auto luaLocal = g_luaconfs.getLocal();
auto anchors = luaLocal->dsAnchors;
+ // Determine the lowest (i.e. with the most labels) Trust Anchor for zone
+ DNSName lowestTA(".");
+ for (auto const &anchor : anchors)
+ if (zone.isPartOf(anchor.first) && lowestTA.countLabels() < anchor.first.countLabels())
+ lowestTA = anchor.first;
// Before searching for the keys, see if we have a Negative Trust Anchor. If
// so, test if the NTA is valid and return an NTA state
auto negAnchors = luaLocal->negAnchors;
if (!negAnchors.empty()) {
- DNSName lowestNTA, lowestTA;
+ DNSName lowestNTA;
for (auto const &negAnchor : negAnchors)
if (zone.isPartOf(negAnchor.first) && lowestNTA.countLabels() < negAnchor.first.countLabels())
lowestNTA = negAnchor.first;
- for (auto const &anchor : anchors)
- if (zone.isPartOf(anchor.first) && lowestTA.countLabels() < anchor.first.countLabels())
- lowestTA = anchor.first;
if(!lowestNTA.empty()) {
LOG("Found a Negative Trust Anchor for "<<lowestNTA.toStringRootDot()<<", which was added with reason '"<<negAnchors[lowestNTA]<<"', ");
dsmap_t dsmap;
keyset_t validkeys;
- DNSName qname(".");
- state = Secure; // the root is secure
+ DNSName qname = lowestTA;
+ state = Secure; // the lowest Trust Anchor is secure
if(auto ds = rplookup(luaLocal->dsAnchors, qname))