Problem: Tests get stuck when running into an existing swapfile.
Solution: Set v:swapchoice to "q" and report an error. (Daniel Hahler,
closes #4644)
let s:test_script_fname = expand('%')
au! SwapExists * call HandleSwapExists()
func HandleSwapExists()
- " Only ignore finding a swap file for the test script (the user might be
+ " Ignore finding a swap file for the test script (the user might be
" editing it and do ":make test_name") and the output file.
+ " Report finding another swap file and chose 'q' to avoid getting stuck.
if expand('<afile>') == 'messages' || expand('<afile>') =~ s:test_script_fname
let v:swapchoice = 'e'
+ else
+ call assert_report('Unexpected swap file: ' .. v:swapname)
+ let v:swapchoice = 'q'
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1677,