# Test: locale_filter_matches(str_repeat('a', 520), str_repeat('a', 520), 1);
//Convert to lower case for case-insensitive comparison
- cur_lang_tag = ecalloc( 1, strlen(lang_tag ) + 1);
+ cur_lang_tag = ecalloc( 1, strlen(can_lang_tag) + 1);
//Convert to lower case for case-insensitive comparison
result = strToMatch( can_lang_tag , cur_lang_tag);
- cur_loc_range = ecalloc( 1, strlen(loc_range ) + 1);
+ cur_loc_range = ecalloc( 1, strlen(can_loc_range) + 1);
result = strToMatch( can_loc_range , cur_loc_range );
if( result == 0) {
efree( cur_lang_tag );