. Fixed bug #53512 (NumberFormatter::setSymbol crash on bogus $attr values).
+- MySQL Improved extension:
+ . Fixed bug #53503 (mysqli::query returns false after successful LOAD DATA
+ query). (Kalle)
- PDO Oracle driver:
. Fixed bug #39199 (Cannot load Lob data with more than 4000 bytes on
ORACLE 10). (spatar at mail dot nnov dot ru)
--- /dev/null
+Bug #53503 (mysqli::query returns false after successful LOAD DATA query)\r
+ require_once("connect.inc");\r
+ if (!$link = my_mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket)) {\r
+ printf("[001] Connect failed, [%d] %s\n", mysqli_connect_errno(), mysqli_connect_error());\r
+ }\r
+ if (!$link->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tlocaldata")) {\r
+ printf("[002] [%d] %s\n", $link->errno, $link->error);\r
+ }\r
+ if (!$link->query("CREATE TABLE tlocaldata (dump1 INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=" . $engine)) {\r
+ printf("[003] [%d] %s\n", $link->errno, $link->error);\r
+ }\r
+ file_put_contents('bug53503.data', 'jokijoki');\r
+ if (!$link->query("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'bug53503.data' REPLACE INTO TABLE tlocaldata (dump1)")) {\r
+ echo "bug";\r
+ } else {\r
+ echo "done";\r
+ }\r
+if (!$link = my_mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $db, $port, $socket)) {\r
+ printf("[clean] Cannot connect to the server using host=%s, user=%s, passwd=***, dbname=%s, port=%s, socket=%s\n",\r
+ $host, $user, $db, $port, $socket);\r
+if (!mysqli_query($link, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tlocaldata')) {\r
+ printf("[clean] Failed to drop old test table: [%d] %s\n", mysqli_errno($link), mysqli_error($link));\r
\ No newline at end of file