// Slide the number to the start of the output str
U_ASSERT(destIdx >= 0);
int32_t length = MAX_IDX - destIdx -1;
- //uprv_memmove(outputStr, outputStr+MAX_IDX-length, length);
int32_t prefixLen = appendAffix(appendTo, number, handler, number<0, TRUE);
int32_t maxIntDig = getMaximumIntegerDigits();
- int32_t prependZero = getMinimumIntegerDigits() - length;
+ int32_t destlength = length<=maxIntDig?length:maxIntDig; // dest length pinned to max int digits
+ int32_t prependZero = getMinimumIntegerDigits() - destlength;
#ifdef FMT_DEBUG
- printf("prependZero=%d, length=%d, minintdig=%d\n", prependZero, length, getMinimumIntegerDigits());
+ printf("prependZero=%d, length=%d, minintdig=%d maxintdig=%d destlength=%d skip=%d\n", prependZero, length, getMinimumIntegerDigits(), maxIntDig, destlength, length-destlength);
int32_t intBegin = appendTo.length();
appendTo.append(0x0030); // '0'
- appendTo.append(outputStr+destIdx, length);
+ appendTo.append(outputStr+destIdx+
+ (length-destlength), // skip any leading digits
+ destlength);
handler.addAttribute(kIntegerField, intBegin, appendTo.length());
int32_t suffixLen = appendAffix(appendTo, number, handler, number<0, FALSE);
static void TestInt64Parse(void);
static void TestParseCurrency(void);
+static void TestMaxInt(void);
#define TESTCASE(x) addTest(root, &x, "tsformat/cnumtst/" #x)
void addNumForTest(TestNode** root)
+ TESTCASE(TestMaxInt);
/** copy src to dst with unicode-escapes for values < 0x20 and > 0x7e, null terminate if possible */
log_data_err("Result from cloned formatter not identical to the original. Original: %s Cloned: %s - (Are you missing data?)",u_austrcpy(temp1, buffer),u_austrcpy(temp2,buffer_cloned));
+static void TestMaxInt(void) {
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UChar pattern_hash[] = { 0x23, 0x00 }; /* "#" */
+ UChar result1[1024] = { 0 }, result2[1024] = { 0 };
+ int32_t len1, len2;
+ UChar expect[] = { 0x0039, 0x0037, 0 };
+ UNumberFormat *fmt = unum_open(
+ &pattern_hash[0], /* pattern */
+ u_strlen(pattern_hash), /* patternLength */
+ 0,
+ 0, /* parseErr */
+ &status);
+ if(U_FAILURE(status) || fmt == NULL) {
+ log_data_err("%s:%d: %s: unum_open failed with %s (Are you missing data?)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, "TestMaxInt", u_errorName(status));
+ return;
+ }
+ unum_setAttribute(fmt, UNUM_MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS, 2);
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ /* #1 */
+ len1 = unum_formatInt64(fmt, 1997, result1, 1024, NULL, &status);
+ result1[len1]=0;
+ if(U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(expect, result1)) {
+ log_err("unum_formatInt64 Expected %s but got %s status %s\n", austrdup(expect), austrdup(result1), u_errorName(status));
+ }
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ /* #2 */
+ len2 = unum_formatDouble(fmt, 1997.0, result2, 1024, NULL, &status);
+ result2[len2]=0;
+ if(U_FAILURE(status) || u_strcmp(expect, result2)) {
+ log_err("unum_formatDouble Expected %s but got %s status %s\n", austrdup(expect), austrdup(result2), u_errorName(status));
+ }
+ unum_close(fmt);
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */