"Welcome again, %p. We hope thou art ready now."
%Cp Kni 00017
-"Once again, thou standest before us, %p. Art thou ready now?"
+"Once again, thou standest before Us, %p. Art thou ready now?"
%Cc Kni 00018
"Thou disgracest this noble court with thine impure presence. We have been
Our presence when thou hast attained the noble title of %R."
%Cc Kni 00020
-"Thou dishonourest us, %p! Thou hast strayed from the path of
+"Thou dishonourest Us, %p! Thou hast strayed from the path of
chivalry! Go from Our presence and do penance. Only when thou art again
pure mayst thou return hence."
"As thou noticed as thou approached %H, a great battle hath
been fought recently in these fields. Know thou that Merlin himself
-came to aid us here as We battled the foul %n. In the midst of that
+came to aid Us here as We battled the foul %n. In the midst of that
battle, %n struck Merlin a great blow, felling him. Then, as Our
forces were pressed back, %n stole %o.
Go carefully."
%Cp Kni 00031
-"Return %o to us quickly, %p."
+"Return %o to Us quickly, %p."
%Cp Kni 00032
"Destroy %n, %p, else %H shall surely fall."
Well done! Thou art truly the Champion of %H. We
have received word that Merlin is recovering, and shall soon
- rejoin us.
+ rejoin Us.
- He hath instructed us that thou art now to be the guardian of
+ He hath instructed Us that thou art now to be the guardian of
%o. He feeleth that thou mayst have need of
its powers in thine adventures. It is Our wish that thou keepest
%o with thee as thou searchest for the fabled
"Thou hast succeeded, We see, %p! Now thou art commanded to take
the Amulet to be sacrificed to %d in the plane of the astral.
-"Merlin hath counseled us that thou must travel always upwards through
+"Merlin hath counseled Us that thou must travel always upwards through
the planes of the elements, to achieve this goal.
"Go with %d, %p."