STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(get_compopt_value, (const char *, char *));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(special_handling, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(warning_opts, (char *,const char *));
-STATIC_DCL void FDECL(duplicate_opt_detection, (const char *, int));
+STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(duplicate_opt_detection, (const char *, int));
+STATIC_DCL void FDECL(complain_about_duplicate, (const char *, int));
STATIC_OVL void FDECL(wc_set_font_name, (int, char *));
STATIC_OVL int FDECL(wc_set_window_colors, (char *));
-duplicate_opt_detection(opts, bool_or_comp)
+STATIC_OVL boolean
+duplicate_opt_detection(opts, iscompound)
const char *opts;
-int bool_or_comp; /* 0 == boolean option, 1 == compound */
+int iscompound; /* 0 == boolean option, 1 == compound */
int i, *optptr;
-#if defined(MAC)
- /* the Mac has trouble dealing with the output of messages while
- * processing the config file. That should get fixed one day.
- * For now just return.
- */
- return;
- if ((bool_or_comp == 0) && iflags.opt_booldup && initial && from_file) {
+ if (!iscompound && iflags.opt_booldup && initial && from_file) {
for (i = 0; boolopt[i].name; i++) {
if (match_optname(opts, boolopt[i].name, 3, FALSE)) {
optptr = iflags.opt_booldup + i;
- if (*optptr == 1) {
- raw_printf(
- "\nWarning - Boolean option specified multiple times: %s.\n",
- opts);
- wait_synch();
- }
*optptr += 1;
- break; /* don't match multiple options */
+ if (*optptr > 1) return TRUE;
+ else return FALSE;
- } else if ((bool_or_comp == 1) && iflags.opt_compdup && initial && from_file) {
+ } else if (iscompound && iflags.opt_compdup && initial && from_file) {
for (i = 0; compopt[i].name; i++) {
- if (match_optname(opts, compopt[i].name, strlen(compopt[i].name), TRUE)) {
+ if (match_optname(opts, compopt[i].name,
+ strlen(compopt[i].name), TRUE)) {
optptr = iflags.opt_compdup + i;
- if (*optptr == 1) {
- raw_printf(
- "\nWarning - compound option specified multiple times: %s.\n",
- compopt[i].name);
- wait_synch();
- }
*optptr += 1;
- break; /* don't match multiple options */
+ if (*optptr > 1) return TRUE;
+ else return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
+complain_about_duplicate(opts, iscompound)
+const char *opts;
+int iscompound; /* 0 == boolean option, 1 == compound */
+#if defined(MAC)
+ /* the Mac has trouble dealing with the output of messages while
+ * processing the config file. That should get fixed one day.
+ * For now just return.
+ */
+ return;
+ raw_printf(
+ "\nWarning - %s option specified multiple times: %s.\n",
+ iscompound ? "compound" : "boolean", opts);
+ wait_synch();
+ return;
register char *op;
unsigned num;
- boolean negated;
+ boolean negated, duplicate;
int i;
const char *fullname;
if (match_optname(opts, "colour", 5, FALSE))
Strcpy(opts, "color"); /* fortunately this isn't longer */
- if (!match_optname(opts, "subkeyvalue", 11, TRUE)) /* allow multiple */
- duplicate_opt_detection(opts, 1); /* 1 means compound opts */
/* special boolean options */
if (match_optname(opts, "female", 3, FALSE)) {
+ if (duplicate_opt_detection(opts,0))
+ complain_about_duplicate(opts,0);
if(!initial && flags.female == negated)
pline("That is not anatomically possible.");
if (match_optname(opts, "male", 4, FALSE)) {
+ if (duplicate_opt_detection(opts,0))
+ complain_about_duplicate(opts,0);
if(!initial && flags.female != negated)
pline("That is not anatomically possible.");
/* compound options */
+ /* This first batch can be duplicated if their values are negated */
+ /* align:string */
+ fullname = "align";
+ if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("align")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
+ else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
+ boolean val_negated = FALSE;
+ while ((*op == '!') || !strncmpi(op, "no", 2)) {
+ if (*op == '!') op++; else op += 2;
+ val_negated = !val_negated;
+ }
+ if (val_negated) {
+ if (!setrolefilter(op))
+ badoption(opts);
+ } else {
+ if (duplicate_opt_detection(opts,1))
+ complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
+ if ((flags.initalign = str2align(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
+ badoption(opts);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* role:string or character:string */
+ fullname = "role";
+ if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE) ||
+ match_optname(opts, (fullname = "character"), 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
+ else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
+ boolean val_negated = FALSE;
+ while ((*op == '!') || !strncmpi(op, "no", 2)) {
+ if (*op == '!') op++; else op += 2;
+ val_negated = !val_negated;
+ }
+ if (val_negated) {
+ if (!setrolefilter(op))
+ badoption(opts);
+ } else {
+ if (duplicate_opt_detection(opts,1))
+ complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
+ if ((flags.initrole = str2role(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
+ badoption(opts);
+ else /* Backwards compatibility */
+ nmcpy(pl_character, op, PL_NSIZ);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* race:string */
+ fullname = "race";
+ if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
+ else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
+ boolean val_negated = FALSE;
+ while ((*op == '!') || !strncmpi(op, "no", 2)) {
+ if (*op == '!') op++; else op += 2;
+ val_negated = !val_negated;
+ }
+ if (val_negated) {
+ if (!setrolefilter(op))
+ badoption(opts);
+ } else {
+ if (duplicate_opt_detection(opts,1))
+ complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
+ if ((flags.initrace = str2race(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
+ badoption(opts);
+ else /* Backwards compatibility */
+ pl_race = *op;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* gender:string */
+ fullname = "gender";
+ if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
+ else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
+ boolean val_negated = FALSE;
+ while ((*op == '!') || !strncmpi(op, "no", 2)) {
+ if (*op == '!') op++; else op += 2;
+ val_negated = !val_negated;
+ }
+ if (val_negated) {
+ if (!setrolefilter(op))
+ badoption(opts);
+ } else {
+ if (duplicate_opt_detection(opts,1))
+ complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
+ if ((flags.initgend = str2gend(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
+ badoption(opts);
+ else
+ flags.female = flags.initgend;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We always check for duplicates on the remaining compound options,
+ although individual option processing can choose to complain or not */
+ duplicate = duplicate_opt_detection(opts,1); /* 1 means check compounds */
fullname = "pettype";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 3, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, negated)) != 0) {
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, TRUE);
else switch (*op) {
fullname = "catname";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 3, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0)
nmcpy(catname, op, PL_PSIZ);
fullname = "dogname";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 3, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0)
nmcpy(dogname, op, PL_PSIZ);
fullname = "horsename";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 5, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0)
nmcpy(horsename, op, PL_PSIZ);
fullname = "number_pad";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 10, TRUE)) {
boolean compat = (strlen(opts) <= 10);
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
number_pad(iflags.num_pad ? 1 : 0);
op = string_for_opt(opts, (compat || !initial));
if (!op) {
fullname = "runmode";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
flags.runmode = RUN_TPORT;
} else if ((op = string_for_opt(opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
fullname = "msghistory";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 3, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, negated);
if ((negated && !op) || (!negated && op)) {
iflags.msg_history = negated ? 0 : atoi(op);
/* allow option to be silently ignored by non-tty ports */
int tmp;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (!(op = string_for_opt(opts, TRUE))) {
tmp = negated ? 's' : 'f';
} else {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (opttype > 0 && !negated &&
(op = string_for_opt(opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
switch(opttype) {
) {
int color_number, color_incr;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
# ifdef MAC
if (match_optname(opts, "hicolor", 3, TRUE)) {
if (negated) {
if (match_optname(opts, "fruit", 2, TRUE)) {
char empty_str = '\0';
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if (negated) {
if (op) {
/* graphics:string */
fullname = "graphics";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 2, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else graphics_opts(opts, fullname, MAXPCHARS, 0);
fullname = "dungeon";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 2, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else graphics_opts(opts, fullname, MAXDCHARS, 0);
fullname = "traps";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 2, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else graphics_opts(opts, fullname, MAXTCHARS, MAXDCHARS);
fullname = "effects";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 2, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
graphics_opts(opts, fullname, MAXECHARS, MAXDCHARS+MAXTCHARS);
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 7, TRUE)) {
int length;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 8, TRUE)) {
int length;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
fullname = "warnings";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 5, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else warning_opts(opts, fullname);
fullname = "boulder";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 7, TRUE)) {
int clash = 0;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
/* name:string */
fullname = "name";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0)
nmcpy(plname, op, PL_NSIZ);
- /* role:string or character:string */
- fullname = "role";
- if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE) ||
- match_optname(opts, (fullname = "character"), 4, TRUE)) {
- if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
- else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
- if ((flags.initrole = str2role(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
- badoption(opts);
- else /* Backwards compatibility */
- nmcpy(pl_character, op, PL_NSIZ);
- }
- return;
- }
- /* race:string */
- fullname = "race";
- if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
- if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
- else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
- if ((flags.initrace = str2race(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
- badoption(opts);
- else /* Backwards compatibility */
- pl_race = *op;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* gender:string */
- fullname = "gender";
- if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
- if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
- else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
- if ((flags.initgend = str2gend(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
- badoption(opts);
- else
- flags.female = flags.initgend;
- }
- return;
- }
/* altkeyhandler:string */
fullname = "altkeyhandler";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else if ((op = string_for_opt(opts, negated))) {
#ifdef WIN32CON
* align_message:[left|top|right|bottom] */
fullname = "align_message";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("align_message")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if (op && !negated) {
if (!strncmpi (op, "left", sizeof("left")-1))
} else if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, TRUE);
- /* align:string */
- fullname = "align";
- if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("align")-1, TRUE)) {
- if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
- else if ((op = string_for_env_opt(fullname, opts, FALSE)) != 0)
- if ((flags.initalign = str2align(op)) == ROLE_NONE)
- badoption(opts);
- return;
- }
/* the order to list the pack */
fullname = "packorder";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
/* maximum burden picked up before prompt (Warren Cheung) */
fullname = "pickup_burden";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 8, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
int oc_sym;
boolean badopt = FALSE, compat = (strlen(opts) <= 6), use_menu;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
oc_to_str(flags.pickup_types, tbuf);
flags.pickup_types[0] = '\0'; /* all */
op = string_for_opt(opts, (compat || !initial));
* player_selection: dialog | prompts */
fullname = "player_selection";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("player_selection")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if (op && !negated) {
if (!strncmpi (op, "dialog", sizeof("dialog")-1))
boolean badopt = FALSE;
int idx, prefix_val;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, TRUE);
if (op && negated) {
bad_negation("disclose", TRUE);
/* scores:5t[op] 5a[round] o[wn] */
if (match_optname(opts, "scores", 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation("scores", FALSE);
fullname = "suppress_alert";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 4, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else if (op) (void) feature_alert_opts(op,fullname);
fullname = "videocolors";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 6, TRUE) ||
match_optname(opts, "videocolours", 10, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
/* videoshades:string */
fullname = "videoshades";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 6, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
/* video:string -- must be after longer tests */
fullname = "video";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 5, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
/* soundcard:string -- careful not to match boolean 'sound' */
fullname = "soundcard";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 6, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
ascii16x12|ascii12x16|ascii10x18|fit_to_screen] */
fullname = "map_mode";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("map_mode")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if (op && !negated) {
if (!strncmpi (op, "tiles", sizeof("tiles")-1))
* scroll_amount:nn */
fullname = "scroll_amount";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("scroll_amount")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if ((negated && !op) || (!negated && op)) {
iflags.wc_scroll_amount = negated ? 1 : atoi(op);
* scroll_margin:nn */
fullname = "scroll_margin";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("scroll_margin")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if ((negated && !op) || (!negated && op)) {
iflags.wc_scroll_margin = negated ? 5 : atoi(op);
fullname = "subkeyvalue";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 5, TRUE)) {
+ /* no duplicate complaint here */
if (negated) bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
else {
#if defined(WIN32CON)
* tile_width:nn */
fullname = "tile_width";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("tile_width")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if ((negated && !op) || (!negated && op)) {
iflags.wc_tile_width = negated ? 0 : atoi(op);
* tile_file:name */
fullname = "tile_file";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("tile_file")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if ((op = string_for_opt(opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
if (iflags.wc_tile_file) free(iflags.wc_tile_file);
iflags.wc_tile_file = (char *)alloc(strlen(op) + 1);
* tile_height:nn */
fullname = "tile_height";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("tile_height")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if ((negated && !op) || (!negated && op)) {
iflags.wc_tile_height = negated ? 0 : atoi(op);
* vary_msgcount:nn */
fullname = "vary_msgcount";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, sizeof("vary_msgcount")-1, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, negated);
if ((negated && !op) || (!negated && op)) {
iflags.wc_vary_msgcount = negated ? 0 : atoi(op);
fullname = "windowtype";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 3, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
fullname = "windowcolors";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 7, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if ((op = string_for_opt(opts, FALSE)) != 0) {
if (!wc_set_window_colors(op))
int tmp;
boolean val_required = (strlen(opts) > 5 && !negated);
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (!(op = string_for_opt(opts, !val_required))) {
if (val_required) return; /* string_for_opt gave feedback */
tmp = negated ? 'n' : 'f';
fullname = "menu_headings";
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, 12, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (negated) {
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
/* check for menu command mapping */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_MENU_CMDS; i++) {
fullname = default_menu_cmd_info[i].name;
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
if (match_optname(opts, fullname, (int)strlen(fullname), TRUE)) {
if (negated)
bad_negation(fullname, FALSE);
/* hilite fields in status prompt */
if (match_optname(opts, "hilite_status", 13, TRUE)) {
+ if (duplicate) complain_about_duplicate(opts,1);
op = string_for_opt(opts, TRUE);
if (op && negated) {
*(boolopt[i].addr) = !negated;
- duplicate_opt_detection(boolopt[i].name, 0);
+ /* 0 means boolean opts */
+ if (duplicate_opt_detection(boolopt[i].name, 0))
+ complain_about_duplicate(boolopt[i].name,0);
#if defined(TERMLIB) || defined(ASCIIGRAPH) || defined(MAC_GRAPHICS_ENV)