PHP_FE(domxml_doc_document_element, NULL)
PHP_FE(domxml_doc_add_root, NULL)
PHP_FE(domxml_doc_set_root, NULL)
- PHP_FE(domxml_doc_free, NULL)
PHP_FE(domxml_dump_mem, NULL)
PHP_FE(domxml_dump_mem_file, NULL)
PHP_FE(domxml_dump_node, NULL)
/* PHP_FALIAS(children, domxml_node_children, NULL) */
PHP_FALIAS(add_root, domxml_doc_add_root, NULL)
PHP_FALIAS(set_root, domxml_doc_set_root, NULL)
- PHP_FALIAS(free, domxml_doc_free, NULL)
PHP_FALIAS(get_root, domxml_doc_document_element, NULL)
PHP_FALIAS(root, domxml_doc_document_element, NULL)
PHP_FALIAS(imported_node, domxml_doc_imported_node, NULL)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string domxml_dump_mem(object doc_handle [, int format][, encoding])
- Dumps document into string and optionally formats it */
- zval *id;
- xmlDoc *docp;
- zval *wrapper;
- zval **handle;
- int refcount;
- DOMXML_PARAM_NONE(docp, id, le_domxmldocp);
- zend_hash_index_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(id), 0, (void **) &handle);
- zend_list_delete(Z_LVAL_PP(handle));
-/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto int domxml_dump_mem_file(string filename [, int compressmode [, int format]])
Dumps document into file and uses compression if specified. Returns false on error, otherwise the length of the xml-document (uncompressed) */