"a space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >')">;
def warn_cxx0x_right_shift_in_template_arg : Warning<
"use of right-shift operator ('>>') in template argument will require "
- "parentheses in C++11">;
+ "parentheses in C++11">, InGroup<CXX11Compat>;
def warn_cxx98_compat_two_right_angle_brackets : Warning<
"consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use '> >')">,
InGroup<CXX98Compat>, DefaultIgnore;
The list of warnings below should NEVER grow. It should gradually shrink to 0.
-CHECK: Warnings without flags (253):
+CHECK: Warnings without flags (252):
CHECK-NEXT: ext_anonymous_struct_union_qualified
CHECK-NEXT: ext_binary_literal
CHECK-NEXT: ext_cast_fn_obj
CHECK-NEXT: warn_conv_to_base_not_used
CHECK-NEXT: warn_conv_to_self_not_used
CHECK-NEXT: warn_conv_to_void_not_used
-CHECK-NEXT: warn_cxx0x_right_shift_in_template_arg
CHECK-NEXT: warn_delete_array_type
CHECK-NEXT: warn_division_by_zero
CHECK-NEXT: warn_double_const_requires_fp64