/* check for ".phar" in extension */
static int phar_check_str(const char *fname, const char *ext_str, size_t ext_len, int executable, int for_create) /* {{{ */
- char test[51];
const char *pos;
if (ext_len >= 50) {
return FAILURE;
if (executable == 1) {
- /* copy "." as well */
- strlcpy(test, ext_str, ext_len + 1);
/* executable phars must contain ".phar" as a valid extension (phar://.pharmy/oops is invalid) */
/* (phar://hi/there/.phar/oops is also invalid) */
- pos = strstr(test, ".phar");
+ pos = strstr(ext_str, ".phar");
- if (pos && (*(pos - 1) != '/')
- && (pos += 5) && (*pos == '\0' || *pos == '/' || *pos == '.')) {
- return phar_analyze_path(fname, ext_str, ext_len, for_create);
- } else {
+ if (!pos
+ || pos != ext_str && (*(pos - 1) == '/')
+ || (ext_len - (pos - ext_str)) < 5
+ || !(pos += 5)
+ || !(*pos == '\0' || *pos == '/' || *pos == '.')) {
return FAILURE;
+ return phar_analyze_path(fname, ext_str, ext_len, for_create);
/* data phars need only contain a single non-"." to be valid */