+++ /dev/null
-What is Python? Executive Summary
-Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming
-language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data
-structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it
-very attractive for rapid application development, as well as for use
-as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components
-together. Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes
-readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance.
-Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program
-modularity and code reuse. The Python interpreter and the extensive
-standard library are available in source or binary form without charge
-for all major platforms, and can be freely distributed.
-Often, programmers fall in love with Python because of the increased
-productivity it provides. Since there is no compilation step, the
-edit-test-debug cycle is incredibly fast. Debugging Python programs is
-easy: a bug or bad input will never cause a segmentation fault.
-Instead, when the interpreter discovers an error, it raises an
-exception. When the program doesn't catch the exception, the
-interpreter prints a stack trace. A source level debugger allows
-inspection of local and global variables, evaluation of arbitrary
-expressions, setting breakpoints, stepping through the code a line at
-a time, and so on. The debugger is written in Python itself,
-testifying to Python's introspective power. On the other hand, often
-the quickest way to debug a program is to add a few print statements
-to the source: the fast edit-test-debug cycle makes this simple
-approach very effective.
+++ /dev/null
-Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl,comp.lang.tcl
-From: lutz@xvt.com (Mark Lutz)
-Subject: Python (was Re: Has anyone done a tk addition to perl?)
-Organization: XVT Software Inc.
-Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1993 17:10:37 GMT
-X-Disclaimer: The views expressed in this message are those of an
- individual at XVT Software Inc., and do not necessarily
- reflect those of the company.
-I've gotten a number of requests for information about Python,
-since my post here earlier this week. Since this appears to be
-of general interest, and since there's no python news group yet,
-I'm posting a description here. I'm not the best authority on
-the language, but here's my take on it.
-[TCL/Perl zealots: this is informational only; I'm not trying to
-'convert' anybody, and don't have time for a language war :-)
-There is a paper comparing TCL/Perl/Python/Emacs-Lisp, which is
-referenced in the comp.lang.misc faq, I beleive.]
-What is Python?...
-Python is a relatively new very-high-level language developed
-in Amsterdam. Python is a simple, procedural language, with
-features taken from ABC, Icon, Modula-3, and C/C++.
-It's central goal is to provide the best of both worlds:
-the dynamic nature of scripting languages like Perl/TCL/REXX,
-but also support for general programming found in the more
-traditional languages like Icon, C, Modula,...
-As such, it can function as a scripting/extension language,
-as a rapid prototyping language, and as a serious software
-development language. Python is suitable for fast development
-of large programs, but also does well at throw-away shell coding.
-Python resembles other scripting languages a number of ways:
- - dynamic, interpretive, interactive nature
- - no explicit compile or link steps needed
- - no type declarations (it's dynamically typed)
- - high-level operators ('in', concatenation, etc)
- - automatic memory allocation/deallocation (no 'pointers')
- - high level objects: lists, tuples, strings, associative arrays
- - programs can construct and execute program code using strings
- - very fast edit/compile/run cycle; no static linking
- - well-defined interface to and from C functions and data
- - well-defined ways to add C modules to the system and language
-Python's features that make it useful for serious programming:
- - it's object-oriented; it has a simplified subset of
- C++'s 'class' facility, made more useful by python's
- dynamic typing; the language is object-oriented from
- the ground up (rather than being an add-on, as in C++)
- - it supports modules (imported packages, as in Modula-3);
- modules replace C's 'include' files and linking, and allow
- for multiple-module systems, code sharing, etc.;
- - it has a good exception handling system (a 'try' statement,
- and a 'raise' statement, with user-defined exceptions);
- - it's orthogonal; everything is a first-class object in the
- language (functions, modules, classes, class instance methods...)
- and can be assigned/passed and used generically;
- - it's fairly run-time secure; it does many run-time checks
- like index-out-of-bounds, etc., that C usually doesn't;
- - it has general data structuring support; Python lists are
- heterogeneous, variable length, nestable, support slicing,
- concatenation, etc., and come into existance and are reclaimed
- automatically; strings and dictionaries are similarly general;
- - it's got a symbolic debugger and profiler (written in python,
- of course..), and an interactive command-line interface;
- as in Lisp, you can enter code and test functions in isolation,
- from the interactive command line (even linked C functions);
- - it has a large library of built-in modules; it has support
- for sockets, regular expressions, posix bindings, etc.
- - it supports dynamic loading of C modules on many platforms;
- - it has a _readable_ syntax; python code looks like normal
- programming languages; tcl and perl can be very unreadable
- (IMHO; what was that joke about Perl looking the same after
- rot13..); python's syntax is simple, and statement based;
-Of course, Python isn't perfect, but it's a good compromise betweem
-scripting languages and traditional ones, and so is widely applicable.
-'Perfect' languages aren't always useful for real-world tasks (Prolog,
-for example), and languages at either extreme are not useful in the other
-domain (C is poor for shell coding and prototyping, and awk is useless
-for large systems design; Python does both well).
-For example, I've used Python successfully for a 4K line expert system
-shell project; it would have been at least twice as large in C, and would
-have been very difficult in TCL or Perl.
-Python uses an indentation-based syntax which may seem unusual at first
-to C coders, but after using it I have found it to be _very_ handy, since
-there's less to type. [I now forget to type '}' in my C code, and am
-busy calculating how much time I wasted typing all those '}', 'END', etc.,
-just to pander to 'brain-dead' C/Pascal compilers :-)].
-Python's currently at release 0.9.9. It seems suprisingly stable.
-The first 'official' 1.0 release is due out by the end of this year.
-Python runs on most popular machines/systems (mac, dos, unix, etc.)
-It's public domain and distributable, and can be had via ftp. The
-distribution includes examples, tutorials, and documentation. The
-latest ftp address I have (I got it on a cd-rom):
- pub/python/* at ftp.cwi.nl
- pub/? at wuarchive.wustl.edu (in america)
-There's a python mailing list maintained by the language's creator.
-Mail 'python-list-request@cwi.nl' to get on it.
-Mark Lutz
+++ /dev/null
-Announcing Python
-Python, a mature, powerful and stable programming language used by
-tens of thousands of programmers worldwide, has arrived in full force
-at the heart of Windows 95 and Windows NT. Toting the powerful
-toolbox which has made it such a sucess on almost every modern
-operating system, Python for Windows has embraced the metaphors and
-resources of its new home and turned them into powerful tools within
-the Python language.
-Python's wrapper-around-a-tool metaphor allows it to provide a
-well-formed handle for manipulating the technologies which MicroSoft
-provides to the programmer. These tools include:
-- Office automation and customisation through ActiveX and COM Scripting
-- Networking services
-- Remote access services
-- Performance monitoring
-- Registry maintenance
-- Database interaction through both ODBC and native database drivers
-In addition, Python provides access to the standard
-application-building libraries, the MicroSoft Foundation Classes.
-Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive, object-oriented
-programming language. It provides the modern features programmer's
-expect or desire, modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, high-level
-dynamic data types, and classes. It combines remarkable power with
-clear syntax, and easy extension.
-It is easy to extend Python by adding new, compiled tools to the
-language. The compiling of extensions into the language toolbox
-mitigates the overhead of interpretation, while the ability to mix
-compiled and interpretted code promotes rapid application
-development. In addition, it is possible to embed Python itself as a
-tool in your applications, an easily understood and readily learned
-extension language.
-(Should be some sort of bridge between the ideas of extending and the
-ideas of already-available tools, but I have to start work soon...)
-Python's extensive, portable toolbox, available on Windows, most
-Unixes, MacOS, DOS, and OS/2 includes a host of powerful tools which
-are now easily available to Windows programmers. These include:
-- TCP/IP socket support
-- CGI Forms Processing for the World-wide web
-- Clients and servers for (among others) the HTTP and FTP protocols
-- Powerful text manipulation facilities
-- Powerful (optional) numeric and image manipulation facilities
-One of the most exciting of Python for Windows' new tools is
-COM/ActiveX support. This tool allows Python to act as both server
-and client to any COM-capable application or language, a group that
-includes MSOffice, CorelDraw, MS Active Server Pages, Netscape
-Communicator, MS Internet Explorer, Delphi, Visual Basic and Visual
-Client support allows Python to drive these applications (or
-applications written in these languages), automating tasks, importing
-or exporting data, customising environments and processing
-information. Server support allows Python to be driven in a similar
-manner, to provide access to its tools to any application capable of
-calling a COM object.
-> Python's dynamism, flexibility, object oriented features, and
-> ease of use make it a powerful and useful alternative to Java,
-> Visual Basic, and compiled languages such as Delphi or C++.
-> Simply put Python offers the simplest and most powerful way
-> to solve many important programming and system administration
-> tasks in the ActiveX/COM environment."
-It is, however, Python which is the star of Python for Windows.
-Over seven years old, Python has long been a favourite of Web
-Masters, Python is a clear, easily learned and understood language
-with features that lend themselves to developing rapid, robust,
-dynamic solutions. It is being used to solve problems in many large
-organisations, notably including ... (insert notes here). It is
-enthusiastically supported through public newsgroups and mailing
-lists frequented by a large number of Python enthusiasts. Python
-arguably provides the best support of any free language available.
+++ /dev/null
-Newsgroups: comp.lang.misc,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.perl,comp.lang.tcl
-Followup-to: comp.lang.misc
-Subject: Python 1.0.0 is out!
---> Tired of decyphering the Perl code you wrote last week?
---> Frustrated with Bourne shell syntax?
---> Spent too much time staring at core dumps lately?
-Maybe you should try Python, the next generation object-oriented
-scripting and prototyping language, with a *readable* syntax. Python
-has been used by hundreds of happy users all over the world during the
-past three years, and is now ready for prime time.
-Python is an interpreted language, and has the usual advantages of
-such languages, such as run-time checks (e.g. bounds checking),
-execution of dynamically generated code, automatic memory allocation,
-high level operations on strings, lists and dictionaries (associative
-arrays), and a fast edit-compile-run cycle. Additionally, it features
-modules, classes, exceptions, and dynamic linking of extensions
-written in C or C++. It has arbitrary precision integers.
-Python can be run interactively, and there is an extensive Emacs
-editing mode which includes the capability to execute regions of code.
-For the truly desperate there is a source level debugger (written in
-Python, of course :-).
-Python comes with a large library of standard modules and classes, as
-well as an extensive set of demo programs. It has interfaces to most
-Unix system calls and library functions, and there exist extensions
-that interface to window systems and graphics libraries like X and
-SGI's GL.
-Python's source (in C) and documentation (in LaTeX and PostScript) are
-freely available on the Internet. It builds without intervention on
-most Unix platforms: error-free builds have been confirmed for SGI
-IRIX 4 and 5, Sun SunOS 4 and Solaris 2, HP-UX, DEC Ultrix and OSF/1,
-IBM AIX, and SCO ODT 3.0. A Macintosh binary is also available -- a
-DOS binary is in the works.
-If you have a WWW viewer (e.g. Mosaic), you can see all Python
-documentation on-line: point your viewer at the URL
-The source and documentation are available by anonymous ftp from the
-following sites -- please pick the one closest to you:
-Site IP address Directory
-ftp.cwi.nl /pub/python
-gatekeeper.dec.com /pub/plan/python/cwi
-ftp.uu.net /languages/python
-ftp.fu-berlin.de /pub/unix/languages/python
-The file is called python1.0.0.tar.Z (some mirror sites convert it to
-a .gz file or split it up in separate parts). See the INDEX file for
-other goodies: FAQ, NEWS, PostScript, Emacs info, Mac binary, etc.
-(Please don't ask me to mail it to you -- at 1.76 Megabytes it is
-unwieldy at least...)
-There's a mailing list; write to <python-list@cwi.nl> to subscribe (no
-LISTSERV commands please). A FAQ list is regularly posted to
-comp.lang.misc. A newsgroup may be created in the near future.
-[Excuse the hype -- Python really is a neat language, if I may say so.
-Please direct all followups to comp.lang.misc only.]
---Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <Guido.van.Rossum@cwi.nl>
-URL: <http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Guido.van.Rossum.html>
+++ /dev/null
-Comparing Python to Other Languages
-These comparisons are a personal view. Comments are requested.
---Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org>
-Python is often compared to other interpreted languages such as Java,
-JavaScript, Perl, Tcl, or Smalltalk. Comparisons to C++, Common Lisp
-and Scheme can also be enlightening. In this section I will briefly
-compare Python to each of these languages. These comparisons
-concentrate on language issues only. In practice, the choice of a
-programming language is often dictated by other real-world constraints
-such as cost, availability, training, and prior investment, or even
-emotional attachment. Since these aspects are highly variable, it
-seems a waste of time to consider them much for this publication.
-Python programs are generally expected to run slower than Java
-programs, but they also take much less time to develop. Python
-programs are typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java
-programs. This difference can be attributed to Python's built-in
-high-level data types and its dynamic typing. For example, a Python
-programmer wastes no time declaring the types of arguments or
-variables, and Python's powerful polymorphic list and dictionary
-types, for which rich syntactic support is built straight into the
-language, find a use in almost every Python program. Because of the
-run-time typing, Python's run time must work harder than Java's. For
-example, when evaluating the expression a+b, it must first inspect the
-objects a and b to find out their type, which is not known at compile
-time. It then invokes the appropriate addition operation, which may be
-an overloaded user-defined method. Java, on the other hand, can
-perform an efficient integer or floating point addition, but requires
-variable declarations for a and b, and does not allow overloading of
-the + operator for instances of user-defined classes.
-For these reasons, Python is much better suited as a "glue" language,
-while Java is better characterized as a low-level implementation
-language. In fact, the two together make an excellent
-combination. Components can be developed in Java and combined to form
-applications in Python; Python can also be used to prototype
-components until their design can be "hardened" in a Java
-implementation. To support this type of development, a Python
-implementation written in Java is under development, which allows
-calling Python code from Java and vice versa. In this implementation,
-Python source code is translated to Java bytecode (with help from a
-run-time library to support Python's dynamic semantics).
-Python's "object-based" subset is roughly equivalent to
-JavaScript. Like JavaScript (and unlike Java), Python supports a
-programming style that uses simple functions and variables without
-engaging in class definitions. However, for JavaScript, that's all
-there is. Python, on the other hand, supports writing much larger
-programs and better code reuse through a true object-oriented
-programming style, where classes and inheritance play an important
-Python and Perl come from a similar background (Unix scripting, which
-both have long outgrown), and sport many similar features, but have a
-different philosophy. Perl emphasizes support for common
-application-oriented tasks, e.g. by having built-in regular
-expressions, file scanning and report generating features. Python
-emphasizes support for common programming methodologies such as data
-structure design and object-oriented programming, and encourages
-programmers to write readable (and thus maintainable) code by
-providing an elegant but not overly cryptic notation. As a
-consequence, Python comes close to Perl but rarely beats it in its
-original application domain; however Python has an applicability well
-beyond Perl's niche.
-Like Python, Tcl is usable as an application extension language, as
-well as a stand-alone programming language. However, Tcl, which
-traditionally stores all data as strings, is weak on data structures,
-and executes typical code much slower than Python. Tcl also lacks
-features needed for writing large programs, such as modular
-namespaces. Thus, while a "typical" large application using Tcl
-usually contains Tcl extensions written in C or C++ that are specific
-to that application, an equivalent Python application can often be
-written in "pure Python". Of course, pure Python development is much
-quicker than having to write and debug a C or C++ component. It has
-been said that Tcl's one redeeming quality is the Tk toolkit. Python
-has adopted an interface to Tk as its standard GUI component library.
-Perhaps the biggest difference between Python and Smalltalk is
-Python's more "mainstream" syntax, which gives it a leg up on
-programmer training. Like Smalltalk, Python has dynamic typing and
-binding, and everything in Python is an object. However, Python
-distinguishes built-in object types from user-defined classes, and
-currently doesn't allow inheritance from built-in types. Smalltalk's
-standard library of collection data types is more refined, while
-Python's library has more facilities for dealing with Internet and WWW
-realities such as email, HTML and FTP. Python has a different
-philosophy regarding the development environment and distribution of
-code. Where Smalltalk traditionally has a monolithic "system image"
-which comprises both the environment and the user's program, Python
-stores both standard modules and user modules in individual files
-which can easily be rearranged or distributed outside the system. One
-consequence is that there is more than one option for attaching a
-Graphical User Interface (GUI) to a Python program, since the GUI is
-not built into the system.
-Almost everything said for Java also applies for C++, just more so:
-where Python code is typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java
-code, it is often 5-10 times shorter than equivalent C++ code!
-Anecdotal evidence suggests that one Python programmer can finish in
-two months what two C++ programmers can't complete in a year. Python
-shines as a glue language, used to combine components written in C++.
-Common Lisp and Scheme
-These languages are close to Python in their dynamic semantics, but so
-different in their approach to syntax that a comparison becomes almost
-a religious argument: is Lisp's lack of syntax an advantage or a
-disadvantage? It should be noted that Python has introspective
-capabilities similar to those of Lisp, and Python programs can
-construct and execute program fragments on the fly. Usually,
-real-world properties are decisive: Common Lisp is big (in every
-sense), and the Scheme world is fragmented between many incompatible
-versions, where Python has a single, free, compact implementation.
+++ /dev/null
-Subject: Problems trying to use readline or editline ...
-From: Skip Montanaro <skip@dolphin.automatrix.com>
-To: python-list@cwi.nl
-Date: 19 Nov 1995 14:19:56 GMT
-X-Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
-X-Organization: Automatrix, Inc.
-I'm having some trouble with either of the line editing libraries available
-to me. If I build Python with libreadline, I get "staircases" in my
-interpreter output:
- >>> s = 1
- >>> a = 3
- >>> etc.
-So I figured I'd give Rich Salz's editline a try. It seems to be missing a
-couple readline functions. When I link I get:
- myreadline.o: Undefined symbol _rl_insert referenced from text segment
- myreadline.o: Undefined symbol _rl_bind_key referenced from text segment
-I'm running on BSD/OS 2.0 with GCC 2.6.3 as the compiler. My configure line
- ./configure --with-readline=/home/dolphin/skip/src/editline \
- --with-dl-dld=/home/dolphin/skip/src/dl-dld,/home/dolphin/skip/src/dld
-For editline I tried several things before arriving at something that does
-work ... sort of. First I commented out the tab key binding in Python's
-Parser/myreadline.c then had to fiddle with editline.c to get tabs to
-insert. The diffs below seem to work, but have no notion of tab stops (I
-like 4-char tab stops).
-I'd be grateful if anybody had a solution to the readline staircases or a
-better solution for making editline work.
-*** editline.c~ Tue Nov 15 08:53:01 1994
---- editline.c Sun Nov 19 09:15:16 1995
-*** 142,145 ****
---- 142,148 ----
- TTYput('?');
- }
-+ else if (c == '\t') {
-+ TTYput('\t');
-+ }
- else if (ISCTL(c)) {
- TTYput('^');
-*** 1326,1329 ****
---- 1329,1338 ----
- }
-+ tab()
-+ {
-+ return insert_char('\t');
-+ }
- STATIC KEYMAP Map[33] = {
- { CTL('@'), ring_bell },
-*** 1335,1339 ****
- { CTL('G'), ring_bell },
- { CTL('H'), bk_del_char },
-! { CTL('I'), c_complete },
- { CTL('J'), accept_line },
- { CTL('K'), kill_line },
---- 1344,1348 ----
- { CTL('G'), ring_bell },
- { CTL('H'), bk_del_char },
-! { CTL('I'), tab },
- { CTL('J'), accept_line },
- { CTL('K'), kill_line },
-Skip Montanaro skip@automatrix.com (518)372-5583
-Musi-Cal: http://www.calendar.com/concerts/ or mailto:concerts@calendar.com
-Internet Conference Calendar: http://www.calendar.com/conferences/
- >>> ZLDF: http://www.netresponse.com/zldf <<<
+++ /dev/null
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# A somewhat-generalized FAQ-to-HTML converter (by Ka-Ping Yee, 10 Sept 96)
-# Reads a text file given on standard input or named as first argument, and
-# generates HTML 2.0 on standard output. Recognizes these constructions:
-# HTML element pattern at the beginning of a line
-# section heading (<number><period>)+<space>
-# numbered list element <1-2 spaces>(<number><period>)+<space>
-# unnumbered list element <0-2 spaces><hyphen or asterisk><space>
-# preformatted section <more than two spaces>
-# Heading level is determined by the number of (<number><period>) segments.
-# Blank lines force a separation of elements; if none of the above four
-# types is indicated, a new paragraph begins. A line beginning with many
-# spaces is interpreted as a continuation (instead of preformatted) after
-# a list element. Headings are anchored; paragraphs starting with "Q." are
-# emphasized, and those marked with "A." get their first sentence emphasized.
-# Hyperlinks are created from references to:
-# URLs, explicitly marked using <URL:scheme://host...>
-# other questions, of the form "question <number>(<period><number>)*"
-# sections, of the form "section <number>".
-import sys, string, regex, regsub, regex_syntax
-# --------------------------------------------------------- regular expressions
-orditemprog = regex.compile(' ?([1-9][0-9]*\.)+ +')
-itemprog = regex.compile(' ? ?[-*] +')
-headingprog = regex.compile('([1-9][0-9]*\.)+ +')
-prefmtprog = regex.compile(' ')
-blankprog = regex.compile('^[ \t\r\n]$')
-questionprog = regex.compile(' *Q\. +')
-answerprog = regex.compile(' *A\. +')
-sentprog = regex.compile('(([^.:;?!(]|[.:;?!][^ \t\r\n])+[.:;?!]?)')
-mailhdrprog = regex.compile('^(Subject|Newsgroups|Followup-To|From|Reply-To'
- '|Approved|Archive-Name|Version|Last-Modified): +', regex.casefold)
-urlprog = regex.compile('<URL:([^&]+)>')
-addrprog = regex.compile('<([^>@:]+@[^&@:]+)>')
-qrefprog = regex.compile('question +([1-9](\.[0-9]+)*)')
-srefprog = regex.compile('section +([1-9][0-9]*)')
-entityprog = regex.compile('[&<>]')
-# ------------------------------------------------------------ global variables
-body = []
-ollev = ullev = 0
-element = content = secnum = version = ''
-# ----------------------------------------------------- for making nested lists
-def dnol():
- global body, ollev
- ollev = ollev + 1
- if body[-1] == '</li>': del body[-1]
- body.append('<ol>')
-def upol():
- global body, ollev
- ollev = ollev - 1
- body.append(ollev and '</ol></li>' or '</ol>')
-# --------------------------------- output one element and convert its contents
-def spew(clearol=0, clearul=0):
- global content, body, ollev, ullev
- if content:
- if entityprog.search(content) > -1:
- content = regsub.gsub('&', '&', content)
- content = regsub.gsub('<', '<', content)
- content = regsub.gsub('>', '>', content)
- n = questionprog.match(content)
- if n > 0:
- content = '<em>' + content[n:] + '</em>'
- if ollev: # question reference in index
- fragid = regsub.gsub('^ +|\.? +$', '', secnum)
- content = '<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (fragid, content)
- if element[0] == 'h': # heading in the main text
- fragid = regsub.gsub('^ +|\.? +$', '', secnum)
- content = secnum + '<a name="%s">%s</a>' % (fragid, content)
- n = answerprog.match(content)
- if n > 0: # answer paragraph
- content = regsub.sub(sentprog, '<strong>\\1</strong>', content[n:])
- body.append('<' + element + '>' + content)
- body.append('</' + element + '>')
- content = ''
- while clearol and ollev: upol()
- if clearul and ullev: body.append('</ul>'); ullev = 0
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------- main program
-faq = len(sys.argv)>1 and sys.argv[1] and open(sys.argv[1]) or sys.stdin
-lines = faq.readlines()
-for line in lines:
- if line[2:9] == '=======': # <hr> will appear *before*
- body.append('<hr>') # the underlined heading
- continue
- n = orditemprog.match(line)
- if n > 0: # make ordered list item
- spew(0, 'clear ul')
- secnum = line[:n]
- level = string.count(secnum, '.')
- while level > ollev: dnol()
- while level < ollev: upol()
- element, content = 'li', line[n:]
- continue
- n = itemprog.match(line)
- if n > 0: # make unordered list item
- spew('clear ol', 0)
- if ullev == 0: body.append('<ul>'); ullev = 1
- element, content = 'li', line[n:]
- continue
- n = headingprog.match(line)
- if n > 0: # make heading element
- spew('clear ol', 'clear ul')
- secnum = line[:n]
- sys.stderr.write(line)
- element, content = 'h%d' % string.count(secnum, '.'), line[n:]
- continue
- n = 0
- if not secnum: # haven't hit body yet
- n = mailhdrprog.match(line)
- v = version and -1 or regex.match('Version: ', line)
- if v > 0 and not version: version = line[v:]
- if n <= 0 and element != 'li': # not pre if after a list item
- n = prefmtprog.match(line)
- if n > 0: # make preformatted element
- if element == 'pre':
- content = content + line
- else:
- spew('clear ol', 'clear ul')
- element, content = 'pre', line
- continue
- if blankprog.match(line) > 0: # force a new element
- spew()
- element = ''
- elif element: # continue current element
- content = content + line
- else: # no element; make paragraph
- spew('clear ol', 'clear ul')
- element, content = 'p', line
-spew() # output last element
-body = string.joinfields(body, '')
-body = regsub.gsub(urlprog, '<a href="\\1">\\1</a>', body)
-body = regsub.gsub(addrprog, '<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>', body)
-body = regsub.gsub(qrefprog, '<a href="#\\1">question \\1</a>', body)
-body = regsub.gsub(srefprog, '<a href="#\\1">section \\1</a>', body)
-print '<!doctype html public "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"><html>'
-print '<head><title>Python Frequently-Asked Questions v' + version
-print "</title></head><body>(This file was generated using Ping's"
-print '<a href="faq2html.py">faq2html.py</a>.)'
-print body + '</body></html>'
+++ /dev/null
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*tp_dealloc\*/\)$|\1(destructor)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*tp_print\*/\)$|\1(printfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*tp_getattr\*/\)$|\1(getattrfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*tp_setattr\*/\)$|\1(setattrfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*tp_compare\*/\)$|\1(cmpfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*tp_repr\*/\)$|\1(reprfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*tp_hash\*/\)$|\1(hashfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*sq_length\*/\)$|\1(inquiry)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*sq_concat\*/\)$|\1(binaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*sq_repeat\*/\)$|\1(intargfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*sq_item\*/\)$|\1(intargfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*sq_slice\*/\)$|\1(intintargfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*sq_ass_item\*/\)$|\1(intobjargproc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*sq_ass_slice\*/\)$|\1(intintobjargproc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*mp_length\*/\)$|\1(inquiry)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*mp_subscript\*/\)$|\1(binaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*mp_ass_subscript\*/\)$|\1(objobjargproc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_nonzero*\*/\)$|\1(inquiry)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_coerce*\*/\)$|\1(coercion)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_negative*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_positive*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_absolute*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_invert*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_int*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_long*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_float*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_oct*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_hex*\*/\)$|\1(unaryfunc)\2 \3|
-s|^\([ ]*\)\([a-z_]*,\)[ ]*\(/\*nb_[a-z]*\*/\)$|\1(binaryfunc)\2 \3|
-for file
- sed -e "$prog" $file >$file.new || break
- if cmp -s $file $file.new
- then
- echo $file unchanged; rm $file.new
- else
- echo $file UPDATED
- mv $file $file~
- mv $file.new $file
- fi
+++ /dev/null
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Renumber the Python FAQ
-import string
-import regex
-import sys
-import os
-FAQ = 'FAQ'
-chapterprog = regex.compile('^\([1-9][0-9]*\)\. ')
-questionprog = regex.compile('^\([1-9][0-9]*\)\.\([1-9][0-9]*\)\. ')
-newquestionprog = regex.compile('^Q\. ')
-blankprog = regex.compile('^[ \t]*$')
-indentedorblankprog = regex.compile('^\([ \t]+\|[ \t]*$\)')
-def main():
- print 'Reading lines...'
- lines = open(FAQ, 'r').readlines()
- print 'Renumbering in memory...'
- oldlines = lines[:]
- after_blank = 1
- chapter = 0
- question = 0
- chapters = ['\n']
- questions = []
- for i in range(len(lines)):
- line = lines[i]
- if after_blank:
- n = chapterprog.match(line)
- if n >= 0:
- chapter = chapter + 1
- question = 0
- line = `chapter` + '. ' + line[n:]
- lines[i] = line
- chapters.append(' ' + line)
- questions.append('\n')
- questions.append(' ' + line)
- afterblank = 0
- continue
- n = questionprog.match(line)
- if n < 0: n = newquestionprog.match(line) - 3
- if n >= 0:
- question = question + 1
- number = '%d.%d. '%(chapter, question)
- line = number + line[n:]
- lines[i] = line
- questions.append(' ' + line)
- # Add up to 4 continuations of the question
- n = len(number)
- for j in range(i+1, i+5):
- if blankprog.match(lines[j]) >= 0:
- break
- questions.append(' '*(n+2) + lines[j])
- afterblank = 0
- continue
- afterblank = (blankprog.match(line) >= 0)
- print 'Inserting list of chapters...'
- chapters.append('\n')
- for i in range(len(lines)):
- line = lines[i]
- if regex.match(
- '^This FAQ is divided in the following chapters',
- line) >= 0:
- i = i+1
- while 1:
- line = lines[i]
- if indentedorblankprog.match(line) < 0:
- break
- del lines[i]
- lines[i:i] = chapters
- break
- else:
- print '*** Can\'t find header for list of chapters'
- print '*** Chapters found:'
- for line in chapters: print line,
- print 'Inserting list of questions...'
- questions.append('\n')
- for i in range(len(lines)):
- line = lines[i]
- if regex.match('^Here.s an overview of the questions',
- line) >= 0:
- i = i+1
- while 1:
- line = lines[i]
- if indentedorblankprog.match(line) < 0:
- break
- del lines[i]
- lines[i:i] = questions
- break
- else:
- print '*** Can\'t find header for list of questions'
- print '*** Questions found:'
- for line in questions: print line,
- if lines == oldlines:
- print 'No changes.'
- return
- print 'Writing new file...'
- f = open(FAQ + '.new', 'w')
- for line in lines:
- f.write(line)
- f.close()
- print 'Making backup...'
- os.rename(FAQ, FAQ + '~')
- print 'Moving new file...'
- os.rename(FAQ + '.new', FAQ)
- print 'Done.'