-# $File: console,v 1.26 2016/06/12 15:20:37 christos Exp $
+# $File: console,v 1.27 2016/12/01 15:34:44 christos Exp $
# Console game magic
# Toby Deshane <hac@shoelace.digivill.net>
# References:
# - http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/INES
# - http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/NES_2.0
-0 string NES\x1A iNES ROM image
+# Common header for iNES, NES 2.0, and Wii U iNES.
+0 name nes-rom-image-ines
>7 byte&0x0C =0x8 (NES 2.0)
>4 byte x \b: %ux16k PRG
->5 byte x \b, %ux16k CHR
+>5 byte x \b, %ux8k CHR
>6 byte&0x08 =0x8 [4-Scr]
>6 byte&0x09 =0x0 [H-mirror]
>6 byte&0x09 =0x1 [V-mirror]
>6 byte&0x02 =0x2 [SRAM]
>6 byte&0x04 =0x4 [Trainer]
>7 byte&0x03 =0x2 [PC10]
->7 byte&0x03 =0x1 [VS
+>7 byte&0x03 =0x1 [VS]
>>7 byte&0x0C =0x8
# NES 2.0: VS PPU
>>>13 byte&0x0F =0x0 \b, RP2C03B
>>12 byte&0x03 =0x1 [PAL]
>>12 byte&0x02 =0x2 [NTSC+PAL]
+# Standard iNES ROM header.
+0 string NES\x1A NES ROM image (iNES)
+>0 use nes-rom-image-ines
+# Wii U Virtual Console iNES ROM header.
+0 belong 0x4E455300 NES ROM image (Wii U Virtual Console)
+>0 use nes-rom-image-ines
# unif: file(1) magic for UNIF-format Nintendo Entertainment System ROM images
# Reference: http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/UNIF
# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
-# TODO commit on 2016/03/21
# NOTE: The UNIF format uses chunks instead of a fixed header,
# so most of the data isn't easily parseable.
0 string UNIF
->4 lelong <16 UNIF v%d format NES ROM image
+>4 lelong <16 NES ROM image (UNIF v%d format)
# fds: file(1) magic for Famciom Disk System disk images
# Disk info block. (block 1)
0 name nintendo-fds-disk-info-block
->1 string *NINTENDO-HVC* Famicom Disk System disk image:
>23 byte !1 FMC-
>23 byte 1 FSC-
>16 string x \b%.3s
->15 byte x \b, mfr 0x%02X
+>15 byte x \b, mfr %02X
>20 byte x (Rev.%02u)
# Headered version.
0 string FDS\x1A
->0x11 string *NINTENDO-HVC*
+>0x11 string *NINTENDO-HVC* Famicom Disk System disk image:
>>0x10 use nintendo-fds-disk-info-block
>4 byte 1 (%u side)
>4 byte !1 (%u sides)
# Unheadered version.
-1 string *NINTENDO-HVC*
+1 string *NINTENDO-HVC* Famicom Disk System disk image:
>0 use nintendo-fds-disk-info-block
+# tnes: file(1) magic for TNES-format Nintendo Entertainment System ROM images
+# Used by Nintendo 3DS NES Virtual Console games.
+# From: David Korth <gerbilsoft@gerbilsoft.com>
+0 string TNES NES ROM image (Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console)
+>4 byte 100 \b: FDS,
+>>0x2010 use nintendo-fds-disk-info-block
+>4 byte !100 \b: TNES mapper %u
+>>5 byte x \b, %ux8k PRG
+>>6 byte x \b, %ux8k CHR
+>>7 byte&0x08 =1 [WRAM]
+>>8 byte&0x09 =1 [H-mirror]
+>>8 byte&0x09 =2 [V-mirror]
+>>8 byte&0x02 =3 [VRAM]
# gameboy: file(1) magic for the Nintendo (Color) Gameboy raw ROM format
# Reference: http://gbdev.gg8.se/wiki/articles/The_Cartridge_Header