Because declarations of these functions can appear in places like autoconf
checks, they have to be handled somehow, even though we do not support
vararg custom functions. We do so by printing a warning and calling the
uninstrumented function, as we do for unimplemented functions.
return WK_Functional;
if (ABIList.isIn(*F, "discard"))
return WK_Discard;
- if (ABIList.isIn(*F, "custom"))
+ if (ABIList.isIn(*F, "custom") && !F->isVarArg())
return WK_Custom;
return WK_Warning;
declare i32 @custom2(i32 %a, i32 %b)
+declare void @custom3(...)
declare void @customcb(i32 (i32)* %cb)
declare i32 @cb(i32)
; CHECK: call void @__dfsw_customcb({{.*}} @"dfst0$customcb", i8* bitcast ({{.*}} @"dfs$cb" to i8*), i16 0)
call void @customcb(i32 (i32)* @cb)
+ ; CHECK: call void @__dfsan_unimplemented
+ ; CHECK: call void (...)* @custom3()
+ call void (...)* @custom3()
ret void