CPPFLAGS += -I$(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/../include
CXXFLAGS = -fno-rtti
+# Clang has no plugins, optimize startup time.
# Include this here so we can get the configuration of the targets
# that have been configured for construction. We have to do this
# early so we can set up LINK_COMPONENTS before including Makefile.rules
include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config
-# Optimize startup time of the app by not exporting all of the weak symbols
-# from the binary. This reduces dyld startup time by 4x.
-ifeq ($(OS),Darwin)
-LD.Flags += -Wl,-exported_symbol -Wl,_main
-ifeq ($(OS), $(filter $(OS), Linux NetBSD FreeBSD))
-LD.Flags += -Wl,--version-script=Driver.map
LINK_COMPONENTS := $(TARGETS_TO_BUILD) bitreader bitwriter codegen ipo selectiondag
USEDLIBS = clangCodeGen.a clangAnalysis.a clangRewrite.a clangSema.a \
clangDriver.a clangAST.a clangParse.a clangLex.a \