->current++;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto int SplFastArray::key() U
+ Return current array key */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, key)
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = (spl_fastarray_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ RETURN_LONG(intern->current);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto void SplFastArray::next() U
+ Move to next entry */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, next)
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = (spl_fastarray_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ intern->current++;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto bool SplFastArray::valid() U
+ Check whether the datastructure contains more entries */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, valid)
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = (spl_fastarray_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ RETURN_BOOL(intern->current >= 0 && intern->current < intern->array->size);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto void SplFastArray::rewind() U
+ Rewind the datastructure back to the start */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, rewind)
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = (spl_fastarray_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ intern->current = 0;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ proto mixed|NULL SplFastArray::current() U
+ Return current datastructure entry */
+SPL_METHOD(SplFastArray, current)
+ zval *zindex, **value_pp;
+ spl_fastarray_object *intern = (spl_fastarray_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(getThis() TSRMLS_CC);
+ ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(zindex);
+ ZVAL_LONG(zindex, intern->current);
+ value_pp = spl_fastarray_object_read_dimension_helper(intern, zindex TSRMLS_CC);
+ zval_ptr_dtor(&zindex);
+ if (value_pp) {
+ RETURN_ZVAL(*value_pp, 1, 0);
+ }
+/* }}} */
+/* iterator handler table */
+zend_object_iterator_funcs spl_fastarray_it_funcs = {
+ spl_fastarray_it_dtor,
+ spl_fastarray_it_valid,
+ spl_fastarray_it_get_current_data,
+ spl_fastarray_it_get_current_key,
+ spl_fastarray_it_move_forward,
+ spl_fastarray_it_rewind
+zend_object_iterator *spl_fastarray_get_iterator(zend_class_entry *ce, zval *object, int by_ref TSRMLS_DC) /* {{{ */
+ spl_fastarray_it *iterator;
+ spl_fastarray_object *fastarray_object = (spl_fastarray_object*)zend_object_store_get_object(object TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (by_ref) {
+ zend_throw_exception(spl_ce_RuntimeException, "An iterator cannot be used with foreach by reference", 0 TSRMLS_CC);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Z_ADDREF_P(object);
+ iterator = emalloc(sizeof(spl_fastarray_it));
+ iterator->intern.it.data = (void*)object;
+ iterator->intern.it.funcs = &spl_fastarray_it_funcs;
+ iterator->intern.ce = ce;
+ iterator->intern.value = NULL;
+ iterator->object = fastarray_object;
+ return (zend_object_iterator*)iterator;
+/* }}} */
+ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_fastarray_offsetGet, 0, 0, 1)
+ ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, index)
+ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO_EX(arginfo_fastarray_offsetSet, 0, 0, 2)
+ ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, index)
+ ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, newval)
+ZEND_BEGIN_ARG_INFO(arginfo_fastarray_setSize, 0)
+ ZEND_ARG_INFO(0, value)
+static zend_function_entry spl_funcs_SplFastArray[] = { /* {{{ */
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, __construct, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, count, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, getSize, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, setSize, arginfo_fastarray_setSize, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, offsetExists, arginfo_fastarray_offsetGet, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, offsetGet, arginfo_fastarray_offsetGet, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, offsetSet, arginfo_fastarray_offsetSet, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, offsetUnset, arginfo_fastarray_offsetGet, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, rewind, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, current, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, key, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, next, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+ SPL_ME(SplFastArray, valid, NULL, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
+/* }}} */
+ REGISTER_SPL_STD_CLASS_EX(SplFastArray, spl_fastarray_new, spl_funcs_SplFastArray);
+ memcpy(&spl_handler_SplFastArray, zend_get_std_object_handlers(), sizeof(zend_object_handlers));
+ spl_handler_SplFastArray.clone_obj = spl_fastarray_object_clone;
+ spl_handler_SplFastArray.count_elements = spl_fastarray_object_count_elements;
+ spl_handler_SplFastArray.read_dimension = spl_fastarray_object_read_dimension;
+ spl_handler_SplFastArray.write_dimension = spl_fastarray_object_write_dimension;
+ spl_handler_SplFastArray.unset_dimension = spl_fastarray_object_unset_dimension;
+ spl_handler_SplFastArray.has_dimension = spl_fastarray_object_has_dimension;
+ spl_handler_SplFastArray.count_elements = spl_fastarray_object_count_elements;
+ REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(SplFastArray, Iterator);
+ REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(SplFastArray, ArrayAccess);
+ REGISTER_SPL_IMPLEMENTS(SplFastArray, Countable);
+ spl_ce_SplFastArray->get_iterator = spl_fastarray_get_iterator;
+ return SUCCESS;
+/* }}} */
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+ * tab-width: 4
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+ * End:
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+ */