/* Adjust marks for deleted (or added) lines and prepare for displaying. */
deleted = (long)(count - (lnum - eap->line2));
if (deleted > 0)
+ {
mark_adjust(eap->line2 - deleted, eap->line2, (long)MAXLNUM, -deleted);
+ msgmore(-deleted);
+ }
else if (deleted < 0)
mark_adjust(eap->line2, MAXLNUM, -deleted, 0L);
+func Test_sort_cmd_report()
+ enew!
+ call append(0, repeat([1], 3) + repeat([2], 3) + repeat([3], 3))
+ $delete _
+ setlocal nomodified
+ let res = execute('%sort u')
+ call assert_equal([1,2,3], map(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val+0'))
+ call assert_match("6 fewer lines", res)
+ enew!
+ call append(0, repeat([1], 3) + repeat([2], 3) + repeat([3], 3))
+ $delete _
+ setlocal nomodified report=10
+ let res = execute('%sort u')
+ call assert_equal([1,2,3], map(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val+0'))
+ call assert_equal("", res)
+ enew!
+ call append(0, repeat([1], 3) + repeat([2], 3) + repeat([3], 3))
+ $delete _
+ setl report&vim
+ setlocal nomodified
+ let res = execute('1g/^/%sort u')
+ call assert_equal([1,2,3], map(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val+0'))
+ " the output comes from the :g command, not from the :sort
+ call assert_match("6 fewer lines", res)
+ enew!
+ endfunc