]> granicus.if.org Git - postgresql/commitdiff
remove the old regression test files. have copies saved in my directory here,
authorMarc G. Fournier <scrappy@hub.org>
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 08:48:14 +0000 (08:48 +0000)
committerMarc G. Fournier <scrappy@hub.org>
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 08:48:14 +0000 (08:48 +0000)
but it gets rid of the temptation to modify the old source files :)

src/test/regress/destroy.source [deleted file]
src/test/regress/errors.source [deleted file]
src/test/regress/expected.input [deleted file]
src/test/regress/security.source [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/test/regress/destroy.source b/src/test/regress/destroy.source
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3db4b0d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
--- destroy.source
--- $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/test/regress/Attic/destroy.source,v 1996/07/09 06:22:24 scrappy Exp $
--- this will fail if the user is not the postgres superuser.
--- if it does, don't worry about it (you can turn usersuper
--- back on as "postgres").  too many people don't follow 
--- directions and run this as "postgres", though...
-UPDATE pg_user
-   SET usesuper = 't'::bool
-   WHERE usename = '_USER_';
-DROP FUNCTION hobbies(person);
-DROP FUNCTION hobby_construct(text,text);
-DROP FUNCTION equipment(hobbies_r);
-DROP FUNCTION user_relns();
-DROP FUNCTION circle_in(opaque);
-DROP FUNCTION circle_out(opaque);
-DROP FUNCTION pt_in_circle(point,circle);
-DROP FUNCTION overpaid(emp);
-DROP FUNCTION boxarea(box);
-DROP FUNCTION interpt_pp(path,path);
-DROP FUNCTION reverse_c16(char16);
-DROP OPERATOR ## (path, path);
-DROP OPERATOR <% (point, circle);
--- left unary 
-DROP OPERATOR @#@ (none, int4);
--- right unary 
-DROP OPERATOR #@# (int4, none);        
--- right unary 
-DROP OPERATOR #%# (int4, none);        
-DROP TYPE city_budget;
-DROP TYPE circle;
---     (is also tested in queries.source)
---     (inheritance hierarchies are deleted in reverse order)
--- DROP ancillary data structures (i.e. indices)
-DROP INDEX onek_unique1;
-DROP INDEX onek_unique2;
-DROP INDEX onek_hundred;
-DROP INDEX onek_stringu1;
-DROP INDEX tenk1_unique1;
-DROP INDEX tenk1_unique2;
-DROP INDEX tenk1_hundred;
-DROP INDEX tenk2_unique1;
-DROP INDEX tenk2_unique2;
-DROP INDEX tenk2_hundred;
--- DROP INDEX onek2_u1_prtl;
--- DROP INDEX onek2_u2_prtl;
--- DROP INDEX onek2_stu1_prtl;
-DROP INDEX rect2ind;
-DROP INDEX hash_i4_index;
-DROP INDEX hash_c16_index;
-DROP INDEX hash_txt_index;
-DROP INDEX hash_f8_index;
--- DROP INDEX hash_ovfl_index;
-DROP INDEX bt_i4_index;
-DROP INDEX bt_c16_index;
-DROP INDEX bt_txt_index;
-DROP INDEX bt_f8_index;
-DROP TABLE  onek;
-DROP TABLE  onek2;
-DROP TABLE  tenk1;
-DROP TABLE  tenk2;
-DROP TABLE  Bprime;
-DROP TABLE  hobbies_r;
-DROP TABLE  equipment_r;
-DROP TABLE  aggtest;
-DROP TABLE  xacttest;
-DROP TABLE  arrtest;
-DROP TABLE  iportaltest;
-DROP TABLE  f_star;
-DROP TABLE  e_star;
-DROP TABLE  d_star;
-DROP TABLE  c_star;
-DROP TABLE  b_star;
-DROP TABLE  a_star;
--- must be in reverse inheritance order
-DROP TABLE  stud_emp;
-DROP TABLE  student;
-DROP TABLE  slow_emp4000;
-DROP TABLE  fast_emp4000;
-DROP TABLE  person;
-DROP TABLE  ramp;
-DROP TABLE  real_city;
-DROP TABLE  dept;
-DROP TABLE  ihighway;
-DROP TABLE  shighway;
-DROP TABLE  road;
-DROP TABLE  city;
-DROP TABLE  hash_i4_heap;
-DROP TABLE  hash_c16_heap;
-DROP TABLE  hash_txt_heap;
-DROP TABLE  hash_f8_heap;
--- DROP TABLE  hash_ovfl_heap;
-DROP TABLE  bt_i4_heap;
-DROP TABLE  bt_c16_heap;
-DROP TABLE  bt_txt_heap;
-DROP TABLE  bt_f8_heap;
---     (also tests removal of rewrite rules)
-DROP VIEW street;
-DROP VIEW iexit;
-DROP VIEW toyemp;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/errors.source b/src/test/regress/errors.source
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a93f7f0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
--- errors.source
--- $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/test/regress/Attic/errors.source,v 1996/07/09 06:22:24 scrappy Exp $
--- bad in postquel, but ok in postsql
-select 1
--- doesn't work 
--- attachas nonesuch
--- doesn't work 
--- notify pg_class
--- missing relation name 
--- no such relation 
-select * from nonesuch;
--- bad name in target list
-select nonesuch from pg_database;
--- bad attribute name on lhs of operator
-select * from pg_database where nonesuch = pg_database.datname;
--- bad attribute name on rhs of operator
-select * from pg_database where pg_database.datname = nonesuch;
--- bad select distinct on  syntax,  distinct attribute missing
-select distinct on foobar from pg_database;
--- bad select distinct on syntax, distinct attribute not in target list
-select distinct on foobar * from pg_database;
--- missing relation name (this had better not wildcard!) 
-delete from;
--- no such relation 
-delete from nonesuch;
--- missing relation name (this had better not wildcard!) 
-drop table;
--- no such relation 
-drop table nonesuch;
--- relation renaming 
--- missing relation name 
-alter table rename;
--- no such relation 
-alter table nonesuch rename to newnonesuch;
--- no such relation 
-alter table nonesuch rename to stud_emp;
--- system relation 
-alter table stud_emp rename to pg_stud_emp;
--- conflict 
-alter table stud_emp rename to aggtest;
--- self-conflict 
-alter table stud_emp rename to stud_emp;
--- attribute renaming 
--- no such relation 
-alter table nonesuchrel rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt;
--- no such attribute 
-alter table emp rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt;
--- conflict 
-alter table emp rename column salary to manager;
--- conflict 
-alter table emp rename column salary to oid;
--- not in a xact 
--- not in a xact 
--- left out finalfunc 
-create aggregate newavg1 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype1 = int4,
-                         sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         stype2 = int4, 
-                         initcond1 = '0',
-                         initcond2 = '0');
--- sfunc return type disagreement 
-create aggregate newavg2 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype1 = int4,
-                         sfunc2 = int2inc,
-                         stype2 = int2,
-                         finalfunc = int4div,
-                         initcond1 = '0',
-                         initcond2 = '0');
--- sfunc/finalfunc type disagreement 
-create aggregate newavg3 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype1 = int4,
-                         sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         stype2 = int4,
-                         finalfunc = int2div,
-                         initcond1 = '0',
-                         initcond2 = '0');
--- left out basetype
-create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         stype2 = int4,
-                       initcond2 = '0');
--- left out initcond2 (for sfunc2) 
-create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype2 = int4);
--- missing index name 
-drop index;
--- bad index name 
-drop index 314159;
--- no such index 
-drop index nonesuch;
--- missing aggregate name 
-drop aggregate;
--- bad aggregate name 
-drop aggregate 314159;
--- no such aggregate 
-drop aggregate nonesuch;
--- missing function name 
-drop function ();
--- bad function name 
-drop function 314159();
--- no such function 
-drop function nonesuch();
--- missing type name 
-drop type;
--- bad type name 
-drop type 314159;
--- no such type 
-drop type nonesuch;
--- missing everything 
-drop operator;
--- bad operator name 
-drop operator equals;
--- missing type list 
-drop operator ===;
--- missing parentheses 
-drop operator int4, int4;
--- missing operator name 
-drop operator (int4, int4);
--- missing type list contents 
-drop operator === ();
--- no such operator 
-drop operator === (int4);
--- no such operator by that name 
-drop operator === (int4, int4);
--- no such type1 
-drop operator = (nonesuch);
--- no such type1 
-drop operator = ( , int4);
--- no such type1 
-drop operator = (nonesuch, int4);
--- no such type2 
-drop operator = (int4, nonesuch);
--- no such type2 
-drop operator = (int4, );
--- missing rule name 
-drop rule;
--- bad rule name 
-drop rule 314159;
--- no such rule 
-drop rule nonesuch;
--- bad keyword 
-drop tuple rule nonesuch;
--- no such rule 
-drop instance rule nonesuch;
--- no such rule 
-drop rewrite rule nonesuch;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected.input b/src/test/regress/expected.input
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2c4ed9a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4375 +0,0 @@
-=============== destroying old regression database... =================
-WARN:destroydb: database regression does not exist.
-destroydb: database destroy failed on regression.
-=============== creating new regression database... =================
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION circle_in(opaque)
-   RETURNS circle
-   AS '_CWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-NOTICE:ProcedureCreate: type 'circle' is not yet defined
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION circle_out(opaque)
-   RETURNS opaque
-   AS '_CWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-   internallength = 24,
-   input = circle_in,
-   output = circle_out,
-   alignment = double
-QUERY: CREATE TYPE city_budget (
-   internallength = 16,
-   input = int44in,
-   output = int44out,
-   element = int4
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE hobbies_r (
-       name            text,
-       person          text
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE equipment_r (
-       name            text,
-       hobby           text
-       unique1         int4,
-       unique2         int4,
-       two             int4,
-       four            int4,
-       ten             int4,
-       twenty          int4,
-       hundred         int4,
-       thousand        int4,
-       twothousand     int4,
-       fivethous       int4,
-       tenthous        int4,
-       odd             int4,
-       even            int4,
-       stringu1        char16,
-       stringu2        char16,
-       string4         char16
-       unique1         int4,
-       unique2         int4,
-       two             int4,
-       four            int4,
-       ten             int4,
-       twenty          int4,
-       hundred         int4,
-       thousand        int4,
-       twothousand     int4,
-       fivethous       int4,
-       tenthous        int4,
-       odd             int4,
-       even            int4,
-       stringu1        char16,
-       stringu2        char16,
-       string4         char16
-       unique1         int4,
-       unique2         int4,
-       two             int4,
-       four            int4,
-       ten             int4,
-       twenty          int4,
-       hundred         int4,
-       thousand        int4,
-       twothousand     int4,
-       fivethous       int4,
-       tenthous        int4,
-       odd             int4,
-       even            int4,
-       stringu1        char16,
-       stringu2        char16,
-       string4         char16
-       name            text,
-       age             int4,
-       location        point
-       salary          int4,
-       manager         char16
-) INHERITS (person);
-       gpa             float8
-) INHERITS (person);
-       percent         int4
-) INHERITS (emp, student);
-       name            char16,
-       location        box,
-       budget          city_budget
-       dname           char16,
-       mgrname         text
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE slow_emp4000 (
-       home_base        box
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE fast_emp4000 (
-       home_base        box
-       name            text,
-       thepath         path
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE ihighway () INHERITS (road);
-       surface         text
-) INHERITS (road);
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE real_city (
-       pop             int4,
-       cname           text,
-       outline         path
-       class           char,
-       a               int4
-       b               text
-) INHERITS (a_star);
-       c               char16
-) INHERITS (a_star);
-       d               float8
-) INHERITS (b_star, c_star);
-       e               int2
-) INHERITS (c_star);
-       f               polygon
-) INHERITS (e_star);
-       a               int2,
-       b               float4
-       a               int2[],
-       b               int4[][][],
-       c               char16[],
-       d               text[][],
-       e               float8[]
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_i4_heap (
-       seqno           int4,
-       random          int4
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_c16_heap (
-       seqno           int4,
-       random          char16
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_txt_heap (
-       seqno           int4,
-       random          text
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE hash_f8_heap (
-       seqno           int4,
-       random          float8
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_i4_heap (
-       seqno           int4,
-       random          int4
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_c16_heap (
-       seqno           char16,
-       random          int4
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_txt_heap (
-       seqno           text,
-       random          int4
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE bt_f8_heap (
-       seqno           float8,
-       random          int4
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION hobbies(person)
-   RETURNS setof hobbies_r
-   AS 'select * from hobbies_r where person = $1.name'
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION hobby_construct(text, text)
-   RETURNS hobbies_r
-   AS 'select $1 as name, $2 as hobby'
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION equipment(hobbies_r)
-   RETURNS setof equipment_r
-   AS 'select * from equipment_r where hobby = $1.name'
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-   RETURNS setof name
-   AS 'select relname
-       from pg_class
-       where relname !~ ''pg_.*'' and
-             relkind <> ''i'' '
-   LANGUAGE 'sql';
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION pt_in_circle(point, circle)
-   RETURNS int4
-   AS '_CWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-   RETURNS bool
-   AS '_CWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-   RETURNS int4
-   AS '_CWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION interpt_pp(path, path)
-   RETURNS point
-   AS '_CWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-QUERY: CREATE FUNCTION reverse_c16(char16)
-   RETURNS char16
-   AS '_CWD_/regress_DLSUFFIX_'
-   LANGUAGE 'c';
-QUERY: COPY onek FROM '_CWD_/data/onek.data';
-QUERY: COPY tenk1 FROM '_CWD_/data/tenk.data';
-QUERY: INSERT INTO tenk2 VALUES (tenk1.*);
-QUERY: COPY slow_emp4000 FROM '_CWD_/data/rect.data';
-QUERY: INSERT INTO fast_emp4000 VALUES (slow_emp4000.*);
-QUERY: COPY person FROM '_CWD_/data/person.data';
-QUERY: COPY emp FROM '_CWD_/data/emp.data';
-QUERY: COPY student FROM '_CWD_/data/student.data';
-QUERY: COPY stud_emp FROM '_CWD_/data/stud_emp.data';
-   INTO TABLE Bprime
-   FROM tenk1
-   WHERE unique2 < 1000;
-QUERY: INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person)
-   SELECT 'posthacking', p.name
-   FROM person* p
-   WHERE p.name = 'mike' or p.name = 'jeff';
-QUERY: INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person)
-   SELECT 'basketball', p.name
-   FROM person p
-   WHERE p.name = 'joe' or p.name = 'sally';
-QUERY: INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name) VALUES ('skywalking');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('advil', 'posthacking');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('peet''s coffee', 'posthacking');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('hightops', 'basketball');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('guts', 'skywalking');
-QUERY: COPY road FROM '_CWD_/data/streets.data';
-QUERY: COPY real_city FROM '_CWD_/data/real_city.data';
-   INTO TABLE ramp
-   FROM road
-   WHERE name ~ '.*Ramp';
-   SELECT *
-   FROM road
-   WHERE name ~ 'I- .*';
-   SELECT *
-   FROM road
-   WHERE name ~ 'State Hwy.*';
-QUERY: UPDATE shighway
-   SET surface = 'asphalt';
-QUERY: INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 1);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO a_star (class) VALUES ('a');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class, a, b) VALUES ('b', 3, 'mumble'::text);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class, a) VALUES ('b', 4);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class, b) VALUES ('b', 'bumble'::text);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO b_star (class) VALUES ('b');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('c', 5, 'hi mom'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class, a) VALUES ('c', 6);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class, c) VALUES ('c', 'hi paul'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO c_star (class) VALUES ('c');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 7, 'grumble'::text, 'hi sunita'::char16, '0.0'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c)
-   VALUES ('d', 8, 'stumble'::text, 'hi koko'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 9, 'rumble'::text, '1.1'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 10, 'hi kristin'::char16, '10.01'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 'crumble'::text, 'hi boris'::char16, '100.001'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b)
-   VALUES ('d', 11, 'fumble'::text);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c)
-   VALUES ('d', 12, 'hi avi'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 13, '1000.0001'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c)
-   VALUES ('d', 'tumble'::text, 'hi andrew'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 'humble'::text, '10000.00001'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, c, d)
-   VALUES ('d', 'hi ginger'::char16, '100000.000001'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, a) VALUES ('d', 14);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, b) VALUES ('d', 'jumble'::text);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, c) VALUES ('d', 'hi jolly'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class, d) VALUES ('d', '1000000.0000001'::float8);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO d_star (class) VALUES ('d');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c, e)
-   VALUES ('e', 15, 'hi carol'::char16, '-1'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c)
-   VALUES ('e', 16, 'hi bob'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, e)
-   VALUES ('e', 17, '-2'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, c, e)
-   VALUES ('e', 'hi michelle'::char16, '-3'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, a)
-   VALUES ('e', 18);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, c)
-   VALUES ('e', 'hi elisa'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO e_star (class, e)
-   VALUES ('e', '-4'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 19, 'hi claire'::char16, '-5'::int2, '(1,2,3,4)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e)
-   VALUES ('f', 20, 'hi mike'::char16, '-6'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 21, 'hi marcel'::char16, '(11,22,33,44,55,66)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 22, '-7'::int2, '(111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 'hi keith'::char16, '-8'::int2,
-          '(1111,2222,3333,4444)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c)
-   VALUES ('f', 24, 'hi marc'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e)
-   VALUES ('f', 25, '-9'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 26, '(11111,22222,33333,44444)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e)
-   VALUES ('f', 'hi allison'::char16, '-10'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, f)
-   VALUES ('f', 'hi jeff'::char16,
-           '(111111,222222,333333,444444)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, e, f)
-   VALUES ('f', '-11'::int2, '(1111111,2222222,3333333,4444444)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, a) VALUES ('f', 27);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, c) VALUES ('f', 'hi carl'::char16);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, e) VALUES ('f', '-12'::int2);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class, f)
-   VALUES ('f', '(11111111,22222222,33333333,44444444)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO f_star (class) VALUES ('f');
-QUERY: COPY hash_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-QUERY: COPY hash_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-QUERY: COPY hash_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-QUERY: COPY hash_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-QUERY: COPY bt_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data';
-QUERY: COPY bt_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-QUERY: COPY bt_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data';
-QUERY: COPY bt_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data';
-QUERY: INSERT INTO arrtest (a[5], b[2][1][2], c, d)
-   VALUES ('{1,2,3,4,5}', '{{{},{1,2}}}', '{}', '{}');
-QUERY: UPDATE arrtest SET e[0] = '1.1';
-QUERY: UPDATE arrtest SET e[1] = '2.2';
-QUERY: INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[2][2][1], c, d, e)
-   VALUES ('{11,12,23}', '{{3,4},{4,5}}', '{"foobar"}',
-           '{{"elt1", "elt2"}}', '{"3.4", "6.7"}');
-QUERY: INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[1][2][2], c, d[2][1])
-   VALUES ('{}', '{3,4}', '{foo,bar}', '{bar,foo}');
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE iportaltest (
-       i               int4,
-       d               float4,
-       p               polygon
-QUERY: INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p)
-   VALUES (1, 3.567, '(3.0,4.0,1.0,2.0)'::polygon);
-QUERY: INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p)
-   VALUES (2, 89.05, '(4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0)'::polygon);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_unique1 ON onek USING btree(unique1 int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_unique2 ON onek USING btree(unique2 int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_hundred ON onek USING btree(hundred int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX onek_stringu1 ON onek USING btree(stringu1 char16_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique1 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique2 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk1_hundred ON tenk1 USING btree(hundred int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique1 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique2 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX tenk2_hundred ON tenk2 USING btree(hundred int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX rix ON road USING btree (name text_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX iix ON ihighway USING btree (name text_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX six ON shighway USING btree (name text_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_i4_index ON bt_i4_heap USING btree (seqno int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_c16_index ON bt_c16_heap USING btree (seqno char16_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_txt_index ON bt_txt_heap USING btree (seqno text_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX bt_f8_index ON bt_f8_heap USING btree (seqno float8_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX rect2ind ON fast_emp4000 USING rtree (home_base bigbox_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_i4_index ON hash_i4_heap USING hash (random int4_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_c16_index ON hash_c16_heap USING hash (random char16_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_txt_index ON hash_txt_heap USING hash (random text_ops);
-QUERY: CREATE INDEX hash_f8_index ON hash_f8_heap USING hash (random float8_ops);
-   leftarg = path,
-   rightarg = path,
-   procedure = path_inter,
-   commutator = ##
-   leftarg = point,
-   rightarg = circle,
-   procedure = pt_in_circle,
-   commutator = >=%
-   rightarg = int4,            
-   procedure = int4fac
-   leftarg = int4,             
-   procedure = int4fac
-   leftarg = int4,             
-   procedure = int4fac
-   SELECT r.name, r.thepath, c.cname AS cname
-   FROM road r, real_city c
-   WHERE c.outline ## r.thepath;
-   SELECT ih.name, ih.thepath,
-       interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit
-   FROM ihighway ih, ramp r
-   WHERE ih.thepath ## r.thepath;
-   SELECT name, age, location, 12*salary AS annualsal
-   FROM emp;
-   sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4,
-   sfunc2 = int4inc, stype2 = int4,
-   finalfunc = int4div,
-   initcond1 = '0', initcond2 = '0'
-   sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4,
-   initcond1 = '0'
-   sfunc2 = int4inc, basetype = int4, stype2 = int4,
-   initcond2 = '0'
-QUERY: SELECT relname, relhasindex
-   FROM pg_class
-   WHERE relhasindex
-   ORDER BY relname;
-relname      |relhasindex
-bt_c16_heap  |t          
-bt_f8_heap   |t          
-bt_i4_heap   |t          
-bt_txt_heap  |t          
-fast_emp4000 |t          
-hash_f8_heap |t          
-hash_i4_heap |t          
-ihighway     |t          
-onek         |t          
-pg_attribute |t          
-pg_class     |t          
-pg_proc      |t          
-pg_type      |t          
-road         |t          
-shighway     |t          
-tenk1        |t          
-tenk2        |t          
-(19 rows)
-=============== running regression queries ... =================
-QUERY: SELECT onek.* WHERE onek.unique1 < 10;
-      0|    998|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|       0|          0|        0|       0|  0|   1|AAAAAA  |KMBAAA  |OOOOxx 
-      1|    214|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|       1|          1|        1|       1|  2|   3|BAAAAA  |GIAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-      2|    326|  0|   2|  2|     2|      2|       2|          2|        2|       2|  4|   5|CAAAAA  |OMAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-      3|    431|  1|   3|  3|     3|      3|       3|          3|        3|       3|  6|   7|DAAAAA  |PQAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-      4|    833|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|       4|          4|        4|       4|  8|   9|EAAAAA  |BGBAAA  |HHHHxx 
-      5|    541|  1|   1|  5|     5|      5|       5|          5|        5|       5| 10|  11|FAAAAA  |VUAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-      6|    978|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|          6|        6|       6| 12|  13|GAAAAA  |QLBAAA  |OOOOxx 
-      7|    647|  1|   3|  7|     7|      7|       7|          7|        7|       7| 14|  15|HAAAAA  |XYAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-      8|    653|  0|   0|  8|     8|      8|       8|          8|        8|       8| 16|  17|IAAAAA  |DZAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-      9|     49|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|        9|       9| 18|  19|JAAAAA  |XBAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(10 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.stringu1
-   WHERE onek.unique1 < 20
-   ORDER BY unique1 using >;
-     19|TAAAAA  
-     18|SAAAAA  
-     17|RAAAAA  
-     16|QAAAAA  
-     15|PAAAAA  
-     14|OAAAAA  
-     13|NAAAAA  
-     12|MAAAAA  
-     11|LAAAAA  
-     10|KAAAAA  
-      9|JAAAAA  
-      8|IAAAAA  
-      7|HAAAAA  
-      6|GAAAAA  
-      5|FAAAAA  
-      4|EAAAAA  
-      3|DAAAAA  
-      2|CAAAAA  
-      1|BAAAAA  
-      0|AAAAAA  
-(20 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.stringu1
-   WHERE onek.unique1 > 980
-   ORDER BY stringu1 using <;
-    988|AMAAAA  
-    989|BMAAAA  
-    990|CMAAAA  
-    991|DMAAAA  
-    992|EMAAAA  
-    993|FMAAAA  
-    994|GMAAAA  
-    995|HMAAAA  
-    996|IMAAAA  
-    997|JMAAAA  
-    998|KMAAAA  
-    999|LMAAAA  
-    981|TLAAAA  
-    982|ULAAAA  
-    983|VLAAAA  
-    984|WLAAAA  
-    985|XLAAAA  
-    986|YLAAAA  
-    987|ZLAAAA  
-(19 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4
-   WHERE onek.unique1 > 980
-   ORDER BY string4 using <, unique1 using >;
-    999|AAAAxx 
-    995|AAAAxx 
-    983|AAAAxx 
-    982|AAAAxx 
-    981|AAAAxx 
-    998|HHHHxx 
-    997|HHHHxx 
-    993|HHHHxx 
-    990|HHHHxx 
-    986|HHHHxx 
-    996|OOOOxx 
-    991|OOOOxx 
-    988|OOOOxx 
-    987|OOOOxx 
-    985|OOOOxx 
-    994|VVVVxx 
-    992|VVVVxx 
-    989|VVVVxx 
-    984|VVVVxx 
-(19 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4
-   WHERE onek.unique1 > 980
-   ORDER BY string4 using >, unique1 using <;
-    984|VVVVxx 
-    989|VVVVxx 
-    992|VVVVxx 
-    994|VVVVxx 
-    985|OOOOxx 
-    987|OOOOxx 
-    988|OOOOxx 
-    991|OOOOxx 
-    996|OOOOxx 
-    986|HHHHxx 
-    990|HHHHxx 
-    993|HHHHxx 
-    997|HHHHxx 
-    998|HHHHxx 
-    981|AAAAxx 
-    982|AAAAxx 
-    983|AAAAxx 
-    995|AAAAxx 
-    999|AAAAxx 
-(19 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4
-   WHERE onek.unique1 < 20
-   ORDER BY unique1 using >, string4 using <;
-     19|OOOOxx 
-     18|VVVVxx 
-     17|HHHHxx 
-     16|OOOOxx 
-     15|VVVVxx 
-     14|AAAAxx 
-     13|OOOOxx 
-     12|AAAAxx 
-     11|OOOOxx 
-     10|AAAAxx 
-      9|HHHHxx 
-      8|HHHHxx 
-      7|VVVVxx 
-      6|OOOOxx 
-      5|HHHHxx 
-      4|HHHHxx 
-      3|VVVVxx 
-      2|OOOOxx 
-      1|OOOOxx 
-      0|OOOOxx 
-(20 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT onek.unique1, onek.string4
-   WHERE onek.unique1 < 20
-   ORDER BY unique1 using <, string4 using >;
-      0|OOOOxx 
-      1|OOOOxx 
-      2|OOOOxx 
-      3|VVVVxx 
-      4|HHHHxx 
-      5|HHHHxx 
-      6|OOOOxx 
-      7|VVVVxx 
-      8|HHHHxx 
-      9|HHHHxx 
-     10|AAAAxx 
-     11|OOOOxx 
-     12|AAAAxx 
-     13|OOOOxx 
-     14|AAAAxx 
-     15|VVVVxx 
-     16|OOOOxx 
-     17|HHHHxx 
-     18|VVVVxx 
-     19|OOOOxx 
-(20 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT two, stringu1, ten, string4
-   INTO TABLE temp
-   FROM onek;
-  0
-  1
-(2 rows)
-  0
-  1
-  2
-  3
-  4
-  5
-  6
-  7
-  8
-  9
-(10 rows)
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT two, string4, ten
-   FROM temp
-   ORDER BY two using <, string4 using <, ten using <;
-  0|AAAAxx |  0
-  0|AAAAxx |  2
-  0|AAAAxx |  4
-  0|AAAAxx |  6
-  0|AAAAxx |  8
-  0|HHHHxx |  0
-  0|HHHHxx |  2
-  0|HHHHxx |  4
-  0|HHHHxx |  6
-  0|HHHHxx |  8
-  0|OOOOxx |  0
-  0|OOOOxx |  2
-  0|OOOOxx |  4
-  0|OOOOxx |  6
-  0|OOOOxx |  8
-  0|VVVVxx |  0
-  0|VVVVxx |  2
-  0|VVVVxx |  4
-  0|VVVVxx |  6
-  0|VVVVxx |  8
-  1|AAAAxx |  1
-  1|AAAAxx |  3
-  1|AAAAxx |  5
-  1|AAAAxx |  7
-  1|AAAAxx |  9
-  1|HHHHxx |  1
-  1|HHHHxx |  3
-  1|HHHHxx |  5
-  1|HHHHxx |  7
-  1|HHHHxx |  9
-  1|OOOOxx |  1
-  1|OOOOxx |  3
-  1|OOOOxx |  5
-  1|OOOOxx |  7
-  1|OOOOxx |  9
-  1|VVVVxx |  1
-  1|VVVVxx |  3
-  1|VVVVxx |  5
-  1|VVVVxx |  7
-  1|VVVVxx |  9
-(40 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT ON string4 two, string4, ten
-          FROM temp
-   ORDER BY two using <, string4 using <, ten using <;
-  0|AAAAxx |  0
-  0|HHHHxx |  0
-  0|OOOOxx |  0
-  0|VVVVxx |  0
-  1|AAAAxx |  1
-  1|HHHHxx |  1
-  1|OOOOxx |  1
-  1|VVVVxx |  1
-(8 rows)
-   INTO TABLE temp1
-   FROM temp
-   WHERE onek.unique1 < 2;
-   INTO TABLE temp1
-   FROM temp
-   WHERE onek2.unique1 < 2;
-QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.age FROM person* p;
-name   |age
-mike   | 40
-joe    | 20
-sally  | 34
-sandra | 19
-alex   | 30
-sue    | 50
-denise | 24
-sarah  | 88
-teresa | 38
-nan    | 28
-leah   | 68
-wendy  | 78
-melissa| 28
-joan   | 18
-mary   |  8
-jane   | 58
-liza   | 38
-jean   | 28
-jenifer| 38
-juanita| 58
-susan  | 78
-zena   | 98
-martie | 88
-chris  | 78
-pat    | 18
-zola   | 58
-louise | 98
-edna   | 18
-bertha | 88
-sumi   | 38
-koko   | 88
-gina   | 18
-rean   | 48
-sharon | 78
-paula  | 68
-julie  | 68
-belinda| 38
-karen  | 48
-carina | 58
-diane  | 18
-esther | 98
-trudy  | 88
-fanny  |  8
-carmen | 78
-lita   | 25
-pamela | 48
-sandy  | 38
-trisha | 88
-vera   | 78
-velma  | 68
-sharon | 25
-sam    | 30
-bill   | 20
-fred   | 28
-larry  | 60
-jeff   | 23
-cim    | 30
-linda  | 19
-(58 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.age FROM person* p ORDER BY age using >;
-name   |age
-esther | 98
-louise | 98
-zena   | 98
-martie | 88
-bertha | 88
-trisha | 88
-koko   | 88
-sarah  | 88
-trudy  | 88
-vera   | 78
-carmen | 78
-chris  | 78
-sharon | 78
-susan  | 78
-wendy  | 78
-velma  | 68
-leah   | 68
-julie  | 68
-paula  | 68
-larry  | 60
-carina | 58
-juanita| 58
-jane   | 58
-zola   | 58
-sue    | 50
-karen  | 48
-rean   | 48
-pamela | 48
-mike   | 40
-jenifer| 38
-sandy  | 38
-teresa | 38
-liza   | 38
-belinda| 38
-sumi   | 38
-sally  | 34
-alex   | 30
-cim    | 30
-sam    | 30
-fred   | 28
-nan    | 28
-jean   | 28
-melissa| 28
-sharon | 25
-lita   | 25
-denise | 24
-jeff   | 23
-joe    | 20
-bill   | 20
-linda  | 19
-sandra | 19
-diane  | 18
-edna   | 18
-gina   | 18
-joan   | 18
-pat    | 18
-fanny  |  8
-mary   |  8
-(58 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT p.age FROM person* p ORDER BY age using >;
- 98
- 88
- 78
- 68
- 60
- 58
- 50
- 48
- 40
- 38
- 34
- 30
- 28
- 25
- 24
- 23
- 20
- 19
- 18
-  8
-(20 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_i4_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 843938989;
-seqno|   random
-   15|843938989
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_i4_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 66766766;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_c16_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_c16_heap.random = '1505703298'::char16;
-seqno|    random
- 9838|1505703298
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_c16_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_c16_heap.random = '7777777'::char16;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_txt_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '1351610853'::text;
-seqno|    random
- 5677|1351610853
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_txt_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '111111112222222233333333'::text;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_f8_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '444705537'::float8;
-seqno|   random
- 7853|444705537
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT hash_f8_heap.*
-   WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '88888888'::float8;
-(0 rows)
-   FROM bt_i4_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno < 1;
-seqno|    random
-    0|1935401906
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_i4_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno >= 9999;
-seqno|    random
- 9999|1227676208
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_i4_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno = 4500;
-seqno|    random
- 4500|2080851358
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_c16_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno < '1'::char16;
-seqno|    random
-    0|1935401906
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_c16_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::char16;
-seqno|    random
- 9999|1227676208
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_c16_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::char16;
-seqno|    random
- 4500|2080851358
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_txt_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno < '1'::text;
-seqno|    random
-    0|1935401906
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_txt_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::text;
-seqno|    random
- 9999|1227676208
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_txt_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::text;
-seqno|    random
- 4500|2080851358
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_f8_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno < '1'::float8;
-seqno|    random
-    0|1935401906
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_f8_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno >= '9999'::float8;
-seqno|    random
- 9999|1227676208
-(1 row)
-   FROM bt_f8_heap b
-   WHERE b.seqno = '4500'::float8;
-seqno|    random
- 4500|2080851358
-(1 row)
-   SET unique1 = onek.unique1 + 1;
-   SET unique1 = onek.unique1 - 1;
-   SET stringu1 = reverse_c16(onek.stringu1)
-   WHERE onek.stringu1 = 'JBAAAA' and
-         onek.stringu1 = temp.stringu1;
-NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed
-NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed
-   SET stringu1 = reverse_c16(onek2.stringu1)
-   WHERE onek2.stringu1 = 'JCAAAA' and
-         onek2.stringu1 = temp.stringu1;
-NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed
-NOTICE:Non-functional update, only first update is performed
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_i4_heap
-   SET random = 1
-   WHERE hash_i4_heap.seqno = 1492;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i1492, h.random AS i1
-   FROM hash_i4_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = 1;
- 1492| 1
-(1 row)
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_i4_heap
-   SET seqno = 20000
-   WHERE hash_i4_heap.random = 1492795354;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i20000
-   FROM hash_i4_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = 1492795354;
- 20000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_c16_heap
-   SET random = '0123456789abcdef'::char16
-   WHERE hash_c16_heap.seqno = 6543;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i6543, h.random AS c0_to_f
-   FROM hash_c16_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = '0123456789abcdef'::char16;
- 6543|0123456789abcdef
-(1 row)
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_c16_heap
-   SET seqno = 20000
-   WHERE hash_c16_heap.random = '76652222'::char16;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS emptyset
-   FROM hash_c16_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = '76652222'::char16;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_txt_heap
-   SET random = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnop'::text
-   WHERE hash_txt_heap.seqno = 4002;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i4002, h.random AS c0_to_p
-   FROM hash_txt_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnop'::text;
- 4002|0123456789abcdefghijklmnop
-(1 row)
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_txt_heap
-   SET seqno = 20000
-   WHERE hash_txt_heap.random = '959363399'::text;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS t20000
-   FROM hash_txt_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = '959363399'::text;
- 20000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_f8_heap
-   SET random = '-1234.1234'::float8
-   WHERE hash_f8_heap.seqno = 8906;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS i8096, h.random AS f1234_1234
-   FROM hash_f8_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = '-1234.1234'::float8;
- 8906|-1234.1234
-(1 row)
-QUERY: UPDATE hash_f8_heap
-   SET seqno = 20000
-   WHERE hash_f8_heap.random = '488912369'::float8;
-QUERY: SELECT h.seqno AS f20000
-   FROM hash_f8_heap h
-   WHERE h.random = '488912369'::float8;
- 20000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: COPY onek TO '_CWD_/onek.data';
-QUERY: COPY onek FROM '_CWD_/onek.data';
-QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM onek WHERE unique1 < 2;
-      0
-      1
-(2 rows)
-QUERY: COPY onek2 FROM '_CWD_/onek.data';
-QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM onek2 WHERE unique1 < 2;
-      1
-      0
-(2 rows)
-QUERY: COPY BINARY stud_emp TO '_CWD_/stud_emp.data';
-QUERY: COPY BINARY stud_emp FROM '_CWD_/stud_emp.data';
-QUERY: SELECT * FROM stud_emp;
-name |age|location  |salary|manager|gpa|percent
-jeff | 23|(8,7.7)   |   600|sharon |3.5|       
-cim  | 30|(10.5,4.7)|   400|       |3.4|       
-linda| 19|(0.9,6.1) |   100|       |2.9|       
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT count(*) FROM onek;
- 1000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT count(*) FROM onek where oidrand(onek.oid, 10);
-   97
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT count(*) FROM onek where oidrand(onek.oid, 10);
-  101
-(1 row)
-   INTO TABLE xacttest
-   FROM aggtest;
-QUERY: INSERT INTO xacttest (a, b) VALUES (777, 777.777);
-QUERY: SELECT a FROM xacttest WHERE a > 100;
-  a
-(1 row)
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE disappear (a int4);
-QUERY: SELECT * FROM aggtest;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'disappear';
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT * FROM aggtest;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 1 in foo1;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH 2 in foo2;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(2 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 3 in foo3;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 4 in foo4;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 5 in foo5;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(5 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 6 in foo6;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(6 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 7 in foo7;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(7 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 8 in foo8;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(8 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 9 in foo9;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(9 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 10 in foo10;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(10 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 11 in foo11;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(11 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 12 in foo12;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(12 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 13 in foo13;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(13 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 14 in foo14;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(14 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 15 in foo15;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(15 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 16 in foo16;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(16 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 17 in foo17;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(17 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 18 in foo18;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(18 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 19 in foo19;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   6621|     18|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     621|        621|     1621|    6621| 42|  43|RUAAAA  |SAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(19 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 20 in foo20;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   6621|     18|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     621|        621|     1621|    6621| 42|  43|RUAAAA  |SAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6969|     19|  1|   1|  9|     9|     69|     969|        969|     1969|    6969|138| 139|BIAAAA  |TAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(20 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 21 in foo21;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   6621|     18|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     621|        621|     1621|    6621| 42|  43|RUAAAA  |SAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6969|     19|  1|   1|  9|     9|     69|     969|        969|     1969|    6969|138| 139|BIAAAA  |TAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   9460|     20|  0|   0|  0|     0|     60|     460|       1460|     4460|    9460|120| 121|WZAAAA  |UAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(21 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 22 in foo22;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   6621|     18|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     621|        621|     1621|    6621| 42|  43|RUAAAA  |SAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6969|     19|  1|   1|  9|     9|     69|     969|        969|     1969|    6969|138| 139|BIAAAA  |TAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   9460|     20|  0|   0|  0|     0|     60|     460|       1460|     4460|    9460|120| 121|WZAAAA  |UAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-     59|     21|  1|   3|  9|    19|     59|      59|         59|       59|      59|118| 119|HCAAAA  |VAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(22 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH 23 in foo23;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   6621|     18|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     621|        621|     1621|    6621| 42|  43|RUAAAA  |SAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6969|     19|  1|   1|  9|     9|     69|     969|        969|     1969|    6969|138| 139|BIAAAA  |TAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   9460|     20|  0|   0|  0|     0|     60|     460|       1460|     4460|    9460|120| 121|WZAAAA  |UAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-     59|     21|  1|   3|  9|    19|     59|      59|         59|       59|      59|118| 119|HCAAAA  |VAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8020|     22|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|      20|         20|     3020|    8020| 40|  41|MWAAAA  |WAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(23 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 1 in foo23;
-     59|     21|  1|   3|  9|    19|     59|      59|         59|       59|      59|118| 119|HCAAAA  |VAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 2 in foo22;
-   9460|     20|  0|   0|  0|     0|     60|     460|       1460|     4460|    9460|120| 121|WZAAAA  |UAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6969|     19|  1|   1|  9|     9|     69|     969|        969|     1969|    6969|138| 139|BIAAAA  |TAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(2 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 3 in foo21;
-   6969|     19|  1|   1|  9|     9|     69|     969|        969|     1969|    6969|138| 139|BIAAAA  |TAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   6621|     18|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     621|        621|     1621|    6621| 42|  43|RUAAAA  |SAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 4 in foo20;
-   6621|     18|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     621|        621|     1621|    6621| 42|  43|RUAAAA  |SAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 5 in foo19;
-   5785|     17|  1|   1|  5|     5|     85|     785|       1785|      785|    5785|170| 171|NOAAAA  |RAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(5 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 6 in foo18;
-   5387|     16|  1|   3|  7|     7|     87|     387|       1387|      387|    5387|174| 175|FZAAAA  |QAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(6 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 7 in foo17;
-   5006|     15|  0|   2|  6|     6|      6|       6|       1006|        6|    5006| 12|  13|OKAAAA  |PAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(7 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 8 in foo16;
-   5471|     14|  1|   3|  1|    11|     71|     471|       1471|      471|    5471|142| 143|LCAAAA  |OAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(8 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 9 in foo15;
-   6243|     13|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|     243|        243|     1243|    6243| 86|  87|DGAAAA  |NAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(9 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 10 in foo14;
-   5222|     12|  0|   2|  2|     2|     22|     222|       1222|      222|    5222| 44|  45|WSAAAA  |MAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(10 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 11 in foo13;
-   1504|     11|  0|   0|  4|     4|      4|     504|       1504|     1504|    1504|  8|   9|WFAAAA  |LAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(11 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 12 in foo12;
-   1314|     10|  0|   2|  4|    14|     14|     314|       1314|     1314|    1314| 28|  29|OYAAAA  |KAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(11 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 13 in foo11;
-   3043|      9|  1|   3|  3|     3|     43|      43|       1043|     3043|    3043| 86|  87|BNAAAA  |JAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(10 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 14 in foo10;
-   4321|      8|  1|   1|  1|     1|     21|     321|        321|     4321|    4321| 42|  43|FKAAAA  |IAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(9 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 15 in foo9;
-   6701|      7|  1|   1|  1|     1|      1|     701|        701|     1701|    6701|  2|   3|TXAAAA  |HAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(8 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 16 in foo8;
-   5057|      6|  1|   1|  7|    17|     57|      57|       1057|       57|    5057|114| 115|NMAAAA  |GAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(7 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 17 in foo7;
-   8009|      5|  1|   1|  9|     9|      9|       9|          9|     3009|    8009| 18|  19|BWAAAA  |FAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(6 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 18 in foo6;
-   7164|      4|  0|   0|  4|     4|     64|     164|       1164|     2164|    7164|128| 129|OPAAAA  |EAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(5 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 19 in foo5;
-   9850|      3|  0|   2|  0|    10|     50|     850|       1850|     4850|    9850|100| 101|WOAAAA  |DAAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 20 in foo4;
-   3420|      2|  0|   0|  0|     0|     20|     420|       1420|     3420|    3420| 40|  41|OBAAAA  |CAAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 21 in foo3;
-   1891|      1|  1|   3|  1|    11|     91|     891|       1891|     1891|    1891|182| 183|TUAAAA  |BAAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(2 rows)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 22 in foo2;
-   8800|      0|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|     800|        800|     3800|    8800|  0|   1|MAAAAA  |AAAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH backward 23 in foo1;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: CLOSE foo10;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo11;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo12;
-QUERY: end;
-QUERY: EXTEND INDEX onek2_u1_prtl WHERE onek2.unique1 <= 60;
-WARN:ExtendIndex: onek2_u1_prtl index not found
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 50;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 51;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 52;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 53;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 54;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 55;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 56;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 57;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 58;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 59;
-   SELECT * FROM onek WHERE unique1 = 60;
-   SELECT * FROM onek2 WHERE unique1 = 50;
-   SELECT * FROM onek2 WHERE unique1 = 60;
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo13;
-     50|    253|  0|   2|  0|    10|      0|      50|         50|       50|      50|  0|   1|YBAAAA  |TJAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo14;
-     51|     76|  1|   3|  1|    11|      1|      51|         51|       51|      51|  2|   3|ZBAAAA  |YCAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo15;
-     52|    985|  0|   0|  2|    12|      2|      52|         52|       52|      52|  4|   5|ACAAAA  |XLBAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo16;
-     53|    196|  1|   1|  3|    13|      3|      53|         53|       53|      53|  6|   7|BCAAAA  |OHAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo17;
-     54|    356|  0|   2|  4|    14|      4|      54|         54|       54|      54|  8|   9|CCAAAA  |SNAAAA  |AAAAxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo18;
-     55|    627|  1|   3|  5|    15|      5|      55|         55|       55|      55| 10|  11|DCAAAA  |DYAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo19;
-     56|     54|  0|   0|  6|    16|      6|      56|         56|       56|      56| 12|  13|ECAAAA  |CCAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo20;
-     57|    942|  1|   1|  7|    17|      7|      57|         57|       57|      57| 14|  15|FCAAAA  |GKBAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo21;
-     58|    114|  0|   2|  8|    18|      8|      58|         58|       58|      58| 16|  17|GCAAAA  |KEAAAA  |OOOOxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo22;
-     59|    593|  1|   3|  9|    19|      9|      59|         59|       59|      59| 18|  19|HCAAAA  |VWAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo23;
-     60|    483|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|      60|         60|       60|      60|  0|   1|ICAAAA  |PSAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo24;
-     50|    253|  0|   2|  0|    10|      0|      50|         50|       50|      50|  0|   1|YBAAAA  |TJAAAA  |HHHHxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: FETCH all in foo25;
-     60|    483|  0|   0|  0|     0|      0|      60|         60|       60|      60|  0|   1|ICAAAA  |PSAAAA  |VVVVxx 
-(1 row)
-QUERY: CLOSE foo13;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo14;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo15;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo16;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo17;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo18;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo19;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo20;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo21;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo22;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo23;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo24;
-QUERY: CLOSE foo25;
-QUERY: PURGE hash_f8_heap BEFORE 'now';
-QUERY: SELECT count(*) AS has_10002 FROM hash_f8_heap[,] h;
-    10002
-(1 row)
-QUERY: VACUUM hash_f8_heap;
-QUERY: SELECT count(*) AS has_10000 FROM hash_f8_heap[,] h;
-    10000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: PURGE hash_i4_heap AFTER '@ 1 second ago';
-QUERY: SELECT count(*) AS has_10002 FROM hash_i4_heap[,] h;
-    10002
-(1 row)
-QUERY: VACUUM hash_i4_heap;
-QUERY: SELECT count(*) AS has_10000 FROM hash_i4_heap[,] h;
-    10000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: CREATE TABLE temp (initial int4);
-QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN j abstime[];
-WARN:type name lookup of dt failed
-QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN u tinterval;
-QUERY: INSERT INTO temp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, u,
-       v, w, x, y, z)
-   VALUES (4, 'char16', 'text', 4.1, 4.1, 2, '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)',
-        'Mon May  1 00:30:30 1995', 'c', '{Mon May  1 00:30:30 1995, Monday Aug 24 14:43:07 1992, epoch}',
-       314159, '(1,1)', 512,
-       '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8', 'magnetic disk', '(1.1,1.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)',
-       '(0,2,4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '["current" "infinity"]',
-       '1/3', '1,char16', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1,2,3,4}');
-WARN:Relation temp does not have attribute k
-(0 rows)
-       initial         int4
-) ARCHIVE = light;
-QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN j abstime[];
-WARN:type name lookup of dt failed
-QUERY: ALTER TABLE temp ADD COLUMN u tinterval;
-QUERY: INSERT INTO temp (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, u,
-       v, w, x, y, z)
-   VALUES (4, 'char16', 'text', 4.1, 4.1, 2, '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)',
-       'Mon May  1 00:30:30 1995', 'c', '{Mon May  1 00:30:30 1995, Monday Aug 24 14:43:07 1992, epoch}',
-        314159, '(1,1)', 512,
-       '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8', 'magnetic disk', '(1.1,1.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)',
-       '(0,2,4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '(4.1,4.1,3.1,3.1)', '["current" "infinity"]',
-       '1/3', '1,char16', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}', '{1,2,3,4}');
-WARN:Relation temp does not have attribute k
-QUERY: SELECT * FROM temp[,];
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM ten_k WHERE unique1 < 20;
-      0
-      1
-      2
-      3
-      4
-      5
-      6
-      7
-      8
-      9
-     10
-     11
-     12
-     13
-     14
-     15
-     16
-     17
-     18
-     19
-(20 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT unique2 FROM ten_k WHERE unique2 < 20;
-      0
-      1
-      2
-      3
-      4
-      5
-      6
-      7
-      8
-      9
-     10
-     11
-     12
-     13
-     14
-     15
-     16
-     17
-     18
-     19
-(20 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT hundred FROM ten_k WHERE hundred = 50;
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-     50
-(100 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT unique1 FROM tenk1 WHERE unique1 < 5;
-      0
-      1
-      2
-      3
-      4
-(5 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT * from street;
-name                              |thepath                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |cname    
-Whitlock Creek                    |(0,2,-121.747,37.9128,-121.733,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |Oakland  
-Warm Springs                  Blvd|(0,2,-121.934,37,-121.934,37.97)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Oakland  
-Tissiack                      Way |(0,2,-121.92,37,-121.921,37.995)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Oakland  
-Agua Fria Creek                   |(0,2,-121.925,37.922,-121.928,37.889)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Mission                       Blvd|(0,3,-121.919,37,-121.919,37.976,-121.92,37.975)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Oakland  
-Theresa                       Way |(0,2,-121.729,37.906,-121.728,37.899)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Cowing                        Road|(0,2,-122,37.934,-121.977,37.782)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-Rosedale                      Ct  |(0,2,-121.923,37.9,-121.924,37.897)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Johnson                       Dr  |(0,2,-121.915,37.901,-121.915,37.877)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Saginaw                       Ct  |(0,2,-121.88,37.898,-121.881,37.901)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Navajo                        Ct  |(0,2,-121.878,37.901,-121.878,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Pimlico                       Dr  |(0,2,-121.862,37.998,-121.862,37.008)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Livermore                     Ave |(0,2,-121.769,37.448,-121.769,37.375)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Arroyo Las Positas                |(0,2,-121.797,37.997,-121.796,37.005)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Arlington                     Road|(0,2,-121.796,37.898,-121.796,37.906)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Juniper                       St  |(0,2,-121.782,37.897,-121.781,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Enos                          Way |(0,2,-121.768,37.896,-121.767,37.91)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Fairview                      Ave |(0,2,-121.999,37.428,-121.986,37.351)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Sunol Ridge                   Trl |(0,2,-121.942,37.455,-121.934,37.38)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Sp Railroad                       |(0,2,-121.957,37.898,-121.956,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Arlington                     Dr  |(0,2,-121.88,37.408,-121.881,37.394)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Vallecitos                    Road|(0,2,-121.87,37.916,-121.87,37.891)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Corriea                       Way |(0,2,-121.95,37.402,-121.951,37.398)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Driscoll                      Road|(0,2,-121.948,37.403,-121.948,37.3999)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Apricot                       Lane|(0,2,-121.947,37.401,-121.946,37.392)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Calaveras Creek                   |(0,2,-121.82,37.035,-121.821,37.931)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Welch Creek                   Road|(0,2,-121.769,37.386,-121.774,37.413)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Livermore                     Ave |(0,2,-121.773,37.9909,-121.773,37.001)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Las Positas                   Road|(0,2,-121.764,37.992,-121.756,37.0202)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Sp Railroad                       |(0,2,-121.894,37.9901,-121.897,37.016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Tassajara Creek                   |(0,2,-121.879,37.989,-121.878,37.015)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Andrea                        Cir |(0,2,-121.733,37.8864,-121.733,37.9062)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |Oakland  
-1st                           St  |(0,2,-121.755,37.8929,-121.754,37.9003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-121.948,37.933,-121.947,37.925,-121.947,37.923,-121.946,37.918,-121.945,37.912,-121.937,37.852)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 680                            |(0,4,-121.918,37.934,-121.917,37.913,-121.912,37.83,-121.905,37.702)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-I- 580                            |(0,5,-122.018,37.019,-122.001,37.032,-121.979,37.983,-121.958,37.984,-121.957,37.986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                         |Oakland  
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-121.932,37.989,-121.924,37.006,-121.922,37.014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(1,2,-121.921,37.988,-121.919,37.016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.874,37.014,-121.872,37.999,-121.871,37.999)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.852,37.011,-121.848,37.999,-121.848,37.999,-121.846,37.01,-121.846,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(1,6,-121.967,37.075,-121.966,37.071,-121.966,37.065,-121.962,37.037,-121.957,37,-121.948,37.933)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-I- 680                            |(0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.883,37.376,-121.883,37.392,-121.883,37.4,-121.883,37.402,-121.885,37.422)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.92,37.438,-121.922,37.424,-121.924,37.408,-121.925,37.392)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.924,37.402,-121.923,37.395,-121.923,37.399)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                              |Oakland  
-State Hwy 84                      |(0,5,-121.957,37.898,-121.957,37.8991,-121.957,37.903,-121.956,37.91,-121.955,37.919)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Whitlock Creek                    |(0,2,-121.747,37.9128,-121.733,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |Oakland  
-Warm Springs                  Blvd|(0,2,-121.934,37,-121.934,37.97)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Oakland  
-Tissiack                      Way |(0,2,-121.92,37,-121.921,37.995)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Oakland  
-Mission                       Blvd|(0,3,-121.919,37,-121.919,37.976,-121.92,37.975)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Oakland  
-Kildare                       Road|(0,2,-122.097,37.016,-122.096,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-Ranspot                       Dr  |(0,2,-122.097,37.999,-122.096,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-Butterfield                   Dr  |(0,2,-122.084,37.002,-122.083,37.987)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Hesperian                     Blvd|(0,3,-122.097,37.333,-122.096,37.31,-122.095,37.293)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Thackeray                     Ave |(0,2,-122.072,37.305,-122.072,37.298)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Celia                         St  |(0,2,-122.061,37.3,-122.062,37.299)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Periwinkle                    Road|(0,2,-122.045,37.301,-122.045,37.2984)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Decoto                        Road|(0,3,-122.016,37.006,-122.016,37.002,-122.016,37.993)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Bridgepointe                  Dr  |(0,2,-122.051,37.305,-122.051,37.299)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Ash                           St  |(0,2,-122.041,37.31,-122.04,37.292)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Moores                        Ave |(0,2,-122.009,37.301,-122.009,37.292)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Crystaline                    Dr  |(0,2,-121.926,37,-121.926,37.0053)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |Oakland  
-Paseo Padre                   Pkwy|(0,2,-121.914,37.005,-121.914,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-Oakridge                      Road|(0,2,-121.832,37.049,-121.828,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-Railroad                      Ave |(0,3,-122.025,37.013,-122.023,37.003,-122.022,37.993)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Eden Creek                        |(0,2,-122.022,37.0067,-122.022,37.998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.085,37.34,-122.087,37.316,-122.082,37.296)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.085,37.34,-122.08,37.316,-122.081,37.285)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-122.083,37.312,-122.082,37.296,-122.081,37.285,-122.079,37.248,-122.078,37.24,-122.078,37.235,-122.077,37.2257,-122.077,37.2203,-122.076,37.215,-122.076,37.209)                                                                                                                                                                          |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.059,37.982,-122.058,37.984,-122.061,37.003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.004,37.313,-122.004,37.308,-122.004,37.284,-122.001,37.287,-121.999,37.289)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.002,37.301,-122.002,37.293)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(1,6,-121.967,37.075,-121.966,37.071,-121.966,37.065,-121.962,37.037,-121.957,37,-121.948,37.933)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                              |Oakland  
-Wisconsin                     St  |(0,3,-122.199,37.017,-122.198,37.998,-122.197,37.994)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Herrier                       St  |(0,2,-122.194,37.006,-122.194,37.998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Skyline                       Blvd|(0,2,-122.174,37.01,-122.171,37.996)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Coliseum                      Way |(0,2,-122.2,37.47,-122.198,37.516)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |Oakland  
-Hegenberger                   Exwy|(0,2,-122.195,37.52,-122.195,37.497)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Sp Railroad                       |(0,2,-122.195,37.497,-122.193,37.4848)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-85th                          Ave |(0,2,-122.188,37.466,-122.186,37.476)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-E                             St  |(0,3,-122.183,37.505,-122.183,37.498,-122.182,37.49)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-D                             St  |(0,2,-122.181,37.505,-122.18,37.497)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-89th                          Ave |(0,2,-122.182,37.459,-122.18,37.471)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-C                             St  |(0,2,-122.177,37.46,-122.175,37.435)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Birch                         St  |(0,2,-122.167,37.509,-122.166,37.492)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Bancroft                      Ave |(0,3,-122.164,37.523,-122.163,37.508,-122.162,37.493)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-B                             St  |(0,2,-122.175,37.451,-122.174,37.443)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-98th                          Ave |(0,2,-122.169,37.438,-122.168,37.444)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-100th                         Ave |(0,2,-122.166,37.429,-122.165,37.432)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Avenue 134th                      |(0,2,-122.182,37.002,-122.185,37.992)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Avenue 140th                      |(0,2,-122.166,37.003,-122.169,37.988)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Redwood                       Road|(0,2,-122.149,37.98,-122.144,37.001)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-98th                          Ave |(0,2,-122.157,37.498,-122.156,37.502)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Birch                         St  |(0,2,-122.162,37.425,-122.161,37.417)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-107th                         Ave |(0,2,-122.156,37.403,-122.153,37.41)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Cameron                       Ave |(0,2,-122.132,37.502,-122.133,37.481)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Locust                        St  |(0,2,-122.161,37.007,-122.159,37.987)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-McClure                       Ave |(0,2,-122.143,37.001,-122.144,37.998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Maubert                       Ave |(0,2,-122.111,37.009,-122.11,37.995)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-Ranspot                       Dr  |(0,2,-122.097,37.999,-122.096,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Oakland  
-Butterfield                   Dr  |(0,2,-122.084,37.002,-122.083,37.987)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-National                      Ave |(0,2,-122.119,37.5,-122.128,37.489)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Eden                          Ave |(0,2,-122.114,37.505,-122.114,37.491)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-La Playa                      Dr  |(0,2,-122.104,37.545,-122.101,37.493)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Willimet                      Way |(0,2,-122.096,37.517,-122.095,37.493)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Broadmore                     Ave |(0,2,-122.095,37.522,-122.094,37.497)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Magnolia                      St  |(0,2,-122.097,37.5,-122.096,37.484)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Skyline                       Dr  |(0,2,-122.028,37.5,-122.028,37.498)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-Decoto                        Road|(0,3,-122.016,37.006,-122.016,37.002,-122.016,37.993)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Chapman                       Dr  |(0,2,-122.042,37.504,-122.041,37.498)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Charles                       St  |(0,2,-122.025,37.505,-122.025,37.499)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Mattos                        Dr  |(0,2,-122.001,37.502,-122.001,37.4968)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Sp Railroad                       |(0,3,-122.138,37.003,-122.136,37.992,-122.131,37.9461)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Bancroft                      Ave |(0,2,-122.157,37.4242,-122.156,37.409)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Railroad                      Ave |(0,3,-122.025,37.013,-122.023,37.003,-122.022,37.993)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Kaiser                        Dr  |(0,2,-122.067,37.4782,-122.06,37.5196)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-Eden Creek                        |(0,2,-122.022,37.0067,-122.022,37.998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                            |Oakland  
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)|Oakland  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.141,37.383,-122.141,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.059,37.982,-122.058,37.984,-122.061,37.003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491)                                                                                                                                      |Oakland  
-State Hwy 92                      |(0,9,-122.109,37.326,-122.109,37.322,-122.111,37.316,-122.112,37.313,-122.112,37.311,-122.113,37.308,-122.117,37.292,-122.119,37.285,-122.12,37.28)                                                                                                                                                                                              |Oakland  
-State Hwy 92                  Ramp|(0,3,-122.109,37.321,-122.109,37.315,-122.111,37.316)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Oakland  
-Cornell                       Ave |(0,3,-122.296,37.925,-122.295,37.906,-122.294,37.875)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Euclid                        Ave |(0,2,-122.267,37.009,-122.267,37.987)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Marin                         Ave |(0,2,-122.274,37.894,-122.272,37.901)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-5th                           St  |(0,2,-122.296,37.615,-122.295,37.598)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Sacramento                    St  |(0,2,-122.28,37.606,-122.28,37.597)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Martin Luther King Jr         Way |(0,2,-122.271,37.608,-122.271,37.599)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Linden                        St  |(0,2,-122.287,37.998,-122.286,37.008)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Shoreline                     Dr  |(0,2,-122.266,37.603,-122.265,37.6)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Creston                       Road|(0,4,-122.264,37.002,-122.261,37.986,-122.26,37.978,-122.26,37.973)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Keeler                        Ave |(0,2,-122.258,37.906,-122.258,37.899)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Stuart                        St  |(0,3,-122.252,37.6,-122.251,37.601,-122.249,37.606)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Grizzly Peak                  Blvd|(0,2,-122.221,37.638,-122.213,37.581)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Buckingham                    Blvd|(0,2,-122.223,37.59,-122.221,37.606)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Lakeshore                     Ave |(0,2,-122.259,37.99,-122.256,37.006)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Oakland Inner Harbor              |(0,2,-122.263,37.913,-122.26,37.8948)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Wp Railroad                       |(0,2,-122.254,37.902,-122.251,37.891)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Foothill                      Blvd|(0,2,-122.241,37.9,-122.24,37.893)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |Berkeley 
-19th                          Ave |(0,2,-122.237,37.897,-122.236,37.905)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Dimond                        Ave |(0,2,-122.217,37.994,-122.216,37.006)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Deering                       St  |(0,2,-122.215,37.904,-122.213,37.897)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Champion                      St  |(0,2,-122.214,37.991,-122.215,37.002)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Laguna                        Ave |(0,2,-122.21,37.989,-122.209,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Berkeley 
-California                    St  |(0,2,-122.203,37.005,-122.202,37.996)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Wisconsin                     St  |(0,3,-122.199,37.017,-122.198,37.998,-122.197,37.994)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Herrier                       St  |(0,2,-122.194,37.006,-122.194,37.998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Redding                       St  |(0,2,-122.198,37.901,-122.198,37.895)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Carson                        St  |(0,2,-122.185,37.9,-122.184,37.901)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Skyline                       Blvd|(0,2,-122.174,37.01,-122.171,37.996)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Campus                        Dr  |(0,3,-122.17,37.905,-122.168,37.868,-122.167,37.865)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Broadway                          |(0,2,-122.241,37.586,-122.24,37.601)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Pearl                         St  |(0,2,-122.238,37.594,-122.237,37.615)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Central                       Ave |(0,2,-122.234,37.602,-122.233,37.595)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Fountain                      St  |(0,2,-122.231,37.593,-122.229,37.605)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Coliseum                      Way |(0,3,-122.211,37.626,-122.209,37.592,-122.206,37.568)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-82nd                          Ave |(0,2,-122.169,37.596,-122.168,37.603)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Avenue 134th                      |(0,2,-122.182,37.002,-122.185,37.992)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Avenue 140th                      |(0,2,-122.166,37.003,-122.169,37.988)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Redwood                       Road|(0,2,-122.149,37.98,-122.144,37.001)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Saddle Brook                  Dr  |(0,3,-122.148,37.909,-122.145,37.904,-122.145,37.888)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Parkridge                     Dr  |(0,2,-122.144,37.884,-122.143,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Cull Creek                        |(0,2,-122.062,37.875,-122.058,37.527)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Donna                         Way |(0,2,-122.133,37.606,-122.132,37.599)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Locust                        St  |(0,2,-122.161,37.007,-122.159,37.987)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-McClure                       Ave |(0,2,-122.143,37.001,-122.144,37.998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Miller                        Road|(0,2,-122.09,37.645,-122.087,37.545)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Maubert                       Ave |(0,2,-122.111,37.009,-122.11,37.995)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Ranspot                       Dr  |(0,2,-122.097,37.999,-122.096,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Berkeley 
-Butterfield                   Dr  |(0,2,-122.084,37.002,-122.083,37.987)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Grove                         Way |(0,4,-122.064,37.884,-122.063,37.8916,-122.062,37.8958,-122.061,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Crow Canyon Creek                 |(0,2,-122.043,37.905,-122.037,37.71)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Skywest                       Dr  |(0,2,-122.116,37.62,-122.112,37.586)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Hesperian                     Blvd|(0,2,-122.113,37.6,-122.112,37.586)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Sp Railroad                       |(0,3,-122.091,37.601,-122.087,37.56,-122.086,37.5551)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Jackson                       St  |(0,2,-122.085,37.6,-122.084,37.606)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Joyce                         St  |(0,2,-122.079,37.604,-122.077,37.581)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-San Andreas                   Dr  |(0,2,-122.061,37.9,-122.061,37.895)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-West Loop                     Road|(0,2,-122.058,37.604,-122.06,37.586)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-Parkside                      Dr  |(0,2,-122.047,37.603,-122.044,37.596)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Arizona                       St  |(0,2,-122.038,37.901,-122.037,37.898)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Alvarado Niles                Road|(0,2,-122.032,37.903,-122.032,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-Decoto                        Road|(0,3,-122.016,37.006,-122.016,37.002,-122.016,37.993)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Roca                          Dr  |(0,2,-122.034,37.609,-122.031,37.599)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Allen                         Ct  |(0,2,-122.013,37.602,-122.012,37.597)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Oneil                         Ave |(0,2,-122.077,37.6248,-122.075,37.595)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Berkeley 
-Sp Railroad                       |(0,3,-122.138,37.003,-122.136,37.992,-122.131,37.9461)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Berkeley 
-Railroad                      Ave |(0,3,-122.025,37.013,-122.023,37.003,-122.022,37.993)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-Lakehurst                     Cir |(0,2,-122.285,37.8903,-122.286,37.9036)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |Berkeley 
-Tupelo                        Ter |(0,2,-122.059,37.6113,-122.057,37.5994)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |Berkeley 
-Eden Creek                        |(0,2,-122.022,37.0067,-122.022,37.998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Berkeley 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811)                                                           |Berkeley 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.254,37.898,-122.254,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07)                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581)                                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                            |Berkeley 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)|Berkeley 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,8,-122.138,37.931,-122.138,37.9274,-122.137,37.925,-122.137,37.924,-122.137,37.914,-122.136,37.905,-122.136,37.908,-122.136,37.898)                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Berkeley 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.138,37.891,-122.138,37.897,-122.138,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                             |Berkeley 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.101,37.898,-122.1,37.902,-122.099,37.911)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.094,37.897,-122.094,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.096,37.888,-122.096,37.891,-122.096,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Berkeley 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.093,37.896,-122.093,37.8996,-122.091,37.906)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Berkeley 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.103,37.61,-122.101,37.587,-122.1,37.569)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |Berkeley 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.059,37.982,-122.058,37.984,-122.061,37.003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Berkeley 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491)                                                                                                                                      |Berkeley 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.093,37.9035,-122.094,37.8963,-122.094,37.8921)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |Berkeley 
-State Hwy 123                     |(0,13,-122.3,37.986,-122.3,37.969,-122.299,37.962,-122.299,37.952,-122.299,37.942,-122.299,37.935,-122.298,37.924,-122.298,37.92,-122.298,37.904,-122.297,37.88,-122.297,37.869,-122.296,37.848,-122.296,37.843)                                                                                                                                 |Berkeley 
-State Hwy 13                      |(0,9,-122.18,37.943,-122.18,37.9185,-122.18,37.9,-122.179,37.8661,-122.179,37.862,-122.178,37.851,-122.178,37.845,-122.177,37.839,-122.177,37.833)                                                                                                                                                                                               |Berkeley 
-State Hwy 238                 Ramp|(0,3,-122.129,37.9,-122.129,37.895,-122.13,37.906)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |Berkeley 
-State Hwy 238                     |(1,8,-122.098,37.908,-122.098,37.907,-122.099,37.905,-122.101,37.898,-122.102,37.8971,-122.103,37.8944,-122.105,37.892,-122.106,37.89)                                                                                                                                                                                                           |Berkeley 
-Euclid                        Ave |(0,2,-122.267,37.009,-122.267,37.987)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Hollis                        St  |(0,2,-122.288,37.397,-122.289,37.414)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Linden                        St  |(0,2,-122.287,37.998,-122.286,37.008)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-5th                           St  |(0,3,-122.278,37,-122.279,37.005,-122.28,37.009)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Lafayette
-Creston                       Road|(0,4,-122.264,37.002,-122.261,37.986,-122.26,37.978,-122.26,37.973)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |Lafayette
-Ada                           St  |(0,2,-122.249,37.398,-122.25,37.401)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Lafayette
-Mandalay                      Road|(0,2,-122.232,37.397,-122.232,37.403)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Sheridan                      Road|(0,3,-122.228,37.425,-122.225,37.411,-122.222,37.377)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Proctor                       Ave |(0,2,-122.227,37.406,-122.225,37.386)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Capricorn                     Ave |(0,2,-122.218,37.404,-122.216,37.384)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Taurus                        Ave |(0,2,-122.216,37.416,-122.213,37.389)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Lakeshore                     Ave |(0,2,-122.259,37.99,-122.256,37.006)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Lafayette
-Dimond                        Ave |(0,2,-122.217,37.994,-122.216,37.006)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Indian                        Way |(0,2,-122.207,37.398,-122.204,37.411)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Champion                      St  |(0,2,-122.214,37.991,-122.215,37.002)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Laguna                        Ave |(0,2,-122.21,37.989,-122.209,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |Lafayette
-California                    St  |(0,2,-122.203,37.005,-122.202,37.996)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-Edgewater                     Dr  |(0,2,-122.201,37.379,-122.204,37.41)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |Lafayette
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.296,37.413,-122.296,37.382,-122.295,37.372)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.277,37.002,-122.278,37)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Lafayette
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07)                                                                                                                                              |Lafayette
-State Hwy 24                      |(0,15,-122.267,37.246,-122.267,37.248,-122.267,37.261,-122.267,37.271,-122.266,37.298,-122.266,37.315,-122.266,37.336,-122.265,37.3588,-122.264,37.3729,-122.264,37.381,-122.264,37.388,-122.263,37.396,-122.262,37.405,-122.261,37.407,-122.26,37.412)                                                                                          |Lafayette
-State Hwy 13                  Ramp|(0,4,-122.224,37.427,-122.223,37.414,-122.221,37.396,-122.221,37.388)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |Lafayette
-(252 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT * from iexit;
-name                              |thepath                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |exit              
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-121.948,37.933,-121.947,37.925,-121.947,37.923,-121.946,37.918,-121.945,37.912,-121.937,37.852)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.946,37.918) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.946,37.918,-121.946,37.911,-121.945,37.912)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.946,37.911) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.948,37.91,-121.947,37.911,-121.946,37.911)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.946,37.911) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.946,37.918,-121.946,37.911,-121.945,37.912)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.946,37.911) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.948,37.91,-121.947,37.911,-121.946,37.911)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.947,37.911) 
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-121.948,37.933,-121.947,37.925,-121.947,37.923,-121.946,37.918,-121.945,37.912,-121.937,37.852)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.852) 
-I- 880                            |(0,2,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.848)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.852) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.934,37.85,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.836,-121.936,37.835,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.813)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.936,37.835) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.937,37.848,-121.936,37.835)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.936,37.835) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.938,37.834,-121.937,37.836)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.836) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541)                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.813) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.935,37.813,-121.935,37.828)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.813) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.935,37.8507)
-I- 880                            |(0,2,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.848)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.848) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.934,37.85,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.836,-121.936,37.835,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.813)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.936,37.835) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.933,37.851,-121.934,37.847,-121.935,37.835,-121.936,37.83)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.935,37.835) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.936,37.837,-121.935,37.835)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.835) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541)                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.936,37.83)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.828,-121.934,37.847)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.934,37.847) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.935,37.8337)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.934,37.85,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.836,-121.936,37.835,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.813)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.937,37.836) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.933,37.851,-121.934,37.847,-121.935,37.835,-121.936,37.83)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.935,37.835) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.935,37.8354)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.933,37.851,-121.934,37.847,-121.935,37.835,-121.936,37.83)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.934,37.847) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541)                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.819) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.828,-121.934,37.847)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.828) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.935,37.813,-121.935,37.828)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.828) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.934,37.85,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.836,-121.936,37.835,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.813)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.935,37.813) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541)                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.813) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.828,-121.934,37.847)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.828) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.927,37.998,-121.925,37.98,-121.923,37.963,-121.922,37.959,-121.921,37.954,-121.921,37.947,-121.92,37.944,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.925,37.98)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,7,-121.927,37.998,-121.924,37.983,-121.922,37.9786,-121.92,37.975,-121.919,37.954,-121.919,37.941,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.926,37.998) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.925,37.932,-121.921,37.944,-121.92,37.944)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.92,37.944)  
-I- 680                            |(0,4,-121.918,37.934,-121.917,37.913,-121.912,37.83,-121.905,37.702)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.918,37.934) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(1,2,-121.921,37.988,-121.919,37.016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.921,37.9473)
-I- 680                            |(0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.919,37.9349)
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.926,37.998) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.927,37.998,-121.925,37.98,-121.923,37.963,-121.922,37.959,-121.921,37.954,-121.921,37.947,-121.92,37.944,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.926,37.998) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,7,-121.927,37.998,-121.924,37.983,-121.922,37.9786,-121.92,37.975,-121.919,37.954,-121.919,37.941,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.924,37.983) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,5,-121.921,37.965,-121.92,37.96,-121.921,37.957,-121.92,37.951,-121.919,37.941)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-121.919,37.941) 
-I- 680                            |(0,4,-121.918,37.934,-121.917,37.913,-121.912,37.83,-121.905,37.702)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.918,37.934) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(1,2,-121.921,37.988,-121.919,37.016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.921,37.9762)
-I- 680                            |(0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.919,37.9447)
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.927,37.998) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.921,37.965,-121.922,37.966,-121.921,37.961)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.922,37.966) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,5,-121.921,37.965,-121.92,37.96,-121.921,37.957,-121.92,37.951,-121.919,37.941)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-121.921,37.965) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,7,-121.927,37.998,-121.924,37.983,-121.922,37.9786,-121.92,37.975,-121.919,37.954,-121.919,37.941,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.919,37.941) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.921,37.965,-121.922,37.966,-121.921,37.961)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.921,37.965) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,5,-121.921,37.965,-121.92,37.96,-121.921,37.957,-121.92,37.951,-121.919,37.941)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-121.92,37.96)   
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(1,2,-121.921,37.988,-121.919,37.016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.921,37.9636)
-I- 680                            |(0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.919,37.942) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.927,37.998,-121.925,37.98,-121.923,37.963,-121.922,37.959,-121.921,37.954,-121.921,37.947,-121.92,37.944,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.92,37.944)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.925,37.932,-121.921,37.944,-121.92,37.944)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.921,37.944) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(1,2,-121.921,37.988,-121.919,37.016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.921,37.944) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541)                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.923,37.57)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.559,-121.923,37.561)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.923,37.559) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541)                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.923,37.563) 
-I- 680                            |(0,4,-121.918,37.934,-121.917,37.913,-121.912,37.83,-121.905,37.702)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.905,37.702) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.905,37.702,-121.905,37.667,-121.903,37.6588)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.905,37.667) 
-I- 680                            |(0,2,-121.902,37.6469,-121.903,37.6588)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.903,37.6588)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.904,37.6629)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.905,37.699,-121.9,37.677,-121.902,37.649)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.9,37.677)   
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.903,37.672,-121.903,37.6715,-121.902,37.649)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.902,37.649) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.904,37.6946)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.905,37.699,-121.9,37.677,-121.902,37.649)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.902,37.649) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.903,37.672,-121.903,37.6715,-121.902,37.649)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.903,37.6715)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.661,37.1895,-121.659,37.191,-121.658,37.1927,-121.657,37.1964,-121.655,37.2053)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |(-121.659,37.191) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.629,37.3429,-121.63,37.3379,-121.658,37.2009,-121.659,37.1955,-121.66,37.1933,-121.661,37.1895)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |(-121.661,37.1895)
-I- 580                            |(1,7,-121.628,37.3309,-121.629,37.3246,-121.644,37.2411,-121.654,37.208,-121.654,37.2072,-121.655,37.2053,-121.659,37.1955)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        |(-121.655,37.2053)
-I- 580                            |(0,4,-121.664,37.1822,-121.662,37.1869,-121.662,37.1875,-121.661,37.1895)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |(-121.661,37.1895)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.658,37.2009,-121.658,37.2009,-121.66,37.1972,-121.66,37.1965,-121.662,37.19,-121.662,37.1869)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.658,37.2009)
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.629,37.3429,-121.63,37.3379,-121.658,37.2009,-121.659,37.1955,-121.66,37.1933,-121.661,37.1895)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |(-121.658,37.2009)
-I- 580                            |(0,4,-121.664,37.1822,-121.662,37.1869,-121.662,37.1875,-121.661,37.1895)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |(-121.662,37.1869)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.744,37.024,-121.743,37.029,-121.742,37.037,-121.74,37.039)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.743,37.029) 
-I- 580                            |(0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046)                                                            |(-121.744,37.024) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.74,37.034,-121.741,37.034,-121.74,37.029,-121.738,37.032,-121.736,37.034)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.741,37.034) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.74,37.036,-121.739,37.033,-121.738,37.032)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.738,37.032) 
-I- 580                            |(0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046)                                                            |(-121.736,37.034) 
-I- 580                            |(0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046)                                                            |(-121.741,37.024) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.74,37.034,-121.741,37.034,-121.74,37.029,-121.738,37.032,-121.736,37.034)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.738,37.032) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.74,37.036,-121.739,37.033,-121.738,37.032)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.739,37.033) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.739,37.02,-121.738,37.0251,-121.738,37.0269,-121.738,37.028)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.739,37.02)  
-I- 580                            |(1,8,-121.727,37.074,-121.725,37.083,-121.723,37.092,-121.723,37.095,-121.722,37.0986,-121.722,37.1,-121.721,37.102,-121.719,37.109)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.725,37.083) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.723,37.103,-121.722,37.103,-121.722,37.0986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.723,37.103) 
-I- 580                            |(1,8,-121.727,37.074,-121.725,37.083,-121.723,37.092,-121.723,37.095,-121.722,37.0986,-121.722,37.1,-121.721,37.102,-121.719,37.109)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.723,37.092) 
-I- 580                            |(1,8,-121.727,37.074,-121.725,37.083,-121.723,37.092,-121.723,37.095,-121.722,37.0986,-121.722,37.1,-121.721,37.102,-121.719,37.109)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.721,37.102) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.723,37.103,-121.723,37.092)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.723,37.103) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.723,37.103,-121.722,37.103,-121.722,37.0986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.722,37.103) 
-I- 580                            |(1,8,-121.727,37.074,-121.725,37.083,-121.723,37.092,-121.723,37.095,-121.722,37.0986,-121.722,37.1,-121.721,37.102,-121.719,37.109)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.722,37.0986)
-I- 580                            |(0,22,-121.727,37.074,-121.723,37.093,-121.722,37.0952,-121.721,37.1001,-121.719,37.106,-121.719,37.109,-121.717,37.12,-121.716,37.123,-121.715,37.127,-121.71,37.148,-121.708,37.1568,-121.706,37.166,-121.706,37.168,-121.704,37.174,-121.704,37.172,-121.704,37.172,-121.703,37.175,-121.7,37.181,-121.696,37.191,-121.695,37.192,-121.69,37.204,-121.67,37.185)|(-121.727,37.074) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-121.727,37.074,-121.728,37.072,-121.733,37.046)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.727,37.074) 
-I- 580                            |(1,8,-121.727,37.074,-121.725,37.083,-121.723,37.092,-121.723,37.095,-121.722,37.0986,-121.722,37.1,-121.721,37.102,-121.719,37.109)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.727,37.074) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,7,-121.727,37.074,-121.724,37.084,-121.723,37.0823,-121.722,37.077,-121.722,37.081,-121.721,37.0926,-121.719,37.106)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.724,37.084) 
-I- 80                             |(1,5,-122.307,37.902,-122.307,37.896,-122.308,37.8933,-122.308,37.879,-122.308,37.861)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.308,37.879) 
-I- 80                             |(1,5,-122.307,37.902,-122.307,37.896,-122.308,37.8933,-122.308,37.879,-122.308,37.861)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.307,37.896) 
-I- 80                             |(0,11,-122.308,37.98,-122.307,37.943,-122.306,37.912,-122.306,37.908,-122.306,37.9051,-122.306,37.897,-122.306,37.893,-122.307,37.881,-122.307,37.877,-122.308,37.861,-122.308,37.831)                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.308,37.831) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.308,37.828,-122.308,37.831)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.308,37.831) 
-I- 80                             |(0,11,-122.308,37.98,-122.307,37.943,-122.306,37.912,-122.306,37.908,-122.306,37.9051,-122.306,37.897,-122.306,37.893,-122.307,37.881,-122.307,37.877,-122.308,37.861,-122.308,37.831)                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.306,37.912) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.305,37.91,-122.306,37.908)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.305,37.91)  
-I- 80                             |(0,11,-122.308,37.98,-122.307,37.943,-122.306,37.912,-122.306,37.908,-122.306,37.9051,-122.306,37.897,-122.306,37.893,-122.307,37.881,-122.307,37.877,-122.308,37.861,-122.308,37.831)                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.307,37.881) 
-I- 80                             |(0,4,-122.306,37.935,-122.306,37.913,-122.307,37.905,-122.307,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.307,37.902) 
-I- 80                             |(1,5,-122.307,37.902,-122.307,37.896,-122.308,37.8933,-122.308,37.879,-122.308,37.861)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.307,37.902) 
-I- 80                             |(0,11,-122.308,37.98,-122.307,37.943,-122.306,37.912,-122.306,37.908,-122.306,37.9051,-122.306,37.897,-122.306,37.893,-122.307,37.881,-122.307,37.877,-122.308,37.861,-122.308,37.831)                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.306,37.908) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.305,37.91,-122.306,37.912)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.305,37.91)  
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,4,-122.306,37.876,-122.307,37.869,-122.307,37.843,-122.307,37.818)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.307,37.869) 
-I- 80                             |(0,5,-122.308,37.828,-122.308,37.822,-122.307,37.817,-122.307,37.801,-122.307,37.795)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.307,37.795) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.307,37.795,-122.307,37.782,-122.306,37.774)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.307,37.782) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.307,37.795,-122.306,37.783,-122.306,37.774)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.307,37.795) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.306,37.774,-122.304,37.695)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.306,37.774) 
-I- 80                             |(0,5,-122.308,37.828,-122.308,37.822,-122.307,37.817,-122.307,37.801,-122.307,37.795)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.307,37.795) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.307,37.795,-122.307,37.782,-122.306,37.774)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.307,37.795) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.307,37.795,-122.306,37.783,-122.306,37.774)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.306,37.783) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.306,37.774,-122.304,37.695)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.306,37.774) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.306,37.774,-122.304,37.695)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.304,37.695) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,5,-122.304,37.695,-122.304,37.674,-122.303,37.667,-122.303,37.661,-122.302,37.644)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.304,37.674) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,4,-122.304,37.695,-122.302,37.67,-122.302,37.662,-122.302,37.644)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.304,37.695) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.302,37.644,-122.299,37.518)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.302,37.644) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.306,37.774,-122.304,37.695)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.304,37.695) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,5,-122.304,37.695,-122.304,37.674,-122.303,37.667,-122.303,37.661,-122.302,37.644)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.304,37.695) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,4,-122.304,37.695,-122.302,37.67,-122.302,37.662,-122.302,37.644)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.302,37.67)  
-I- 80                         Ramp|(1,2,-122.302,37.67,-122.302,37.662)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.302,37.662) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.302,37.644,-122.299,37.518)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.302,37.644) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,4,-122.304,37.695,-122.302,37.67,-122.302,37.662,-122.302,37.644)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.302,37.662) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.302,37.644,-122.299,37.518)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.299,37.518) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,5,-122.299,37.518,-122.299,37.5,-122.299,37.488,-122.299,37.477,-122.297,37.452)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.299,37.5)   
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,7,-122.298,37.506,-122.298,37.502,-122.298,37.499,-122.296,37.489,-122.296,37.483,-122.296,37.478,-122.297,37.452)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.297,37.452) 
-I- 80                             |(0,5,-122.298,37.492,-122.298,37.48,-122.298,37.473,-122.297,37.452,-122.296,37.413)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.297,37.452) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,5,-122.299,37.518,-122.299,37.5,-122.299,37.488,-122.299,37.477,-122.297,37.452)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.297,37.452) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,7,-122.298,37.506,-122.298,37.502,-122.298,37.499,-122.296,37.489,-122.296,37.483,-122.296,37.478,-122.297,37.452)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.298,37.502) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(1,2,-122.298,37.501,-122.298,37.499)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.298,37.499) 
-I- 80                             |(0,5,-122.298,37.492,-122.298,37.48,-122.298,37.473,-122.297,37.452,-122.296,37.413)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.297,37.452) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(1,3,-122.294,37.491,-122.296,37.484,-122.296,37.478)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.296,37.478) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,7,-122.298,37.506,-122.298,37.502,-122.298,37.499,-122.296,37.489,-122.296,37.483,-122.296,37.478,-122.297,37.452)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.298,37.499) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,7,-122.298,37.506,-122.298,37.502,-122.298,37.499,-122.296,37.489,-122.296,37.483,-122.296,37.478,-122.297,37.452)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.296,37.478) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(1,3,-122.294,37.491,-122.296,37.484,-122.296,37.478)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.296,37.484) 
-I- 80                             |(0,5,-122.298,37.492,-122.298,37.48,-122.298,37.473,-122.297,37.452,-122.296,37.413)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.296,37.413) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.296,37.413,-122.296,37.382,-122.295,37.372)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.296,37.382) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.296,37.396,-122.295,37.384,-122.295,37.367)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.295,37.384) 
-I- 80                             |(0,3,-122.308,37.249,-122.328,37.216,-122.348,37.175)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.308,37.249) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.304,37.25,-122.305,37.254)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.305,37.254) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.304,37.25,-122.308,37.249)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.308,37.249) 
-I- 80                             |(1,4,-122.3,37.264,-122.302,37.262,-122.305,37.254,-122.308,37.249)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.305,37.254) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.305,37.254,-122.308,37.249)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.305,37.254) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.304,37.25,-122.308,37.249)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.304,37.25)  
-I- 80                             |(1,4,-122.3,37.264,-122.302,37.262,-122.305,37.254,-122.308,37.249)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.305,37.254) 
-I- 80                             |(0,3,-122.308,37.249,-122.328,37.216,-122.348,37.175)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.308,37.249) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.305,37.254,-122.308,37.249)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.308,37.249) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.304,37.25,-122.305,37.254)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.304,37.25)  
-I- 80                             |(1,4,-122.3,37.264,-122.302,37.262,-122.305,37.254,-122.308,37.249)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.308,37.249) 
-I- 80                             |(1,2,-122.296,37.273,-122.3,37.264)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.296,37.273) 
-I- 80                             |(1,2,-122.295,37.279,-122.296,37.273)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.296,37.273) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.293,37.284,-122.293,37.28)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.293,37.28)  
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.293,37.28,-122.293,37.281)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.293,37.28)  
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.293,37.284,-122.293,37.28)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.293,37.284) 
-I- 80                             |(1,3,-122.293,37.299,-122.293,37.293,-122.293,37.284)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.293,37.284) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,3,-122.292,37.282,-122.293,37.283,-122.293,37.284)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.293,37.283) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.291,37.273,-122.292,37.279,-122.292,37.282)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.292,37.282) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.291,37.273,-122.292,37.279,-122.292,37.282)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.292,37.279) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.293,37.28,-122.293,37.281)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.293,37.281) 
-I- 580                            |(0,4,-122.29,37.274,-122.29,37.278,-122.292,37.286,-122.293,37.299)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.292,37.286) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.292,37.052,-122.29,37.04,-122.289,37.038)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.29,37.04)   
-I- 880                            |(0,5,-122.291,37.052,-122.29,37.042,-122.289,37.038,-122.288,37.036,-122.286,37.032)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.289,37.038) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.291,37.064,-122.291,37.061,-122.29,37.05,-122.29,37.044,-122.289,37.038)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-122.289,37.038) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.252,-122.268,37.2537,-122.267,37.261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.2537)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.268,37.264,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.268,37.248,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.267,37.248,-122.268,37.25,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.267,37.261,-122.267,37.263)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.261) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.289,37.266,-122.29,37.27,-122.291,37.273)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.289,37.266) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.288,37.254,-122.288,37.247)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.288,37.254) 
-I- 580                            |(1,7,-122.284,37.276,-122.285,37.273,-122.286,37.27,-122.287,37.269,-122.287,37.266,-122.288,37.265,-122.289,37.266)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.289,37.266) 
-I- 80                             |(1,2,-122.294,37.277,-122.302,37.262)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.294,37.277) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.291,37.273,-122.292,37.279,-122.292,37.282)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.291,37.273) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.289,37.266,-122.29,37.27,-122.291,37.273)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.291,37.273) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,5,-122.288,37.247,-122.29,37.267,-122.291,37.273,-122.292,37.275,-122.294,37.277)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.29,37.267)  
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.288,37.254,-122.288,37.247)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.288,37.247) 
-I- 580                            |(0,4,-122.29,37.274,-122.29,37.278,-122.292,37.286,-122.293,37.299)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.29,37.274)  
-I- 580                            |(1,7,-122.284,37.276,-122.285,37.273,-122.286,37.27,-122.287,37.269,-122.287,37.266,-122.288,37.265,-122.289,37.266)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.287,37.266) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.288,37.254,-122.289,37.266)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.288,37.254) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,5,-122.288,37.247,-122.29,37.267,-122.291,37.273,-122.292,37.275,-122.294,37.277)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.288,37.247) 
-I- 580                            |(1,7,-122.284,37.276,-122.285,37.273,-122.286,37.27,-122.287,37.269,-122.287,37.266,-122.288,37.265,-122.289,37.266)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.284,37.276) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.281,37.275,-122.282,37.28,-122.282,37.281,-122.284,37.276)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.282,37.28)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.28,37.289,-122.282,37.283,-122.282,37.281)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.282,37.281) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,5,-122.279,37.288,-122.28,37.286,-122.28,37.285,-122.281,37.282,-122.282,37.28)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-122.282,37.28)  
-I- 580                            |(1,9,-122.274,37.262,-122.275,37.263,-122.277,37.27,-122.278,37.271,-122.279,37.274,-122.281,37.275,-122.282,37.276,-122.283,37.276,-122.284,37.276)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.281,37.275) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.281,37.275,-122.282,37.28,-122.282,37.281,-122.284,37.276)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.282,37.281) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.28,37.289,-122.282,37.283,-122.282,37.281)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.282,37.283) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.281,37.275,-122.282,37.28,-122.282,37.281,-122.284,37.276)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.282,37.28)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,5,-122.279,37.288,-122.28,37.286,-122.28,37.285,-122.281,37.282,-122.282,37.28)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-122.28,37.285)  
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.273,37.259) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.249,-122.269,37.2449)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.245,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.269,37.247) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.244,-122.268,37.234)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.244) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.247) 
-I- 980                            |(0,7,-122.268,37.236,-122.268,37.234,-122.269,37.2246,-122.269,37.2156,-122.269,37.213,-122.269,37.199,-122.269,37.194)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.268,37.234) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.252,-122.268,37.2537,-122.267,37.261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.268,37.264,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.264) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.268,37.248,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.267,37.248,-122.268,37.25,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.267,37.2835,-122.267,37.2921)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.268,37.273) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.252,-122.268,37.2537,-122.267,37.261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.269,37.247) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.249,-122.27,37.255)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.244,-122.268,37.234)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.247) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.268,37.264,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.249,-122.269,37.2449)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.245,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.268,37.248,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.267,37.248,-122.268,37.25,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.269,37.2449)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.249,-122.27,37.255)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.245,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.2449,-122.269,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.269,37.2449)
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.268,37.244) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.249,-122.27,37.255)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.249,-122.269,37.2449)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.269,37.249) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.244) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.267,37.243,-122.268,37.243,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.244) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.245)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.245) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.243) 
-I- 980                            |(0,3,-122.268,37.236,-122.268,37.243,-122.268,37.2443)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.243) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.2449,-122.269,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.269,37.243) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.268,37.244) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.245,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.244) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.267,37.243,-122.268,37.243,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.244) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.238,-122.268,37.233)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.243,-122.269,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.243) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 980                            |(0,3,-122.268,37.236,-122.268,37.243,-122.268,37.2443)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.243) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.238,-122.268,37.233)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.252,-122.268,37.2537,-122.267,37.261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.268,37.264,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.268,37.248,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.267,37.248,-122.268,37.25,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.268,37.25)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.267,37.245,-122.267,37.248)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.248) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.267,37.248,-122.268,37.25,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.267,37.248) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.267,37.245,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.245) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.245) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.238,-122.268,37.233)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.238) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 980                            |(1,3,-122.268,37.227,-122.268,37.233,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.233) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.267,37.243,-122.268,37.243,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.243) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.242,-122.268,37.238,-122.268,37.233)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.242) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.267,37.243,-122.267,37.246)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.243) 
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.266,37.238,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.243) 
-I- 980                            |(1,3,-122.268,37.227,-122.268,37.233,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.243) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.252,-122.268,37.2537,-122.267,37.261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.267,37.261) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.267,37.245,-122.267,37.248)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.245) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.267,37.243,-122.268,37.243,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.243) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.267,37.243,-122.267,37.246)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.243) 
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.266,37.238,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.243) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.245) 
-I- 980                            |(1,3,-122.268,37.227,-122.268,37.233,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.243) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.261,37.23,-122.26,37.2283,-122.261,37.231,-122.264,37.238,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.242)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.265,37.242) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.267,37.245,-122.267,37.248)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.245) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.267,37.245,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.245) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.266,37.245) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.244,-122.266,37.245)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.266,37.245) 
-I- 980                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.274,37.117,-122.275,37.119,-122.273,37.129)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.274,37.119) 
-I- 980                        Ramp|(0,7,-122.269,37.213,-122.269,37.2071,-122.27,37.199,-122.27,37.194,-122.27,37.1838,-122.27,37.1755,-122.27,37.173)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.269,37.2071)
-I- 980                            |(0,7,-122.268,37.236,-122.268,37.234,-122.269,37.2246,-122.269,37.2156,-122.269,37.213,-122.269,37.199,-122.269,37.194)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.269,37.213) 
-I- 980                            |(1,3,-122.269,37.2,-122.268,37.215,-122.268,37.227)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.268,37.215) 
-I- 980                            |(0,7,-122.268,37.236,-122.268,37.234,-122.269,37.2246,-122.269,37.2156,-122.269,37.213,-122.269,37.199,-122.269,37.194)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.269,37.194) 
-I- 980                            |(0,3,-122.269,37.2,-122.269,37.197,-122.269,37.191)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.269,37.197) 
-I- 980                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.197,-122.269,37.191,-122.269,37.18)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.269,37.191) 
-I- 980                            |(0,5,-122.27,37.159,-122.27,37.165,-122.269,37.17,-122.269,37.18,-122.269,37.191)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-122.269,37.18)  
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.261,37.23,-122.26,37.2283,-122.261,37.231,-122.264,37.238,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.242)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.264,37.238) 
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.266,37.238,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.266,37.238) 
-I- 980                            |(1,3,-122.268,37.227,-122.268,37.233,-122.267,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.227) 
-I- 980                            |(1,3,-122.269,37.2,-122.268,37.215,-122.268,37.227)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.268,37.227) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.264,37.238,-122.266,37.239,-122.266,37.238,-122.268,37.231,-122.268,37.227)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.266,37.239) 
-I- 580                            |(0,5,-122.261,37.23,-122.263,37.2331,-122.265,37.2349,-122.266,37.236,-122.266,37.238)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.266,37.238) 
-I- 980                            |(0,4,-122.27,37.163,-122.27,37.172,-122.269,37.192,-122.269,37.194)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.27,37.163)  
-I- 980                            |(0,5,-122.27,37.159,-122.27,37.165,-122.269,37.17,-122.269,37.18,-122.269,37.191)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-122.27,37.159)  
-I- 880                            |(0,5,-122.291,37.052,-122.29,37.042,-122.289,37.038,-122.288,37.036,-122.286,37.032)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.286,37.032) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.286,37.032,-122.285,37.0309,-122.284,37.0297,-122.283,37.028,-122.282,37.031)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.285,37.0309)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.285,37.028,-122.284,37.026,-122.284,37.021)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.285,37.026) 
-I- 980                            |(0,12,-122.279,37.009,-122.279,37.022,-122.28,37.0271,-122.279,37.055,-122.278,37.062,-122.278,37.075,-122.277,37.078,-122.276,37.094,-122.276,37.1,-122.275,37.1123,-122.275,37.1131,-122.275,37.114)                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.277,37.078) 
-I- 980                            |(0,7,-122.278,37.006,-122.279,37.014,-122.279,37.024,-122.279,37.0254,-122.278,37.053,-122.278,37.061,-122.277,37.068)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.277,37.068) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.274,37.993,-122.273,37.986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.273,37.986) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.273,37.986,-122.274,37.986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.273,37.986) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811)                                                                             |(-122.269,37.972) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811)                                                                             |(-122.271,37.975) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.962,-122.269,37.969,-122.271,37.975)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.969) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.261,37.23,-122.26,37.2283,-122.261,37.231,-122.264,37.238,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.242)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.265,37.241) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.265,37.242,-122.266,37.245,-122.267,37.245)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.266,37.245) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.244,-122.266,37.245)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.265,37.244) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.261,37.23,-122.26,37.2283,-122.261,37.231,-122.264,37.238,-122.265,37.241,-122.265,37.242)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.261,37.23)  
-I- 580                            |(0,5,-122.261,37.23,-122.263,37.2331,-122.265,37.2349,-122.266,37.236,-122.266,37.238)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.261,37.23)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.256,37.213,-122.254,37.197,-122.254,37.19)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.254,37.197) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.256,37.213,-122.254,37.199,-122.254,37.19)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.256,37.213) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.256,37.213,-122.254,37.197,-122.254,37.19)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.256,37.213) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.256,37.213,-122.254,37.199,-122.254,37.19)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.254,37.199) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.255,37.205,-122.254,37.205,-122.254,37.202,-122.254,37.196)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.254,37.205) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.254,37.201,-122.254,37.205)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.254,37.205) 
-I- 580                            |(1,2,-122.254,37.196,-122.254,37.2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.253,37.196) 
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.254,37.196,-122.253,37.196)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.253,37.196) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.255,37.205,-122.254,37.205,-122.254,37.202,-122.254,37.196)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.254,37.205) 
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.254,37.2,-122.254,37.201)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.254,37.201) 
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.254,37.2,-122.254,37.201)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.254,37.2)   
-I- 580                            |(1,2,-122.254,37.196,-122.254,37.2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.254,37.2)   
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.253,37.197,-122.252,37.192,-122.252,37.174)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.252,37.192) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.25,37.148,-122.249,37.1404,-122.248,37.127)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.249,37.1404)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.249,37.115,-122.249,37.113)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.249,37.113) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.249,37.125,-122.249,37.113)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.249,37.113) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811)                                                                             |(-122.264,37.946) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.264,37.946,-122.265,37.95,-122.266,37.954)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.264,37.946) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811)                                                                             |(-122.264,37.946) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.264,37.946,-122.265,37.954)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.264,37.946) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811)                                                                             |(-122.258,37.911) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.271,37.975,-122.269,37.972,-122.268,37.966,-122.267,37.962,-122.266,37.957,-122.265,37.952,-122.264,37.946,-122.263,37.935,-122.262,37.927,-122.261,37.921,-122.259,37.916,-122.258,37.911,-122.254,37.898,-122.243,37.858,-122.241,37.845,-122.239,37.827,-122.237,37.811)                                                                             |(-122.254,37.898) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.243,37.096,-122.241,37.091,-122.241,37.0902,-122.241,37.088)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.241,37.091) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.237,37.07,-122.235,37.052,-122.234,37.044)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.235,37.052) 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07)                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.237,37.07)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.227,37.001,-122.226,37.003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.226,37.003) 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07)                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.226,37.003) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.228,37.013,-122.226,37.003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.226,37.003) 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07)                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.226,37.003) 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07)                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.22,37.99)   
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.216,37.985,-122.217,37.989,-122.218,37.991,-122.218,37.9907,-122.219,37.9902,-122.22,37.99)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.217,37.989) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.216,37.976,-122.218,37.982,-122.218,37.9843,-122.22,37.99)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.22,37.99)   
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-122.22,37.99,-122.22,37.99,-122.222,37.9952,-122.223,37.998,-122.224,37.9996,-122.226,37.003,-122.228,37.007,-122.23,37.026,-122.232,37.043,-122.234,37.059,-122.235,37.0643,-122.237,37.07)                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.22,37.99)   
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.216,37.985,-122.217,37.989,-122.218,37.991,-122.218,37.9907,-122.219,37.9902,-122.22,37.99)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.22,37.99)   
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.216,37.976,-122.218,37.982,-122.218,37.9843,-122.22,37.99)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.218,37.982) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.204,37.938,-122.205,37.9407,-122.206,37.95,-122.207,37.9561,-122.208,37.958,-122.209,37.962)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.208,37.958) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.204,37.938,-122.205,37.9407,-122.206,37.95,-122.207,37.9561,-122.208,37.958,-122.209,37.962)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.208,37.962) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.204,37.938,-122.205,37.9407,-122.206,37.95,-122.207,37.9561,-122.208,37.958,-122.209,37.962)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.204,37.938) 
-I- 580                            |(1,3,-122.203,37.928,-122.204,37.933,-122.204,37.938)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.204,37.938) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.203,37.918,-122.204,37.93,-122.204,37.938)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.204,37.93)  
-I- 580                            |(1,3,-122.203,37.928,-122.204,37.933,-122.204,37.938)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.203,37.928) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.198,37.878,-122.196,37.8752,-122.196,37.875,-122.195,37.871,-122.194,37.869)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.196,37.8752)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.237,37.802,-122.236,37.7996,-122.236,37.801,-122.236,37.801)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.236,37.7996)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.237,37.799,-122.236,37.777,-122.236,37.768,-122.236,37.764,-122.235,37.754)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.236,37.764) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.235,37.767,-122.236,37.768,-122.236,37.768)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.236,37.768) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.237,37.799,-122.236,37.777,-122.236,37.768,-122.236,37.764,-122.235,37.754)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.236,37.768) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.236,37.783,-122.235,37.767,-122.235,37.764,-122.234,37.758,-122.233,37.752,-122.232,37.748,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.746,-122.231,37.744,-122.23,37.743,-122.227,37.73,-122.227,37.73,-122.222,37.713)                                                                                                                                                |(-122.235,37.767) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.235,37.767,-122.236,37.768,-122.236,37.768)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.236,37.768) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.236,37.783,-122.235,37.767,-122.235,37.764,-122.234,37.758,-122.233,37.752,-122.232,37.748,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.746,-122.231,37.744,-122.23,37.743,-122.227,37.73,-122.227,37.73,-122.222,37.713)                                                                                                                                                |(-122.233,37.752) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.751,-122.232,37.752,-122.233,37.752)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.232,37.752) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.23,37.743,-122.232,37.751)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.232,37.751) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.236,37.783,-122.235,37.767,-122.235,37.764,-122.234,37.758,-122.233,37.752,-122.232,37.748,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.746,-122.231,37.744,-122.23,37.743,-122.227,37.73,-122.227,37.73,-122.222,37.713)                                                                                                                                                |(-122.23,37.743)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.751,-122.232,37.752,-122.233,37.752)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.232,37.751) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.23,37.743,-122.229,37.735)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.23,37.743)  
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.236,37.783,-122.235,37.767,-122.235,37.764,-122.234,37.758,-122.233,37.752,-122.232,37.748,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.746,-122.231,37.744,-122.23,37.743,-122.227,37.73,-122.227,37.73,-122.222,37.713)                                                                                                                                                |(-122.232,37.746) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.236,37.783,-122.235,37.767,-122.235,37.764,-122.234,37.758,-122.233,37.752,-122.232,37.748,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.746,-122.231,37.744,-122.23,37.743,-122.227,37.73,-122.227,37.73,-122.222,37.713)                                                                                                                                                |(-122.23,37.743)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.23,37.743,-122.232,37.751)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.23,37.743)  
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.236,37.783,-122.235,37.767,-122.235,37.764,-122.234,37.758,-122.233,37.752,-122.232,37.748,-122.232,37.746,-122.232,37.746,-122.231,37.744,-122.23,37.743,-122.227,37.73,-122.227,37.73,-122.222,37.713)                                                                                                                                                |(-122.222,37.713) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.222,37.713,-122.221,37.705,-122.221,37.697,-122.221,37.694,-122.219,37.68,-122.218,37.672)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.221,37.705) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581)                                                                                                                                               |(-122.218,37.672) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581)                                                                                                                                               |(-122.22,37.699)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.697,-122.22,37.7,-122.22,37.699)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |(-122.219,37.697) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.219,37.684,-122.219,37.688,-122.219,37.697)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.219,37.697) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.697,-122.22,37.7,-122.22,37.699)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |(-122.219,37.697) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.219,37.684,-122.219,37.688,-122.219,37.697)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.219,37.688) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581)                                                                                                                                               |(-122.216,37.638) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581)                                                                                                                                               |(-122.217,37.652) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.218,37.65,-122.217,37.652)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.217,37.652) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581)                                                                                                                                               |(-122.217,37.652) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.218,37.659,-122.217,37.652)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.217,37.652) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.191,37.85,-122.189,37.848,-122.188,37.844)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.189,37.848) 
-I- 880                            |(0,13,-122.221,37.711,-122.22,37.699,-122.22,37.695,-122.219,37.682,-122.218,37.672,-122.217,37.652,-122.216,37.638,-122.214,37.616,-122.214,37.612,-122.213,37.609,-122.212,37.592,-122.212,37.586,-122.211,37.581)                                                                                                                                               |(-122.211,37.581) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.21,37.565,-122.208,37.549,-122.206,37.541)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.208,37.549) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.209,37.535,-122.207,37.536,-122.207,37.535,-122.207,37.53)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.207,37.536) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.209,37.532,-122.209,37.535,-122.207,37.535)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.207,37.535) 
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.207,37.534,-122.207,37.53,-122.206,37.522,-122.201,37.46,-122.197,37.418,-122.196,37.407)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.207,37.53)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.209,37.535,-122.207,37.536,-122.207,37.535,-122.207,37.53)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.207,37.535) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.209,37.532,-122.209,37.535,-122.207,37.535)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.209,37.535) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.207,37.54,-122.207,37.535,-122.206,37.531,-122.206,37.526,-122.206,37.522)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.207,37.535) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.205,37.542,-122.206,37.533,-122.206,37.526)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.206,37.526) 
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.207,37.534,-122.207,37.53,-122.206,37.522,-122.201,37.46,-122.197,37.418,-122.196,37.407)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.206,37.522) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.207,37.54,-122.207,37.535,-122.206,37.531,-122.206,37.526,-122.206,37.522)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.206,37.526) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.205,37.542,-122.206,37.533,-122.206,37.526)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.206,37.533) 
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.207,37.534,-122.207,37.53,-122.206,37.522,-122.201,37.46,-122.197,37.418,-122.196,37.407)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.197,37.418) 
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.207,37.534,-122.207,37.53,-122.206,37.522,-122.201,37.46,-122.197,37.418,-122.196,37.407)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.196,37.407) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.196,37.407,-122.196,37.396,-122.195,37.396,-122.195,37.394)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.196,37.396) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.195,37.405,-122.195,37.394)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.195,37.394) 
-I- 880                            |(0,14,-122.195,37.394,-122.194,37.385,-122.193,37.378,-122.188,37.32,-122.188,37.317,-122.188,37.315,-122.188,37.312,-122.187,37.309,-122.183,37.26,-122.182,37.249,-122.18,37.234,-122.18,37.231,-122.178,37.206,-122.177,37.197)                                                                                                                                 |(-122.195,37.394) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.195,37.405,-122.194,37.411,-122.195,37.411)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.194,37.411) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.195,37.405,-122.195,37.394)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.195,37.405) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.196,37.407,-122.196,37.396,-122.195,37.396,-122.195,37.394)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.195,37.394) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.195,37.405,-122.194,37.411,-122.195,37.411)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.195,37.405) 
-I- 880                            |(0,14,-122.195,37.394,-122.194,37.385,-122.193,37.378,-122.188,37.32,-122.188,37.317,-122.188,37.315,-122.188,37.312,-122.187,37.309,-122.183,37.26,-122.182,37.249,-122.18,37.234,-122.18,37.231,-122.178,37.206,-122.177,37.197)                                                                                                                                 |(-122.195,37.394) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.187,37.838,-122.187,37.841,-122.187,37.844,-122.185,37.841,-122.185,37.84)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.187,37.841) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.182,37.838,-122.182,37.8375,-122.181,37.8354,-122.18,37.834,-122.18,37.838)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.182,37.8375)
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.177,37.833,-122.179,37.838)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.179,37.838) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.177,37.839,-122.176,37.839)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.177,37.839) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.179,37.838,-122.177,37.839)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.177,37.839) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.176,37.839,-122.176,37.838,-122.174,37.833)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.176,37.839) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.177,37.839,-122.176,37.839)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.176,37.839) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.176,37.839,-122.176,37.838,-122.174,37.833)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.176,37.838) 
-I- 580                            |(0,2,-122.177,37.833,-122.179,37.838)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.177,37.833) 
-I- 580                            |(1,2,-122.175,37.826,-122.177,37.833)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.177,37.833) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.174,37.817,-122.175,37.822,-122.177,37.833)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.175,37.822) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.172,37.805,-122.173,37.811,-122.174,37.817)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.174,37.817) 
-I- 580                            |(0,8,-122.172,37.805,-122.17,37.799,-122.17,37.7976,-122.169,37.7941,-122.167,37.7824,-122.166,37.7772,-122.165,37.7711,-122.165,37.769)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-122.17,37.799)  
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-122.172,37.805,-122.173,37.811,-122.174,37.817)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.172,37.805) 
-I- 580                            |(0,8,-122.172,37.805,-122.17,37.799,-122.17,37.7976,-122.169,37.7941,-122.167,37.7824,-122.166,37.7772,-122.165,37.7711,-122.165,37.769)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-122.172,37.805) 
-I- 580                            |(0,8,-122.172,37.805,-122.17,37.799,-122.17,37.7976,-122.169,37.7941,-122.167,37.7824,-122.166,37.7772,-122.165,37.7711,-122.165,37.769)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-122.165,37.769) 
-I- 880                            |(0,14,-122.195,37.394,-122.194,37.385,-122.193,37.378,-122.188,37.32,-122.188,37.317,-122.188,37.315,-122.188,37.312,-122.187,37.309,-122.183,37.26,-122.182,37.249,-122.18,37.234,-122.18,37.231,-122.178,37.206,-122.177,37.197)                                                                                                                                 |(-122.187,37.309) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.189,37.303,-122.189,37.305,-122.189,37.307,-122.188,37.309,-122.187,37.309)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.189,37.305) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.188,37.312,-122.188,37.309)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.188,37.309) 
-I- 880                            |(0,14,-122.195,37.394,-122.194,37.385,-122.193,37.378,-122.188,37.32,-122.188,37.317,-122.188,37.315,-122.188,37.312,-122.187,37.309,-122.183,37.26,-122.182,37.249,-122.18,37.234,-122.18,37.231,-122.178,37.206,-122.177,37.197)                                                                                                                                 |(-122.188,37.312) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.189,37.303,-122.189,37.305,-122.189,37.307,-122.188,37.309,-122.187,37.309)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.188,37.309) 
-I- 880                            |(0,14,-122.195,37.394,-122.194,37.385,-122.193,37.378,-122.188,37.32,-122.188,37.317,-122.188,37.315,-122.188,37.312,-122.187,37.309,-122.183,37.26,-122.182,37.249,-122.18,37.234,-122.18,37.231,-122.178,37.206,-122.177,37.197)                                                                                                                                 |(-122.188,37.317) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.187,37.32,-122.187,37.322,-122.187,37.321,-122.188,37.319,-122.188,37.317)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.187,37.322) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.186,37.322,-122.187,37.322)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.187,37.322) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.187,37.32,-122.187,37.322,-122.187,37.321,-122.188,37.319,-122.188,37.317)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.187,37.322) 
-I- 880                            |(0,14,-122.195,37.394,-122.194,37.385,-122.193,37.378,-122.188,37.32,-122.188,37.317,-122.188,37.315,-122.188,37.312,-122.187,37.309,-122.183,37.26,-122.182,37.249,-122.18,37.234,-122.18,37.231,-122.178,37.206,-122.177,37.197)                                                                                                                                 |(-122.177,37.197) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.177,37.197,-122.177,37.182,-122.177,37.18,-122.176,37.181,-122.175,37.178)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.177,37.182) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.175,37.178) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.176,37.193,-122.175,37.191,-122.174,37.194,-122.174,37.192,-122.174,37.196,-122.172,37.198)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.175,37.191) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.176,37.187,-122.175,37.191)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.175,37.191) 
-I- 880                            |(0,2,-122.176,37.191,-122.176,37.187)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.176,37.191) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.176,37.193,-122.175,37.191,-122.174,37.194,-122.174,37.192,-122.174,37.196,-122.172,37.198)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.175,37.191) 
-I- 880                            |(0,2,-122.176,37.191,-122.176,37.187)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.176,37.187) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.174,37.173) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.164,37.092) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.168,37.09,-122.167,37.089,-122.166,37.0897,-122.165,37.09,-122.164,37.092)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.167,37.089) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.168,37.09,-122.168,37.1144)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.168,37.09)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.164,37.1051,-122.164,37.092)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.164,37.092) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.165,37.113,-122.165,37.1138,-122.168,37.1159)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.165,37.113) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.164,37.106,-122.165,37.113,-122.165,37.101)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.165,37.113) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.154,37.703) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.153,37.694) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.151,37.655) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.152,37.682,-122.151,37.659,-122.151,37.655)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.151,37.659) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.151,37.509) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.152,37.529,-122.151,37.524,-122.151,37.509)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.151,37.524) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.152,37.526,-122.151,37.524)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.151,37.524) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.152,37.529,-122.151,37.524,-122.151,37.509)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.151,37.524) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.15,37.5392) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.149,37.546) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.15,37.482)  
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.149,37.467) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.141,37.383) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.141,37.383,-122.141,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.14,37.372)  
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.139,37.353) 
-I- 580                            |(0,21,-122.154,37.703,-122.153,37.694,-122.151,37.655,-122.147,37.603,-122.147,37.583,-122.147,37.569,-122.149,37.5487,-122.149,37.546,-122.15,37.532,-122.151,37.509,-122.15,37.482,-122.149,37.467,-122.148,37.447,-122.141,37.383,-122.14,37.376,-122.14,37.372,-122.139,37.356,-122.139,37.353,-122.138,37.34,-122.138,37.33,-122.138,37.316)                  |(-122.138,37.316) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.138,37.316,-122.137,37.311,-122.137,37.307,-122.137,37.296)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.311) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.137,37.279,-122.137,37.264)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.279) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.137,37.279,-122.138,37.262)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.279) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.141,37.932) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.141,37.932,-122.14,37.923,-122.139,37.917,-122.138,37.913)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.14,37.923)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,8,-122.138,37.931,-122.138,37.9274,-122.137,37.925,-122.137,37.924,-122.137,37.914,-122.136,37.905,-122.136,37.908,-122.136,37.898)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.138,37.9274)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.138,37.923,-122.137,37.925)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.925) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.136,37.898) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.133,37.901,-122.136,37.905)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.136,37.905) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.138,37.91)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.138,37.91,-122.138,37.909,-122.138,37.907,-122.136,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.138,37.909) 
-I- 880                            |(0,2,-122.136,37.902,-122.138,37.91)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.138,37.91)  
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.136,37.902) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.138,37.891,-122.138,37.897,-122.138,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.138,37.897) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.138,37.282,-122.137,37.279)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.279) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.137,37.279,-122.138,37.262)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.279) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.138,37.282,-122.137,37.279)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.279) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.137,37.279,-122.137,37.264)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.137,37.279) 
-I- 580                            |(0,13,-122.131,37.157,-122.13,37.147,-122.128,37.122,-122.127,37.1147,-122.125,37.105,-122.125,37.103,-122.124,37.096,-122.123,37.093,-122.121,37.082,-122.118,37.066,-122.116,37.052,-122.115,37.048,-122.111,37.023)                                                                                                                                             |(-122.131,37.157) 
-I- 580                            |(0,13,-122.131,37.157,-122.13,37.147,-122.128,37.122,-122.127,37.1147,-122.125,37.105,-122.125,37.103,-122.124,37.096,-122.123,37.093,-122.121,37.082,-122.118,37.066,-122.116,37.052,-122.115,37.048,-122.111,37.023)                                                                                                                                             |(-122.125,37.105) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.123,37.099,-122.124,37.102,-122.125,37.105)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.124,37.102) 
-I- 580                            |(0,13,-122.131,37.157,-122.13,37.147,-122.128,37.122,-122.127,37.1147,-122.125,37.105,-122.125,37.103,-122.124,37.096,-122.123,37.093,-122.121,37.082,-122.118,37.066,-122.116,37.052,-122.115,37.048,-122.111,37.023)                                                                                                                                             |(-122.124,37.096) 
-I- 580                            |(0,13,-122.131,37.157,-122.13,37.147,-122.128,37.122,-122.127,37.1147,-122.125,37.105,-122.125,37.103,-122.124,37.096,-122.123,37.093,-122.121,37.082,-122.118,37.066,-122.116,37.052,-122.115,37.048,-122.111,37.023)                                                                                                                                             |(-122.118,37.066) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.121,37.088,-122.12,37.083,-122.118,37.066)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.12,37.083)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.121,37.075,-122.118,37.066)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.118,37.066) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.12,37.085,-122.12,37.083)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.12,37.083)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,8,-122.138,37.931,-122.138,37.9274,-122.137,37.925,-122.137,37.924,-122.137,37.914,-122.136,37.905,-122.136,37.908,-122.136,37.898)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.137,37.925) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,8,-122.138,37.931,-122.138,37.9274,-122.137,37.925,-122.137,37.924,-122.137,37.914,-122.136,37.905,-122.136,37.908,-122.136,37.898)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.136,37.905) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.133,37.881) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.132,37.865,-122.132,37.866,-122.133,37.881)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.132,37.866) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.132,37.874) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.128,37.843) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.129,37.861,-122.128,37.855,-122.128,37.843)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.128,37.855) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.126,37.834) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.129,37.842,-122.128,37.839,-122.126,37.834)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.128,37.839) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.129,37.836,-122.128,37.839)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.128,37.839) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.129,37.842,-122.128,37.839,-122.126,37.834)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.128,37.839) 
-I- 580                            |(0,13,-122.131,37.157,-122.13,37.147,-122.128,37.122,-122.127,37.1147,-122.125,37.105,-122.125,37.103,-122.124,37.096,-122.123,37.093,-122.121,37.082,-122.118,37.066,-122.116,37.052,-122.115,37.048,-122.111,37.023)                                                                                                                                             |(-122.118,37.066) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.121,37.088,-122.12,37.083,-122.118,37.066)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.118,37.066) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.121,37.088,-122.12,37.083,-122.118,37.066)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.12,37.083)  
-I- 580                            |(0,13,-122.131,37.157,-122.13,37.147,-122.128,37.122,-122.127,37.1147,-122.125,37.105,-122.125,37.103,-122.124,37.096,-122.123,37.093,-122.121,37.082,-122.118,37.066,-122.116,37.052,-122.115,37.048,-122.111,37.023)                                                                                                                                             |(-122.111,37.023) 
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.111,37.023) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.11,37.018,-122.111,37.023,-122.109,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.11,37.018)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.108,37.007,-122.109,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.109,37.02)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.109,37.003) 
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.108,37.007) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.11,37.018,-122.111,37.023,-122.109,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.109,37.02)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.109,37.0128)
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.109,37.0106)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.11,37.018,-122.111,37.023,-122.109,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.109,37.003) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.108,37.007,-122.109,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.109,37.0128)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.107,37.993) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.108,37.681,-122.107,37.6646,-122.107,37.664,-122.107,37.6618,-122.105,37.638)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.107,37.6747)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.108,37.681,-122.106,37.6655,-122.106,37.665,-122.106,37.6619,-122.106,37.6584,-122.105,37.638)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-122.107,37.6784)
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.099,37.911) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.101,37.898,-122.1,37.902,-122.099,37.911)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.1,37.902)   
-I- 580                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.908,-122.097,37.904,-122.096,37.903,-122.095,37.903,-122.094,37.902,-122.094,37.903,-122.093,37.9035)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.095,37.903) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.095,37.903,-122.097,37.911,-122.094,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.097,37.911) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.094,37.897,-122.094,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.094,37.902) 
-I- 580                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.908,-122.097,37.904,-122.096,37.903,-122.095,37.903,-122.094,37.902,-122.094,37.903,-122.093,37.9035)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.094,37.902) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.095,37.903,-122.097,37.911,-122.094,37.902)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.094,37.902) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.096,37.888,-122.096,37.891,-122.096,37.9)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.096,37.891) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.093,37.896,-122.093,37.8996,-122.091,37.906)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.093,37.8996)
-I- 580                            |(0,9,-122.091,37.906,-122.09,37.908,-122.088,37.908,-122.086,37.909,-122.078,37.909,-122.073,37.909,-122.071,37.91,-122.068,37.9114,-122.065,37.914)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.091,37.906) 
-I- 580                            |(0,9,-122.091,37.906,-122.09,37.908,-122.088,37.908,-122.086,37.909,-122.078,37.909,-122.073,37.909,-122.071,37.91,-122.068,37.9114,-122.065,37.914)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.086,37.909) 
-I- 580                            |(0,9,-122.091,37.906,-122.09,37.908,-122.088,37.908,-122.086,37.909,-122.078,37.909,-122.073,37.909,-122.071,37.91,-122.068,37.9114,-122.065,37.914)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.065,37.914) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.065,37.914,-122.064,37.92,-122.063,37.923)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.064,37.92)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.065,37.914,-122.062,37.916,-122.06,37.92)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.065,37.914) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.063,37.9229)
-I- 580                            |(0,9,-122.091,37.906,-122.09,37.908,-122.088,37.908,-122.086,37.909,-122.078,37.909,-122.073,37.909,-122.071,37.91,-122.068,37.9114,-122.065,37.914)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.065,37.914) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.065,37.914,-122.064,37.92,-122.063,37.923)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.065,37.914) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.065,37.914,-122.062,37.916,-122.06,37.92)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.062,37.916) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.063,37.9152)
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.06,37.9198) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.019,37.012,-122.02,37.015,-122.021,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.02,37.015)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.021,37.007,-122.02,37.015)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.02,37.015)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.019,37.012,-122.018,37.009,-122.018,37.019)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.019,37.012) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.019,37.012,-122.02,37.015,-122.021,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.02,37.015)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.019,37.012,-122.02,37.015,-122.021,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.019,37.012) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.019,37.012,-122.018,37.009,-122.018,37.019)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.018,37.009) 
-I- 580                            |(0,5,-122.018,37.019,-122.001,37.032,-121.979,37.983,-121.958,37.984,-121.957,37.986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.018,37.019) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.94,37.233,-121.938,37.219,-121.938,37.2279,-121.938,37.237)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.938,37.219) 
-I- 680                            |(0,10,-121.923,37.039,-121.924,37.057,-121.929,37.106,-121.929,37.1133,-121.93,37.119,-121.932,37.148,-121.934,37.1711,-121.936,37.193,-121.936,37.2019,-121.938,37.219)                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.938,37.219) 
-I- 580                            |(0,5,-122.018,37.019,-122.001,37.032,-121.979,37.983,-121.958,37.984,-121.957,37.986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.958,37.984) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.957,37.986,-121.957,37.98)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.956,37.98)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.956,37.984,-121.957,37.98)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.957,37.98)  
-I- 580                            |(0,5,-122.018,37.019,-122.001,37.032,-121.979,37.983,-121.958,37.984,-121.957,37.986)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.957,37.986) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.958,37.984,-121.957,37.98)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.956,37.98)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.956,37.984,-121.957,37.98)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.956,37.98)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.958,37.984,-121.957,37.98)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.957,37.98)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.957,37.986,-121.957,37.98)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.956,37.98)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.936,37.986,-121.934,37.971,-121.933,37.979,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.934,37.971) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.935,37.9796)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.933,37.987,-121.933,37.979)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.933,37.979) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-121.932,37.989,-121.924,37.006,-121.922,37.014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.932,37.989) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.934,37.85,-121.937,37.852,-121.937,37.836,-121.936,37.835,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.813)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.935,37.8507)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.933,37.851,-121.934,37.847,-121.935,37.835,-121.936,37.83)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.935,37.8337)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.936,37.837,-121.935,37.835)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.8354)
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-121.936,37.83,-121.936,37.826,-121.935,37.819,-121.935,37.813,-121.934,37.788,-121.933,37.767,-121.923,37.57,-121.923,37.563,-121.923,37.561,-121.922,37.5541)                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.8212)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.936,37.986,-121.934,37.971,-121.933,37.979,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.935,37.9796)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.936,37.9883)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.933,37.987,-121.933,37.979)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.933,37.9831)
-I- 680                            |(0,10,-121.923,37.039,-121.924,37.057,-121.929,37.106,-121.929,37.1133,-121.93,37.119,-121.932,37.148,-121.934,37.1711,-121.936,37.193,-121.936,37.2019,-121.938,37.219)                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.934,37.1683)
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-121.932,37.989,-121.924,37.006,-121.922,37.014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.932,37.989) 
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.935,37.0895)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.933,37.987,-121.934,37.991,-121.934,37.985)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.934,37.991) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.934,37.985,-121.934,37.978)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.934,37.985) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.933,37.987,-121.933,37.979)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.933,37.987) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.933,37.987,-121.934,37.991,-121.934,37.985)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.934,37.985) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.936,37.986,-121.934,37.971,-121.933,37.979,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.933,37.979) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.937,37.986,-121.936,37.9883,-121.935,37.997,-121.935,37.0003,-121.935,37.006,-121.934,37.0003,-121.933,37.997,-121.932,37.989)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.933,37.9831)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.933,37.987,-121.934,37.991,-121.934,37.985)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.933,37.987) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,5,-121.922,37.034,-121.922,37.031,-121.921,37.026,-121.919,37.0204,-121.921,37.0174)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.922,37.031) 
-I- 680                            |(0,10,-121.923,37.039,-121.924,37.057,-121.929,37.106,-121.929,37.1133,-121.93,37.119,-121.932,37.148,-121.934,37.1711,-121.936,37.193,-121.936,37.2019,-121.938,37.219)                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.923,37.039) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,6,-121.924,37.006,-121.924,37.0078,-121.924,37.017,-121.923,37.022,-121.923,37.029,-121.923,37.039)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.924,37.0078)
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-121.932,37.989,-121.924,37.006,-121.922,37.014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.924,37.006) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,4,-121.924,37.006,-121.924,37.005,-121.922,37.008,-121.922,37.0104)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.924,37.006) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(1,2,-121.922,37.021,-121.924,37.017)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.924,37.017) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,6,-121.924,37.006,-121.924,37.0078,-121.924,37.017,-121.923,37.022,-121.923,37.029,-121.923,37.039)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.924,37.006) 
-I- 580                            |(0,3,-121.932,37.989,-121.924,37.006,-121.922,37.014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.924,37.006) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,4,-121.924,37.006,-121.924,37.005,-121.922,37.008,-121.922,37.0104)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.924,37.005) 
-I- 680                            |(0,2,-121.922,37.0104,-121.922,37.014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.922,37.0104)
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,6,-121.924,37.006,-121.924,37.0078,-121.924,37.017,-121.923,37.022,-121.923,37.029,-121.923,37.039)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.924,37.017) 
-I- 680                            |(0,2,-121.922,37.014,-121.922,37.021)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.922,37.021) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,4,-121.921,37.005,-121.92,37.013,-121.919,37.016,-121.918,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.92,37.013)  
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(1,2,-121.921,37.988,-121.919,37.016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.919,37.016) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.918,37.02)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,8,-121.927,37.998,-121.925,37.98,-121.923,37.963,-121.922,37.959,-121.921,37.954,-121.921,37.947,-121.92,37.944,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.921,37.9473)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,7,-121.927,37.998,-121.924,37.983,-121.922,37.9786,-121.92,37.975,-121.919,37.954,-121.919,37.941,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.921,37.9762)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,5,-121.921,37.965,-121.92,37.96,-121.921,37.957,-121.92,37.951,-121.919,37.941)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-121.921,37.9636)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.925,37.932,-121.921,37.944,-121.92,37.944)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.921,37.944) 
-I- 580/I-680                  Ramp|(0,4,-121.921,37.005,-121.92,37.013,-121.919,37.016,-121.918,37.02)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.919,37.016) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.919,37.0194)
-I- 680                            |(0,7,-121.91,37.715,-121.911,37.7468,-121.912,37.764,-121.912,37.776,-121.917,37.905,-121.919,37.957,-121.921,37.988)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.921,37.988) 
-I- 680                            |(0,10,-121.914,37.562,-121.915,37.54,-121.916,37.532,-121.916,37.519,-121.917,37.504,-121.918,37.493,-121.92,37.438,-121.92,37.435,-121.923,37.404,-121.924,37.402)                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.92,37.4419) 
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.921,37.9517)
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.909,37.017) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.003,-121.905,37.004)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.906,37.003) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.909,37.017,-121.907,37.0262,-121.907,37.029,-121.907,37.033)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.909,37.017) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.909,37.017) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.003,-121.905,37.004)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.909,37.017) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.909,37.017,-121.907,37.0262,-121.907,37.029,-121.907,37.033)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.907,37.0262)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.907,37.027,-121.906,37.029,-121.908,37.04)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.906,37.029) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.903,37.018,-121.904,37.022,-121.906,37.029)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.906,37.029) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.0239,-121.906,37.023)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.0242,-121.906,37.0233,-121.906,37.0211)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.0239,-121.906,37.023)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.906,37.0239)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.0242,-121.906,37.0233,-121.906,37.0211)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.905,37.702,-121.905,37.667,-121.903,37.6588)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.904,37.6629)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.905,37.699,-121.9,37.677,-121.902,37.649)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.904,37.6946)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.904,37.013) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.903,37.018,-121.904,37.022,-121.906,37.029)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.904,37.0217)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.908,37.609,-121.904,37.614)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.904,37.6135)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.907,37.027,-121.906,37.029,-121.908,37.04)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.906,37.029) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.904,37.0217)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.903,37.018,-121.904,37.022,-121.906,37.029)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.904,37.022) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.874,37.014,-121.872,37.999,-121.871,37.999)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.872,37.999) 
-I- 680                            |(0,3,-121.871,37.047,-121.883,37.366,-121.883,37.376)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.874,37.1295)
-I- 680                            |(0,5,-121.887,37.732,-121.885,37.744,-121.882,37.756,-121.876,37.781,-121.871,37.857)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.873,37.8361)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.87,37.013,-121.871,37.011,-121.872,37.001,-121.871,37.001)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.871,37.011) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.871,37.01,-121.871,37.047)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.871,37.011) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.87,37.01,-121.871,37.038)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.87,37.0126) 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008)                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.852,37.011) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.852,37.011,-121.848,37.999,-121.848,37.999,-121.846,37.01,-121.846,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.848,37.999) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.852,37.011,-121.85,37.025)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.852,37.011) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.845,37.01,-121.846,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.846,37.011) 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008)                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.852,37.011) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.852,37.011,-121.848,37.999,-121.848,37.999,-121.846,37.01,-121.846,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.852,37.011) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.846,37.011,-121.85,37.025)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.85,37.025)  
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008)                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.846,37.011) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.852,37.011,-121.85,37.025)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.85,37.025)  
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008)                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.845,37.011) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.852,37.011,-121.848,37.999,-121.848,37.999,-121.846,37.01,-121.846,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.846,37.011) 
-I- 580                            |(0,12,-121.859,37.013,-121.852,37.011,-121.849,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.846,37.011,-121.842,37.011,-121.841,37.011,-121.834,37.0104,-121.829,37.01,-121.829,37.009,-121.823,37.0083,-121.821,37.008)                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.821,37.008) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.821,37.008,-121.819,37.001,-121.818,37.005)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.819,37.001) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.819,37.008,-121.819,37.001)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.819,37.001) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.82,37.007,-121.819,37.014,-121.818,37.015)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.819,37.014) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.818,37.011,-121.819,37.014)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.819,37.014) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.82,37.007,-121.819,37.014,-121.818,37.015)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.819,37.014) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.821,37.008,-121.819,37.001,-121.818,37.005)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.819,37.001) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.787,37.995,-121.785,37.992,-121.784,37.985,-121.784,37.966,-121.783,37.957)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.785,37.992) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.784,37.996,-121.784,37.9954,-121.784,37.985)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.784,37.985) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.789,37.998,-121.785,37.999,-121.784,37.9963,-121.784,37.996)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.785,37.999) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.784,37.996,-121.784,37.9954,-121.784,37.985)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.784,37.996) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.787,37.995,-121.785,37.992,-121.784,37.985,-121.784,37.966,-121.783,37.957)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.784,37.985) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.789,37.998,-121.785,37.999,-121.784,37.9963,-121.784,37.996)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.784,37.996) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(1,3,-121.784,37.996,-121.784,37.9954,-121.784,37.985)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.784,37.9954)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.774,37.006,-121.773,37.013,-121.77,37.013)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.773,37.013) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.774,37.006,-121.773,37.006,-121.77,37.013)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.774,37.006) 
-I- 580                            |(0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046)                                                            |(-121.77,37.013)  
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.774,37.006,-121.773,37.013,-121.77,37.013)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.774,37.006) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.774,37.006,-121.773,37.006,-121.77,37.013)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.773,37.006) 
-I- 580                            |(0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046)                                                            |(-121.77,37.013)  
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.108,37.681) 
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.107,37.6714)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.107,37.6747)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.108,37.681,-122.107,37.6646,-122.107,37.664,-122.107,37.6618,-122.105,37.638)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.107,37.6646)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.108,37.681,-122.106,37.6655,-122.106,37.665,-122.106,37.6619,-122.106,37.6584,-122.105,37.638)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-122.108,37.681) 
-I- 880                            |(0,5,-122.105,37.638,-122.105,37.633,-122.104,37.63,-122.103,37.617,-122.103,37.61)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.105,37.638) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-122.136,37.902,-122.136,37.898,-122.133,37.881,-122.132,37.874,-122.131,37.866,-122.131,37.865,-122.131,37.864,-122.129,37.851,-122.128,37.843,-122.126,37.834,-122.123,37.812,-122.117,37.766,-122.11,37.72,-122.11,37.7109,-122.109,37.702,-122.108,37.6917,-122.108,37.681)                                                                              |(-122.108,37.681) 
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.107,37.6771)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.107,37.6784)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.108,37.681,-122.107,37.6646,-122.107,37.664,-122.107,37.6618,-122.105,37.638)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.108,37.681) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.108,37.681,-122.106,37.6655,-122.106,37.665,-122.106,37.6619,-122.106,37.6584,-122.105,37.638)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-122.106,37.6655)
-I- 880                            |(0,5,-122.105,37.638,-122.105,37.633,-122.104,37.63,-122.103,37.617,-122.103,37.61)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.105,37.638) 
-I- 880                            |(0,5,-122.105,37.638,-122.105,37.633,-122.104,37.63,-122.103,37.617,-122.103,37.61)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.103,37.61)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.103,37.61,-122.101,37.587,-122.1,37.569)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-122.101,37.587) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.099,37.571,-122.1,37.569)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.1,37.569)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.102,37.597,-122.102,37.5918,-122.102,37.562)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.102,37.5918)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.103,37.557,-122.1,37.548,-122.098,37.528)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.1,37.548)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.1,37.571,-122.1,37.565,-122.1,37.548)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |(-122.1,37.548)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.099,37.574,-122.099,37.567,-122.098,37.528)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.098,37.528) 
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.098,37.528) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.1,37.571,-122.1,37.565,-122.1,37.548)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |(-122.1,37.571)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.103,37.557,-122.1,37.548,-122.098,37.528)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.1,37.548)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.1,37.571,-122.101,37.568)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.1,37.571)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.1,37.571,-122.1,37.565,-122.1,37.548)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |(-122.1,37.565)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.103,37.61,-122.101,37.587,-122.1,37.569)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-122.1,37.569)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.103,37.557,-122.1,37.548,-122.098,37.528)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.098,37.528) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.099,37.574,-122.099,37.567,-122.098,37.528)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.099,37.567) 
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.098,37.528) 
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.096,37.496) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.096,37.496,-122.094,37.464,-122.094,37.421,-122.091,37.427,-122.09,37.405)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.094,37.464) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.092,37.466,-122.09,37.405)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.09,37.405)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.093,37.439,-122.092,37.437,-122.091,37.427)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.091,37.427) 
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.093,37.453) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.093,37.453,-122.094,37.469,-122.093,37.461,-122.092,37.457)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.094,37.469) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.092,37.465,-122.093,37.461)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.093,37.461) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.092,37.461,-122.092,37.457)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.092,37.457) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.093,37.453,-122.094,37.469,-122.093,37.461,-122.092,37.457)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.093,37.461) 
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.09,37.405)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.096,37.496,-122.094,37.464,-122.094,37.421,-122.091,37.427,-122.09,37.405)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.09,37.405)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.093,37.453,-122.094,37.469,-122.093,37.461,-122.092,37.457)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.092,37.457) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.096,37.496,-122.094,37.464,-122.094,37.421,-122.091,37.427,-122.09,37.405)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.091,37.427) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.093,37.439,-122.092,37.437,-122.091,37.427)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.092,37.437) 
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.085,37.34)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.085,37.34,-122.087,37.316,-122.082,37.296)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.087,37.316) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.085,37.34,-122.08,37.316,-122.081,37.285)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.085,37.34)  
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-122.083,37.312,-122.082,37.296,-122.081,37.285,-122.079,37.248,-122.078,37.24,-122.078,37.235,-122.077,37.2257,-122.077,37.2203,-122.076,37.215,-122.076,37.209)                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.082,37.296) 
-I- 880                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.528,-122.096,37.496,-122.093,37.453,-122.093,37.4496,-122.09,37.4144,-122.09,37.405,-122.085,37.34)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.085,37.34)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.085,37.34,-122.087,37.316,-122.082,37.296)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.085,37.34)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.085,37.34,-122.08,37.316,-122.081,37.285)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.08,37.316)  
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-122.083,37.312,-122.082,37.296,-122.081,37.285,-122.079,37.248,-122.078,37.24,-122.078,37.235,-122.077,37.2257,-122.077,37.2203,-122.076,37.215,-122.076,37.209)                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.081,37.285) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.084,37.322,-122.082,37.316,-122.083,37.312)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.084,37.322) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.084,37.322,-122.084,37.316)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.084,37.322) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.084,37.322,-122.082,37.316,-122.083,37.312)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.082,37.316) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-122.083,37.312,-122.082,37.296,-122.081,37.285,-122.079,37.248,-122.078,37.24,-122.078,37.235,-122.077,37.2257,-122.077,37.2203,-122.076,37.215,-122.076,37.209)                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.083,37.312) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-122.083,37.312,-122.082,37.296,-122.081,37.285,-122.079,37.248,-122.078,37.24,-122.078,37.235,-122.077,37.2257,-122.077,37.2203,-122.076,37.215,-122.076,37.209)                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.076,37.209) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.076,37.209,-122.076,37.2063,-122.075,37.188,-122.075,37.184)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.076,37.2063)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.076,37.209,-122.073,37.1891,-122.073,37.187,-122.072,37.183)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.076,37.209) 
-I- 880                            |(0,10,-122.083,37.312,-122.082,37.296,-122.081,37.285,-122.079,37.248,-122.078,37.24,-122.078,37.235,-122.077,37.2257,-122.077,37.2203,-122.076,37.215,-122.076,37.209)                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.076,37.209) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.076,37.209,-122.076,37.2063,-122.075,37.188,-122.075,37.184)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.076,37.209) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.076,37.209,-122.073,37.1891,-122.073,37.187,-122.072,37.183)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.073,37.1891)
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.067,37.085,-122.066,37.067,-122.065,37.062,-122.064,37.049,-122.064,37.036,-122.062,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.067,37.085) 
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.067,37.085,-122.066,37.067,-122.065,37.062,-122.064,37.049,-122.064,37.036,-122.062,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.065,37.062) 
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.067,37.085,-122.066,37.067,-122.065,37.062,-122.064,37.049,-122.064,37.036,-122.062,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.063,37.036) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.064,37.036,-122.064,37.049,-122.065,37.069)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.064,37.049) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.065,37.914,-122.064,37.92,-122.063,37.923)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.063,37.9229)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.065,37.914,-122.062,37.916,-122.06,37.92)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.063,37.9152)
-I- 880                            |(0,6,-122.067,37.085,-122.066,37.067,-122.065,37.062,-122.064,37.049,-122.064,37.036,-122.062,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.062,37.011) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.063,37.982) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.06,37.9732) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,5,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.974,-122.055,37.966,-122.055,37.9683,-122.058,37.984)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.058,37.967) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.06,37.991)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.983,-122.061,37.983)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.06,37.983)  
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.061,37.003) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.059,37.982,-122.058,37.984,-122.061,37.003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.058,37.984) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,5,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.974,-122.055,37.966,-122.055,37.9683,-122.058,37.984)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.058,37.9737)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.062,37.011,-122.063,37.982,-122.058,37.967)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.058,37.967) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.058,37.967) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.059,37.982,-122.058,37.984,-122.061,37.003)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.058,37.984) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,5,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.974,-122.055,37.966,-122.055,37.9683,-122.058,37.984)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.058,37.974) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.049,37.817) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.8,-122.048,37.794,-122.048,37.781,-122.047,37.774)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.048,37.813) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.048,37.798,-122.048,37.8)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.048,37.8)   
-I- 880                            |(0,9,-122.047,37.774,-122.047,37.765,-122.046,37.761,-122.045,37.7223,-122.044,37.708,-122.043,37.686,-122.042,37.6743,-122.041,37.673,-122.04,37.656)                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.047,37.774) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.061,37.003,-122.06,37.991,-122.06,37.982,-122.058,37.967,-122.058,37.961,-122.055,37.918,-122.054,37.8948,-122.051,37.8546,-122.05,37.844,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.811)                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.048,37.811) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.048,37.811,-122.046,37.785,-122.045,37.778,-122.045,37.775)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.046,37.785) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.048,37.798,-122.047,37.789,-122.046,37.785)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.046,37.785) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.049,37.817,-122.048,37.813,-122.048,37.8,-122.048,37.794,-122.048,37.781,-122.047,37.774)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.048,37.8)   
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.048,37.798,-122.047,37.789,-122.046,37.785)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.048,37.798) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.048,37.811,-122.046,37.785,-122.045,37.778,-122.045,37.775)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.046,37.785) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.048,37.798,-122.048,37.8)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.048,37.798) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,3,-122.048,37.798,-122.047,37.789,-122.046,37.785)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.047,37.789) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.039,37.65,-122.039,37.625,-122.039,37.617,-122.036,37.6161,-122.036,37.616)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.039,37.625) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491)                                                                                                                                                        |(-122.036,37.616) 
-I- 880                            |(0,9,-122.047,37.774,-122.047,37.765,-122.046,37.761,-122.045,37.7223,-122.044,37.708,-122.043,37.686,-122.042,37.6743,-122.041,37.673,-122.04,37.656)                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.04,37.656)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.036,37.652,-122.036,37.646,-122.036,37.6341,-122.036,37.6259,-122.036,37.619)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.036,37.6341)
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491)                                                                                                                                                        |(-122.036,37.619) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.037,37.645,-122.036,37.646)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.036,37.646) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491)                                                                                                                                                        |(-122.037,37.632) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.036,37.652,-122.036,37.646,-122.036,37.6341,-122.036,37.6259,-122.036,37.619)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.036,37.646) 
-I- 880                            |(0,12,-122.037,37.632,-122.036,37.619,-122.036,37.616,-122.035,37.6041,-122.032,37.5797,-122.031,37.5733,-122.03,37.5637,-122.029,37.557,-122.029,37.5493,-122.028,37.5391,-122.026,37.517,-122.024,37.491)                                                                                                                                                        |(-122.024,37.491) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.024,37.491,-122.022,37.483,-122.021,37.477,-122.02,37.447)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.022,37.483) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.024,37.488,-122.023,37.458,-122.023,37.458,-122.022,37.452,-122.02,37.447)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.02,37.447)  
-I- 880                            |(0,9,-122.022,37.466,-122.02,37.447,-122.02,37.4445,-122.02,37.4396,-122.019,37.432,-122.019,37.429,-122.016,37.393,-122.01,37.3477,-122.004,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.021,37.447) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.024,37.491,-122.022,37.483,-122.021,37.477,-122.02,37.447)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.02,37.447)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.024,37.488,-122.023,37.458,-122.023,37.458,-122.022,37.452,-122.02,37.447)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.023,37.458) 
-I- 880                            |(0,9,-122.022,37.466,-122.02,37.447,-122.02,37.4445,-122.02,37.4396,-122.019,37.432,-122.019,37.429,-122.016,37.393,-122.01,37.3477,-122.004,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.021,37.447) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.023,37.474,-122.021,37.473,-122.022,37.466)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.021,37.473) 
-I- 880                            |(0,9,-122.022,37.466,-122.02,37.447,-122.02,37.4445,-122.02,37.4396,-122.019,37.432,-122.019,37.429,-122.016,37.393,-122.01,37.3477,-122.004,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.022,37.466) 
-I- 880                            |(0,9,-122.022,37.466,-122.02,37.447,-122.02,37.4445,-122.02,37.4396,-122.019,37.432,-122.019,37.429,-122.016,37.393,-122.01,37.3477,-122.004,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.004,37.313) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.004,37.313,-122.004,37.308,-122.004,37.284,-122.001,37.287,-121.999,37.289)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.004,37.308) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.004,37.313,-122.002,37.315,-122.001,37.315,-122.001,37.313,-122,37.308,-121.999,37.289)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-122.004,37.313) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-121.999,37.289,-121.999,37.2856,-121.998,37.282,-121.997,37.2761,-121.993,37.255,-121.992,37.252,-121.991,37.248,-121.99,37.2437,-121.99,37.2402,-121.988,37.233,-121.987,37.229,-121.987,37.226,-121.985,37.216,-121.982,37.196,-121.981,37.186,-121.976,37.1472,-121.971,37.107)                                                                          |(-122,37.289)     
-I- 880                            |(0,9,-122.022,37.466,-122.02,37.447,-122.02,37.4445,-122.02,37.4396,-122.019,37.432,-122.019,37.429,-122.016,37.393,-122.01,37.3477,-122.004,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.004,37.313) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.004,37.313,-122.004,37.308,-122.004,37.284,-122.001,37.287,-121.999,37.289)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.004,37.313) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.004,37.313,-122.002,37.315,-122.001,37.315,-122.001,37.313,-122,37.308,-121.999,37.289)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-122.002,37.315) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-122.001,37.31,-122,37.308)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |(-122,37.308)     
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-121.999,37.289,-121.999,37.2856,-121.998,37.282,-121.997,37.2761,-121.993,37.255,-121.992,37.252,-121.991,37.248,-121.99,37.2437,-121.99,37.2402,-121.988,37.233,-121.987,37.229,-121.987,37.226,-121.985,37.216,-121.982,37.196,-121.981,37.186,-121.976,37.1472,-121.971,37.107)                                                                          |(-121.999,37.289) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,6,-122.004,37.313,-122.002,37.315,-122.001,37.315,-122.001,37.313,-122,37.308,-121.999,37.289)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-122,37.308)     
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-121.999,37.289,-121.999,37.2856,-121.998,37.282,-121.997,37.2761,-121.993,37.255,-121.992,37.252,-121.991,37.248,-121.99,37.2437,-121.99,37.2402,-121.988,37.233,-121.987,37.229,-121.987,37.226,-121.985,37.216,-121.982,37.196,-121.981,37.186,-121.976,37.1472,-121.971,37.107)                                                                          |(-121.987,37.229) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.986,37.239,-121.987,37.236,-121.986,37.234)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.987,37.236) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-121.999,37.289,-121.999,37.2856,-121.998,37.282,-121.997,37.2761,-121.993,37.255,-121.992,37.252,-121.991,37.248,-121.99,37.2437,-121.99,37.2402,-121.988,37.233,-121.987,37.229,-121.987,37.226,-121.985,37.216,-121.982,37.196,-121.981,37.186,-121.976,37.1472,-121.971,37.107)                                                                          |(-121.987,37.226) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-121.999,37.289,-121.999,37.2856,-121.998,37.282,-121.997,37.2761,-121.993,37.255,-121.992,37.252,-121.991,37.248,-121.99,37.2437,-121.99,37.2402,-121.988,37.233,-121.987,37.229,-121.987,37.226,-121.985,37.216,-121.982,37.196,-121.981,37.186,-121.976,37.1472,-121.971,37.107)                                                                          |(-121.985,37.216) 
-I- 880                            |(0,17,-121.999,37.289,-121.999,37.2856,-121.998,37.282,-121.997,37.2761,-121.993,37.255,-121.992,37.252,-121.991,37.248,-121.99,37.2437,-121.99,37.2402,-121.988,37.233,-121.987,37.229,-121.987,37.226,-121.985,37.216,-121.982,37.196,-121.981,37.186,-121.976,37.1472,-121.971,37.107)                                                                          |(-121.971,37.107) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.971,37.107,-121.964,37.087,-121.962,37.085)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.964,37.087) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.969,37.061,-121.969,37.066,-121.967,37.075)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.969,37.066) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.968,37.065,-121.969,37.066)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.969,37.066) 
-I- 880                            |(1,6,-121.967,37.075,-121.966,37.071,-121.966,37.065,-121.962,37.037,-121.957,37,-121.948,37.933)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-121.967,37.075) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.969,37.061,-121.969,37.066,-121.967,37.075)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.969,37.066) 
-I- 880                            |(1,6,-121.967,37.075,-121.966,37.071,-121.966,37.065,-121.962,37.037,-121.957,37,-121.948,37.933)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-121.966,37.065) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.966,37.065,-121.968,37.061,-121.968,37.065)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.968,37.061) 
-I- 880                            |(1,6,-121.967,37.075,-121.966,37.071,-121.966,37.065,-121.962,37.037,-121.957,37,-121.948,37.933)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-121.962,37.037) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.962,37.037,-121.962,37.0521,-121.962,37.0683,-121.962,37.075,-121.962,37.087)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.962,37.052) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.961,37.099,-121.962,37.09,-121.962,37.087)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.962,37.087) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.962,37.037,-121.962,37.0521,-121.962,37.0683,-121.962,37.075,-121.962,37.087)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.962,37.087) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.899,37.553,-121.901,37.558,-121.901,37.565)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.901,37.558) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.901,37.565,-121.901,37.558)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.901,37.558) 
-I- 680                            |(0,8,-121.885,37.422,-121.887,37.444,-121.89,37.47,-121.891,37.472,-121.891,37.474,-121.898,37.545,-121.899,37.553,-121.901,37.565)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.899,37.553) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.899,37.553,-121.901,37.558,-121.901,37.565)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.901,37.558) 
-I- 680                            |(0,8,-121.885,37.422,-121.887,37.444,-121.89,37.47,-121.891,37.472,-121.891,37.474,-121.898,37.545,-121.899,37.553,-121.901,37.565)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.901,37.565) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.898,37.545,-121.9,37.565,-121.9,37.571,-121.901,37.572,-121.903,37.586)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |(-121.9,37.565)   
-I- 680                            |(0,8,-121.885,37.422,-121.887,37.444,-121.89,37.47,-121.891,37.472,-121.891,37.474,-121.898,37.545,-121.899,37.553,-121.901,37.565)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.898,37.545) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.884,37.397,-121.885,37.394,-121.884,37.399)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.885,37.394) 
-I- 680                            |(0,8,-121.885,37.422,-121.887,37.444,-121.89,37.47,-121.891,37.472,-121.891,37.474,-121.898,37.545,-121.899,37.553,-121.901,37.565)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.885,37.422) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,5,-121.883,37.376,-121.883,37.392,-121.883,37.4,-121.883,37.402,-121.885,37.422)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.883,37.4)   
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.87,37.013,-121.871,37.011,-121.872,37.001,-121.871,37.001)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.871,37.011) 
-I- 680                            |(0,3,-121.871,37.047,-121.883,37.366,-121.883,37.376)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.871,37.047) 
-I- 680                            |(1,2,-121.871,37.038,-121.871,37.047)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.871,37.047) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.867,37.0138,-121.871,37.0261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.871,37.0252)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.87,37.013,-121.871,37.011,-121.872,37.001,-121.871,37.001)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.87,37.0126) 
-I- 680                            |(1,2,-121.871,37.038,-121.871,37.047)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.871,37.038) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.867,37.0138,-121.871,37.0261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-121.87,37.0227) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.87,37.891,-121.871,37.857,-121.868,37.875)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.871,37.857) 
-I- 680                            |(0,5,-121.887,37.732,-121.885,37.744,-121.882,37.756,-121.876,37.781,-121.871,37.857)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.871,37.857) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.943,37.315,-121.942,37.318,-121.941,37.32,-121.939,37.324,-121.938,37.32,-121.937,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.942,37.318) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.942,37.314,-121.942,37.318)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.942,37.318) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.942,37.314,-121.941,37.32)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.941,37.32)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.937,37.335,-121.938,37.32)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.938,37.32)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.943,37.315,-121.942,37.318,-121.941,37.32,-121.939,37.324,-121.938,37.32,-121.937,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.942,37.318) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.943,37.315,-121.942,37.318,-121.941,37.32,-121.939,37.324,-121.938,37.32,-121.937,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.941,37.32)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,6,-121.943,37.315,-121.942,37.318,-121.941,37.32,-121.939,37.324,-121.938,37.32,-121.937,37.313)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.938,37.32)  
-I- 680                            |(0,10,-121.914,37.562,-121.915,37.54,-121.916,37.532,-121.916,37.519,-121.917,37.504,-121.918,37.493,-121.92,37.438,-121.92,37.435,-121.923,37.404,-121.924,37.402)                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.92,37.438)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.92,37.438,-121.922,37.424,-121.924,37.408,-121.925,37.392)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.922,37.424) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.923,37.394,-121.923,37.392,-121.925,37.392)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.925,37.392) 
-I- 680                            |(0,10,-121.914,37.562,-121.915,37.54,-121.916,37.532,-121.916,37.519,-121.917,37.504,-121.918,37.493,-121.92,37.438,-121.92,37.435,-121.923,37.404,-121.924,37.402)                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.924,37.402) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.924,37.402,-121.923,37.395,-121.923,37.399)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.923,37.395) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.92,37.438,-121.922,37.424,-121.924,37.408,-121.925,37.392)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.925,37.392) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.923,37.394,-121.923,37.392,-121.925,37.392)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.923,37.392) 
-I- 680                            |(0,10,-121.914,37.562,-121.915,37.54,-121.916,37.532,-121.916,37.519,-121.917,37.504,-121.918,37.493,-121.92,37.438,-121.92,37.435,-121.923,37.404,-121.924,37.402)                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.917,37.504) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.941,37.142,-121.94,37.139,-121.937,37.125)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.94,37.139)  
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.94,37.143,-121.94,37.139)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.94,37.139)  
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.937,37.125) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.937,37.148,-121.937,37.144,-121.937,37.125)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.125) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.941,37.142,-121.94,37.139,-121.937,37.125)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.94,37.139)  
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.939,37.145) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.939,37.145,-121.938,37.147)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.939,37.145) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.939,37.144,-121.939,37.145)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.939,37.145) 
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.939,37.145) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.941,37.142,-121.94,37.139,-121.937,37.125)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.937,37.125) 
-I- 680                            |(1,16,-121.939,37.15,-121.939,37.145,-121.937,37.125,-121.934,37.0764,-121.934,37.0709,-121.934,37.068,-121.933,37.0614,-121.933,37.057,-121.932,37.0511,-121.932,37.0468,-121.93,37.027,-121.927,37,-121.927,37.998,-121.922,37.96,-121.92,37.949,-121.918,37.934)                                                                                                |(-121.937,37.125) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.937,37.148,-121.937,37.144,-121.937,37.125)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.144) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(1,2,-121.937,37.149,-121.937,37.144)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.144) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.937,37.148,-121.937,37.144,-121.937,37.125)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.937,37.144) 
-I- 680                            |(0,2,-121.914,37.562,-121.908,37.609)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.908,37.609) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.908,37.609,-121.904,37.614)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.908,37.609) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.904,37.998,-121.904,37.013,-121.903,37.0174,-121.903,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.904,37.6135)
-I- 680                            |(0,2,-121.914,37.562,-121.908,37.609)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.908,37.609) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.908,37.609,-121.905,37.625)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.908,37.609) 
-I- 680                            |(0,5,-121.887,37.732,-121.885,37.744,-121.882,37.756,-121.876,37.781,-121.871,37.857)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.887,37.732) 
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.882,37.756,-121.884,37.741,-121.887,37.732)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.884,37.741) 
-I- 80                             |(0,2,-122.293,37.284,-122.293,37.28)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.293,37.28)  
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.293,37.28,-122.296,37.273)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.293,37.28)  
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.292,37.279,-122.293,37.281)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.293,37.281) 
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-122.274,37.262,-122.273,37.259,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.2449,-122.268,37.2443,-122.268,37.244)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.269,37.2449)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.269,37.249,-122.269,37.2449)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.269,37.2449)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.268,37.243,-122.269,37.243)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.269,37.243) 
-I- 580                            |(0,7,-122.098,37.908,-122.097,37.904,-122.096,37.903,-122.095,37.903,-122.094,37.902,-122.094,37.903,-122.093,37.9035)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.093,37.9035)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.093,37.9035,-122.094,37.8963,-122.094,37.8921)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-122.094,37.8963)
-I- 580                            |(0,6,-121.921,37.015,-121.919,37.02,-121.918,37.02,-121.909,37.017,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.018)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.011)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.0239,-121.906,37.023)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.906,37.018) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.906,37.018,-121.906,37.0242,-121.906,37.0233,-121.906,37.0211)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |(-121.906,37.0242)
-I- 80                             |(1,5,-122.307,37.902,-122.307,37.896,-122.308,37.8933,-122.308,37.879,-122.308,37.861)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.308,37.8933)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.268,37.264,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.273) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.267,37.2835,-122.267,37.2921)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.267,37.2835)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.292,37.052,-122.29,37.04,-122.289,37.038)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-122.289,37.038) 
-I- 880                            |(0,5,-122.291,37.052,-122.29,37.042,-122.289,37.038,-122.288,37.036,-122.286,37.032)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.289,37.038) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.291,37.064,-122.291,37.061,-122.29,37.05,-122.29,37.044,-122.289,37.038)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |(-122.291,37.061) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.168,37.1144)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.168,37.09,-122.167,37.089,-122.166,37.0897,-122.165,37.09,-122.164,37.092)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.168,37.09)  
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.166,37.0906,-122.165,37.0981)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.166,37.0906)
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.165,37.0981)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.166,37.0906,-122.166,37.0956)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.166,37.0906)
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.164,37.092) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,5,-122.168,37.09,-122.167,37.089,-122.166,37.0897,-122.165,37.09,-122.164,37.092)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.164,37.092) 
-I- 880                            |(0,19,-122.175,37.185,-122.175,37.178,-122.174,37.173,-122.169,37.126,-122.168,37.1159,-122.168,37.1144,-122.167,37.111,-122.165,37.1,-122.165,37.0981,-122.164,37.092,-122.16,37.061,-122.158,37.0528,-122.156,37.0366,-122.153,37.017,-122.148,37.98,-122.141,37.932,-122.139,37.924,-122.139,37.92,-122.138,37.91)                                              |(-122.168,37.1159)
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.165,37.113,-122.163,37.111)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.165,37.113) 
-I- 880                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.165,37.113,-122.165,37.1138,-122.168,37.1159)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |(-122.165,37.1138)
-I- 580                            |(0,22,-121.727,37.074,-121.723,37.093,-121.722,37.0952,-121.721,37.1001,-121.719,37.106,-121.719,37.109,-121.717,37.12,-121.716,37.123,-121.715,37.127,-121.71,37.148,-121.708,37.1568,-121.706,37.166,-121.706,37.168,-121.704,37.174,-121.704,37.172,-121.704,37.172,-121.703,37.175,-121.7,37.181,-121.696,37.191,-121.695,37.192,-121.69,37.204,-121.67,37.185)|(-121.722,37.0952)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.739,37.02,-121.74,37.015)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.739,37.02)  
-I- 580                            |(0,18,-121.77,37.013,-121.769,37.015,-121.758,37.03,-121.756,37.03,-121.755,37.0297,-121.751,37.0281,-121.75,37.0274,-121.749,37.026,-121.745,37.024,-121.744,37.024,-121.741,37.024,-121.74,37.0251,-121.739,37.0272,-121.738,37.028,-121.736,37.0328,-121.736,37.033,-121.736,37.034,-121.733,37.046)                                                            |(-121.738,37.028) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-121.739,37.02,-121.738,37.0251,-121.738,37.0269,-121.738,37.028)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-121.738,37.0251)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.871,37.01,-121.871,37.047)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-121.871,37.0252)
-I- 680                        Ramp|(0,2,-121.87,37.01,-121.871,37.038)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |(-121.87,37.0227) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.288,37.254,-122.289,37.266)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.288,37.254) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,5,-122.288,37.247,-122.29,37.267,-122.291,37.273,-122.292,37.275,-122.294,37.277)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.288,37.247) 
-I- 80                         Ramp|(0,2,-122.288,37.254,-122.288,37.247)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.288,37.247) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.252,-122.268,37.2537,-122.267,37.261)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.268,37.273,-122.268,37.264,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.269,37.247,-122.269,37.249,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 980                            |(0,2,-122.268,37.248,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,3,-122.267,37.248,-122.268,37.25,-122.268,37.252)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |(-122.268,37.252) 
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,2,-122.267,37.261,-122.267,37.263)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.267,37.263) 
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.107,37.8937)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.107,37.8943)
-I- 580                            |(0,14,-122.111,37.023,-122.11,37.02,-122.108,37.0076,-122.108,37.007,-122.107,37.998,-122.106,37.994,-122.105,37.982,-122.105,37.977,-122.103,37.958,-122.103,37.953,-122.101,37.938,-122.099,37.911,-122.098,37.91,-122.098,37.908)                                                                                                                               |(-122.107,37.8846)
-I- 580                        Ramp|(0,4,-122.109,37.003,-122.107,37.993,-122.107,37.992,-122.105,37.982)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |(-122.107,37.8842)
-(885 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT * from toyemp where name='sharon';
-name  |age|location|annualsal
-sharon| 25|(15,12) |    12000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT avg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek;
-    1
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT avg(a) AS avg_49 FROM aggtest WHERE a < 100;
-     0
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT avg(b) AS avg_107_943 FROM aggtest;
-          0
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT avg(gpa) AS avg_3_4 FROM student;
-    3.4
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT sum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek;
-    1500
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT sum(a) AS sum_198 FROM aggtest;
-      0
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT sum(b) AS avg_431_773 FROM aggtest;
-          0
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT sum(gpa) AS avg_6_8 FROM student;
-    6.8
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT max(four) AS max_3 FROM onek;
-    3
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT max(a) AS max_100 FROM aggtest;
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT max(aggtest.b) AS max_324_78 FROM aggtest;
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT max(student.gpa) AS max_3_7 FROM student;
-    3.7
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT count(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek;
-    1000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT newavg(four) AS avg_1 FROM onek;
-    1
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT newsum(four) AS sum_1500 FROM onek;
-    1500
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT newcnt(four) AS cnt_1000 FROM onek;
-    1000
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT * FROM a_star*;
-class| a
-a    | 1
-a    | 2
-a    |  
-b    | 3
-b    | 4
-b    |  
-b    |  
-c    | 5
-c    | 6
-c    |  
-c    |  
-e    |15
-e    |16
-e    |17
-e    |  
-e    |18
-e    |  
-e    |  
-d    | 7
-d    | 8
-d    | 9
-d    |10
-d    |  
-d    |11
-d    |12
-d    |13
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |14
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-f    |19
-f    |20
-f    |21
-f    |22
-f    |  
-f    |24
-f    |25
-f    |26
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |27
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-(50 rows)
-   FROM b_star* x
-   WHERE x.b = 'bumble'::text or x.a < 3;
-b    | |bumble
-(1 row)
-QUERY: SELECT class, a
-   FROM c_star* x
-   WHERE x.c ~ 'hi'::text;
-class| a
-c    | 5
-c    |  
-d    | 7
-d    | 8
-d    |10
-d    |  
-d    |12
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-e    |15
-e    |16
-e    |  
-e    |  
-f    |19
-f    |20
-f    |21
-f    |  
-f    |24
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-(22 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT class, b, c
-   FROM d_star* x
-   WHERE x.a < 100;
-class|b      |c         
-d    |grumble|hi sunita 
-d    |stumble|hi koko   
-d    |rumble |          
-d    |       |hi kristin
-d    |fumble |          
-d    |       |hi avi    
-d    |       |          
-d    |       |          
-(8 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT class, c FROM e_star* x WHERE x.c NOTNULL;
-e    |hi carol   
-e    |hi bob     
-e    |hi michelle
-e    |hi elisa   
-f    |hi claire  
-f    |hi mike    
-f    |hi marcel  
-f    |hi keith   
-f    |hi marc    
-f    |hi allison 
-f    |hi jeff    
-f    |hi carl    
-(12 rows)
-class| a|c|  e|f                                                                                                        
-f    |22| | -7|(         111,         222,         333,         444,         555,         666,         777,         888)
-f    |25| | -9|                                                                                                         
-f    |26| |   |(       11111,       22222,       33333,       44444)                                                    
-f    |  | |-11|( 1.11111e+06, 2.22222e+06, 3.33333e+06, 4.44444e+06)                                                    
-f    |27| |   |                                                                                                         
-f    |  | |-12|                                                                                                         
-f    |  | |   |( 1.11111e+07, 2.22222e+07, 3.33333e+07, 4.44444e+07)                                                    
-f    |  | |   |                                                                                                         
-(8 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT class, aa
-   FROM a_star* x
-a    |  
-b    |  
-b    |  
-c    |  
-c    |  
-e    |  
-e    |  
-e    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-d    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-f    |  
-(24 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT class, foo
-   FROM a_star x
-   WHERE x.foo >= 2;
-a    |  2
-(1 row)
-   from a_star*
-   WHERE aa < 1000;
-a    | 1
-a    | 2
-b    | 3
-b    | 4
-c    | 5
-c    | 6
-e    |15
-e    |16
-e    |17
-e    |18
-d    | 7
-d    | 8
-d    | 9
-d    |10
-d    |11
-d    |12
-d    |13
-d    |14
-f    |19
-f    |20
-f    |21
-f    |22
-f    |24
-f    |25
-f    |26
-f    |27
-(26 rows)
-QUERY: UPDATE f_star SET f = 10;
-QUERY: SELECT * FROM e_star*;
-class|aa|cc         | ee|e
-e    |15|hi carol   | -1| 
-e    |16|hi bob     |   | 
-e    |17|           | -2| 
-e    |  |hi michelle| -3| 
-e    |18|           |   | 
-e    |  |hi elisa   |   | 
-e    |  |           | -4| 
-f    |19|hi claire  | -5| 
-f    |20|hi mike    | -6| 
-f    |21|hi marcel  |   | 
-f    |22|           | -7| 
-f    |  |hi keith   | -8| 
-f    |24|hi marc    |   | 
-f    |25|           | -9| 
-f    |26|           |   | 
-f    |  |hi allison |-10| 
-f    |  |hi jeff    |   | 
-f    |  |           |-11| 
-f    |27|           |   | 
-f    |  |hi carl    |   | 
-f    |  |           |-12| 
-f    |  |           |   | 
-f    |  |           |   | 
-(23 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT class, aa, a FROM a_star*;
-a    | 1| 
-a    | 2| 
-a    |  | 
-b    | 3| 
-b    | 4| 
-b    |  | 
-b    |  | 
-c    | 5| 
-c    | 6| 
-c    |  | 
-c    |  | 
-e    |15| 
-e    |16| 
-e    |17| 
-e    |  | 
-e    |18| 
-e    |  | 
-e    |  | 
-d    | 7| 
-d    | 8| 
-d    | 9| 
-d    |10| 
-d    |  | 
-d    |11| 
-d    |12| 
-d    |13| 
-d    |  | 
-d    |  | 
-d    |  | 
-d    |14| 
-d    |  | 
-d    |  | 
-d    |  | 
-d    |  | 
-f    |19| 
-f    |20| 
-f    |21| 
-f    |22| 
-f    |  | 
-f    |24| 
-f    |25| 
-f    |26| 
-f    |  | 
-f    |  | 
-f    |  | 
-f    |27| 
-f    |  | 
-f    |  | 
-f    |  | 
-f    |  | 
-(50 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person p;
-name |name       
-mike |posthacking
-joe  |basketball 
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person* p;
-name |name       
-mike |posthacking
-joe  |basketball 
-jeff |posthacking
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT DISTINCT hobbies_r.name, hobbies_r.equipment.name FROM hobbies_r;
-name       |name         
-basketball |hightops     
-posthacking|peet's coffee
-skywalking |guts         
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT hobbies_r.name, hobbies_r.equipment.name FROM hobbies_r;
-name       |name         
-posthacking|peet's coffee
-posthacking|peet's coffee
-basketball |hightops     
-basketball |hightops     
-skywalking |guts         
-(7 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name, p.hobbies.equipment.name FROM person p;
-name |name       |name         
-mike |posthacking|advil        
-joe  |basketball |peet's coffee
-sally|basketball |hightops     
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.name, p.hobbies.name, p.hobbies.equipment.name FROM person* p;
-name |name       |name         
-mike |posthacking|advil        
-joe  |basketball |peet's coffee
-sally|basketball |hightops     
-jeff |posthacking|advil        
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person p;
-name    |name |name       
-advil   |mike |posthacking
-hightops|joe  |basketball 
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.name, p.hobbies.name FROM person* p;
-name    |name |name       
-advil   |mike |posthacking
-hightops|joe  |basketball 
-advil   |jeff |posthacking
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.hobbies.name, p.name FROM person p;
-name         |name       |name 
-advil        |posthacking|mike 
-peet's coffee|basketball |joe  
-hightops     |basketball |sally
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT p.hobbies.equipment.name, p.hobbies.name, p.name FROM person* p;
-name         |name       |name 
-advil        |posthacking|mike 
-peet's coffee|basketball |joe  
-hightops     |basketball |sally
-advil        |posthacking|jeff 
-(4 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT user_relns() AS user_relns
-   ORDER BY user_relns;
-(63 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT * FROM arrtest;
-a          |b                    |c            |d                |e            
-{1,2,3,4,5}|{{{0,0}},{{1,2}}}    |{}           |{}               |             
-{11,12,23} |{{{3},{4}},{{4},{5}}}|{"foobar"}   |{{"elt1","elt2"}}|{"3.4","6.7"}
-{}         |{{{3,4},{0,0}}}      |{"foo","bar"}|{{"bar"},{"foo"}}|             
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT arrtest.a[1],
-          arrtest.b[1][1][1],
-          arrtest.c[1],
-          arrtest.d[1][1],
-          arrtest.e[0]
-   FROM arrtest;
- a|b|c     |d   |e
- 1|0|      |    | 
-  |3|foo   |bar | 
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT arrtest.a[1:3],
-          arrtest.b[1:1][1:2][1:2],
-          arrtest.c[1:2],
-          arrtest.d[1:1][1:2]
-   FROM arrtest;
-a         |b              |c            |d                
-{1,2,3}   |               |             |                 
-{11,12,23}|               |             |{{"elt1","elt2"}}
-          |{{{3,4},{0,0}}}|{"foo","bar"}|                 
-(3 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT array_dims(arrtest.b) AS x;
-(3 rows)
-   FROM arrtest
-   WHERE arrtest.a[1] < 5 and
-         arrtest.c = '{"foobar"}'::_char16;
-(0 rows)
-QUERY: SELECT arrtest.a[1:3],
-          arrtest.b[1:1][1:2][1:2],
-          arrtest.c[1:2],
-          arrtest.d[1:1][1:2]
-   FROM arrtest;
-a         |b              |c            |d                
-{1,2,3}   |               |             |                 
-{11,12,23}|               |             |{{"elt1","elt2"}}
-          |{{{3,4},{0,0}}}|{"foo","bar"}|                 
-(3 rows)
-=============== running error queries ... =================
-QUERY: select 1
-select * from nonesuch;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "select"
-QUERY: select nonesuch from pg_database;
-WARN:attribute "nonesuch" not found
-QUERY: select * from pg_database where nonesuch = pg_database.datname;
-WARN:attribute "nonesuch" not found
-QUERY: select * from pg_database where pg_database.datname = nonesuch;
-WARN:attribute "nonesuch" not found
-QUERY: select distinct on foobar from pg_database;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "from"
-QUERY: select distinct on foobar * from pg_database;
-WARN:The field specified in the UNIQUE ON clause is not in the targetlist
-QUERY: delete from;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: delete from nonesuch;
-WARN:nonesuch: Either no such class or insufficient privilege
-QUERY: drop table;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: drop table nonesuch;
-WARN:Relation nonesuch Does Not Exist!
-QUERY: alter table rename;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "rename"
-QUERY: alter table nonesuch rename to newnonesuch;
-WARN:renamerel: relation "nonesuch" does not exist
-QUERY: alter table nonesuch rename to stud_emp;
-WARN:renamerel: relation "nonesuch" does not exist
-QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to pg_stud_emp;
-WARN:renamerel: Illegal class name: "pg_stud_emp" -- pg_ is reserved for system catalogs
-QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to aggtest;
-WARN:renamerel: relation "aggtest" exists
-QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to stud_emp;
-WARN:renamerel: relation "stud_emp" exists
-QUERY: alter table nonesuchrel rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt;
-WARN:renameatt: relation "nonesuchrel" nonexistent
-QUERY: alter table emp rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt;
-WARN:renameatt: attribute "nonesuchatt" nonexistent
-QUERY: alter table emp rename column salary to manager;
-WARN:renameatt: attribute "manager" exists
-QUERY: alter table emp rename column salary to oid;
-WARN:renameatt: attribute "oid" exists
-QUERY: abort;
-NOTICE:UserAbortTransactionBlock and not inprogress state
-QUERY: end;
-NOTICE:EndTransactionBlock and not inprogress/abort state 
-QUERY: create aggregate newavg1 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype1 = int4,
-                         sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         stype2 = int4,
-                         initcond1 = '0',
-                         initcond2 = '0');
-WARN:AggregateCreate: Aggregate must have final function with both transition functions
-QUERY: create aggregate newavg2 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype1 = int4,
-                         sfunc2 = int2inc,
-                         stype2 = int2,
-                         finalfunc = int4div,
-                         initcond1 = '0',
-                         initcond2 = '0');
-WARN:AggregateCreate: 'int4div'('int4','int2') does not exist
-QUERY: create aggregate newavg3 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype1 = int4,
-                         sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         stype2 = int4,
-                         finalfunc = int2div,
-                         initcond1 = '0',
-                         initcond2 = '0');
-WARN:AggregateCreate: 'int2div'('int4','int4') does not exist
-QUERY: create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         stype2 = int4,
-                       initcond2 = '0');
-WARN:Define: "basetype" unspecified
-QUERY: create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc,
-                         basetype = int4,
-                         stype2 = int4);
-WARN:AggregateCreate: transition function 2 MUST have an initial value
-QUERY: drop index;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: drop index 314159;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159"
-QUERY: drop index nonesuch;
-WARN:index "nonesuch" nonexistent
-QUERY: drop aggregate;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: drop aggregate 314159;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159"
-QUERY: drop aggregate nonesuch;
-WARN:RemoveAggregate: aggregate 'nonesuch' does not exist
-QUERY: drop function ();
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "("
-QUERY: drop function 314159();
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159"
-QUERY: drop function nonesuch();
-WARN:RemoveFunction: function nonesuch() does not exist
-QUERY: drop type;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: drop type 314159;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159"
-QUERY: drop type nonesuch;
-WARN:RemoveType: type 'nonesuch' does not exist
-QUERY: drop operator;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: drop operator equals;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "equals"
-QUERY: drop operator ===;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: drop operator int4, int4;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "int4"
-QUERY: drop operator (int4, int4);
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "("
-QUERY: drop operator === ();
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ")"
-QUERY: drop operator === (int4);
-WARN:parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)
-QUERY: drop operator === (int4, int4);
-WARN:RemoveOperator: binary operator '===' taking 'int4' and 'int4' does not exist
-QUERY: drop operator = (nonesuch);
-WARN:parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)
-QUERY: drop operator = ( , int4);
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ","
-QUERY: drop operator = (nonesuch, int4);
-WARN:RemoveOperator: type 'nonesuch' does not exist
-QUERY: drop operator = (int4, nonesuch);
-WARN:RemoveOperator: type 'nonesuch' does not exist
-QUERY: drop operator = (int4, );
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ")"
-QUERY: drop rule;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near ";"
-QUERY: drop rule 314159;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "314159"
-QUERY: drop rule nonesuch;
-WARN:RewriteGetRuleEventRel: rule "nonesuch" not found
-QUERY: drop tuple rule nonesuch;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "tuple"
-QUERY: drop instance rule nonesuch;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "instance"
-QUERY: drop rewrite rule nonesuch;
-WARN:parser: syntax error at or near "rewrite"
-=============== clearing regression database... =================
-QUERY: UPDATE pg_user
-   SET usesuper = 't'::bool
-   WHERE usename = '_USER_';
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION hobbies(person);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION hobby_construct(text,text);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION equipment(hobbies_r);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION user_relns();
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION circle_in(opaque);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION circle_out(opaque);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION pt_in_circle(point,circle);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION overpaid(emp);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION boxarea(box);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION interpt_pp(path,path);
-QUERY: DROP FUNCTION reverse_c16(char16);
-QUERY: DROP OPERATOR ## (path, path);
-QUERY: DROP OPERATOR <% (point, circle);
-QUERY: DROP OPERATOR @#@ (none, int4);
-QUERY: DROP OPERATOR #@# (int4, none);
-QUERY: DROP OPERATOR #%# (int4, none);
-QUERY: DROP TYPE city_budget;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_unique1;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_unique2;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_hundred;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX onek_stringu1;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk1_unique1;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk1_unique2;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk1_hundred;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk2_unique1;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk2_unique2;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX tenk2_hundred;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX rect2ind;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_i4_index;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_c16_index;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_txt_index;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX hash_f8_index;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_i4_index;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_c16_index;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_txt_index;
-QUERY: DROP INDEX bt_f8_index;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  hobbies_r;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  equipment_r;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  aggtest;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  xacttest;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  arrtest;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  iportaltest;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  stud_emp;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  student;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  slow_emp4000;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  fast_emp4000;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  real_city;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  ihighway;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  shighway;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  hash_i4_heap;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  hash_c16_heap;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  hash_txt_heap;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  hash_f8_heap;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  bt_i4_heap;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  bt_c16_heap;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  bt_txt_heap;
-QUERY: DROP TABLE  bt_f8_heap;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/security.source b/src/test/regress/security.source
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8164574..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
--- test this file separately. Be careful the second update statement turns off
--- super user permission for _USER_.
-UPDATE pg_class
-   SET relacl='{}'
-   WHERE relname !~ 'pg_*'::text;
-UPDATE pg_user
-   SET usesuper='f'::bool
-   WHERE usename = '_USER_';
-CREATE TABLE myclass0 (a int4);
--- these should all succeed 
-INSERT INTO myclass0 (a) VALUES (5);
-SELECT a FROM myclass0;
-UPDATE myclass0 SET a=6;
-INSERT INTO myclass0 (a) VALUES (10);
-INSERT INTO myclass0 (a) VALUES (20);
-UPDATE myclass0 SET a=10 WHERE myclass0.a < 10;
-UPDATE myclass0 SET a=myclass0.a+1;
-DELETE FROM myclass0 WHERE myclass0.a > 15;
-CHANGE ACL _USER_-arR myclass0;
--- succeeds 
-UPDATE myclass0 SET a=1;
--- succeeds (we still have write permission) 
-INSERT INTO myclass0 (a) VALUES (100);
--- fails 
-select a from myclass0;
--- fails due to read in qualification 
-update myclass0 set a = 10 where myclass0.a < 15;
--- fails due to read in target list 
-update myclass0 set a = myclass0.a + 1;
--- fails due to read in qualification 
-delete from myclass0 where myclass0.a >= 100;
--- fails 
-create rule foo as on retrieve to myclass0 do instead nothing;