- if "%~1" == "" goto prerequisites
- if /i "%~1" == "vc6" (
- set VC_VER=6.0
- set VC_DESC=VC6
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc7" (
- set VC_VER=7.0
- set VC_DESC=VC7
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc7.1" (
- set VC_VER=7.1
- set VC_DESC=VC7.1
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc8" (
- set VC_VER=8.0
- set VC_DESC=VC8
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc9" (
- set VC_VER=9.0
- set VC_DESC=VC9
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc10" (
- set VC_VER=10.0
- set VC_DESC=VC10
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc11" (
- set VC_VER=11.0
- set VC_DESC=VC11
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc12" (
- set VC_VER=12.0
- set VC_DESC=VC12
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14" (
- set VC_VER=14.0
- set VC_DESC=VC14
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC"
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14.1" (
- set VC_VER=14.1
- set VC_DESC=VC14.1
- rem Determine the VC14.1 path based on the installed edition in descending
- rem order (Enterprise, then Professional and finally Community)
- if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC" (
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC"
- ) else if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC" (
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC"
- ) else (
- set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC"
- )
- ) else if /i "%~1%" == "x86" (
- ) else if /i "%~1%" == "x64" (
- ) else if /i "%~1%" == "debug" (
- set BUILD_CONFIG=debug
- ) else if /i "%~1%" == "release" (
- set BUILD_CONFIG=release
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "-?" (
- goto syntax
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "-h" (
- goto syntax
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "-help" (
- goto syntax
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "-VSpath" (
- if "%~2" == "" (
- echo.
- echo Error. Please provide VS Path.
- goto error
- ) else (
- set "ABS_VC_PATH=%~2\VC"
- shift
- )
- ) else if /i "%~1" == "-perlpath" (
- if "%~2" == "" (
- echo.
- echo Error. Please provide Perl root Path.
- goto error
- ) else (
- set "PERL_PATH=%~2"
- shift
- )
- ) else (
- if not defined START_DIR (
- set START_DIR=%~1%
+ if not "%~1" == "" (
+ if /i "%~1" == "vc6" (
+ set VC_VER=6.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC6
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc7" (
+ set VC_VER=7.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC7
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc7.1" (
+ set VC_VER=7.1
+ set VC_DESC=VC7.1
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc8" (
+ set VC_VER=8.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC8
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc9" (
+ set VC_VER=9.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC9
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc10" (
+ set VC_VER=10.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC10
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc11" (
+ set VC_VER=11.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC11
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc12" (
+ set VC_VER=12.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC12
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14" (
+ set VC_VER=14.0
+ set VC_DESC=VC14
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC"
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "vc14.1" (
+ set VC_VER=14.1
+ set VC_DESC=VC14.1
+ rem Determine the VC14.1 path based on the installed edition in descending
+ rem order (Enterprise, then Professional and finally Community)
+ if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC" (
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC"
+ ) else if exist "%PF%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC" (
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\VC"
+ ) else (
+ set "VC_PATH=Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC"
+ )
+ ) else if /i "%~1%" == "x86" (
+ ) else if /i "%~1%" == "x64" (
+ ) else if /i "%~1%" == "debug" (
+ set BUILD_CONFIG=debug
+ ) else if /i "%~1%" == "release" (
+ set BUILD_CONFIG=release
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "-?" (
+ goto syntax
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "-h" (
+ goto syntax
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "-help" (
+ goto syntax
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "-VSpath" (
+ if "%~2" == "" (
+ echo.
+ echo Error. Please provide VS Path.
+ goto error
+ ) else (
+ set "ABS_VC_PATH=%~2\VC"
+ shift
+ )
+ ) else if /i "%~1" == "-perlpath" (
+ if "%~2" == "" (
+ echo.
+ echo Error. Please provide Perl root Path.
+ goto error
+ ) else (
+ set "PERL_PATH=%~2"
+ shift
+ )
) else (
- goto unknown
+ if not defined START_DIR (
+ set START_DIR=%~1%
+ ) else (
+ goto unknown
+ )
- )
- shift & goto parseArgs
+ shift & goto parseArgs
+ )
rem Compiler is a required parameter
set OUTDIR=build\Win64\%VC_DESC%
if not exist %OUTDIR% md %OUTDIR%
- if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" goto x64release
- rem Configuring 64-bit Debug Build
- call :configure x64 debug
- rem Perform the static library build
- call :build x64 static
+ if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" (
+ rem Configuring 64-bit Debug Build
+ call :configure x64 debug
- rem Perform the static library install
- call :install debug static
+ rem Perform the static library build
+ call :build x64 static
- rem Perform the 64-bit shared library build
- call :build x64 shared
+ rem Perform the static library install
+ call :install debug static
- rem Perform the shared library install
- call :install debug shared
+ rem Perform the 64-bit shared library build
+ call :build x64 shared
- if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" goto success
+ rem Perform the shared library install
+ call :install debug shared
+ )
- rem Configuring 64-bit Release Build
- call :configure x64 release
+ if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" (
+ rem Configuring 64-bit Release Build
+ call :configure x64 release
- rem Perform the static library build
- call :build x64 static
+ rem Perform the static library build
+ call :build x64 static
- rem Perform the static library install
- call :install release static
+ rem Perform the static library install
+ call :install release static
- rem Perform the shared library build
- call :build x64 shared
+ rem Perform the shared library build
+ call :build x64 shared
- rem Perform the shared library install
- call :install release shared
+ rem Perform the shared library install
+ call :install release shared
+ )
goto success
set OUTDIR=build\Win32\%VC_DESC%
if not exist %OUTDIR% md %OUTDIR%
- if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" goto x86release
- rem Configuring 32-bit Debug Build
- call :configure x86 debug
+ if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "release" (
+ rem Configuring 32-bit Debug Build
+ call :configure x86 debug
- rem Perform the static library build
- call :build x86 static
+ rem Perform the static library build
+ call :build x86 static
- rem Perform the static library install
- call :install debug static
+ rem Perform the static library install
+ call :install debug static
- rem Perform the shared library build
- call :build x86 shared
+ rem Perform the shared library build
+ call :build x86 shared
- rem Perform the shared library install
- call :install debug shared
- if "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" goto success
+ rem Perform the shared library install
+ call :install debug shared
+ )
- rem Configuring 32-bit Release Build
- call :configure x86 release
+ if not "%BUILD_CONFIG%" == "debug" (
+ rem Configuring 32-bit Release Build
+ call :configure x86 release
- rem Perform the static library build
- call :build x86 static
+ rem Perform the static library build
+ call :build x86 static
- rem Perform the static library install
- call :install release static
+ rem Perform the static library install
+ call :install release static
- rem Perform the shared library build
- call :build x86 shared
+ rem Perform the shared library build
+ call :build x86 shared
- rem Perform the shared library install
- call :install release shared
+ rem Perform the shared library install
+ call :install release shared
+ )
goto success