struct GroupOfPicture {
+ // This list will be updated internally in StartEncode() and
+ // EncodeFrame()/EncodeFrameWithQuantizeIndex().
+ // In EncodeFrame()/EncodeFrameWithQuantizeIndex(), the update will only be
+ // triggered when the coded frame is the last one in the previous group of
+ // pictures.
std::vector<EncodeFrameInfo> encode_frame_list;
+ // Indicates the index of the next coding frame in encode_frame_list.
+ // In other words, EncodeFrameInfo of the next coding frame can be
+ // obtained with encode_frame_list[encode_frame_index].
+ // Internally, encode_frame_index will be set to zero after the last frame of
+ // the group of pictures is coded. Otherwise, encode_frame_index will be
+ // increased after each EncodeFrame()/EncodeFrameWithQuantizeIndex() call.
int encode_frame_index;