Bug #77287 is already fixed in PHP 7.3.2.
. Fixed bug #77514 (mb_ereg_replace() with trailing backslash adds null byte).
-- Opcache:
- . Fixed bug #77287 (Opcache literal compaction is incompatible with EXT
- opcodes). (Nikita)
- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #77390 (feof might hang on TLS streams in case of fragmented TLS
records). (Abyl Valg, Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug #77361 (configure fails on 64-bit AIX when opcache enabled).
(Kevin Adler)
+ . Fixed bug #77287 (Opcache literal compaction is incompatible with EXT
+ opcodes). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #77338 (get_browser with empty string). (Nikita)