;; subsequently left the net; in 1995, Barry Warsaw inherited the
;; mode and is the current maintainer.
-;; At some point this mode will undergo a rewrite to bring it more in
-;; line with GNU Emacs Lisp coding standards, and to wax all the Emacs
-;; 18 support. But all in all, the mode works exceedingly well, and
-;; I've simply been tweaking it as I go along. Ain't it wonderful
-;; that Python has a much more sane syntax than C? (or <shudder> C++?!
-;; :-). I can say that; I maintain CC Mode!
-;; The following statements, placed in your .emacs file or
-;; site-init.el, will cause this file to be autoloaded, and
-;; python-mode invoked, when visiting .py files (assuming this file is
-;; in your load-path):
+;; Note: this version of python-mode.el is no longer compatible with
+;; Emacs 18. For a gabazillion reasons, I highly recommend upgrading
+;; to X/Emacs 19 or X/Emacs 20. For older versions of the 19 series,
+;; you may need to acquire the Custom library.
+;; python-mode.el is currently distributed with XEmacs 19 and XEmacs
+;; 20. Since this file is not GPL'd it is not distributed with Emacs,
+;; but it is compatible with the EOL 19 series and current 20 series
+;; Emacsen. By default, in XEmacs when you visit a .py file, it is
+;; put in Python mode. In Emacs, you need to add the following to
+;; your .emacs file (you don't need this for XEmacs):
-;; (autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" "Python editing mode." t)
-;; (setq auto-mode-alist
-;; (cons '("\\.py$" . python-mode) auto-mode-alist))
+;; (autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" "Python editing mode." t)
+;; (setq auto-mode-alist
+;; (cons '("\\.py$" . python-mode) auto-mode-alist))
+;; (setq interpreter-mode-alist
+;; (cons '("python" . python-mode) interpreter-mode-alist))
+;; Assuming python-mode.el is on your load-path, it will be invoked
+;; when you visit a .py file, or a file with a first line that looks
+;; like:
+;; #! /usr/bin/env python
;; If you want font-lock support for Python source code (a.k.a. syntax
;; coloring, highlighting), add this to your .emacs file:
;; (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)
-;; But you better be sure you're version of Emacs supports
-;; font-lock-mode! As of this writing, the latest Emacs and XEmacs
-;; 19's do.
+;; Again, this should not be necessary for XEmacs, since it Just Works.
-;; Here's a brief list of recent additions/improvements/changes:
-;; - Wrapping and indentation within triple quote strings now works.
-;; - `Standard' bug reporting mechanism (use C-c C-b)
-;; - py-mark-block was moved to C-c C-m
-;; - C-c C-v shows you the python-mode version
-;; - a basic python-font-lock-keywords has been added for (X)Emacs 19
-;; - proper interaction with pending-del and del-sel modes.
-;; - Better support for outdenting: py-electric-colon (:) and
-;; py-indent-line (TAB) improvements; one level of outdentation
-;; added after a return, raise, break, pass, or continue statement.
-;; Defeated by prefixing command with C-u.
-;; - New py-electric-colon (:) command for improved outdenting Also
-;; py-indent-line (TAB) should handle outdented lines better
-;; - improved (I think) C-c > and C-c <
-;; - py-(forward|backward)-into-nomenclature, not bound, but useful on
-;; M-f and M-b respectively.
-;; - integration with imenu by Perry A. Stoll <stoll@atr-sw.atr.co.jp>
-;; - py-indent-offset now defaults to 4
-;; - new variable py-honor-comment-indentation
-;; - comment-region bound to C-c #
-;; - py-delete-char obeys numeric arguments
-;; - Small modification to rule for "indenting comment lines", such
-;; lines must now also be indented less than or equal to the
-;; indentation of the previous statement.
+;; To submit bug reports, use C-c C-b. Please include a complete, but
+;; concise code sample and a recipe for reproducing the bug. Send
+;; suggestions and other comments to python-mode@python.org.
+;; When in a Python mode buffer, do a C-h m for more help. It's
+;; doubtful that a texinfo manual would be very useful.
;; Here's a brief to do list:
;; - Add a py-goto-error or some such that would scan an exception in
;; the py-shell buffer, and pop you to that line in the file.
-;; If you can think of more things you'd like to see, drop me a line.
-;; If you want to report bugs, use py-submit-bug-report (C-c C-b).
-;; Note that I only test things on XEmacs 19 and to some degree on
-;; Emacs 19. If you port stuff to FSF Emacs 19, or Emacs 18, please
-;; send me your patches. Byte compiler complaints can probably be
-;; safely ignored.
;;; Code:
(require 'custom)
:type '(choice
(const :tag "Skip all comment lines (fast)" nil)
(const :tag "Single # `sets' indentation for next line" t)
- (const :tag "Single # `sets' indentation except at column zero" other)
+ (const :tag "Single # `sets' indentation except at column zero"
+ other)
:group 'python)
(defvar python-font-lock-keywords
- (let* ((keywords '("and" "break" "class"
+ (let* ((keywords '("and" "assert" "break" "class"
"continue" "def" "del" "elif"
"else:" "except" "except:" "exec"
"finally:" "for" "from" "global"
+;; Regexp matching keywords which typically close a block
+(defconst py-block-closing-keywords-re
+ "\\(return\\|raise\\|break\\|continue\\|pass\\)")
;; Regexp matching lines to not outdent after.
(defconst py-no-outdent-re
- (concat "\\(" (mapconcat 'identity
- '("try:"
- "except\\(\\s +.*\\)?:"
- "while\\s +.*:"
- "for\\s +.*:"
- "if\\s +.*:"
- "elif\\s +.*:"
- "\\(return\\|break\\|raise\\|continue\\)[ \t\n]"
- )
- "\\|")
+ (concat
+ "\\("
+ (mapconcat 'identity
+ (list "try:"
+ "except\\(\\s +.*\\)?:"
+ "while\\s +.*:"
+ "for\\s +.*:"
+ "if\\s +.*:"
+ "elif\\s +.*:"
+ (concat py-block-closing-keywords-re "[ \t\n]")
+ )
+ "\\|")
;; Regexp matching a function, method or variable assignment. If you
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (make-comint "Python" py-python-command))
(make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-regexp)
(setq comint-prompt-regexp "^>>> \\|^[.][.][.] ")
- (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 'py-process-filter)
+ (set-process-filter (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) nil)
(set-syntax-table py-mode-syntax-table)
(local-set-key [tab] 'self-insert-command))
See the `\\[py-shell]' docs for additional warnings."
(interactive "r")
- (or (< start end) (error "Region is empty"))
+ (or (< start end)
+ (error "Region is empty"))
(let ((pyproc (get-process "Python"))
(if (null pyproc)
- (shell-command-on-region start end py-python-command)
+ (let ((outbuf "*Python Output*"))
+ (shell-command-on-region start end py-python-command outbuf)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer outbuf)
+ ;; TBD: ???
+ (goto-char (point-max))))
;; else feed it thru a temp file
(setq fname (py-make-temp-name))
(write-region start end fname nil 'no-msg)
(if (and (not (zerop (car state)))
(not (eobp)))
- (parse-partial-sexp (point) (point-max)
- (if py-parse-partial-sexp-works-p
- 0 (- 0 (car state)))
- nil state)
+ (parse-partial-sexp (point) (point-max) 0 nil state)
(forward-line 1))))))
;; t iff statement opens a block == iff it ends with a colon that's
(let ((here (point)))
- (looking-at "\\(return\\|raise\\|break\\|continue\\|pass\\)\\>")
+ (looking-at (concat py-block-closing-keywords-re "\\>"))
(goto-char here))))
;; go to point right beyond final line of block begun by the current