Problem: Crash when popup window with mask is below the screen.
Solution: Correct boundary check.
if (lines < 0)
lines = 0;
- for (line = lines; line < linee && line < screen_Rows; ++line)
- for (col = cols; col < cole && col < screen_Columns; ++col)
+ for (line = lines; line < linee
+ && line + wp->w_winrow < screen_Rows; ++line)
+ for (col = cols; col < cole
+ && col + wp->w_wincol < screen_Columns; ++col)
popup_transparent[(line + wp->w_winrow) * screen_Columns
+ col + wp->w_wincol] = val;
--- /dev/null
+| +0&#e0e0e08@11|1+0&#ffffff0@1|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|2|6|═+0#0000001#ffd7ff255@13|X|4+0#0000000#ffffff0|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0|4|1|4|2
+|o+0&#e0e0e08|m|e| |5+0&#ffffff0|6|7|t+0&#e0e0e08| @3|1+0&#ffffff0@1|2|1|3|1|4|1|5|1|6|1|7|1|8|1|9|2|0|2|1|2@2|3|2|4|2|5|║+0#0000001#ffd7ff255| @4|2+0#0000000#ffffff0|9|3| +0#0000001#ffd7ff255@6|║|4+0#0000000#ffffff0|3|5|3|6|3|7|3|8|3|9|4|0|4|1|4|2
+|:|c|t+0&#e0e0e08|h|l+0&#ffffff0| |p|l+0&#e0e0e08|i|n|e| |m+0&#ffffff0|o|v|e|(|w|i|n|i|d|b|,| |{|'|p|o|s|'|:| |'|t|o|p|l|e|f|t|║+0#0000001#ffd7ff255| |j|u|s|t|l+0#0000000#ffffff0|'|:|e+0#0000001#ffd7ff255| |l|i|n|e| |║|,+0#0000000#ffffff0|1| @10|T|o|p|
call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call popup_move(winidb, {'pos': 'topright', 'col': 12})\<CR>")
call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_mask_4', {})
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call popup_move(winid, {'pos': 'topright', 'col': 12, 'line': 11})\<CR>")
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call popup_move(winidb, {'pos': 'topleft', 'col': 42, 'line': 11})\<CR>")
+ call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_popupwin_mask_5', {})
" clean up
call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
call delete('XtestPopupMask')
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1665,