Problem: Error number used in two places.
Solution: Renumber one. (Ken Takata)
tab page.
Otherwise the number of the tab page the popup is
displayed on; when invalid the popup is not created
- and an error is given. *E996*
+ and an error is given. *E997*
title Text to be displayed above the first item in the
popup, on top of any border. If there is no top
border one line of padding is added to put the title
tp = find_tabpage(tabnr);
if (tp == NULL)
- semsg(_("E996: Tabpage not found: %d"), tabnr);
+ semsg(_("E997: Tabpage not found: %d"), tabnr);
return NULL;
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1586,