PostGIS 2.0.0
* Important / Breaking Changes *
- #722, #302 Most deprecated functions removed (over 250 functions)
(Regina Obe, Leo Hsu / Paragon Corporation /
funding provided by Hunter Systems Group)
- Overall Documentation proofreading and corrections. (Kasif Rasul)
+ * Tester our unsung heroes *
+ We are most indebted to the numerous members in the PostGIS community
+ who were brave enough to test out the new features in this release.
+ No major release can be successful without these folk.
+ Below are those who have been most valiant, provided very detailed
+ and thorough bug reports,
+ and detailed analysis.
+ Andrea Peri - Lots of testing on topology and checking for correctness
+ Brian Hamlin - Benchmarking and general testing of various pieces
+ including Tiger and Topology. Testing on various server VMs
+ Andreas Forø Tollefsen, Tom van Tilburg - raster testing
+ Tiger geocoder testing: Mike Pease, very detailed reports of issues
PostGIS 1.5.3
<para>In alphabetical order: Alex Bodnaru, Alex Mayrhofer, Andrea Peri, Barbara
- Phillipot, Ben Jubb, Bernhard Reiter, Bruce Rindahl, Bruno Wolff
+ Phillipot, Ben Jubb, Bernhard Reiter, Brian Hamlin, Bruce Rindahl, Bruno Wolff
III, Carl Anderson, Charlie Savage, Dane Springmeyer, David Skea,
David Techer, Eduin Carrillo, Frank Warmerdam, George Silva,
Gerald Fenoy, Gino Lucrezi, Guillaume Lelarge, IIDA Tetsushi, Jeff Adams, Kashif Rasul, Klaus Foerster, Kris Jurka, Loic Dachary, Leo Hsu,
<subtitle>Release Notes</subtitle>
<title>Release 2.0.0</title>
- <para>Release date: 2011/MM/DD</para>
+ <para>Release date: 2012/MM/DD</para>
<para>This is a major release. A full dump reload is required. Refer to <xref linkend="NewFunctions_2_0" /> for more details.</para>
+ <simplesect>
+ <title>Testers - Our unsung heroes</title>
+ <para>We are most indebted to the numerous members in the PostGIS community who were brave enough to test out
+ the new features in this release. No major release can be successful without these folk. Below are those
+ who have been most valiant, provided very detailed and thorough bug reports, and detailed analysis.</para>
+ <para>Andrea Peri - Lots of testing on topology and checking for correctness.</para>
+ <para>Brian Hamlin - Benchmarking and general testing of various pieces including Tiger and Topology. Testing on various server VMs.</para>
+ <para>Andreas Forø Tollefsen, Tom van Tilburg - raster testing</para>
+ <para>Tiger geocoder testing: Mike Pease, very detailed reports of issues.</para>
+ </simplesect>
<title>Important / Breaking Changes</title>
<para>#722, #302, Most deprecated functions removed (over 250 functions) (Regina Obe, Paul Ramsey)</para>
(Regina Obe, Leo Hsu / Paragon Corporation / funding provided by Hunter Systems Group)</para>
<para>Overall Documentation proofreading and corrections. (Kasif Rasul)</para>