extern "C" {
-/** @file evrpc.h
+/** @file rpc.h
* This header files provides basic support for an RPC server and client.
* See the regression test for an example.
+ Determines if the member has been set in the message
+ @param msg the message to inspect
+ @param member the member variable to test for presences
+ @return 1 if it's present or 0 otherwise.
+#define EVTAG_HAS(msg, member) \
+ ((msg)->member##_set == 1)
+ Assigns a value to the member in the message.
+ @param msg the message to which to assign a value
+ @param member the name of the member variable
+ @param value the value to assign
+#define EVTAG_ASSIGN(msg, member, value) \
+ (*(msg)->base->member##_assign)(msg, value)
+ Assigns a value to the member in the message.
+ @param msg the message to which to assign a value
+ @param member the name of the member variable
+ @param value the value to assign
+ @param len the length of the value
+#define EVTAG_ASSIGN_WITH_LEN(msg, member, value, len) \
+ (*(msg)->base->member##_assign)(msg, value, len)
+ Returns the value for a member.
+ @param msg the message from which to get the value
+ @param member the name of the member variable
+ @param pvalue a pointer to the variable to hold the value
+ @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
+#define EVTAG_GET(msg, member, pvalue) \
+ (*(msg)->base->member##_get)(msg, pvalue)
+ Returns the value for a member.
+ @param msg the message from which to get the value
+ @param member the name of the member variable
+ @param pvalue a pointer to the variable to hold the value
+ @param plen a pointer to the length of the value
+ @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise.
+#define EVTAG_GET_WITH_LEN(msg, member, pvalue, plen) \
+ (*(msg)->base->member##_get)(msg, pvalue, plen)
+ Adds a value to an array.
+#define EVTAG_ARRAY_ADD_VALUE(msg, member, value) \
+ (*(msg)->base->member##_add)(msg, value)
+ Allocates a new entry in the array and returns it.
+#define EVTAG_ARRAY_ADD(msg, member) \
+ (*(msg)->base->member##_add)(msg)
+ Gets a variable at the specified offset from the array.
+#define EVTAG_ARRAY_GET(msg, member, offset, pvalue) \
+ (*(msg)->base->member##_get)(msg, offset, pvalue)
+ Returns the number of entries in the array.
+#define EVTAG_ARRAY_LEN(msg, member) ((msg)->member##_length)
struct evbuffer;
struct event_base;
struct evrpc_req_generic;
struct evrpc_status;
struct evrpc_hook_meta;
-/* the structure below needs to be synchornized with evrpc_req_generic */
/** Creates the definitions and prototypes for an RPC
* You need to use EVRPC_HEADER to create structures and function prototypes
#include "event2/event.h"
#include "evhttp.h"
#include "log-internal.h"
-#include "evrpc.h"
+#include "event2/rpc.h"
+#include "event2/rpc_struct.h"
#include "regress.gen.h"
EVTAG_ASSIGN(attack, weapon, "feather");
EVTAG_ASSIGN(attack, action, "tickle");
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- if (EVTAG_ADD(attack, how_often, i) == NULL) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_ADD_VALUE(attack, how_often, i) == NULL) {
tt_abort_msg("Failed to add how_often.");
evutil_gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
- run = EVTAG_ADD(msg, run);
+ run = EVTAG_ARRAY_ADD(msg, run);
if (run == NULL) {
tt_abort_msg("Failed to add run message.");
EVTAG_ASSIGN(run, fixed_bytes,
- if (EVTAG_ADD(run, notes, "this is my note") == NULL) {
+ run, notes, "this is my note") == NULL) {
tt_abort_msg("Failed to add note.");
- if (EVTAG_ADD(run, notes, "pps") == NULL) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_ADD_VALUE(run, notes, "pps") == NULL) {
tt_abort_msg("Failed to add note");
EVTAG_ASSIGN(run, large_number, 0xdead0a0bcafebeefLL);
- EVTAG_ADD(run, other_numbers, 0xdead0a0b);
- EVTAG_ADD(run, other_numbers, 0xbeefcafe);
+ EVTAG_ARRAY_ADD_VALUE(run, other_numbers, 0xdead0a0b);
+ EVTAG_ARRAY_ADD_VALUE(run, other_numbers, 0xbeefcafe);
if (msg_complete(msg) == -1)
tt_abort_msg("Could not get attack.");
- if (EVTAG_LEN(msg2, run) != i) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_LEN(msg2, run) != i) {
tt_abort_msg("Wrong number of run messages.");
/* get the very first run message */
- if (EVTAG_GET(msg2, run, 0, &run) == -1) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_GET(msg2, run, 0, &run) == -1) {
tt_abort_msg("Failed to get run msg.");
} else {
/* verify the notes */
ev_uint64_t large_number;
ev_uint32_t short_number;
- if (EVTAG_LEN(run, notes) != 2) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_LEN(run, notes) != 2) {
tt_abort_msg("Wrong number of note strings.");
- if (EVTAG_GET(run, notes, 0, ¬e_one) == -1 ||
- EVTAG_GET(run, notes, 1, ¬e_two) == -1) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_GET(run, notes, 0, ¬e_one) == -1 ||
+ EVTAG_ARRAY_GET(run, notes, 1, ¬e_two) == -1) {
tt_abort_msg("Could not get note strings.");
tt_abort_msg("Incorrrect large_number.");
- if (EVTAG_LEN(run, other_numbers) != 2) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_LEN(run, other_numbers) != 2) {
tt_abort_msg("Wrong number of other_numbers.");
- if (EVTAG_GET(run, other_numbers, 0, &short_number) == -1) {
+ run, other_numbers, 0, &short_number) == -1) {
tt_abort_msg("Could not get short number.");
tt_uint_op(short_number, ==, 0xdead0a0b);
- tt_int_op(EVTAG_LEN(attack, how_often), ==, 3);
+ tt_int_op(EVTAG_ARRAY_LEN(attack, how_often), ==, 3);
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
ev_uint32_t res;
- if (EVTAG_GET(attack, how_often, i, &res) == -1) {
+ if (EVTAG_ARRAY_GET(attack, how_often, i, &res) == -1) {
TT_DIE(("Cannot get %dth how_often msg.", i));
if (res != i) {