explicitly allow ony lowercase 'syslog' settings. PR 62102
[Luca Toscano, Jim Riggs, Christophe Jaillet]
- *) mod_http2: accurate reporting of h2 data input/output per request via mod_logio. Fixes
- an issue where output sizes where counted n-times on reused slave connections. See
- gituhub issue: https://github.com/icing/mod_h2/issues/158
- [Stefan Eissing]
+ *) mod_http2: accurate reporting of h2 data input/output per request via
+ mod_logio. Fixes an issue where output sizes where counted n-times on
+ reused slave connections. [Stefan Eissing]
+ See gituhub issue: https://github.com/icing/mod_h2/issues/158
*) mod_http2: Fix unnecessary timeout waits in case streams are aborted.
[Stefan Eissing]
when an path-based ErrorDocument is used. PR 62186.
[Micha Lenk <micha lenk.info>]
- *) mod_remoteip: make proxy-protocol work on slave connections, e.g. in HTTP/2
- requests. See also https://github.com/roadrunner2/mod-proxy-protocol/issues/6
- [Stefan Eissing]
+ *) mod_remoteip: make proxy-protocol work on slave connections, e.g. in
+ HTTP/2 requests. [Stefan Eissing]
+ See also https://github.com/roadrunner2/mod-proxy-protocol/issues/6
*) mod_ssl: Fix merging of proxy SSL context outside <Proxy> sections,
regression introduced in 2.4.30. PR 62232. [Rainer Jung, Yann Ylavic]
*) core: On ECBDIC platforms, some errors related to oversized headers
may be misreported or be logged as ASCII escapes. PR 62200
- [Hank Ibell <hwibell gmail.com>]
+ [Hank Ibell <hwibell gmail.com>]
*) mod_ssl: Fix cmake-based build. PR 62266. [Rainer Jung]