-Bug #31454 (Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n)
-<?php include('skipif.inc'); ?>
-# Do not remove \r from this tests, they are essential!
- <head>
- <title>Bug #36459 Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p>See source html code</p>
- <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2"
- style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">incorrect link</a><br />
- <br />
- <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2" style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">correct link</a>
- </body>
- <head>
- <title>Bug #36459 Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p>See source html code</p>
- <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2&sid=%s"
- style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">incorrect link</a><br />
- <br />
- <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2&sid=%s" style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">correct link</a>
- </body>
+Bug #31454 (Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n)\r
+<?php include('skipif.inc'); ?>\r
+# Do not remove \r from this tests, they are essential!\r
+ <head>\r
+ <title>Bug #36459 Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n</title>\r
+ </head>\r
+ <body>\r
+ <p>See source html code</p>\r
+ <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2"\r
+ style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">incorrect link</a><br />\r
+ <br />\r
+ <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2" style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">correct link</a>\r
+ </body>\r
+ <head>\r
+ <title>Bug #36459 Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n</title>\r
+ </head>\r
+ <body>\r
+ <p>See source html code</p>\r
+ <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2&sid=%s"\r
+ style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">incorrect link</a><br />\r
+ <br />\r
+ <a href="/b2w/www/ru/adm/pages/?action=prev&rec_id=8&pid=2&sid=%s" style="font: normal 11pt Times New Roman">correct link</a>\r
+ </body>\r