--export([start/1, stop/1, set_password/3, check_password/4,
+-export([start/1, stop/1, reload/1, set_password/3, check_password/4,
try_register/3, user_exists/2, remove_user/2,
store_type/1, plain_password_required/1, opt_type/1]).
%%% API
start(Host) ->
- Cmd = ejabberd_config:get_option({extauth_program, Host}, "extauth"),
- extauth:start(Host, Cmd).
+ extauth:start(Host).
stop(Host) ->
+reload(Host) ->
+ extauth:reload(Host).
plain_password_required(_) -> true.
store_type(_) -> external.
set_password(User, Server, Password) ->
case extauth:set_password(User, Server, Password) of
- true -> ok;
- _ -> {error, db_failure}
+ Res when is_boolean(Res) -> ok;
+ {error, Reason} -> failure(Reason)
try_register(User, Server, Password) ->
- extauth:try_register(User, Server, Password).
+ case extauth:try_register(User, Server, Password) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> {error, not_allowed};
+ {error, Reason} -> failure(Reason)
+ end.
user_exists(User, Server) ->
- try extauth:user_exists(User, Server) of
- Res -> Res
- catch
- _:Error ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("external authentication program failure: ~p",
- [Error]),
- {error, db_failure}
+ case extauth:user_exists(User, Server) of
+ Res when is_boolean(Res) -> Res;
+ {error, Reason} -> failure(Reason)
remove_user(User, Server) ->
case extauth:remove_user(User, Server) of
false -> {error, not_allowed};
- true -> ok
+ true -> ok;
+ {error, Reason} -> failure(Reason)
check_password_extauth(User, _AuthzId, Server, Password) ->
- extauth:check_password(User, Server, Password) andalso
- Password /= <<"">>.
+ if Password /= <<"">> ->
+ case extauth:check_password(User, Server, Password) of
+ Res when is_boolean(Res) -> Res;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ failure(Reason),
+ false
+ end;
+ true ->
+ false
+ end.
+-spec failure(any()) -> {error, db_failure}.
+failure(Reason) ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("External authentication program failure: ~p", [Reason]),
+ {error, db_failure}.
--spec opt_type(extauth_cache) -> fun((false | non_neg_integer()) ->
- false | non_neg_integer());
- (extauth_program) -> fun((binary()) -> string());
- (atom()) -> [atom()].
opt_type(extauth_cache) ->
?WARNING_MSG("option 'extauth_cache' is deprecated and has no effect, "
"use authentication or global cache configuration "
fun (false) -> false;
(I) when is_integer(I), I >= 0 -> I
+opt_type(extauth_instances) ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("option 'extauth_instances' is deprecated and has no effect, "
+ "use 'extauth_pool_size'", []),
+ fun (V) when is_integer(V), V > 0 -> V end;
opt_type(extauth_program) ->
fun (V) -> binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary(V)) end;
-opt_type(_) -> [extauth_cache, extauth_program].
+opt_type(extauth_pool_size) ->
+ fun(I) when is_integer(I), I>0 -> I end;
+opt_type(_) ->
+ [extauth_program, extauth_pool_size,
+ %% Deprecated:
+ extauth_cache, extauth_instances].
-%%% File : extauth.erl
-%%% Author : Leif Johansson <leifj@it.su.se>
-%%% Purpose : External authentication using a simple port-driver
-%%% Created : 30 Jul 2004 by Leif Johansson <leifj@it.su.se>
+%%% Created : 7 May 2018 by Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne
%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+-define(GEN_SERVER, gen_server).
+-define(CALL_TIMEOUT, timer:seconds(30)).
--export([start/2, stop/1, init/2, check_password/3,
- set_password/3, try_register/3, remove_user/2,
- remove_user/3, user_exists/2, opt_type/1]).
+%% API
+-export([start/1, stop/1, reload/1, start_link/2]).
+-export([check_password/3, set_password/3, try_register/3, remove_user/2,
+ remove_user/3, user_exists/2]).
+-export([prog_name/1, pool_name/1, worker_name/2, pool_size/1]).
+-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--define(INIT_TIMEOUT, 60000).
--define(CALL_TIMEOUT, 10000).
-start(Host, ExtPrg) ->
- lists:foreach(fun (This) ->
- start_instance(get_process_name(Host, This), ExtPrg)
- end,
- lists:seq(0, get_instances(Host) - 1)).
-start_instance(ProcessName, ExtPrg) ->
- spawn(?MODULE, init, [ProcessName, ExtPrg]).
+-record(state, {port :: port(),
+ prog :: string(),
+ start_time :: integer(),
+ os_pid :: integer() | undefined}).
-restart_instance(ProcessName, ExtPrg) ->
- unregister(ProcessName),
- start_instance(ProcessName, ExtPrg).
-init(ProcessName, ExtPrg) ->
- register(ProcessName, self()),
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- Port = open_port({spawn, ExtPrg}, [{packet, 2}]),
- loop(Port, ?INIT_TIMEOUT, ProcessName, ExtPrg).
+%%% API
+start(Host) ->
+ extauth_sup:start(Host).
stop(Host) ->
- lists:foreach(fun (This) ->
- get_process_name(Host, This) ! stop
- end,
- lists:seq(0, get_instances(Host) - 1)).
+ extauth_sup:stop(Host).
+reload(Host) ->
+ extauth_sup:reload(Host).
-get_process_name(Host, Integer) ->
- gen_mod:get_module_proc(iolist_to_binary([Host,
- integer_to_list(Integer)]),
- eauth).
+start_link(Name, Prog) ->
+ ?GEN_SERVER:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, [Prog], []).
check_password(User, Server, Password) ->
call_port(Server, [<<"auth">>, User, Server, Password]).
call_port(Server, [<<"setpass">>, User, Server, Password]).
try_register(User, Server, Password) ->
- case call_port(Server,
- [<<"tryregister">>, User, Server, Password])
- of
- true -> ok;
- false -> {error, not_allowed}
- end.
+ call_port(Server, [<<"tryregister">>, User, Server, Password]).
remove_user(User, Server) ->
call_port(Server, [<<"removeuser">>, User, Server]).
remove_user(User, Server, Password) ->
- call_port(Server,
- [<<"removeuser3">>, User, Server, Password]).
-call_port(Server, Msg) ->
- LServer = jid:nameprep(Server),
- ProcessName = get_process_name(LServer,
- random_instance(get_instances(LServer))),
- ProcessName ! {call, self(), Msg},
- receive {eauth, Result} -> Result end.
-random_instance(MaxNum) ->
- randoms:uniform(MaxNum) - 1.
-get_instances(Server) ->
- ejabberd_config:get_option({extauth_instances, Server}, 1).
-loop(Port, Timeout, ProcessName, ExtPrg) ->
- receive
- {call, Caller, Msg} ->
- port_command(Port, encode(Msg)),
- receive
- {Port, {data, Data}} ->
- ?DEBUG("extauth call '~p' received data response:~n~p",
- [Msg, Data]),
- Caller ! {eauth, decode(Data)},
- loop(Port, ?CALL_TIMEOUT, ProcessName, ExtPrg);
- {Port, Other} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("extauth call '~p' received strange response:~n~p",
- [Msg, Other]),
- Caller ! {eauth, false},
- loop(Port, ?CALL_TIMEOUT, ProcessName, ExtPrg)
- after Timeout ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("extauth call '~p' didn't receive response",
- [Msg]),
- Caller ! {eauth, false},
- Pid = restart_instance(ProcessName, ExtPrg),
- flush_buffer_and_forward_messages(Pid),
- exit(port_terminated)
- end;
- stop ->
- Port ! {self(), close},
- receive {Port, closed} -> exit(normal) end;
- {'EXIT', Port, Reason} ->
- ?CRITICAL_MSG("extauth script has exitted abruptly "
- "with reason '~p'",
- [Reason]),
- Pid = restart_instance(ProcessName, ExtPrg),
- flush_buffer_and_forward_messages(Pid),
- exit(port_terminated)
+ call_port(Server, [<<"removeuser3">>, User, Server, Password]).
+-spec prog_name(binary()) -> string() | undefined.
+prog_name(Host) ->
+ ejabberd_config:get_option({extauth_program, Host}).
+-spec pool_name(binary()) -> atom().
+pool_name(Host) ->
+ list_to_atom("extauth_pool_" ++ binary_to_list(Host)).
+-spec worker_name(atom(), integer()) -> atom().
+worker_name(Pool, N) ->
+ list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Pool) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(N)).
+-spec pool_size(binary()) -> pos_integer().
+pool_size(Host) ->
+ case ejabberd_config:get_option({extauth_pool_size, Host}) of
+ undefined ->
+ try erlang:system_info(logical_processors)
+ catch _:_ -> 1
+ end;
+ Size ->
+ Size
-flush_buffer_and_forward_messages(Pid) ->
- receive
- Message ->
- Pid ! Message, flush_buffer_and_forward_messages(Pid)
- after 0 -> true
+%%% gen_server callbacks
+init([Prog]) ->
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ {Port, OSPid} = start_port(Prog),
+ Time = curr_time(),
+ {ok, #state{port = Port, start_time = Time,
+ prog = Prog, os_pid = OSPid}}.
+handle_call({cmd, Cmd, EndTime}, _From, State) ->
+ Timeout = EndTime - curr_time(),
+ if Timeout > 0 ->
+ Port = State#state.port,
+ port_command(Port, Cmd),
+ receive
+ {Port, {data, [0, N] = Data}} when N == 0; N == 1 ->
+ ?DEBUG("Received response from external authentication "
+ "program: ~p", [Data]),
+ {reply, decode_bool(N), State};
+ {Port, Data} ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Received unexpected response from external "
+ "authentication program '~s': ~p "
+ "(port = ~p, pid = ~w)",
+ [State#state.prog, Data, Port, State#state.os_pid]),
+ {reply, {error, unexpected_response}, State};
+ {'EXIT', Port, Reason} ->
+ handle_info({'EXIT', Port, Reason}, State)
+ after Timeout ->
+ {stop, extauth_program_timeout, State}
+ end;
+ true ->
+ {stop, extauth_program_timeout, State}
-encode(L) -> str:join(L, <<":">>).
+handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+handle_info({'EXIT', Port, _Reason}, #state{port = Port,
+ start_time = Time} = State) ->
+ case curr_time() - Time of
+ Diff when Diff < 1000 ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Failed to start external authentication program '~s'",
+ [State#state.prog]),
+ {stop, normal, State};
+ _ ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("External authentication program '~s' has terminated "
+ "unexpectedly (pid=~w), restarting via supervisor...",
+ [State#state.prog, State#state.os_pid]),
+ {stop, extauth_program_failure, State}
+ end;
+handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("Unexpected info: ~p", [Info]),
+ {noreply, State}.
+terminate(_Reason, State) ->
+ catch port_close(State#state.port),
+ ok.
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+%%% Internal functions
+-spec curr_time() -> non_neg_integer().
+curr_time() ->
+ p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds).
+-spec start_port(string()) -> {port(), integer() | undefined}.
+start_port(Path) ->
+ Port = open_port({spawn, Path}, [{packet, 2}]),
+ link(Port),
+ case erlang:port_info(Port, os_pid) of
+ {os_pid, OSPid} ->
+ {Port, OSPid};
+ undefined ->
+ {Port, undefined}
+ end.
-decode([0, 0]) -> false;
-decode([0, 1]) -> true.
+call_port(Server, Args) ->
+ call_port(Server, Args, ?CALL_TIMEOUT).
+call_port(Server, Args, Timeout) ->
+ StartTime = p1_time_compat:monotonic_time(milli_seconds),
+ Pool = pool_name(Server),
+ PoolSize = pool_size(Server),
+ I = randoms:round_robin(PoolSize),
+ Cmd = str:join(Args, <<":">>),
+ do_call(Cmd, I, I + PoolSize, Pool, PoolSize,
+ StartTime + Timeout, StartTime).
+do_call(_, Max, Max, _, _, _, _) ->
+ {error, disconnected};
+do_call(Cmd, I, Max, Pool, PoolSize, EndTime, CurrTime) ->
+ Timeout = EndTime - CurrTime,
+ if Timeout > 0 ->
+ Proc = worker_name(Pool, (I rem PoolSize) + 1),
+ try ?GEN_SERVER:call(Proc, {cmd, Cmd, EndTime}, Timeout)
+ catch exit:{timeout, {?GEN_SERVER, call, _}} ->
+ {error, timeout};
+ exit:{_, {?GEN_SERVER, call, _}} ->
+ do_call(Cmd, I+1, Max, Pool, PoolSize, EndTime, curr_time())
+ end;
+ true ->
+ {error, timeout}
+ end.
--spec opt_type(extauth_instances) -> fun((pos_integer()) -> pos_integer());
- (atom()) -> [atom()].
-opt_type(extauth_instances) ->
- fun (V) when is_integer(V), V > 0 -> V end;
-opt_type(_) -> [extauth_instances].
+decode_bool(0) -> false;
+decode_bool(1) -> true.
--- /dev/null
+%%% Created : 7 May 2018 by Evgeny Khramtsov <ekhramtsov@process-one.net>
+%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2018 ProcessOne
+%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+%%% with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+%%% 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+%% API
+-export([start/1, stop/1, reload/1, start_link/3]).
+%% Supervisor callbacks
+%%% API functions
+start(Host) ->
+ case extauth:prog_name(Host) of
+ undefined ->
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Option 'extauth_program' is not set for '~s'",
+ [Host]),
+ ignore;
+ Prog ->
+ Pool = extauth:pool_name(Host),
+ ChildSpec = {Pool, {?MODULE, start_link, [Host, Prog, Pool]},
+ transient, infinity, supervisor, [?MODULE]},
+ supervisor:start_child(ejabberd_backend_sup, ChildSpec)
+ end.
+stop(Host) ->
+ Pool = extauth:pool_name(Host),
+ supervisor:terminate_child(ejabberd_backend_sup, Pool),
+ supervisor:delete_child(ejabberd_backend_sup, Pool).
+reload(Host) ->
+ Pool = extauth:pool_name(Host),
+ Prog = extauth:prog_name(Host),
+ PoolSize = extauth:pool_size(Host),
+ try process_info(whereis(Pool), dictionary) of
+ {dictionary, Dict} ->
+ case proplists:get_value(extauth_program, Dict) of
+ Prog ->
+ OldPoolSize = try supervisor:which_children(Pool) of
+ Children -> length(Children)
+ catch _:_ -> PoolSize
+ end,
+ if OldPoolSize > PoolSize ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(I) ->
+ Worker = extauth:worker_name(Pool, I),
+ supervisor:terminate_child(Pool, Worker),
+ supervisor:delete_child(Pool, Worker)
+ end, lists:seq(PoolSize+1, OldPoolSize));
+ OldPoolSize < PoolSize ->
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(I) ->
+ Spec = worker_spec(Pool, Prog, I),
+ supervisor:start_child(Pool, Spec)
+ end, lists:seq(OldPoolSize+1, PoolSize));
+ OldPoolSize == PoolSize ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ stop(Host),
+ start(Host)
+ end
+ catch _:badarg ->
+ ok
+ end.
+start_link(Host, Prog, Pool) ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, Pool}, ?MODULE, [Host, Prog, Pool]).
+%%% Supervisor callbacks
+init([Host, Prog, Pool]) ->
+ PoolSize = extauth:pool_size(Host),
+ Children = lists:map(
+ fun(I) ->
+ worker_spec(Pool, Prog, I)
+ end, lists:seq(1, PoolSize)),
+ put(extauth_program, Prog),
+ {ok, {{one_for_one, PoolSize, 1}, Children}}.
+%%% Internal functions
+worker_spec(Pool, Prog, I) ->
+ Worker = extauth:worker_name(Pool, I),
+ {Worker, {extauth, start_link, [Worker, Prog]},
+ permanent, 5000, worker, [extauth]}.