<TR><TD><A NAME=a:K HREF=#d:K>K</A>
</TD><TD>GC</TD><TD>double</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">0.3</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>sfdp, fdp only</TD> </TR>
-</TD><TD>ENGC</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
+</TD><TD>ENGC</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:escString>escString</A>
</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER"><none></TD><TD></TD><TD>svg, postscript, map only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:arrowhead HREF=#d:arrowhead>arrowhead</A>
</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:arrowType>arrowType</A>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:dpi HREF=#d:dpi>dpi</A>
</TD><TD>G</TD><TD>double</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">96.0<BR>0.0</TD><TD></TD><TD>svg, bitmap output only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:edgeURL HREF=#d:edgeURL>edgeURL</A>
-</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
+</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:escString>escString</A>
</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">""</TD><TD></TD><TD>svg, map only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:edgehref HREF=#d:edgehref>edgehref</A>
</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:group HREF=#d:group>group</A>
</TD><TD>N</TD><TD>string</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">""</TD><TD></TD><TD>dot only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:headURL HREF=#d:headURL>headURL</A>
-</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
+</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:escString>escString</A>
</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">""</TD><TD></TD><TD>svg, map only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:headclip HREF=#d:headclip>headclip</A>
</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:bool>bool</A>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:height HREF=#d:height>height</A>
</TD><TD>N</TD><TD>double</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">0.5</TD><TD>0.02</TD><TD></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:href HREF=#d:href>href</A>
-</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
+</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:escString>escString</A>
</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">""</TD><TD></TD><TD>svg, postscript, map only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:id HREF=#d:id>id</A>
</TD><TD>GNE</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
</TD><TD>ENGC</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">"\N" (nodes)<BR>"" (otherwise)</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:labelURL HREF=#d:labelURL>labelURL</A>
-</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
+</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:escString>escString</A>
</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">""</TD><TD></TD><TD>svg, map only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:labelangle HREF=#d:labelangle>labelangle</A>
</TD><TD>E</TD><TD>double</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">-25.0</TD><TD>-180.0</TD><TD></TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:stylesheet HREF=#d:stylesheet>stylesheet</A>
</TD><TD>G</TD><TD>string</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">""</TD><TD></TD><TD>svg only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:tailURL HREF=#d:tailURL>tailURL</A>
-</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:lblString>lblString</A>
+</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:escString>escString</A>
</TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER">""</TD><TD></TD><TD>svg, map only</TD> </TR>
<TR><TD><A NAME=a:tailclip HREF=#d:tailclip>tailclip</A>
</TD><TD>E</TD><TD><A HREF=#k:bool>bool</A>
# Set by attribute, overwritten, unused
# Set by attribute, overwritten, unused
-:URL:ENGC:lblString:<none>; map,ps,svg
+:URL:ENGC:escString:<none>; map,ps,svg
Hyperlinks incorporated into device-dependent output.
At present, used in ps2, cmap, i*map and svg formats.
For all these formats, URLs can be attached to nodes, edges and
done more accurately, both in size and in placement. For SVG output,
it is used to guarantee that the dimensions in the output correspond to
the correct number of points or inches.
-:edgeURL:E:lblString:""; map,svg
+:edgeURL:E:escString:""; map,svg
If <B>edgeURL</B> is defined, this is the link used for the non-label
parts of an edge. This value overrides any <A HREF=#d:URL>URL</A>
defined for the edge.
If the end points of an edge belong to the same group, i.e., have the
same group attribute, parameters are set to avoid crossings and keep
the edges straight.
-:headURL:E:lblString:""; map,svg
+:headURL:E:escString:""; map,svg
If <B>headURL</B> is defined, it is
output as part of the head label of the edge.
Also, this value is used near the head node, overriding any
requires more height to fit, the node's height will be increased to
contain the label. Note also that, if the output format is dot, the
value given to <B>height</B> will be the final value.
-:href:E:lblString:""; map,ps,svg
+:href:E:escString:""; map,ps,svg
Synonym for <A HREF=#d:URL>URL</A>.
:id:GNE:lblString:""; map,ps,svg
Allows the graph author to provide an id for graph objects which is to be included in the output.
If a node's <A HREF=#d:shape>shape</A> is record, then the label can
have a <A HREF=shapes.html#record>special format</A>
which describes the record layout.
-:labelURL:E:lblString:""; map,svg
+:labelURL:E:escString:""; map,svg
If <B>labelURL</B> is defined, this is the link used for the label
of an edge. This value overrides any <A HREF=#d:URL>URL</A>
defined for the edge.
cluster box's background is filled.
:stylesheet:G:string:""; svg
A URL or pathname specifying an XML style sheet, used in SVG output.
-:tailURL:E:lblString:""; map,svg
+:tailURL:E:escString:""; map,svg
If <B>tailURL</B> is defined, it is
output as part of the tail label of the edge.
Also, this value is used near the tail node, overriding any