Also updates checked-in line endings on some files.
+# Binary data types
+*.aif binary
+*.aifc binary
+*.aiff binary
+*.au binary
+*.bmp binary
+*.exe binary
+*.icns binary
+*.gif binary
+*.ico binary
+*.jpg binary
*.pck binary
-Lib/test/cjkencodings/* binary
-Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest binary
+*.png binary
+*.psd binary
+*.tar binary
+*.wav binary
+*.whl binary
+*.zip binary
+# Specific binary files
Lib/test/sndhdrdata/sndhdr.* binary
-Lib/test/test_email/data/msg_26.txt binary
-Lib/test/xmltestdata/* binary
-Lib/venv/scripts/nt/* binary
-Lib/test/ binary
+# Text files that should not be subject to eol conversion
+Lib/test/cjkencodings/* -text
+Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest -text
+Lib/test/test_email/data/*.txt -text
+Lib/test/xmltestdata/* -text
+Lib/test/ -text
+# Special files in third party code
+Modules/zlib/ -text
+# CRLF files
+*.bat text eol=crlf
+*.ps1 text eol=crlf
+*.sln text eol=crlf
+*.vcxproj* text eol=crlf
+*.props text eol=crlf
+*.proj text eol=crlf
+PCbuild/readme.txt text eol=crlf
+PC/readme.txt text eol=crlf
-function global:deactivate ([switch]$NonDestructive) {\r
- # Revert to original values\r
- if (Test-Path function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT) {\r
- copy-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT function:prompt\r
- remove-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT\r
- }\r
- if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME) {\r
- remove-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME\r
- }\r
- if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH) {\r
- copy-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH env:PATH\r
- remove-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH\r
- }\r
- if (Test-Path env:VIRTUAL_ENV) {\r
- remove-item env:VIRTUAL_ENV\r
- }\r
- if (!$NonDestructive) {\r
- # Self destruct!\r
- remove-item function:deactivate\r
- }\r
-deactivate -nondestructive\r
- # Set the prompt to include the env name\r
- # Make sure _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT is global\r
- function global:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT {""}\r
- copy-item function:prompt function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT\r
- function global:prompt {\r
- Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green '__VENV_PROMPT__'\r
- }\r
-if (Test-Path env:PYTHONHOME) {\r
- remove-item env:PYTHONHOME\r
-# Add the venv to the PATH\r
-copy-item env:PATH env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH\r
-$env:PATH = "$env:VIRTUAL_ENV\__VENV_BIN_NAME__;$env:PATH"\r
+function global:deactivate ([switch]$NonDestructive) {
+ # Revert to original values
+ if (Test-Path function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT) {
+ copy-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT function:prompt
+ remove-item function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT
+ }
+ if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME) {
+ remove-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PYTHONHOME
+ }
+ if (Test-Path env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH) {
+ copy-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH env:PATH
+ remove-item env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
+ }
+ if (Test-Path env:VIRTUAL_ENV) {
+ remove-item env:VIRTUAL_ENV
+ }
+ if (!$NonDestructive) {
+ # Self destruct!
+ remove-item function:deactivate
+ }
+deactivate -nondestructive
+ # Set the prompt to include the env name
+ # Make sure _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT is global
+ function global:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT {""}
+ copy-item function:prompt function:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT
+ function global:prompt {
+ Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green '__VENV_PROMPT__'
+ }
+if (Test-Path env:PYTHONHOME) {
+ remove-item env:PYTHONHOME
+# Add the venv to the PATH
+copy-item env:PATH env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH
+$env:PATH = "$env:VIRTUAL_ENV\__VENV_BIN_NAME__;$env:PATH"
-@echo off\r
-if not defined PROMPT (\r
- set "PROMPT=$P$G"\r
-if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (\r
-if defined PYTHONHOME (\r
-if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (\r
-) else (\r
+@echo off
+if not defined PROMPT (
+ set "PROMPT=$P$G"
+if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (
+if defined PYTHONHOME (
+if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (
+) else (
-@echo off\r
-if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (\r
-if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (\r
+@echo off
+if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PROMPT (
+if defined _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH (
-rem Test all machine configurations, pydebug, refleaks, release build.\r
-cd ..\..\..\\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # Building Python\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64\r
-msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformTarget=x64\r
-msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:PlatformTarget=x64\r
-msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64\r
-msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64\r
-call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86\r
-msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32\r
-msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # test_decimal: platform=x64\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-cd PCbuild\amd64\r
-echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================\r
-python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal\r
-echo # ==================== regular tests =======================\r
-python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal\r
-cd ..\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # test_decimal: platform=x86\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================\r
-python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal\r
-echo # ==================== regular tests =======================\r
-python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal\r
-cd amd64\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # deccheck: platform=x64\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # ==================== debug build =======================\r
-python_d.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\\r
-echo # =================== release build ======================\r
-python.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\\r
-cd ..\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # deccheck: platform=x86\r
-echo # ======================================================================\r
-echo # ==================== debug build =======================\r
-python_d.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\\r
-echo # =================== release build ======================\r
-python.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\\r
-cd ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\r
+rem Test all machine configurations, pydebug, refleaks, release build.
+cd ..\..\..\
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # Building Python
+echo # ======================================================================
+call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
+msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:PlatformTarget=x64
+msbuild /noconsolelogger /target:clean PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:PlatformTarget=x64
+msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
+msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64
+call "%VS100COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
+msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32
+msbuild /noconsolelogger PCbuild\pcbuild.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=Win32
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # test_decimal: platform=x64
+echo # ======================================================================
+cd PCbuild\amd64
+echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================
+python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal
+echo # ==================== regular tests =======================
+python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal
+cd ..
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # test_decimal: platform=x86
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # ==================== refleak tests =======================
+python_d.exe -m test -uall -R 2:2 test_decimal
+echo # ==================== regular tests =======================
+python.exe -m test -uall test_decimal
+cd amd64
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # deccheck: platform=x64
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # ==================== debug build =======================
+python_d.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\
+echo # =================== release build ======================
+python.exe ..\..\Modules\_decimal\tests\
+cd ..
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # deccheck: platform=x86
+echo # ======================================================================
+echo # ==================== debug build =======================
+python_d.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\
+echo # =================== release build ======================
+python.exe ..\Modules\_decimal\tests\
+cd ..\Modules\_decimal\tests
-@echo off\r
-set D=%~dp0\r
-set PCBUILD=%~dp0..\..\PCBuild\\r
-echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0.exe\r
-call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0-amd64.exe\r
-call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86_amd64\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64\r
+@echo off
+set D=%~dp0
+set PCBUILD=%~dp0..\..\PCBuild\
+echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0.exe
+call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
+if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=Win32
+if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+echo Building Lib\distutils\command\wininst-xx.0-amd64.exe
+call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86_amd64
+if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+msbuild "%D%bdist_wininst.vcxproj" "/p:SolutionDir=%PCBUILD%\" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64
-@echo off\r
-goto Run\r
-echo.%~nx0 [flags and arguments] [quoted MSBuild options]\r
-echo.Build CPython from the command line. Requires the appropriate\r
-echo.version(s) of Microsoft Visual Studio to be installed (see readme.txt).\r
-echo.Also requires Subversion (svn.exe) to be on PATH if the '-e' flag is\r
-echo.After the flags recognized by this script, up to 9 arguments to be passed\r
-echo.directly to MSBuild may be passed. If the argument contains an '=', the\r
-echo.entire argument must be quoted (e.g. `%~nx0 "/p:PlatformToolset=v100"`)\r
-echo.Available flags:\r
-echo. -h Display this help message\r
-echo. -V Display version information for the current build\r
-echo. -r Target Rebuild instead of Build\r
-echo. -d Set the configuration to Debug\r
-echo. -e Build external libraries fetched by get_externals.bat\r
-echo. Extension modules that depend on external libraries will not attempt\r
-echo. to build if this flag is not present\r
-echo. -m Enable parallel build (enabled by default)\r
-echo. -M Disable parallel build\r
-echo. -v Increased output messages\r
-echo. -k Attempt to kill any running Pythons before building (usually done\r
-echo. automatically by the pythoncore project)\r
-echo. --pgo Build with Profile-Guided Optimization. This flag\r
-echo. overrides -c and -d\r
-echo. --test-marker Enable the test marker within the build.\r
-echo.Available flags to avoid building certain modules.\r
-echo.These flags have no effect if '-e' is not given:\r
-echo. --no-ssl Do not attempt to build _ssl\r
-echo. --no-tkinter Do not attempt to build Tkinter\r
-echo.Available arguments:\r
-echo. -c Release ^| Debug ^| PGInstrument ^| PGUpdate\r
-echo. Set the configuration (default: Release)\r
-echo. -p x64 ^| Win32\r
-echo. Set the platform (default: Win32)\r
-echo. -t Build ^| Rebuild ^| Clean ^| CleanAll\r
-echo. Set the target manually\r
-echo. --pgo-job The job to use for PGO training; implies --pgo\r
-echo. (default: "-m test --pgo")\r
-exit /b 127\r
-set platf=Win32\r
-set vs_platf=x86\r
-set conf=Release\r
-set target=Build\r
-set dir=%~dp0\r
-set parallel=/m\r
-set verbose=/nologo /v:m\r
-set kill=\r
-set do_pgo=\r
-set pgo_job=-m test --pgo\r
-set on_64_bit=true\r
-rem This may not be 100% accurate, but close enough.\r
-if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (set on_64_bit=false)\r
-if "%~1"=="-h" goto Usage\r
-if "%~1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-r" (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-t" (set target=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-m" (set parallel=/m) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-M" (set parallel=) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-v" (set verbose=/v:n) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-k" (set kill=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="--pgo" (set do_pgo=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="--pgo-job" (set do_pgo=true) & (set pgo_job=%~2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="--test-marker" (set UseTestMarker=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="-V" shift & goto Version\r
-rem These use the actual property names used by MSBuild. We could just let\r
-rem them in through the environment, but we specify them on the command line\r
-rem anyway for visibility so set defaults after this\r
-if "%~1"=="-e" (set IncludeExternals=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="--no-ssl" (set IncludeSSL=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1"=="--no-tkinter" (set IncludeTkinter=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%IncludeExternals%"=="" set IncludeExternals=false\r
-if "%IncludeSSL%"=="" set IncludeSSL=true\r
-if "%IncludeTkinter%"=="" set IncludeTkinter=true\r
-if "%IncludeExternals%"=="true" call "%dir%get_externals.bat"\r
-if "%platf%"=="x64" (\r
- if "%on_64_bit%"=="true" (\r
- rem This ought to always be correct these days...\r
- set vs_platf=amd64\r
- ) else (\r
- if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (\r
- echo.ERROR: Cannot cross-compile with PGO\r
- echo. 32bit operating system detected, if this is incorrect,\r
- echo. make sure the ProgramFiles(x86^) environment variable is set\r
- exit /b 1\r
- )\r
- set vs_platf=x86_amd64\r
- )\r
-if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"\r
-if exist "%GIT%" set GITProperty=/p:GIT="%GIT%"\r
-if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH & set GITProperty=\r
-rem Setup the environment\r
-call "%dir%env.bat" %vs_platf% >nul\r
-if "%kill%"=="true" call :Kill\r
-if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (\r
- set conf=PGInstrument\r
- call :Build\r
- del /s "%dir%\*.pgc"\r
- del /s "%dir%\..\Lib\*.pyc"\r
- echo on\r
- call "%dir%\..\python.bat" %pgo_job%\r
- @echo off\r
- call :Kill\r
- set conf=PGUpdate\r
-goto Build\r
-echo on\r
-msbuild "%dir%\pythoncore.vcxproj" /t:KillPython %verbose%^\r
- /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^\r
- /p:KillPython=true\r
-@echo off\r
-goto :eof\r
-rem Call on MSBuild to do the work, echo the command.\r
-rem Passing %1-9 is not the preferred option, but argument parsing in\r
-rem batch is, shall we say, "lackluster"\r
-echo on\r
-msbuild "%dir%pcbuild.proj" /t:%target% %parallel% %verbose%^\r
- /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^\r
- /p:IncludeExternals=%IncludeExternals%^\r
- /p:IncludeSSL=%IncludeSSL% /p:IncludeTkinter=%IncludeTkinter%^\r
- /p:UseTestMarker=%UseTestMarker% %GITProperty%^\r
- %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9\r
-@echo off\r
-goto :eof\r
-rem Display the current build version information\r
-msbuild "%dir%python.props" /t:ShowVersionInfo /v:m /nologo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9\r
+@echo off
+goto Run
+echo.%~nx0 [flags and arguments] [quoted MSBuild options]
+echo.Build CPython from the command line. Requires the appropriate
+echo.version(s) of Microsoft Visual Studio to be installed (see readme.txt).
+echo.Also requires Subversion (svn.exe) to be on PATH if the '-e' flag is
+echo.After the flags recognized by this script, up to 9 arguments to be passed
+echo.directly to MSBuild may be passed. If the argument contains an '=', the
+echo.entire argument must be quoted (e.g. `%~nx0 "/p:PlatformToolset=v100"`)
+echo.Available flags:
+echo. -h Display this help message
+echo. -V Display version information for the current build
+echo. -r Target Rebuild instead of Build
+echo. -d Set the configuration to Debug
+echo. -e Build external libraries fetched by get_externals.bat
+echo. Extension modules that depend on external libraries will not attempt
+echo. to build if this flag is not present
+echo. -m Enable parallel build (enabled by default)
+echo. -M Disable parallel build
+echo. -v Increased output messages
+echo. -k Attempt to kill any running Pythons before building (usually done
+echo. automatically by the pythoncore project)
+echo. --pgo Build with Profile-Guided Optimization. This flag
+echo. overrides -c and -d
+echo. --test-marker Enable the test marker within the build.
+echo.Available flags to avoid building certain modules.
+echo.These flags have no effect if '-e' is not given:
+echo. --no-ssl Do not attempt to build _ssl
+echo. --no-tkinter Do not attempt to build Tkinter
+echo.Available arguments:
+echo. -c Release ^| Debug ^| PGInstrument ^| PGUpdate
+echo. Set the configuration (default: Release)
+echo. -p x64 ^| Win32
+echo. Set the platform (default: Win32)
+echo. -t Build ^| Rebuild ^| Clean ^| CleanAll
+echo. Set the target manually
+echo. --pgo-job The job to use for PGO training; implies --pgo
+echo. (default: "-m test --pgo")
+exit /b 127
+set platf=Win32
+set vs_platf=x86
+set conf=Release
+set target=Build
+set dir=%~dp0
+set parallel=/m
+set verbose=/nologo /v:m
+set kill=
+set do_pgo=
+set pgo_job=-m test --pgo
+set on_64_bit=true
+rem This may not be 100% accurate, but close enough.
+if "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"=="" (set on_64_bit=false)
+if "%~1"=="-h" goto Usage
+if "%~1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-r" (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-t" (set target=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-m" (set parallel=/m) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-M" (set parallel=) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-v" (set verbose=/v:n) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-k" (set kill=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="--pgo" (set do_pgo=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="--pgo-job" (set do_pgo=true) & (set pgo_job=%~2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="--test-marker" (set UseTestMarker=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="-V" shift & goto Version
+rem These use the actual property names used by MSBuild. We could just let
+rem them in through the environment, but we specify them on the command line
+rem anyway for visibility so set defaults after this
+if "%~1"=="-e" (set IncludeExternals=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="--no-ssl" (set IncludeSSL=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1"=="--no-tkinter" (set IncludeTkinter=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%IncludeExternals%"=="" set IncludeExternals=false
+if "%IncludeSSL%"=="" set IncludeSSL=true
+if "%IncludeTkinter%"=="" set IncludeTkinter=true
+if "%IncludeExternals%"=="true" call "%dir%get_externals.bat"
+if "%platf%"=="x64" (
+ if "%on_64_bit%"=="true" (
+ rem This ought to always be correct these days...
+ set vs_platf=amd64
+ ) else (
+ if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (
+ echo.ERROR: Cannot cross-compile with PGO
+ echo. 32bit operating system detected, if this is incorrect,
+ echo. make sure the ProgramFiles(x86^) environment variable is set
+ exit /b 1
+ )
+ set vs_platf=x86_amd64
+ )
+if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"
+if exist "%GIT%" set GITProperty=/p:GIT="%GIT%"
+if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH & set GITProperty=
+rem Setup the environment
+call "%dir%env.bat" %vs_platf% >nul
+if "%kill%"=="true" call :Kill
+if "%do_pgo%"=="true" (
+ set conf=PGInstrument
+ call :Build
+ del /s "%dir%\*.pgc"
+ del /s "%dir%\..\Lib\*.pyc"
+ echo on
+ call "%dir%\..\python.bat" %pgo_job%
+ @echo off
+ call :Kill
+ set conf=PGUpdate
+goto Build
+echo on
+msbuild "%dir%\pythoncore.vcxproj" /t:KillPython %verbose%^
+ /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^
+ /p:KillPython=true
+@echo off
+goto :eof
+rem Call on MSBuild to do the work, echo the command.
+rem Passing %1-9 is not the preferred option, but argument parsing in
+rem batch is, shall we say, "lackluster"
+echo on
+msbuild "%dir%pcbuild.proj" /t:%target% %parallel% %verbose%^
+ /p:Configuration=%conf% /p:Platform=%platf%^
+ /p:IncludeExternals=%IncludeExternals%^
+ /p:IncludeSSL=%IncludeSSL% /p:IncludeTkinter=%IncludeTkinter%^
+ /p:UseTestMarker=%UseTestMarker% %GITProperty%^
+ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+@echo off
+goto :eof
+rem Display the current build version information
+msbuild "%dir%python.props" /t:ShowVersionInfo /v:m /nologo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
-@%comspec% /k env.bat %*\r
+@%comspec% /k env.bat %*
-@echo off\r
-echo. This script is deprecated, use `build.bat --pgo` instead.\r
-call "%~dp0build.bat" --pgo %*\r
+@echo off
+echo. This script is deprecated, use `build.bat --pgo` instead.
+call "%~dp0build.bat" --pgo %*
-@echo off\r
-rem A batch program to clean a particular configuration,\r
-rem just for convenience.\r
-call %~dp0build.bat -t Clean %*\r
+@echo off
+rem A batch program to clean a particular configuration,
+rem just for convenience.
+call %~dp0build.bat -t Clean %*
-@echo off\r
-rem This script adds the latest available tools to the path for the current\r
-rem command window. However, most builds of Python will ignore the version\r
-rem of the tools on PATH and use PlatformToolset instead. Ideally, both sets of\r
-rem tools should be the same version to avoid potential conflicts.\r
-rem To build Python with an earlier toolset, pass "/p:PlatformToolset=v100" (or\r
-rem 'v110', 'v120' or 'v140') to the build script.\r
-echo Build environments: x86, amd64, x86_amd64\r
-if "%VSTOOLS%"=="" set VSTOOLS=%VS120COMNTOOLS%\r
-if "%VSTOOLS%"=="" set VSTOOLS=%VS110COMNTOOLS%\r
-if "%VSTOOLS%"=="" set VSTOOLS=%VS100COMNTOOLS%\r
-call "%VSTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %*\r
+@echo off
+rem This script adds the latest available tools to the path for the current
+rem command window. However, most builds of Python will ignore the version
+rem of the tools on PATH and use PlatformToolset instead. Ideally, both sets of
+rem tools should be the same version to avoid potential conflicts.
+rem To build Python with an earlier toolset, pass "/p:PlatformToolset=v100" (or
+rem 'v110', 'v120' or 'v140') to the build script.
+echo Build environments: x86, amd64, x86_amd64
+call "%VSTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %*
-@echo off\r
-rem Simple script to fetch source for external libraries\r
-if not exist "%~dp0..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\externals"\r
-pushd "%~dp0..\externals"\r
-if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=\r
-rem Optionally clean up first. Be warned that this can be very destructive!\r
-if not "%1"=="" (\r
- for %%c in (-c --clean --clean-only) do (\r
- if "%1"=="%%c" goto clean\r
- )\r
- goto usage\r
-goto fetch\r
-echo.Cleaning up external libraries.\r
-for /D %%d in (\r
- bzip2-*\r
- db-*\r
- nasm-*\r
- openssl-*\r
- tcl-*\r
- tcltk*\r
- tk-*\r
- tix-*\r
- sqlite-*\r
- xz-*\r
- ) do (\r
- echo.Removing %%d\r
- rmdir /s /q %%d\r
-if "%1"=="--clean-only" (\r
- goto end\r
-rem Fetch current versions\r
-svn --version > nul 2>&1\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 9009 (\r
- echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH.\r
- echo.Try TortoiseSVN (^) and be sure to check the\r
- echo.command line tools option.\r
- popd\r
- exit /b 1\r
-echo.Fetching external libraries...\r
-set libraries=\r
-set libraries=%libraries% bzip2-1.0.6\r
-if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% nasm-2.11.06\r
-if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% openssl-1.0.2k\r
-set libraries=%libraries% sqlite-\r
-if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tcl-core-\r
-if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tk-\r
-if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tix-\r
-set libraries=%libraries% xz-5.0.5\r
-for %%e in (%libraries%) do (\r
- if exist %%e (\r
- echo.%%e already exists, skipping.\r
- ) else (\r
- echo.Fetching %%e...\r
- svn export -q %SVNROOT%%%e\r
- )\r
-goto end\r
-echo.invalid argument: %1\r
-echo.usage: %~n0 [[ -c ^| --clean ] ^| --clean-only ]\r
-echo.Pull all sources necessary for compiling optional extension modules\r
-echo.that rely on external libraries. Requires svn.exe to be on your PATH\r
-echo.and pulls sources from %SVNROOT%.\r
-echo.Use the -c or --clean option to clean up all external library sources\r
-echo.before pulling in the current versions.\r
-echo.Use the --clean-only option to do the same cleaning, without pulling in\r
-echo.anything new.\r
-echo.Only the first argument is checked, all others are ignored.\r
-echo.**WARNING**: the cleaning options unconditionally remove any directory\r
-echo.that is a child of\r
-echo. %CD%\r
-echo.and matches wildcard patterns beginning with bzip2-, db-, nasm-, openssl-,\r
-echo.tcl-, tcltk, tk-, tix-, sqlite-, or xz-, and as such has the potential\r be very destructive if you are not aware of what it is doing. Use with\r
-exit /b -1\r
-echo Finished.\r
+@echo off
+rem Simple script to fetch source for external libraries
+if not exist "%~dp0..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\externals"
+pushd "%~dp0..\externals"
+if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=
+rem Optionally clean up first. Be warned that this can be very destructive!
+if not "%1"=="" (
+ for %%c in (-c --clean --clean-only) do (
+ if "%1"=="%%c" goto clean
+ )
+ goto usage
+goto fetch
+echo.Cleaning up external libraries.
+for /D %%d in (
+ bzip2-*
+ db-*
+ nasm-*
+ openssl-*
+ tcl-*
+ tcltk*
+ tk-*
+ tix-*
+ sqlite-*
+ xz-*
+ ) do (
+ echo.Removing %%d
+ rmdir /s /q %%d
+if "%1"=="--clean-only" (
+ goto end
+rem Fetch current versions
+svn --version > nul 2>&1
+if ERRORLEVEL 9009 (
+ echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH.
+ echo.Try TortoiseSVN (^) and be sure to check the
+ echo.command line tools option.
+ popd
+ exit /b 1
+echo.Fetching external libraries...
+set libraries=
+set libraries=%libraries% bzip2-1.0.6
+if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% nasm-2.11.06
+if NOT "%IncludeSSL%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% openssl-1.0.2k
+set libraries=%libraries% sqlite-
+if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tcl-core-
+if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tk-
+if NOT "%IncludeTkinter%"=="false" set libraries=%libraries% tix-
+set libraries=%libraries% xz-5.0.5
+for %%e in (%libraries%) do (
+ if exist %%e (
+ echo.%%e already exists, skipping.
+ ) else (
+ echo.Fetching %%e...
+ svn export -q %SVNROOT%%%e
+ )
+goto end
+echo.invalid argument: %1
+echo.usage: %~n0 [[ -c ^| --clean ] ^| --clean-only ]
+echo.Pull all sources necessary for compiling optional extension modules
+echo.that rely on external libraries. Requires svn.exe to be on your PATH
+echo.and pulls sources from %SVNROOT%.
+echo.Use the -c or --clean option to clean up all external library sources
+echo.before pulling in the current versions.
+echo.Use the --clean-only option to do the same cleaning, without pulling in
+echo.anything new.
+echo.Only the first argument is checked, all others are ignored.
+echo.**WARNING**: the cleaning options unconditionally remove any directory
+echo.that is a child of
+echo. %CD%
+echo.and matches wildcard patterns beginning with bzip2-, db-, nasm-, openssl-,
+echo.tcl-, tcltk, tk-, tix-, sqlite-, or xz-, and as such has the potential be very destructive if you are not aware of what it is doing. Use with
+exit /b -1
+echo Finished.
-@echo off\r
-rem start idle\r
-rem Usage: idle [-d]\r
-rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.\r
-set exe=win32\python\r
-PATH %PATH%;..\externals\tcltk\bin\r
-if "%1"=="-d" (set exe=%exe%_d) & shift\r
-set cmd=%exe% ../Lib/idlelib/ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9\r
-echo on\r
+@echo off
+rem start idle
+rem Usage: idle [-d]
+rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.
+set exe=win32\python
+PATH %PATH%;..\externals\tcltk\bin
+if "%1"=="-d" (set exe=%exe%_d) & shift
+set cmd=%exe% ../Lib/idlelib/ %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+echo on
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00\r
-# Visual Studio 14\r
-VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25123.0\r
-MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1\r
-Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{553EC33E-9816-4996-A660-5D6186A0B0B3}"\r
- ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject\r
- ..\Modules\getbuildinfo.c = ..\Modules\getbuildinfo.c\r
- readme.txt = readme.txt\r
- EndProjectSection\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "python", "python.vcxproj", "{B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pythoncore", "pythoncore.vcxproj", "{CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pythonw", "pythonw.vcxproj", "{F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "winsound", "winsound.vcxproj", "{28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_decimal", "_decimal.vcxproj", "{0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_ctypes", "_ctypes.vcxproj", "{0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_ctypes_test", "_ctypes_test.vcxproj", "{9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_elementtree", "_elementtree.vcxproj", "{17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_msi", "_msi.vcxproj", "{31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_socket", "_socket.vcxproj", "{86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_sqlite3", "_sqlite3.vcxproj", "{13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_ssl", "_ssl.vcxproj", "{C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testcapi", "_testcapi.vcxproj", "{6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testimportmultiple", "_testimportmultiple.vcxproj", "{36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_tkinter", "_tkinter.vcxproj", "{4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_bz2", "_bz2.vcxproj", "{73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "select", "select.vcxproj", "{18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_lzma", "_lzma.vcxproj", "{F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "unicodedata", "unicodedata.vcxproj", "{ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pyexpat", "pyexpat.vcxproj", "{D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "bdist_wininst", "..\PC\bdist_wininst\bdist_wininst.vcxproj", "{EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_hashlib", "_hashlib.vcxproj", "{447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "sqlite3", "sqlite3.vcxproj", "{A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_multiprocessing", "_multiprocessing.vcxproj", "{9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "python3dll", "python3dll.vcxproj", "{885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xxlimited", "xxlimited.vcxproj", "{F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testbuffer", "_testbuffer.vcxproj", "{A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pylauncher", "pylauncher.vcxproj", "{7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}"\r
- ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782} = {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}\r
- EndProjectSection\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pywlauncher", "pywlauncher.vcxproj", "{1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}"\r
- ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r
- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446} = {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}\r
- EndProjectSection\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_freeze_importlib", "_freeze_importlib.vcxproj", "{19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_overlapped", "_overlapped.vcxproj", "{EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testembed", "_testembed.vcxproj", "{6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testmultiphase", "_testmultiphase.vcxproj", "{16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tcl", "tcl.vcxproj", "{B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tix", "tix.vcxproj", "{C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "tk", "tk.vcxproj", "{7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libeay", "libeay.vcxproj", "{E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "ssleay", "ssleay.vcxproj", "{10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}"\r
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pyshellext", "pyshellext.vcxproj", "{0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}"\r
- GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution\r
- Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32\r
- Debug|x64 = Debug|x64\r
- PGInstrument|Win32 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- PGInstrument|x64 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- PGUpdate|Win32 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- PGUpdate|x64 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- Release|Win32 = Release|Win32\r
- Release|x64 = Release|x64\r
- EndGlobalSection\r
- GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
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- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
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- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
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- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
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- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
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- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
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- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
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- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
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- {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
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- {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
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- {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
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- {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
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- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
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- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
- {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
- EndGlobalSection\r
- GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution\r
- HideSolutionNode = FALSE\r
- EndGlobalSection\r
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 14
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+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
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+ ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
+ ..\Modules\getbuildinfo.c = ..\Modules\getbuildinfo.c
+ readme.txt = readme.txt
+ EndProjectSection
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+ EndProjectSection
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+ ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
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+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "_testembed", "_testembed.vcxproj", "{6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}"
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+ Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
+ Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
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+ PGInstrument|x64 = PGInstrument|x64
+ PGUpdate|Win32 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ PGUpdate|x64 = PGUpdate|x64
+ Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
+ Release|x64 = Release|x64
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
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+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
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+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {B11D750F-CD1F-4A96-85CE-E69A5C5259F9}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {CF7AC3D1-E2DF-41D2-BEA6-1E2556CDEA26}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {F4229CC3-873C-49AE-9729-DD308ED4CD4A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {28B5D777-DDF2-4B6B-B34F-31D938813856}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311617}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {0E9791DB-593A-465F-98BC-681011311618}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {9EC7190A-249F-4180-A900-548FDCF3055F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {17E1E049-C309-4D79-843F-AE483C264AEA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {31FFC478-7B4A-43E8-9954-8D03E2187E9C}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {86937F53-C189-40EF-8CE8-8759D8E7D480}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {13CECB97-4119-4316-9D42-8534019A5A44}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {C6E20F84-3247-4AD6-B051-B073268F73BA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {6901D91C-6E48-4BB7-9FEC-700C8131DF1D}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {36D0C52C-DF4E-45D0-8BC7-E294C3ABC781}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {4946ECAC-2E69-4BF8-A90A-F5136F5094DF}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {73FCD2BD-F133-46B7-8EC1-144CD82A59D5}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {18CAE28C-B454-46C1-87A0-493D91D97F03}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {F9D71780-F393-11E0-BE50-0800200C9A66}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {ECC7CEAC-A5E5-458E-BB9E-2413CC847881}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {D06B6426-4762-44CC-8BAD-D79052507F2F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {EB1C19C1-1F18-421E-9735-CAEE69DC6A3C}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {447F05A8-F581-4CAC-A466-5AC7936E207E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {A1A295E5-463C-437F-81CA-1F32367685DA}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {9E48B300-37D1-11DD-8C41-005056C00008}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {885D4898-D08D-4091-9C40-C700CFE3FC5A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {F749B822-B489-4CA5-A3AD-CE078F5F338A}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {A2697BD3-28C1-4AEC-9106-8B748639FD16}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {7B2727B5-5A3F-40EE-A866-43A13CD31446}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {1D4B18D3-7C12-4ECB-9179-8531FF876CE6}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {19C0C13F-47CA-4432-AFF3-799A296A4DDC}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {EB6E69DD-04BF-4543-9B92-49FAABCEAC2E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {6DAC66D9-E703-4624-BE03-49112AB5AA62}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {16BFE6F0-22EF-40B5-B831-7E937119EF10}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {B5FD6F1D-129E-4BFF-9340-03606FAC7283}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {C5A3E7FB-9695-4B2E-960B-1D9F43F1E555}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {7E85ECCF-A72C-4DA4-9E52-884508E80BA1}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {E5B04CC0-EB4C-42AB-B4DC-18EF95F864B0}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {10615B24-73BF-4EFA-93AA-236916321317}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|Win32.Build.0 = PGInstrument|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|x64.ActiveCfg = PGInstrument|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGInstrument|x64.Build.0 = PGInstrument|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|Win32.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|Win32.Build.0 = PGUpdate|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|x64.ActiveCfg = PGUpdate|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.PGUpdate|x64.Build.0 = PGUpdate|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
+ {0F6EE4A4-C75F-4578-B4B3-2D64F4B9B782}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
-@echo off\r
-if not defined HOST_PYTHON (\r
- if "%1" EQU "Debug" (\r
- shift\r
- set HOST_PYTHON=python_d.exe\r
- if not exist python35_d.dll exit 1\r
- ) ELSE (\r
- set HOST_PYTHON=python.exe\r
- if not exist python35.dll exit 1\r
- )\r
-%HOST_PYTHON% "" %1\r
+@echo off
+if not defined HOST_PYTHON (
+ if "%1" EQU "Debug" (
+ shift
+ set HOST_PYTHON=python_d.exe
+ if not exist python35_d.dll exit 1
+ ) ELSE (
+ set HOST_PYTHON=python.exe
+ if not exist python35.dll exit 1
+ )
+%HOST_PYTHON% "" %1
-Quick Start Guide\r
-1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, any edition.\r
-2. Install Subversion, and make sure 'svn.exe' is on your PATH.\r
-3. Run "build.bat -e" to build Python in 32-bit Release configuration.\r
-4. (Optional, but recommended) Run the test suite with "rt.bat -q".\r
-Building Python using Microsoft Visual C++\r
-This directory is used to build CPython for Microsoft Windows NT version\r
-6.0 or higher (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or later) on 32 and 64\r
-bit platforms. Using this directory requires an installation of\r
-Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (MSVC 14.0) of any edition. The specific\r
-requirements are as follows:\r
-Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop\r
-Visual Studio Professional 2015\r
- Either edition is sufficient for building all configurations except\r
- for Profile Guided Optimization.\r
- The Python build solution pcbuild.sln makes use of Solution Folders,\r
- which this edition does not support. Any time pcbuild.sln is opened\r
- or reloaded by Visual Studio, a warning about Solution Folders will\r
- be displayed, which can be safely dismissed with no impact on your\r
- ability to build Python.\r
- Required for building 64-bit Debug and Release configuration builds\r
-Visual Studio Premium 2015\r
- Required for building Release configuration builds that make use of\r
- Profile Guided Optimization (PGO), on either platform.\r
-All you need to do to build is open the solution "pcbuild.sln" in Visual\r
-Studio, select the desired combination of configuration and platform,\r
-then build with "Build Solution". You can also build from the command\r
-line using the "build.bat" script in this directory; see below for\r
-details. The solution is configured to build the projects in the correct\r
-The solution currently supports two platforms. The Win32 platform is\r
-used to build standard x86-compatible 32-bit binaries, output into the\r
-win32 sub-directory. The x64 platform is used for building 64-bit AMD64\r
-(aka x86_64 or EM64T) binaries, output into the amd64 sub-directory.\r
-The Itanium (IA-64) platform is no longer supported.\r
-Four configuration options are supported by the solution:\r
- Used to build Python with extra debugging capabilities, equivalent\r
- to using ./configure --with-pydebug on UNIX. All binaries built\r
- using this configuration have "_d" added to their name:\r
- python35_d.dll, python_d.exe, parser_d.pyd, and so on. Both the\r
- build and rt (run test) batch files in this directory accept a -d\r
- option for debug builds. If you are building Python to help with\r
- development of CPython, you will most likely use this configuration.\r
-PGInstrument, PGUpdate\r
- Used to build Python in Release configuration using PGO, which\r
- requires Premium Edition of Visual Studio. See the "Profile\r
- Guided Optimization" section below for more information. Build\r
- output from each of these configurations lands in its own\r
- sub-directory of this directory. The official Python releases may\r
- be built using these configurations.\r
- Used to build Python as it is meant to be used in production\r
- settings, though without PGO.\r
-Building Python using the build.bat script\r
-In this directory you can find build.bat, a script designed to make\r
-building Python on Windows simpler. This script will use the env.bat\r
-script to detect one of Visual Studio 2015, 2013, 2012, or 2010, any of\r
-which may be used to build Python, though only Visual Studio 2015 is\r
-officially supported.\r
-By default, build.bat will build Python in Release configuration for\r
-the 32-bit Win32 platform. It accepts several arguments to change\r
-this behavior, try `build.bat -h` to learn more.\r
-C Runtime\r
-Visual Studio 2015 uses version 14 of the C runtime (MSVCRT14). The\r
-executables no longer use the "Side by Side" assemblies used in previous\r
-versions of the compiler. This simplifies distribution of applications.\r
-The run time libraries are available under the VC/Redist folder of your\r
-Visual Studio distribution. For more info, see the Readme in the\r
-VC/Redist folder.\r
-The CPython project is split up into several smaller sub-projects which\r
-are managed by the pcbuild.sln solution file. Each sub-project is\r
-represented by a .vcxproj and a .vcxproj.filters file starting with the\r
-name of the sub-project. These sub-projects fall into a few general\r
-The following sub-projects represent the bare minimum required to build\r
-a functioning CPython interpreter. If nothing else builds but these,\r
-you'll have a very limited but usable python.exe:\r
- .dll and .lib\r
- .exe\r
-These sub-projects provide extra executables that are useful for running\r
-CPython in different ways:\r
- pythonw.exe, a variant of python.exe that doesn't open a Command\r
- Prompt window\r
- py.exe, the Python Launcher for Windows, see\r
- pyw.exe, a variant of py.exe that doesn't open a Command Prompt\r
- window\r
- _testembed.exe, a small program that embeds Python for testing\r
- purposes, used by\r
-These are miscellaneous sub-projects that don't really fit the other\r
- _freeze_importlib.exe, used to regenerate Python\importlib.h after\r
- changes have been made to Lib\importlib\\r
- python3.dll, the PEP 384 Stable ABI dll\r
- builds an example module that makes use of the PEP 384 Stable ABI,\r
- see Modules\xxlimited.c\r
-The following sub-projects are for individual modules of the standard\r
-library which are implemented in C; each one builds a DLL (renamed to\r
-.pyd) of the same name as the project:\r
-The following Python-controlled sub-projects wrap external projects.\r
-Note that these external libraries are not necessary for a working\r
-interpreter, but they do implement several major features. See the\r
-"Getting External Sources" section below for additional information\r
-about getting the source for building these libraries. The sub-projects\r
- Python wrapper for version 1.0.6 of the libbzip2 compression library\r
- Homepage:\r
- Python wrapper for the liblzma compression library, using pre-built\r
- binaries of XZ Utils version 5.0.5\r
- Homepage:\r
- Python wrapper for version 1.0.2k of the OpenSSL secure sockets\r
- library, which is built by ssl.vcxproj\r
- Homepage:\r
- Building OpenSSL requires nasm.exe (the Netwide Assembler), version\r
- 2.10 or newer from\r
- to be somewhere on your PATH. More recent versions of OpenSSL may\r
- need a later version of NASM. If OpenSSL's self tests don't pass,\r
- you should first try to update NASM and do a full rebuild of\r
- OpenSSL. If you use the PCbuild\get_externals.bat method\r
- for getting sources, it also downloads a version of NASM which the\r
- libeay/ssleay sub-projects use.\r
- The libeay/ssleay sub-projects expect your OpenSSL sources to have\r
- already been configured and be ready to build. If you get your sources\r
- from as suggested in the "Getting External Sources"\r
- section below, the OpenSSL source will already be ready to go. If\r
- you want to build a different version, you will need to run\r
- PCbuild\ path\to\openssl-source-dir\r
- That script will prepare your OpenSSL sources in the same way that\r
- those available on have been prepared. Note that\r
- Perl must be installed and available on your PATH to configure\r
- OpenSSL. ActivePerl is recommended and is available from\r
- The libeay and ssleay sub-projects will build the modules of OpenSSL\r
- required by _ssl and _hashlib and may need to be manually updated when\r
- upgrading to a newer version of OpenSSL or when adding new\r
- functionality to _ssl or _hashlib. They will not clean up their output\r
- with the normal Clean target; CleanAll should be used instead.\r
- Wraps SQLite, which is itself built by sqlite3.vcxproj\r
- Homepage:\r
- Wraps version 8.6.4 of the Tk windowing system.\r
- Homepage:\r
- Tkinter's dependencies are built by the tcl.vcxproj and tk.vcxproj\r
- projects. The tix.vcxproj project also builds the Tix extended\r
- widget set for use with Tkinter.\r
- Those three projects install their respective components in a\r
- directory alongside the source directories called "tcltk" on\r
- Win32 and "tcltk64" on x64. They also copy the Tcl and Tk DLLs\r
- into the current output directory, which should ensure that Tkinter\r
- is able to load Tcl/Tk without having to change your PATH.\r
- The tcl, tk, and tix sub-projects do not clean their builds with\r
- the normal Clean target; if you need to rebuild, you should use the\r
- CleanAll target or manually delete their builds.\r
-Getting External Sources\r
-The last category of sub-projects listed above wrap external projects\r
-Python doesn't control, and as such a little more work is required in\r
-order to download the relevant source files for each project before they\r
-can be built. However, a simple script is provided to make this as\r
-painless as possible, called "get_externals.bat" and located in this\r
-directory. This script extracts all the external sub-projects from\r
-via Subversion (so you'll need svn.exe on your PATH) and places them\r
-in ..\externals (relative to this directory).\r
-It is also possible to download sources from each project's homepage,\r
-though you may have to change folder names or pass the names to MSBuild\r
-as the values of certain properties in order for the build solution to\r
-find them. This is an advanced topic and not necessarily fully\r
-The get_externals.bat script is called automatically by build.bat when\r
-you pass the '-e' option to it.\r
-Profile Guided Optimization\r
-The solution has two configurations for PGO. The PGInstrument\r
-configuration must be built first. The PGInstrument binaries are linked\r
-against a profiling library and contain extra debug information. The\r
-PGUpdate configuration takes the profiling data and generates optimized\r
-The build_pgo.bat script automates the creation of optimized binaries.\r
-It creates the PGI files, runs the unit test suite or PyBench with the\r
-PGI python, and finally creates the optimized files.\r
-for more on this topic.\r
-Static library\r
-The solution has no configuration for static libraries. However it is\r
-easy to build a static library instead of a DLL. You simply have to set\r
-the "Configuration Type" to "Static Library (.lib)" and alter the\r
-preprocessor macro "Py_ENABLE_SHARED" to "Py_NO_ENABLE_SHARED". You may\r
-also have to change the "Runtime Library" from "Multi-threaded DLL\r
-(/MD)" to "Multi-threaded (/MT)".\r
-Visual Studio properties\r
-The PCbuild solution makes use of Visual Studio property files (*.props)\r
-to simplify each project. The properties can be viewed in the Property\r
-Manager (View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager) but should be\r
-carefully modified by hand.\r
-The property files used are:\r
- * python (versions, directories and build names)\r
- * pyproject (base settings for all projects)\r
- * openssl (used by libeay and ssleay projects)\r
- * tcltk (used by _tkinter, tcl, tk and tix projects)\r
-The pyproject property file defines all of the build settings for each\r
-project, with some projects overriding certain specific values. The GUI\r
-doesn't always reflect the correct settings and may confuse the user\r
-with false information, especially for settings that automatically adapt\r
-for diffirent configurations.\r
+Quick Start Guide
+1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, any edition.
+2. Install Subversion, and make sure 'svn.exe' is on your PATH.
+3. Run "build.bat -e" to build Python in 32-bit Release configuration.
+4. (Optional, but recommended) Run the test suite with "rt.bat -q".
+Building Python using Microsoft Visual C++
+This directory is used to build CPython for Microsoft Windows NT version
+6.0 or higher (Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or later) on 32 and 64
+bit platforms. Using this directory requires an installation of
+Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (MSVC 14.0) of any edition. The specific
+requirements are as follows:
+Visual Studio Express 2015 for Desktop
+Visual Studio Professional 2015
+ Either edition is sufficient for building all configurations except
+ for Profile Guided Optimization.
+ The Python build solution pcbuild.sln makes use of Solution Folders,
+ which this edition does not support. Any time pcbuild.sln is opened
+ or reloaded by Visual Studio, a warning about Solution Folders will
+ be displayed, which can be safely dismissed with no impact on your
+ ability to build Python.
+ Required for building 64-bit Debug and Release configuration builds
+Visual Studio Premium 2015
+ Required for building Release configuration builds that make use of
+ Profile Guided Optimization (PGO), on either platform.
+All you need to do to build is open the solution "pcbuild.sln" in Visual
+Studio, select the desired combination of configuration and platform,
+then build with "Build Solution". You can also build from the command
+line using the "build.bat" script in this directory; see below for
+details. The solution is configured to build the projects in the correct
+The solution currently supports two platforms. The Win32 platform is
+used to build standard x86-compatible 32-bit binaries, output into the
+win32 sub-directory. The x64 platform is used for building 64-bit AMD64
+(aka x86_64 or EM64T) binaries, output into the amd64 sub-directory.
+The Itanium (IA-64) platform is no longer supported.
+Four configuration options are supported by the solution:
+ Used to build Python with extra debugging capabilities, equivalent
+ to using ./configure --with-pydebug on UNIX. All binaries built
+ using this configuration have "_d" added to their name:
+ python35_d.dll, python_d.exe, parser_d.pyd, and so on. Both the
+ build and rt (run test) batch files in this directory accept a -d
+ option for debug builds. If you are building Python to help with
+ development of CPython, you will most likely use this configuration.
+PGInstrument, PGUpdate
+ Used to build Python in Release configuration using PGO, which
+ requires Premium Edition of Visual Studio. See the "Profile
+ Guided Optimization" section below for more information. Build
+ output from each of these configurations lands in its own
+ sub-directory of this directory. The official Python releases may
+ be built using these configurations.
+ Used to build Python as it is meant to be used in production
+ settings, though without PGO.
+Building Python using the build.bat script
+In this directory you can find build.bat, a script designed to make
+building Python on Windows simpler. This script will use the env.bat
+script to detect one of Visual Studio 2015, 2013, 2012, or 2010, any of
+which may be used to build Python, though only Visual Studio 2015 is
+officially supported.
+By default, build.bat will build Python in Release configuration for
+the 32-bit Win32 platform. It accepts several arguments to change
+this behavior, try `build.bat -h` to learn more.
+C Runtime
+Visual Studio 2015 uses version 14 of the C runtime (MSVCRT14). The
+executables no longer use the "Side by Side" assemblies used in previous
+versions of the compiler. This simplifies distribution of applications.
+The run time libraries are available under the VC/Redist folder of your
+Visual Studio distribution. For more info, see the Readme in the
+VC/Redist folder.
+The CPython project is split up into several smaller sub-projects which
+are managed by the pcbuild.sln solution file. Each sub-project is
+represented by a .vcxproj and a .vcxproj.filters file starting with the
+name of the sub-project. These sub-projects fall into a few general
+The following sub-projects represent the bare minimum required to build
+a functioning CPython interpreter. If nothing else builds but these,
+you'll have a very limited but usable python.exe:
+ .dll and .lib
+ .exe
+These sub-projects provide extra executables that are useful for running
+CPython in different ways:
+ pythonw.exe, a variant of python.exe that doesn't open a Command
+ Prompt window
+ py.exe, the Python Launcher for Windows, see
+ pyw.exe, a variant of py.exe that doesn't open a Command Prompt
+ window
+ _testembed.exe, a small program that embeds Python for testing
+ purposes, used by
+These are miscellaneous sub-projects that don't really fit the other
+ _freeze_importlib.exe, used to regenerate Python\importlib.h after
+ changes have been made to Lib\importlib\
+ python3.dll, the PEP 384 Stable ABI dll
+ builds an example module that makes use of the PEP 384 Stable ABI,
+ see Modules\xxlimited.c
+The following sub-projects are for individual modules of the standard
+library which are implemented in C; each one builds a DLL (renamed to
+.pyd) of the same name as the project:
+The following Python-controlled sub-projects wrap external projects.
+Note that these external libraries are not necessary for a working
+interpreter, but they do implement several major features. See the
+"Getting External Sources" section below for additional information
+about getting the source for building these libraries. The sub-projects
+ Python wrapper for version 1.0.6 of the libbzip2 compression library
+ Homepage:
+ Python wrapper for the liblzma compression library, using pre-built
+ binaries of XZ Utils version 5.0.5
+ Homepage:
+ Python wrapper for version 1.0.2k of the OpenSSL secure sockets
+ library, which is built by ssl.vcxproj
+ Homepage:
+ Building OpenSSL requires nasm.exe (the Netwide Assembler), version
+ 2.10 or newer from
+ to be somewhere on your PATH. More recent versions of OpenSSL may
+ need a later version of NASM. If OpenSSL's self tests don't pass,
+ you should first try to update NASM and do a full rebuild of
+ OpenSSL. If you use the PCbuild\get_externals.bat method
+ for getting sources, it also downloads a version of NASM which the
+ libeay/ssleay sub-projects use.
+ The libeay/ssleay sub-projects expect your OpenSSL sources to have
+ already been configured and be ready to build. If you get your sources
+ from as suggested in the "Getting External Sources"
+ section below, the OpenSSL source will already be ready to go. If
+ you want to build a different version, you will need to run
+ PCbuild\ path\to\openssl-source-dir
+ That script will prepare your OpenSSL sources in the same way that
+ those available on have been prepared. Note that
+ Perl must be installed and available on your PATH to configure
+ OpenSSL. ActivePerl is recommended and is available from
+ The libeay and ssleay sub-projects will build the modules of OpenSSL
+ required by _ssl and _hashlib and may need to be manually updated when
+ upgrading to a newer version of OpenSSL or when adding new
+ functionality to _ssl or _hashlib. They will not clean up their output
+ with the normal Clean target; CleanAll should be used instead.
+ Wraps SQLite, which is itself built by sqlite3.vcxproj
+ Homepage:
+ Wraps version 8.6.4 of the Tk windowing system.
+ Homepage:
+ Tkinter's dependencies are built by the tcl.vcxproj and tk.vcxproj
+ projects. The tix.vcxproj project also builds the Tix extended
+ widget set for use with Tkinter.
+ Those three projects install their respective components in a
+ directory alongside the source directories called "tcltk" on
+ Win32 and "tcltk64" on x64. They also copy the Tcl and Tk DLLs
+ into the current output directory, which should ensure that Tkinter
+ is able to load Tcl/Tk without having to change your PATH.
+ The tcl, tk, and tix sub-projects do not clean their builds with
+ the normal Clean target; if you need to rebuild, you should use the
+ CleanAll target or manually delete their builds.
+Getting External Sources
+The last category of sub-projects listed above wrap external projects
+Python doesn't control, and as such a little more work is required in
+order to download the relevant source files for each project before they
+can be built. However, a simple script is provided to make this as
+painless as possible, called "get_externals.bat" and located in this
+directory. This script extracts all the external sub-projects from
+via Subversion (so you'll need svn.exe on your PATH) and places them
+in ..\externals (relative to this directory).
+It is also possible to download sources from each project's homepage,
+though you may have to change folder names or pass the names to MSBuild
+as the values of certain properties in order for the build solution to
+find them. This is an advanced topic and not necessarily fully
+The get_externals.bat script is called automatically by build.bat when
+you pass the '-e' option to it.
+Profile Guided Optimization
+The solution has two configurations for PGO. The PGInstrument
+configuration must be built first. The PGInstrument binaries are linked
+against a profiling library and contain extra debug information. The
+PGUpdate configuration takes the profiling data and generates optimized
+The build_pgo.bat script automates the creation of optimized binaries.
+It creates the PGI files, runs the unit test suite or PyBench with the
+PGI python, and finally creates the optimized files.
+for more on this topic.
+Static library
+The solution has no configuration for static libraries. However it is
+easy to build a static library instead of a DLL. You simply have to set
+the "Configuration Type" to "Static Library (.lib)" and alter the
+preprocessor macro "Py_ENABLE_SHARED" to "Py_NO_ENABLE_SHARED". You may
+also have to change the "Runtime Library" from "Multi-threaded DLL
+(/MD)" to "Multi-threaded (/MT)".
+Visual Studio properties
+The PCbuild solution makes use of Visual Studio property files (*.props)
+to simplify each project. The properties can be viewed in the Property
+Manager (View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager) but should be
+carefully modified by hand.
+The property files used are:
+ * python (versions, directories and build names)
+ * pyproject (base settings for all projects)
+ * openssl (used by libeay and ssleay projects)
+ * tcltk (used by _tkinter, tcl, tk and tix projects)
+The pyproject property file defines all of the build settings for each
+project, with some projects overriding certain specific values. The GUI
+doesn't always reflect the correct settings and may confuse the user
+with false information, especially for settings that automatically adapt
+for diffirent configurations.
-@echo off\r
-rem Run Tests. Run the regression test suite.\r
-rem Usage: rt [-d] [-O] [-q] [-x64] regrtest_args\r
-rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.\r
-rem -O Run python.exe or python_d.exe (see -d) with -O.\r
-rem -q "quick" -- normally the tests are run twice, the first time\r
-rem after deleting all the .pyc files reachable from Lib/.\r
-rem -q runs the tests just once, and without deleting .pyc files.\r
-rem -x64 Run the 64-bit build of python (or python_d if -d was specified)\r
-rem from the 'amd64' dir instead of the 32-bit build in this dir.\r
-rem All leading instances of these switches are shifted off, and\r
-rem whatever remains (up to 9 arguments) is passed to\r
-rem For example,\r
-rem rt -O -d -x test_thread\r
-rem runs\r
-rem python_d -O ../lib/test/ -x test_thread\r
-rem twice, and\r
-rem rt -q -g test_binascii\r
-rem runs\r
-rem python_d ../lib/test/ -g test_binascii\r
-rem to generate the expected-output file for binascii quickly.\r
-rem Confusing: if you want to pass a comma-separated list, like\r
-rem -u network,largefile\r
-rem then you have to quote it on the rt line, like\r
-rem rt -u "network,largefile"\r
-set pcbuild=%~dp0\r
-set prefix=%pcbuild%win32\\r
-set suffix=\r
-set qmode=\r
-set dashO=\r
-set regrtestargs=\r
-if "%1"=="-O" (set dashO=-O) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="-q" (set qmode=yes) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="-d" (set suffix=_d) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="-x64" (set prefix=%pcbuild%amd64\) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtestargs=%regrtestargs% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-set exe=%prefix%python%suffix%.exe\r
-set cmd="%exe%" %dashO% -Wd -E -bb "%pcbuild%..\lib\test\" %regrtestargs%\r
-if defined qmode goto Qmode\r
-echo Deleting .pyc files ...\r
-"%exe%" ""\r
-echo on\r
-@echo off\r
-echo About to run again without deleting .pyc first:\r
-echo on\r
+@echo off
+rem Run Tests. Run the regression test suite.
+rem Usage: rt [-d] [-O] [-q] [-x64] regrtest_args
+rem -d Run Debug build (python_d.exe). Else release build.
+rem -O Run python.exe or python_d.exe (see -d) with -O.
+rem -q "quick" -- normally the tests are run twice, the first time
+rem after deleting all the .pyc files reachable from Lib/.
+rem -q runs the tests just once, and without deleting .pyc files.
+rem -x64 Run the 64-bit build of python (or python_d if -d was specified)
+rem from the 'amd64' dir instead of the 32-bit build in this dir.
+rem All leading instances of these switches are shifted off, and
+rem whatever remains (up to 9 arguments) is passed to
+rem For example,
+rem rt -O -d -x test_thread
+rem runs
+rem python_d -O ../lib/test/ -x test_thread
+rem twice, and
+rem rt -q -g test_binascii
+rem runs
+rem python_d ../lib/test/ -g test_binascii
+rem to generate the expected-output file for binascii quickly.
+rem Confusing: if you want to pass a comma-separated list, like
+rem -u network,largefile
+rem then you have to quote it on the rt line, like
+rem rt -u "network,largefile"
+set pcbuild=%~dp0
+set prefix=%pcbuild%win32\
+set suffix=
+set qmode=
+set dashO=
+set regrtestargs=
+if "%1"=="-O" (set dashO=-O) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="-q" (set qmode=yes) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="-d" (set suffix=_d) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="-x64" (set prefix=%pcbuild%amd64\) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtestargs=%regrtestargs% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+set exe=%prefix%python%suffix%.exe
+set cmd="%exe%" %dashO% -Wd -E -bb "%pcbuild%..\lib\test\" %regrtestargs%
+if defined qmode goto Qmode
+echo Deleting .pyc files ...
+"%exe%" ""
+echo on
+@echo off
+echo About to run again without deleting .pyc first:
+echo on
-@rem Formerly used by the buildbot "compile" step.\r
-@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.\r
-@echo To get the same effect as this script, use\r
-@echo PCbuild\build.bat -d -e -k -p x64\r
-call "%~dp0build.bat" -p x64 %*\r
+@rem Formerly used by the buildbot "compile" step.
+@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.
+@echo To get the same effect as this script, use
+@echo PCbuild\build.bat -d -e -k -p x64
+call "%~dp0build.bat" -p x64 %*
-@rem Used by the buildbot "compile" step.\r
-@rem Clean up\r
-call "%~dp0clean.bat" %*\r
-@rem If you need the buildbots to start fresh (such as when upgrading to\r
-@rem a new version of an external library, especially Tcl/Tk):\r
-@rem 1) uncomment the following line:\r
-@rem call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" --clean-only\r
-@rem 2) commit and push\r
-@rem 3) wait for all Windows bots to start a build with that changeset\r
-@rem 4) re-comment, commit and push again\r
-@rem Do the build\r
-call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\build.bat" -e -d -k -v %*\r
+@rem Used by the buildbot "compile" step.
+@rem Clean up
+call "%~dp0clean.bat" %*
+@rem If you need the buildbots to start fresh (such as when upgrading to
+@rem a new version of an external library, especially Tcl/Tk):
+@rem 1) uncomment the following line:
+@rem call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" --clean-only
+@rem 2) commit and push
+@rem 3) wait for all Windows bots to start a build with that changeset
+@rem 4) re-comment, commit and push again
+@rem Do the build
+call "%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\build.bat" -e -d -k -v %*
-@rem Used by the buildbot "buildmsi" step.\r
-@rem build both snapshot MSIs\r
-call "%~dp0..\msi\build.bat" -x86 -x64\r
+@rem Used by the buildbot "buildmsi" step.
+@rem build both snapshot MSIs
+call "%~dp0..\msi\build.bat" -x86 -x64
\ No newline at end of file
-@rem Formerly used by the buildbot "clean" step.\r
-@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.\r
-@echo To get the same effect as this script, use `clean.bat` from this\r
-@echo directory and pass `-p x64` as two arguments.\r
-call "%~dp0clean.bat" -p x64 %*\r
+@rem Formerly used by the buildbot "clean" step.
+@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.
+@echo To get the same effect as this script, use `clean.bat` from this
+@echo directory and pass `-p x64` as two arguments.
+call "%~dp0clean.bat" -p x64 %*
-@echo off\r
-rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.\r
-set root=%~dp0..\..\r
-set pcbuild=%root%\PCbuild\r
-echo Deleting build\r
-call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k %*\r
-call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k -d %*\r
-echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...\r
-del /s "%root%\Lib\*.pyc" "%root%\Lib\*.pyo"\r
-echo Deleting test leftovers ...\r
-rmdir /s /q "%root%\build"\r
+@echo off
+rem Used by the buildbot "clean" step.
+set root=%~dp0..\..
+set pcbuild=%root%\PCbuild
+echo Deleting build
+call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k %*
+call "%pcbuild%\build.bat" -t Clean -k -d %*
+echo Deleting .pyc/.pyo files ...
+del /s "%root%\Lib\*.pyc" "%root%\Lib\*.pyo"
+echo Deleting test leftovers ...
+rmdir /s /q "%root%\build"
-@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.\r
-@echo Please use PCbuild\get_externals.bat instead.\r
-@"%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" %*\r
+@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.
+@echo Please use PCbuild\get_externals.bat instead.
+@"%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" %*
-@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.\r
-@echo Please use PCbuild\get_externals.bat instead.\r
-@"%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" %*\r
+@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.
+@echo Please use PCbuild\get_externals.bat instead.
+@"%~dp0..\..\PCbuild\get_externals.bat" %*
-@rem Formerly used by the buildbot "test" step.\r
-@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.\r
-@echo To get the same effect as this script, use\r
-@echo PCbuild\rt.bat -q -d -x64 -uall -rwW\r
-@echo or use `test.bat` in this directory and pass `-x64` as an argument.\r
-call "%~dp0test.bat" -x64 %*\r
+@rem Formerly used by the buildbot "test" step.
+@echo This script is no longer used and may be removed in the future.
+@echo To get the same effect as this script, use
+@echo PCbuild\rt.bat -q -d -x64 -uall -rwW
+@echo or use `test.bat` in this directory and pass `-x64` as an argument.
+call "%~dp0test.bat" -x64 %*
-@echo off\r
-rem Used by the buildbot "test" step.\r
-set here=%~dp0\r
-set rt_opts=-q -d\r
-set regrtest_args=\r
-if "%1"=="-x64" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="-d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="-O" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="-q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="+d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-d=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1"=="+q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-q=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtest_args=%regrtest_args% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts\r
-echo on\r
-call "%here%..\..\PCbuild\rt.bat" %rt_opts% -uall -rwW --timeout=3600 %regrtest_args%\r
+@echo off
+rem Used by the buildbot "test" step.
+set here=%~dp0
+set rt_opts=-q -d
+set regrtest_args=
+if "%1"=="-x64" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="-d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="-O" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="-q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="+d" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-d=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if "%1"=="+q" (set rt_opts=%rt_opts:-q=%) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+if NOT "%1"=="" (set regrtest_args=%regrtest_args% %1) & shift & goto CheckOpts
+echo on
+call "%here%..\..\PCbuild\rt.bat" %rt_opts% -uall -rwW --timeout=3600 %regrtest_args%
-@echo off\r
-set D=%~dp0\r
-set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\\r
-set BUILDX86=\r
-set BUILDX64=\r
-set BUILDDOC=\r
-set BUILDTEST=--test-marker\r
-set REBUILD=\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "--doc" (set BUILDDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "--no-test-marker" (set BUILDTEST=) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "--pack" (set BUILDPACK=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)\r
-call "%D%get_externals.bat"\r
-call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86\r
-if defined BUILDX86 (\r
- call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
- call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-if defined BUILDX64 (\r
- call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
- call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-if defined BUILDDOC (\r
- call "%PCBUILD%..\Doc\make.bat" htmlhelp\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-rem Build the launcher MSI separately\r
-msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86\r
-set BUILD_CMD="%D%bundle\snapshot.wixproj"\r
-if defined BUILDTEST (\r
- set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:UseTestMarker=true\r
-if defined BUILDPACK (\r
- set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:Pack=true\r
-if defined REBUILD (\r
- set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /t:Rebuild\r
-if defined BUILDX86 (\r
- msbuild %BUILD_CMD%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-if defined BUILDX64 (\r
- msbuild /p:Platform=x64 %BUILD_CMD%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-exit /B 0\r
-echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--doc] [-h] [--no-test-marker] [--pack] [-r]\r
-echo -x86 Build x86 installers\r
-echo -x64 Build x64 installers\r
-echo --doc Build CHM documentation\r
-echo --no-test-marker Build without test markers\r
-echo --pack Embed core MSIs into installer\r
-echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build\r
+@echo off
+set D=%~dp0
+set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
+set BUILDX86=
+set BUILDX64=
+set BUILDTEST=--test-marker
+if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help
+if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "--doc" (set BUILDDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "--no-test-marker" (set BUILDTEST=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "--pack" (set BUILDPACK=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
+call "%D%get_externals.bat"
+call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
+if defined BUILDX86 (
+ call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+ call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+if defined BUILDX64 (
+ call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -d -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+ call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e %REBUILD% %BUILDTEST%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+if defined BUILDDOC (
+ call "%PCBUILD%..\Doc\make.bat" htmlhelp
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+rem Build the launcher MSI separately
+msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86
+set BUILD_CMD="%D%bundle\snapshot.wixproj"
+if defined BUILDTEST (
+ set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:UseTestMarker=true
+if defined BUILDPACK (
+ set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /p:Pack=true
+if defined REBUILD (
+ set BUILD_CMD=%BUILD_CMD% /t:Rebuild
+if defined BUILDX86 (
+ msbuild %BUILD_CMD%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+if defined BUILDX64 (
+ msbuild /p:Platform=x64 %BUILD_CMD%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+exit /B 0
+echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--doc] [-h] [--no-test-marker] [--pack] [-r]
+echo -x86 Build x86 installers
+echo -x64 Build x64 installers
+echo --doc Build CHM documentation
+echo --no-test-marker Build without test markers
+echo --pack Embed core MSIs into installer
+echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build
-@echo off\r
-rem This script is intended for building official releases of Python.\r
-rem To use it to build alternative releases, you should clone this file\r
-rem and modify the following three URIs.\r
-rem These two will ensure that your release can be installed\r
-rem alongside an official Python release, by modifying the GUIDs used\r
-rem for all components.\r
-rem The following substitutions will be applied to the release URI:\r
-rem Variable Description Example\r
-rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32\r
-set RELEASE_URI={arch}\r
-rem This is the URL that will be used to download installation files.\r
-rem The files available from the default URL *will* conflict with your\r
-rem installer. Trust me, you don't want them, even if it seems like a\r
-rem good idea.\r
-rem The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:\r
-rem Variable Description Example\r
-rem {version} version number 3.5.0\r
-rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32\r
-rem {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)\r
-rem {msi} MSI filename core.msi\r
-set DOWNLOAD_URL={version}/{arch}{releasename}/{msi}\r
-set D=%~dp0\r
-set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\\r
-set EXTERNALS=%D%..\..\externals\windows-installer\\r
-set BUILDX86=\r
-set BUILDX64=\r
-set TARGET=Rebuild\r
-set PGO=\r
-set BUILDZIP=1\r
-if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help\r
-if "%1" EQU "-c" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--certificate" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-o" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--out" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-D" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--skip-doc" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-B" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--skip-build" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--download" (set DOWNLOAD_URL=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--test" (set TESTTARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-b" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--build" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--pgo" (set PGO=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--skip-nuget" (set BUILDNUGET=) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--skip-zip" (set BUILDZIP=) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" NEQ "" echo Invalid option: "%1" && exit /B 1\r
-if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)\r
-if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"\r
-if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH && exit /B 1\r
-call "%D%get_externals.bat"\r
-if "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc\r
-if "%SKIPDOC%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc\r
-if not defined PYTHON where py -q || echo Cannot find py on path and PYTHON is not set. && exit /B 1\r
-if not defined SPHINXBUILD where sphinx-build -q || echo Cannot find sphinx-build on path and SPHINXBUILD is not set. && exit /B 1\r
-call "%D%..\..\doc\make.bat" htmlhelp\r
-if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-where dlltool /q && goto skipdlltoolsearch\r
-where /R "%EXTERNALS%\" dlltool > "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" 2> nul && set /P _DLLTOOL_PATH= < "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" & del "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" \r
-if not exist "%_DLLTOOL_PATH%" echo Cannot find binutils on PATH or in external && exit /B 1\r
-for %%f in (%_DLLTOOL_PATH%) do set PATH=%PATH%;%%~dpf\r
-if defined BUILDX86 (\r
- call :build x86\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if defined BUILDX64 (\r
- call :build x64 "%PGO%"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if defined TESTTARGETDIR (\r
- call "%D%testrelease.bat" -t "%TESTTARGETDIR%"\r
-exit /B 0\r
-@echo off\r
-if "%1" EQU "x86" (\r
- call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86\r
- set BUILD=%PCBUILD%win32\\r
- set BUILD_PLAT=Win32\r
- set OUTDIR_PLAT=win32\r
- set OBJDIR_PLAT=x86\r
-) else if "%~2" NEQ "" (\r
- call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" amd64\r
- set PGO=%~2\r
- set BUILD=%PCBUILD%amd64-pgo\\r
- set BUILD_PLAT=x64\r
- set OUTDIR_PLAT=amd64\r
- set OBJDIR_PLAT=x64\r
-) else (\r
- call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" amd64\r
- set BUILD=%PCBUILD%amd64\\r
- set BUILD_PLAT=x64\r
- set OUTDIR_PLAT=amd64\r
- set OBJDIR_PLAT=x64\r
-if exist "%BUILD%en-us" (\r
- echo Deleting %BUILD%en-us\r
- rmdir /q/s "%BUILD%en-us"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if exist "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%" (\r
- echo Deleting "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"\r
- rmdir /q/s "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if not "%CERTNAME%" EQU "" (\r
- set CERTOPTS="/p:SigningCertificate=%CERTNAME%"\r
-) else (\r
- set CERTOPTS=\r
-if not "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" (\r
- @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -d -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%\r
- @if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
- @rem build.bat turns echo back on, so we disable it again\r
- @echo off\r
- \r
- if "%PGO%" EQU "" (\r
- @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%\r
- ) else (\r
- @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -c PGInstrument -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%\r
- @if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
- \r
- @del "%BUILD%*.pgc"\r
- if "%PGO%" EQU "default" (\r
- "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -q --pgo\r
- ) else if "%PGO%" EQU "default2" (\r
- "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -r -q --pgo\r
- "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -r -q --pgo\r
- ) else if "%PGO%" EQU "default10" (\r
- for /L %%i in (0, 1, 9) do "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -q -r --pgo\r
- ) else if "%PGO%" EQU "pybench" (\r
- "%BUILD%python.exe" "%PCBUILD%..\Tools\pybench\"\r
- ) else (\r
- "%BUILD%python.exe" %PGO%\r
- )\r
- \r
- @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -c PGUpdate -t Build %CERTOPTS%\r
- )\r
- @if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
- @echo off\r
-set BUILDOPTS=/p:BuildForRelease=true /p:DownloadUrl=%DOWNLOAD_URL% /p:DownloadUrlBase=%DOWNLOAD_URL_BASE% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%\r
-if "%PGO%" NEQ "" set BUILDOPTS=%BUILDOPTS% /p:PGOBuildPath=%BUILD%\r
-msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86 %CERTOPTS% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%\r
-msbuild "%D%bundle\releaselocal.wixproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Platform=%1 %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=true\r
-if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-msbuild "%D%bundle\releaseweb.wixproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Platform=%1 %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=false\r
-if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if defined BUILDZIP (\r
- msbuild "%D%make_zip.proj" /t:Build %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if defined BUILDNUGET (\r
- msbuild "%D%..\nuget\make_pkg.proj" /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%1 /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if not "%OUTDIR%" EQU "" (\r
- mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%"\r
- mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries"\r
- mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols"\r
- robocopy "%BUILD%en-us" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%" /XF "*.wixpdb"\r
- robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries" *.exe *.dll *.pyd /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"\r
- robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols" *.pdb /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"\r
-exit /B 0\r
-echo buildrelease.bat [--out DIR] [-x86] [-x64] [--certificate CERTNAME] [--build] [--pgo COMMAND]\r
-echo [--skip-build] [--skip-doc] [--skip-nuget] [--skip-zip]\r
-echo [--download DOWNLOAD URL] [--test TARGETDIR]\r
-echo [-h]\r
-echo --out (-o) Specify an additional output directory for installers\r
-echo -x86 Build x86 installers\r
-echo -x64 Build x64 installers\r
-echo --build (-b) Incrementally build Python rather than rebuilding\r
-echo --skip-build (-B) Do not build Python (just do the installers)\r
-echo --skip-doc (-D) Do not build documentation\r
-echo --skip-nuget Do not build Nuget packages\r
-echo --skip-zip Do not build embeddable package\r
-echo --pgo Build x64 installers using PGO\r
-echo --download Specify the full download URL for MSIs\r
-echo --test Specify the test directory to run the installer tests\r
-echo -h Display this help information\r
-echo If no architecture is specified, all architectures will be built.\r
-echo If --test is not specified, the installer tests are not run.\r
-echo For the --pgo option, any Python command line can be used as well as the\r
-echo following shortcuts:\r
-echo Shortcut Description\r
-echo default Test suite with --pgo\r
-echo default2 2x test suite with --pgo and randomized test order\r
-echo default10 10x test suite with --pgo and randomized test order\r
-echo pybench pybench script\r
-echo The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:\r
-echo Variable Description Example\r
-echo {version} version number 3.5.0\r
-echo {arch} architecture amd64, win32\r
-echo {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)\r
-echo {msi} MSI filename core.msi\r
+@echo off
+rem This script is intended for building official releases of Python.
+rem To use it to build alternative releases, you should clone this file
+rem and modify the following three URIs.
+rem These two will ensure that your release can be installed
+rem alongside an official Python release, by modifying the GUIDs used
+rem for all components.
+rem The following substitutions will be applied to the release URI:
+rem Variable Description Example
+rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32
+set RELEASE_URI={arch}
+rem This is the URL that will be used to download installation files.
+rem The files available from the default URL *will* conflict with your
+rem installer. Trust me, you don't want them, even if it seems like a
+rem good idea.
+rem The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:
+rem Variable Description Example
+rem {version} version number 3.5.0
+rem {arch} architecture amd64, win32
+rem {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)
+rem {msi} MSI filename core.msi
+set DOWNLOAD_URL={version}/{arch}{releasename}/{msi}
+set D=%~dp0
+set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
+set EXTERNALS=%D%..\..\externals\windows-installer\
+set BUILDX86=
+set BUILDX64=
+set TARGET=Rebuild
+set PGO=
+if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
+if "%1" EQU "-c" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--certificate" (set CERTNAME=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-o" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--out" (set OUTDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-D" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-doc" (set SKIPDOC=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-B" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-build" (set SKIPBUILD=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--download" (set DOWNLOAD_URL=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--test" (set TESTTARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-b" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--build" (set TARGET=Build) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--pgo" (set PGO=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-nuget" (set BUILDNUGET=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-zip" (set BUILDZIP=) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" NEQ "" echo Invalid option: "%1" && exit /B 1
+if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
+if not exist "%GIT%" where git > "%TEMP%\git.loc" 2> nul && set /P GIT= < "%TEMP%\git.loc" & del "%TEMP%\git.loc"
+if not exist "%GIT%" echo Cannot find Git on PATH && exit /B 1
+call "%D%get_externals.bat"
+if "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc
+if "%SKIPDOC%" EQU "1" goto skipdoc
+if not defined PYTHON where py -q || echo Cannot find py on path and PYTHON is not set. && exit /B 1
+if not defined SPHINXBUILD where sphinx-build -q || echo Cannot find sphinx-build on path and SPHINXBUILD is not set. && exit /B 1
+call "%D%..\..\doc\make.bat" htmlhelp
+if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+where dlltool /q && goto skipdlltoolsearch
+where /R "%EXTERNALS%\" dlltool > "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" 2> nul && set /P _DLLTOOL_PATH= < "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc" & del "%TEMP%\dlltool.loc"
+if not exist "%_DLLTOOL_PATH%" echo Cannot find binutils on PATH or in external && exit /B 1
+for %%f in (%_DLLTOOL_PATH%) do set PATH=%PATH%;%%~dpf
+if defined BUILDX86 (
+ call :build x86
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+if defined BUILDX64 (
+ call :build x64 "%PGO%"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+if defined TESTTARGETDIR (
+ call "%D%testrelease.bat" -t "%TESTTARGETDIR%"
+exit /B 0
+@echo off
+if "%1" EQU "x86" (
+ call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
+ set BUILD=%PCBUILD%win32\
+ set BUILD_PLAT=Win32
+ set OUTDIR_PLAT=win32
+ set OBJDIR_PLAT=x86
+) else if "%~2" NEQ "" (
+ call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" amd64
+ set PGO=%~2
+ set BUILD=%PCBUILD%amd64-pgo\
+ set BUILD_PLAT=x64
+ set OUTDIR_PLAT=amd64
+ set OBJDIR_PLAT=x64
+) else (
+ call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" amd64
+ set BUILD=%PCBUILD%amd64\
+ set BUILD_PLAT=x64
+ set OUTDIR_PLAT=amd64
+ set OBJDIR_PLAT=x64
+if exist "%BUILD%en-us" (
+ echo Deleting %BUILD%en-us
+ rmdir /q/s "%BUILD%en-us"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+if exist "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%" (
+ echo Deleting "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
+ rmdir /q/s "%D%obj\Release_%OBJDIR_PLAT%"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+if not "%CERTNAME%" EQU "" (
+ set CERTOPTS="/p:SigningCertificate=%CERTNAME%"
+) else (
+if not "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" (
+ @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -d -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%
+ @if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+ @rem build.bat turns echo back on, so we disable it again
+ @echo off
+ if "%PGO%" EQU "" (
+ @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%
+ ) else (
+ @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -c PGInstrument -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%
+ @if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+ @del "%BUILD%*.pgc"
+ if "%PGO%" EQU "default" (
+ "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -q --pgo
+ ) else if "%PGO%" EQU "default2" (
+ "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -r -q --pgo
+ "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -r -q --pgo
+ ) else if "%PGO%" EQU "default10" (
+ for /L %%i in (0, 1, 9) do "%BUILD%python.exe" -m test -q -r --pgo
+ ) else if "%PGO%" EQU "pybench" (
+ "%BUILD%python.exe" "%PCBUILD%..\Tools\pybench\"
+ ) else (
+ "%BUILD%python.exe" %PGO%
+ )
+ @call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -c PGUpdate -t Build %CERTOPTS%
+ )
+ @if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+ @echo off
+set BUILDOPTS=/p:BuildForRelease=true /p:DownloadUrl=%DOWNLOAD_URL% /p:DownloadUrlBase=%DOWNLOAD_URL_BASE% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
+if "%PGO%" NEQ "" set BUILDOPTS=%BUILDOPTS% /p:PGOBuildPath=%BUILD%
+msbuild "%D%launcher\launcher.wixproj" /p:Platform=x86 %CERTOPTS% /p:ReleaseUri=%RELEASE_URI%
+msbuild "%D%bundle\releaselocal.wixproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Platform=%1 %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=true
+if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+msbuild "%D%bundle\releaseweb.wixproj" /t:Rebuild /p:Platform=%1 %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=false
+if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+if defined BUILDZIP (
+ msbuild "%D%make_zip.proj" /t:Build %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+if defined BUILDNUGET (
+ msbuild "%D%..\nuget\make_pkg.proj" /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=%1 /p:OutputPath="%BUILD%en-us"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+if not "%OUTDIR%" EQU "" (
+ mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%"
+ mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries"
+ mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols"
+ robocopy "%BUILD%en-us" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%" /XF "*.wixpdb"
+ robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\binaries" *.exe *.dll *.pyd /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"
+ robocopy "%BUILD%\" "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%\symbols" *.pdb /XF "_test*" /XF "*_d.*" /XF "_freeze*" /XF "tcl*" /XF "tk*" /XF "*_test.*"
+exit /B 0
+echo buildrelease.bat [--out DIR] [-x86] [-x64] [--certificate CERTNAME] [--build] [--pgo COMMAND]
+echo [--skip-build] [--skip-doc] [--skip-nuget] [--skip-zip]
+echo [--download DOWNLOAD URL] [--test TARGETDIR]
+echo [-h]
+echo --out (-o) Specify an additional output directory for installers
+echo -x86 Build x86 installers
+echo -x64 Build x64 installers
+echo --build (-b) Incrementally build Python rather than rebuilding
+echo --skip-build (-B) Do not build Python (just do the installers)
+echo --skip-doc (-D) Do not build documentation
+echo --skip-nuget Do not build Nuget packages
+echo --skip-zip Do not build embeddable package
+echo --pgo Build x64 installers using PGO
+echo --download Specify the full download URL for MSIs
+echo --test Specify the test directory to run the installer tests
+echo -h Display this help information
+echo If no architecture is specified, all architectures will be built.
+echo If --test is not specified, the installer tests are not run.
+echo For the --pgo option, any Python command line can be used as well as the
+echo following shortcuts:
+echo Shortcut Description
+echo default Test suite with --pgo
+echo default2 2x test suite with --pgo and randomized test order
+echo default10 10x test suite with --pgo and randomized test order
+echo pybench pybench script
+echo The following substitutions will be applied to the download URL:
+echo Variable Description Example
+echo {version} version number 3.5.0
+echo {arch} architecture amd64, win32
+echo {releasename} release name a1, b2, rc3 (or blank for final)
+echo {msi} MSI filename core.msi
-@echo off\r
-rem Simple script to fetch source for external tools\r
-where /Q svn\r
-if ERRORLEVEL 1 (\r
- echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH to get external tools.\r
- echo.Try TortoiseSVN (^) and be sure to check the\r
- echo.command line tools option.\r
- popd\r
- exit /b 1\r
-if not exist "%~dp0..\..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\..\externals"\r
-pushd "%~dp0..\..\externals"\r
-if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=\r
-if not exist "windows-installer\.svn" (\r
- echo.Checking out installer dependencies to %CD%\windows-installer\r
- svn co %SVNROOT%windows-installer\r
-) else (\r
- echo.Updating installer dependencies in %CD%\windows-installer\r
- svn up windows-installer\r
+@echo off
+rem Simple script to fetch source for external tools
+where /Q svn
+ echo.svn.exe must be on your PATH to get external tools.
+ echo.Try TortoiseSVN (^) and be sure to check the
+ echo.command line tools option.
+ popd
+ exit /b 1
+if not exist "%~dp0..\..\externals" mkdir "%~dp0..\..\externals"
+pushd "%~dp0..\..\externals"
+if "%SVNROOT%"=="" set SVNROOT=
+if not exist "windows-installer\.svn" (
+ echo.Checking out installer dependencies to %CD%\windows-installer
+ svn co %SVNROOT%windows-installer
+) else (
+ echo.Updating installer dependencies in %CD%\windows-installer
+ svn up windows-installer
-@setlocal enableextensions\r
-@echo off\r
-set D=%~dp0\r
-set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\\r
-set TESTX86=\r
-set TESTX64=\r
-if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help\r
-if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set TESTX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set TESTX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-a" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--alluser" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-p" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--peruser" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if not defined TESTX86 if not defined TESTX64 (set TESTX86=1) && (set TESTX64=1)\r
-if not defined TESTALLUSER if not defined TESTPERUSER (set TESTALLUSER=1) && (set TESTPERUSER=1)\r
-if defined TESTX86 (\r
- for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%win32\en-us\*.exe") do (\r
- if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
- if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
- )\r
-if defined TESTX64 (\r
- for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%amd64\en-us\*.exe") do (\r
- if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
- if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"\r
- if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
- )\r
-exit /B 0\r
-@echo on\r
-@if not exist "%~1" exit /B 1\r
-@set EXE=%~1\r
-@if not "%EXE:embed=%"=="%EXE%" exit /B 0\r
-@set EXITCODE=0\r
-@echo Installing %1 into %2\r
-"%~1" /passive /log "%~2\install\log.txt" TargetDir="%~2\Python" Include_debug=1 Include_symbols=1 %~3\r
-@if not errorlevel 1 (\r
- @echo Printing version\r
- "%~2\Python\python.exe" -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" > "%~2\version.txt" 2>&1\r
-@if not errorlevel 1 (\r
- @echo Capturing Start Menu\r
- @dir /s/b "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" > "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1\r
- @dir /s/b "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" >> "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1\r
- @echo Capturing registry\r
- @for /F "usebackq" %%f in (`reg query HKCR /s /f python /k`) do @(\r
- echo %%f >> "%~2\hkcr.txt"\r
- reg query "%%f" /s >> "%~2\hkcr.txt" 2>&1\r
- )\r
- @reg query HKCU\Software\Python /s > "%~2\hkcu.txt" 2>&1\r
- @reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:32 /s > "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1\r
- @reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:64 /s >> "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1\r
- cmd /k exit 0\r
-@if not errorlevel 1 (\r
- @echo Installing package\r
- "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip install "azure<0.10" > "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1\r
- @if not errorlevel 1 (\r
- "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip uninstall -y azure python-dateutil six >> "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1\r
- )\r
-@if not errorlevel 1 (\r
- @echo Testing Tcl/tk\r
- @set TCL_LIBRARY=%~2\Python\tcl\tcl8.6\r
- "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m test -uall -v test_ttk_guionly test_tk test_idle > "%~2\tcltk.txt" 2>&1\r
- @set TCL_LIBRARY=\r
-@echo Result was %EXITCODE%\r
-@echo Removing %1\r
-"%~1" /passive /uninstall /log "%~2\uninstall\log.txt"\r
-@echo off\r
-exit /B %EXITCODE%\r
-echo testrelease.bat [--target TARGET] [-x86] [-x64] [--alluser] [--peruser] [-h]\r
-echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory for installs and logs\r
-echo -x86 Run tests for x86 installers\r
-echo -x64 Run tests for x64 installers\r
-echo --alluser (-a) Run tests for all-user installs (requires Administrator)\r
-echo --peruser (-p) Run tests for per-user installs\r
-echo -h Display this help information\r
-echo If no test architecture is specified, all architectures will be tested.\r
-echo If no install type is selected, all install types will be tested.\r
+@setlocal enableextensions
+@echo off
+set D=%~dp0
+set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
+set TESTX86=
+set TESTX64=
+if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
+if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set TESTX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set TESTX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-a" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--alluser" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-p" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--peruser" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if not defined TESTX86 if not defined TESTX64 (set TESTX86=1) && (set TESTX64=1)
+if not defined TESTALLUSER if not defined TESTPERUSER (set TESTALLUSER=1) && (set TESTPERUSER=1)
+if defined TESTX86 (
+ for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%win32\en-us\*.exe") do (
+ if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+ if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+ )
+if defined TESTX64 (
+ for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%amd64\en-us\*.exe") do (
+ if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+ if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /B
+ )
+exit /B 0
+@echo on
+@if not exist "%~1" exit /B 1
+@set EXE=%~1
+@if not "%EXE:embed=%"=="%EXE%" exit /B 0
+@set EXITCODE=0
+@echo Installing %1 into %2
+"%~1" /passive /log "%~2\install\log.txt" TargetDir="%~2\Python" Include_debug=1 Include_symbols=1 %~3
+@if not errorlevel 1 (
+ @echo Printing version
+ "%~2\Python\python.exe" -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" > "%~2\version.txt" 2>&1
+@if not errorlevel 1 (
+ @echo Capturing Start Menu
+ @dir /s/b "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" > "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1
+ @dir /s/b "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" >> "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1
+ @echo Capturing registry
+ @for /F "usebackq" %%f in (`reg query HKCR /s /f python /k`) do @(
+ echo %%f >> "%~2\hkcr.txt"
+ reg query "%%f" /s >> "%~2\hkcr.txt" 2>&1
+ )
+ @reg query HKCU\Software\Python /s > "%~2\hkcu.txt" 2>&1
+ @reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:32 /s > "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
+ @reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:64 /s >> "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
+ cmd /k exit 0
+@if not errorlevel 1 (
+ @echo Installing package
+ "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip install "azure<0.10" > "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
+ @if not errorlevel 1 (
+ "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip uninstall -y azure python-dateutil six >> "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
+ )
+@if not errorlevel 1 (
+ @echo Testing Tcl/tk
+ @set TCL_LIBRARY=%~2\Python\tcl\tcl8.6
+ "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m test -uall -v test_ttk_guionly test_tk test_idle > "%~2\tcltk.txt" 2>&1
+@echo Result was %EXITCODE%
+@echo Removing %1
+"%~1" /passive /uninstall /log "%~2\uninstall\log.txt"
+@echo off
+exit /B %EXITCODE%
+echo testrelease.bat [--target TARGET] [-x86] [-x64] [--alluser] [--peruser] [-h]
+echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory for installs and logs
+echo -x86 Run tests for x86 installers
+echo -x64 Run tests for x64 installers
+echo --alluser (-a) Run tests for all-user installs (requires Administrator)
+echo --peruser (-p) Run tests for per-user installs
+echo -h Display this help information
+echo If no test architecture is specified, all architectures will be tested.
+echo If no install type is selected, all install types will be tested.
-@echo off\r
-set D=%~dp0\r
-set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\\r
-set HOST=\r
-set USER=\r
-set TARGET=\r
-set DRYRUN=false\r
-set NOGPG=\r
-set PURGE_OPTION=/p:Purge=true\r
-set NOTEST=\r
-if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help\r
-if "%1" EQU "-o" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--host" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-u" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--user" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--dry-run" (set DRYRUN=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--skip-gpg" (set NOGPG=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--skip-purge" (set PURGE_OPTION=) && shift && godo CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "--skip-test" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" EQU "-T" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts\r
-if "%1" NEQ "" echo Unexpected argument "%1" & exit /B 1\r
-if not defined PLINK where plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"\r
-if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"\r
-if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"\r
-if not defined PLINK echo Cannot locate plink.exe & exit /B 1\r
-echo Found plink.exe at %PLINK%\r
-if not defined PSCP where pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"\r
-if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"\r
-if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"\r
-if not defined PSCP echo Cannot locate pscp.exe & exit /B 1\r
-echo Found pscp.exe at %PSCP%\r
-if defined NOGPG (\r
- set GPG=\r
- echo Skipping GPG signature generation because of --skip-gpg\r
-) else (\r
- if not defined GPG where gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"\r
- if not defined GPG where /R "%PCBUILD%..\externals\windows-installer" gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"\r
- if not defined GPG echo Cannot locate gpg2.exe. Signatures will not be uploaded & pause\r
- echo Found gpg2.exe at %GPG%\r
-call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" > nul 2> nul\r
-pushd "%D%"\r
-msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x86 %PURGE_OPTION%\r
-msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false %PURGE_OPTION%\r
-if not defined NOTEST (\r
- msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x86\r
- msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x64\r
-msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x86\r
-msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false\r
-exit /B 0\r
-echo uploadrelease.bat --host HOST --user USERNAME [--target TARGET] [--dry-run] [-h]\r
-echo --host (-o) Specify the upload host (required)\r
-echo --user (-u) Specify the user on the host (required)\r
-echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory on the host\r
-echo --dry-run Display commands and filenames without executing them\r
-echo --skip-gpg Does not generate GPG signatures before uploading\r
-echo --skip-purge Does not perform CDN purge after uploading\r
-echo --skip-test (-T) Does not perform post-upload tests\r
-echo -h Display this help information\r
+@echo off
+set D=%~dp0
+set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
+set HOST=
+set USER=
+set TARGET=
+set DRYRUN=false
+set NOGPG=
+set PURGE_OPTION=/p:Purge=true
+set NOTEST=
+if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
+if "%1" EQU "-o" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--host" (set HOST=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-u" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--user" (set USER=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGET=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--dry-run" (set DRYRUN=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-gpg" (set NOGPG=true) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-purge" (set PURGE_OPTION=) && shift && godo CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "--skip-test" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
+if "%1" EQU "-T" (set NOTEST=true) && shift && godo CheckOpts
+if "%1" NEQ "" echo Unexpected argument "%1" & exit /B 1
+if not defined PLINK where plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
+if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
+if not defined PLINK where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" plink > "%TEMP%\plink.loc" 2> nul && set /P PLINK= < "%TEMP%\plink.loc" & del "%TEMP%\plink.loc"
+if not defined PLINK echo Cannot locate plink.exe & exit /B 1
+echo Found plink.exe at %PLINK%
+if not defined PSCP where pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
+if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PuTTY" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
+if not defined PSCP where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" pscp > "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" 2> nul && set /P pscp= < "%TEMP%\pscp.loc" & del "%TEMP%\pscp.loc"
+if not defined PSCP echo Cannot locate pscp.exe & exit /B 1
+echo Found pscp.exe at %PSCP%
+if defined NOGPG (
+ set GPG=
+ echo Skipping GPG signature generation because of --skip-gpg
+) else (
+ if not defined GPG where gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
+ if not defined GPG where /R "%PCBUILD%..\externals\windows-installer" gpg2 > "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" 2> nul && set /P GPG= < "%TEMP%\gpg.loc" & del "%TEMP%\gpg.loc"
+ if not defined GPG echo Cannot locate gpg2.exe. Signatures will not be uploaded & pause
+ echo Found gpg2.exe at %GPG%
+call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" > nul 2> nul
+pushd "%D%"
+msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x86 %PURGE_OPTION%
+msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Upload /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false %PURGE_OPTION%
+if not defined NOTEST (
+ msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x86
+ msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:Test /p:Platform=x64
+msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x86
+msbuild /v:m /nologo uploadrelease.proj /t:ShowHashes /p:Platform=x64 /p:IncludeDoc=false
+exit /B 0
+echo uploadrelease.bat --host HOST --user USERNAME [--target TARGET] [--dry-run] [-h]
+echo --host (-o) Specify the upload host (required)
+echo --user (-u) Specify the user on the host (required)
+echo --target (-t) Specify the target directory on the host
+echo --dry-run Display commands and filenames without executing them
+echo --skip-gpg Does not generate GPG signatures before uploading
+echo --skip-purge Does not perform CDN purge after uploading
+echo --skip-test (-T) Does not perform post-upload tests
+echo -h Display this help information
-@echo off\r
-set D=%~dp0\r
-set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\\r
-set BUILDX86=\r
-set BUILDX64=\r
-set REBUILD=\r
-set OUTPUT=\r
-set PACKAGES=\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-o" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "--out" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if "%~1" EQU "-p" (set PACKAGES=%PACKAGES% %~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts\r
-if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)\r
-call "%D%..\msi\get_externals.bat"\r
-call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86\r
-if defined PACKAGES set PACKAGES="/p:Packages=%PACKAGES%"\r
-if defined BUILDX86 (\r
- if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -r\r
- ) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%win32\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
- msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x86 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-if defined BUILDX64 (\r
- if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e -r\r
- ) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%amd64\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
- msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%\r
- if errorlevel 1 goto :eof\r
-exit /B 0\r
-echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--out DIR] [-r] [-h]\r
-echo -x86 Build x86 installers\r
-echo -x64 Build x64 installers\r
-echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build\r
-echo --out [DIR] Override output directory\r
-echo -h Show usage\r
+@echo off
+set D=%~dp0
+set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCBuild\
+set BUILDX86=
+set BUILDX64=
+set OUTPUT=
+if "%~1" EQU "-h" goto Help
+if "%~1" EQU "-x86" (set BUILDX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "-x64" (set BUILDX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "-r" (set REBUILD=-r) && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "-o" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "--out" (set OUTPUT="/p:OutputPath=%~2") && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if "%~1" EQU "-p" (set PACKAGES=%PACKAGES% %~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
+if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX64=1)
+call "%D%..\msi\get_externals.bat"
+call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
+if defined PACKAGES set PACKAGES="/p:Packages=%PACKAGES%"
+if defined BUILDX86 (
+ if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -r
+ ) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%win32\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+ msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x86 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+if defined BUILDX64 (
+ if defined REBUILD ( call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e -r
+ ) else if not exist "%PCBUILD%amd64\python.exe" call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+ msbuild "%D%make_pkg.proj" /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 %OUTPUT% %PACKAGES%
+ if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
+exit /B 0
+echo build.bat [-x86] [-x64] [--out DIR] [-r] [-h]
+echo -x86 Build x86 installers
+echo -x64 Build x64 installers
+echo -r Rebuild rather than incremental build
+echo --out [DIR] Override output directory
+echo -h Show usage
-@rem Recreate some python charmap codecs from the Windows function\r
-@rem MultiByteToWideChar.\r
-@cd /d %~dp0\r
-@mkdir build\r
-@rem Arabic DOS code page\r
-c:\python30\python 720 > build/\r
+@rem Recreate some python charmap codecs from the Windows function
+@rem MultiByteToWideChar.
+@cd /d %~dp0
+@mkdir build
+@rem Arabic DOS code page
+c:\python30\python 720 > build/