--- /dev/null
+ This is an overview over existing segfaults in the current PHP source
+ tree.
+ i18n_convert/mb_convert_encoding (Moriyoshi Koizumi)
+ array_pad
+ bcsub (1)
+ dbase_open
+ exif_imagetype
+ exif_thumbnail
+ mb_ereg (2)
+ mb_ereg_match (2)
+ mb_eregi (2)
+ mb_split
+ ob_start (3)
+ setlocale
+ socket_iovec_alloc
+ unregister_tick_function
+ xml_parser_create
+ Notes:
+(1) appears, when bcadd, bcmod, bcmul, bcscale, bcsqrt have been tested
+ prior to it. does not segfault otherwise.
+(2) sometimes, mb_ereg passes the test, although a subsequent mbereg
+ will cause a segfault. Probably something in-between screws up the engine.
+(3) calling ob_start in weird ways caused a segfault in
+ php_formatted_print(). In this line:
+ format = Z_STRVAL_PP(args[0]);
+ I am not able to reproduce this particular issue at the moment. I
+ was not able to create a simple test case for this initially, so
+ the lack of reproducibility likely relates to changes in the
+ changed/now-extended test script.
+ 1. Use a plain PHP_4_3 tree
+ 2. Use the config.nice from ammendment 1.
+ 3. Download the test script
+ <URL:http://schumann.cx/do_crash.txt>
+ 4a. Use the scripts funcparse.awk/genfunclist.sh from phpdoc/scripts
+ for creating a plain text function list. Feed that list to
+ the script. Avoid calls like pcntl_fork. Manually remove functions
+ which take too long to finish/eat up all memory.
+ 4b. For testing a single function, echo the name of the function to
+ the script like this:
+ echo dbase_open | php do_crash.txt
+Ammendment 1.
+CFLAGS='-O0 -g' \
+'../src/php4/configure' \
+'--enable-pcntl' \
+'--enable-shmop' \
+'--enable-sysvsem' \
+'--enable-sysvshm' \
+'--enable-wddx' \
+'--enable-yp' \
+'--enable-filepro' \
+'--enable-ftp' \
+'--enable-dba' \
+'--enable-dbase' \
+'--enable-dio' \
+'--enable-exif' \
+'--enable-mbstring' \
+'--enable-mbregex' \
+'--enable-sockets' \
+'--enable-bcmath' \
+'--enable-calendar' \
+'--enable-pcntl' \
+'--enable-shmop' \
+'--enable-sysvsem' \
+'--enable-sysvshm' \
+'--enable-wddx' \
+'--enable-yp' \
+'--enable-filepro' \
+'--enable-ftp' \
+'--enable-dba' \
+'--enable-dbase' \
+'--enable-dio' \
+'--enable-exif' \
+'--enable-mbstring' \
+'--enable-mbregex' \
+'--enable-sockets' \
+'--enable-bcmath' \
+'--enable-calendar' \