Problem: A timer may change v:count unexpectedly.
Solution: Save and restore v:count and similar variables when a timer
callback is invoked. (closes #2897)
vimvars[VV_COUNT1].vv_nr = count1;
+ * Save variables that might be changed as a side effect. Used when executing
+ * a timer callback.
+ */
+ void
+save_vimvars(vimvars_save_T *vvsave)
+ vvsave->vv_prevcount = vimvars[VV_PREVCOUNT].vv_nr;
+ vvsave->vv_count = vimvars[VV_COUNT].vv_nr;
+ vvsave->vv_count1 = vimvars[VV_COUNT1].vv_nr;
+ * Restore variables saved by save_vimvars().
+ */
+ void
+restore_vimvars(vimvars_save_T *vvsave)
+ vimvars[VV_PREVCOUNT].vv_nr = vvsave->vv_prevcount;
+ vimvars[VV_COUNT].vv_nr = vvsave->vv_count;
+ vimvars[VV_COUNT1].vv_nr = vvsave->vv_count1;
* Set string v: variable to a copy of "val".
this_due = proftime_time_left(&timer->tr_due, &now);
if (this_due <= 1)
+ /* Save and restore a lot of flags, because the timer fires while
+ * waiting for a character, which might be halfway a command. */
int save_timer_busy = timer_busy;
int save_vgetc_busy = vgetc_busy;
int save_did_emsg = did_emsg;
int save_did_throw = did_throw;
int save_ex_pressedreturn = get_pressedreturn();
except_T *save_current_exception = current_exception;
+ vimvars_save_T vvsave;
/* Create a scope for running the timer callback, ignoring most of
* the current scope, such as being inside a try/catch. */
trylevel = 0;
did_throw = FALSE;
current_exception = NULL;
+ save_vimvars(&vvsave);
timer->tr_firing = TRUE;
trylevel = save_trylevel;
did_throw = save_did_throw;
current_exception = save_current_exception;
+ restore_vimvars(&vvsave);
if (must_redraw != 0)
need_update_screen = TRUE;
must_redraw = must_redraw > save_must_redraw
dict_T *get_vim_var_dict(int idx);
void set_vim_var_char(int c);
void set_vcount(long count, long count1, int set_prevcount);
+void save_vimvars(vimvars_save_T *vvsave);
+void restore_vimvars(vimvars_save_T *vvsave);
void set_vim_var_string(int idx, char_u *val, int len);
void set_vim_var_list(int idx, list_T *val);
void set_vim_var_dict(int idx, dict_T *val);
int save_opcount;
tasave_T tabuf;
} save_state_T;
+typedef struct {
+ varnumber_T vv_prevcount;
+ varnumber_T vv_count;
+ varnumber_T vv_count1;
+} vimvars_save_T;
source shared.vim
+source screendump.vim
func MyHandler(timer)
let g:val += 1
call timer_stop(timer)
+func Test_restore_count()
+ if !CanRunVimInTerminal()
+ return
+ endif
+ " Check that v:count is saved and restored, not changed by a timer.
+ call writefile([
+ \ 'nnoremap <expr><silent> L v:count ? v:count . "l" : "l"',
+ \ 'func Doit(id)',
+ \ ' normal 3j',
+ \ 'endfunc',
+ \ 'call timer_start(100, "Doit")',
+ \ ], 'Xtrcscript')
+ call writefile([
+ \ '1-1234',
+ \ '2-1234',
+ \ '3-1234',
+ \ ], 'Xtrctext')
+ let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xtrcscript Xtrctext', {})
+ " Wait for the timer to move the cursor to the third line.
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(3, term_getcursor(buf)[0])})
+ call assert_equal(1, term_getcursor(buf)[1])
+ " Now check that v:count has not been set to 3
+ call term_sendkeys(buf, 'L')
+ call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(2, term_getcursor(buf)[1])})
+ call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ call delete('Xtrcscript')
+ call delete('Xtrctext')
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1817,