-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/Makefile,v 1.67 2006/09/04 15:07:46 petere Exp $
+# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/Makefile,v 1.68 2006/09/05 17:20:26 tgl Exp $
subdir = contrib
top_builddir = ..
btree_gist \
chkpass \
cube \
- dbase \
dblink \
- dbmirror \
earthdistance \
- fulltextindex \
fuzzystrmatch \
intagg \
intarray \
seg \
spi \
tablefunc \
- tips \
tsearch2 \
- userlock \
ifeq ($(with_openssl),yes)
# Missing:
-# adddepend \ (does not have a makefile)
-# mSQL-interface \ (requires msql installed)
-# mac \ (does not have a makefile)
# start-scripts \ (does not have a makefile)
# xml2 \ (requires libxml installed)
-adddepend -
- Add object dependency information to pre-7.3 objects.
- by Rod Taylor <rbt@rbt.ca>
adminpack -
File and log manipulation routines, used by pgAdmin
- by From: Dave Page <dpage@vale-housing.co.uk>
+ by Dave Page <dpage@vale-housing.co.uk>
btree_gist -
Support for emulating BTREE indexing in GiST
Multidimensional-cube datatype (GiST indexing example)
by Gene Selkov, Jr. <selkovjr@mcs.anl.gov>
-dbase -
- Converts from dbase/xbase to PostgreSQL
- by Maarten.Boekhold <Maarten.Boekhold@reuters.com>,
- Frank Koormann <fkoorman@usf.uni-osnabrueck.de>,
- Ivan Baldo <lubaldo@adinet.com.uy>
dblink -
Allows remote query execution
by Joe Conway <mail@joeconway.com>
-dbmirror -
- Replication server
- by Steven Singer <ssinger@navtechinc.com>
earthdistance -
Operator for computing earth distance for two points
by Hal Snyder <hal@vailsys.com>
-fulltextindex -
- Full text indexing using triggers
- by Maarten Boekhold <maartenb@dutepp0.et.tudelft.nl>
fuzzystrmatch -
Levenshtein, metaphone, and soundex fuzzy string matching
by Joe Conway <mail@joeconway.com>, Joel Burton <jburton@scw.org>
Tree-like data structures
by Teodor Sigaev <teodor@sigaev.ru> and Oleg Bartunov <oleg@sai.msu.su>
-mSQL-interface -
- mSQL API translation library
- by Aldrin Leal <aldrin@americasnet.com>
-mac -
- Support functions for MAC address types
- by Lawrence E. Rosenman <ler@lerctr.org>
oid2name -
Maps numeric files to table names
by B Palmer <bpalmer@crimelabs.net>
spi -
Various trigger functions, examples for using SPI.
+sslinfo -
+ Functions to get information about SSL certificates
+ by Victor Wagner <vitus@cryptocom.ru>
start-scripts -
Scripts for starting the server at boot time.
Examples of functions returning tables
by Joe Conway <mail@joeconway.com>
-tips -
- Getting Apache to log to PostgreSQL
- by Terry Mackintosh <terry@terrym.com>
tsearch2 -
Full-text-index support using GiST
by Teodor Sigaev <teodor@sigaev.ru> and Oleg Bartunov
-userlock -
- User locks
- by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
vacuumlo -
Remove orphaned large objects
by Peter T Mount <peter@retep.org.uk>
+++ /dev/null
- Dependency Additions For PostgreSQL 7.3 Upgrades
-In PostgreSQL releases prior to 7.3, certain database objects didn't
-have proper dependencies. For example:
-1) When you created a table with a SERIAL column, there was no linkage
-to its underlying sequence. If you dropped the table with the SERIAL
-column, the sequence was not automatically dropped.
-2) When you created a foreign key, it created three triggers. If you
-wanted to drop the foreign key, you had to drop the three triggers
-3) When you created a column with constraint UNIQUE, a unique index was
-created but there was no indication that the index was created as a
-UNIQUE column constraint.
-Fortunately, PostgreSQL 7.3 and later now tracks such dependencies
-and handles these cases. Unfortunately, PostgreSQL dumps from prior
-releases don't contain such dependency information.
-This script operates on >= 7.3 databases and adds dependency information
-for the objects listed above. It prompts the user on whether to create
-a linkage for each object. You can use the -Y option to prevent such
-prompting and have it generate all possible linkages.
-This program requires the Pg:DBD Perl interface.
- adddepend [options] [dbname [username]]
- -d <dbname> Specify database name to connect to (default: postgres)
- -h <host> Specify database server host (default: localhost)
- -p <port> Specify database server port (default: 5432)
- -u <username> Specify database username (default: postgres)
- --password=<pw> Specify database password (default: blank)
- -Y The script normally asks whether the user wishes to apply
- the conversion for each item found. This forces YES to all
- questions.
-Rod Taylor <pg@rbt.ca>
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/adddepend/adddepend,v 1.6 2003/11/29 22:39:16 pgsql Exp $
-# Project exists to assist PostgreSQL users with their structural upgrade
-# from PostgreSQL 7.2 (or prior) to 7.3 or 7.4. Must be run against a 7.3 or 7.4
-# database system (dump, upgrade daemon, restore, run this script)
-# - Replace old style Foreign Keys with new style
-# - Replace old SERIAL columns with new ones
-# - Replace old style Unique Indexes with new style Unique Constraints
-# License
-# -------
-# Copyright (c) 2001, Rod Taylor
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-# are met:
-# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-# disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-# with the distribution.
-# 3. Neither the name of the InQuent Technologies Inc. nor the names
-# of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
-# derived from this software without specific prior written
-# permission.
-use DBI;
-use strict;
-# Fetch the connection information from the local environment
-my $dbuser = $ENV{'PGUSER'};
-$dbuser ||= $ENV{'USER'};
-my $database = $ENV{'PGDATABASE'};
-$database ||= $dbuser;
-my $dbisset = 0;
-my $dbhost = $ENV{'PGHOST'};
-$dbhost ||= "";
-my $dbport = $ENV{'PGPORT'};
-$dbport ||= "";
-my $dbpass = "";
-# Yes to all?
-my $yes = 0;
-# Whats the name of the binary?
-my $basename = $0;
-$basename =~ s|.*/([^/]+)$|$1|;
-## Process user supplied arguments.
-for( my $i=0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++ ) {
- ARGPARSE: for ( $ARGV[$i] ) {
- /^-d$/ && do { $database = $ARGV[++$i];
- $dbisset = 1;
- last;
- };
- /^-[uU]$/ && do { $dbuser = $ARGV[++$i];
- if (! $dbisset) {
- $database = $dbuser;
- }
- last;
- };
- /^-h$/ && do { $dbhost = $ARGV[++$i]; last; };
- /^-p$/ && do { $dbport = $ARGV[++$i]; last; };
- /^--password=/ && do { $dbpass = $ARGV[$i];
- $dbpass =~ s/^--password=//g;
- last;
- };
- /^-Y$/ && do { $yes = 1; last; };
- /^-\?$/ && do { usage(); last; };
- /^--help$/ && do { usage(); last; };
- }
-# If no arguments were set, then tell them about usage
-if ($#ARGV <= 0) {
- print <<MSG
-No arguments set. Use '$basename --help' for help
-Connecting to database '$database' as user '$dbuser'
-my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=$database";
-$dsn .= ";host=$dbhost" if ( "$dbhost" ne "" );
-$dsn .= ";port=$dbport" if ( "$dbport" ne "" );
-# Database Connection
-# -------------------
-my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass);
-# We want to control commits
-$dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0;
-# PostgreSQL's version is used to determine what queries are required
-# to retrieve a given information set.
-my $sql_GetVersion = qq{
- SELECT cast(substr(version(), 12, 1) as integer) * 10000
- + cast(substr(version(), 14, 1) as integer) * 100
- as version;
-my $sth_GetVersion = $dbh->prepare($sql_GetVersion);
-my $version = $sth_GetVersion->fetchrow_hashref;
-my $pgversion = $version->{'version'};
-# control where things get created
-my $sql = qq{
- SET search_path = public;
-my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
-END {
- $dbh->disconnect() if $dbh;
-# Find old style Foreign Keys based on:
-# - Group of 3 triggers of the appropriate types
-# -
-sub findForeignKeys
- my $sql = qq{
- SELECT tgargs
- , tgnargs
- FROM pg_trigger
- FROM pg_depend
- JOIN pg_constraint as c ON (refobjid = c.oid)
- WHERE objid = pg_trigger.oid
- AND deptype = 'i'
- AND contype = 'f'
- )
- GROUP BY tgargs
- , tgnargs
- HAVING count(*) = 3;
- };
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
- $sth->execute() || triggerError($!);
- while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
- {
- # Fetch vars
- my $fkeynargs = $row->{'tgnargs'};
- my $fkeyargs = $row->{'tgargs'};
- my $matchtype = "MATCH SIMPLE";
- my $updatetype = "";
- my $deletetype = "";
- if ($fkeynargs % 2 == 0 && $fkeynargs >= 6) {
- my ( $keyname
- , $table
- , $ftable
- , $unspecified
- , $lcolumn_name
- , $fcolumn_name
- , @junk
- ) = split(/\000/, $fkeyargs);
- # Account for old versions which don't seem to handle NULL
- # but instead return a string. Newer DBI::Pg drivers
- # don't have this problem
- if (!defined($ftable)) {
- ( $keyname
- , $table
- , $ftable
- , $unspecified
- , $lcolumn_name
- , $fcolumn_name
- , @junk
- ) = split(/\\000/, $fkeyargs);
- }
- else
- {
- # Clean up the string for further manipulation. DBD doesn't deal well with
- # strings with NULLs in them
- $fkeyargs =~ s|\000|\\000|g;
- }
- # Catch and record MATCH FULL
- if ($unspecified eq "FULL")
- {
- $matchtype = "MATCH FULL";
- }
- # Start off our column lists
- my $key_cols = "\"$lcolumn_name\"";
- my $ref_cols = "\"$fcolumn_name\"";
- # Perhaps there is more than a single column
- while ($lcolumn_name = shift(@junk) and $fcolumn_name = shift(@junk)) {
- $key_cols .= ", \"$lcolumn_name\"";
- $ref_cols .= ", \"$fcolumn_name\"";
- }
- my $trigsql = qq{
- SELECT tgname
- , relname
- , proname
- FROM pg_trigger
- JOIN pg_proc ON (pg_proc.oid = tgfoid)
- JOIN pg_class ON (pg_class.oid = tgrelid)
- WHERE tgargs = ?;
- };
- my $tgsth = $dbh->prepare($trigsql);
- $tgsth->execute($fkeyargs) || triggerError($!);
- my $triglist = "";
- while (my $tgrow = $tgsth->fetchrow_hashref)
- {
- my $trigname = $tgrow->{'tgname'};
- my $tablename = $tgrow->{'relname'};
- my $fname = $tgrow->{'proname'};
- for ($fname)
- {
- /^RI_FKey_cascade_del$/ && do {$deletetype = "ON DELETE CASCADE"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_cascade_upd$/ && do {$updatetype = "ON UPDATE CASCADE"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_restrict_del$/ && do {$deletetype = "ON DELETE RESTRICT"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_restrict_upd$/ && do {$updatetype = "ON UPDATE RESTRICT"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_setnull_del$/ && do {$deletetype = "ON DELETE SET NULL"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_setnull_upd$/ && do {$updatetype = "ON UPDATE SET NULL"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_setdefault_del$/ && do {$deletetype = "ON DELETE SET DEFAULT"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_setdefault_upd$/ && do {$updatetype = "ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_noaction_del$/ && do {$deletetype = "ON DELETE NO ACTION"; last;};
- /^RI_FKey_noaction_upd$/ && do {$updatetype = "ON UPDATE NO ACTION"; last;};
- }
- $triglist .= " DROP TRIGGER \"$trigname\" ON \"$tablename\";\n";
- }
- my $constraint = "";
- if ($keyname ne "<unnamed>")
- {
- $constraint = "CONSTRAINT \"$keyname\"";
- }
- my $fkey = qq{
- ALTER TABLE \"$table\" ADD $constraint FOREIGN KEY ($key_cols)
- REFERENCES \"$ftable\"($ref_cols) $matchtype $updatetype $deletetype;
- };
- # Does the user want to upgrade this sequence?
- print <<MSG
-The below commands will upgrade the foreign key style. Shall I execute them?
- if (userConfirm())
- {
- my $sthfkey = $dbh->prepare($fkey);
- $sthfkey->execute() || $dbh->rollback();
- $dbh->commit() || $dbh->rollback();
- }
- }
- }
-# Find possible old style Serial columns based on:
-# - Process unique constraints. Unique indexes without
-# the corresponding entry in pg_constraint)
-sub findUniqueConstraints
- my $sql;
- if ( $pgversion >= 70400 ) {
- $sql = qq{
- SELECT pg_index.*, quote_ident(ci.relname) AS index_name
- , quote_ident(ct.relname) AS table_name
- , pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) AS constraint_definition
- , indclass
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS ci
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index ON (ci.oid = indexrelid)
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS ct ON (ct.oid = indrelid)
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (ct.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid)
- WHERE indisunique -- Unique indexes only
- AND indpred IS NULL -- No Partial Indexes
- AND indexprs IS NULL -- No expressional indexes
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_depend
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint
- ON (refobjid = pg_constraint.oid)
- WHERE objid = indexrelid
- AND objsubid = 0)
- AND nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast');
- };
- }
- else
- {
- $sql = qq{
- SELECT pg_index.*, quote_ident(ci.relname) AS index_name
- , quote_ident(ct.relname) AS table_name
- , pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) AS constraint_definition
- , indclass
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS ci
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index ON (ci.oid = indexrelid)
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS ct ON (ct.oid = indrelid)
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (ct.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid)
- WHERE indisunique -- Unique indexes only
- AND indpred = '' -- No Partial Indexes
- AND indproc = 0 -- No expressional indexes
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_depend
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint
- ON (refobjid = pg_constraint.oid)
- WHERE objid = indexrelid
- AND objsubid = 0)
- AND nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast');
- };
- }
- my $opclass_sql = qq{
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_opclass
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_am ON (opcamid = pg_am.oid)
- WHERE amname = 'btree'
- AND pg_opclass.oid = ?
- AND pg_opclass.oid < 15000;
- };
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) || triggerError($!);
- my $opclass_sth = $dbh->prepare($opclass_sql) || triggerError($!);
- $sth->execute();
- while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
- {
- # Fetch vars
- my $constraint_name = $row->{'index_name'};
- my $table = $row->{'table_name'};
- my $columns = $row->{'constraint_definition'};
- # Test the opclass is BTree and was not added after installation
- my @classes = split(/ /, $row->{'indclass'});
- while (my $class = pop(@classes))
- {
- $opclass_sth->execute($class);
- next ITERATION if ($sth->rows == 0);
- }
- # Extract the columns from the index definition
- $columns =~ s|.*\(([^\)]+)\).*|$1|g;
- $columns =~ s|([^\s]+)[^\s]+_ops|$1|g;
- my $upsql = qq{
-DROP INDEX $constraint_name RESTRICT;
-ALTER TABLE $table ADD CONSTRAINT $constraint_name UNIQUE ($columns);
- };
- # Does the user want to upgrade this sequence?
- print <<MSG
-Upgrade the Unique Constraint style via:
- if (userConfirm())
- {
- # Drop the old index and create a new constraint by the same name
- # to replace it.
- my $upsth = $dbh->prepare($upsql);
- $upsth->execute() || $dbh->rollback();
- $dbh->commit() || $dbh->rollback();
- }
- }
-# Find possible old style Serial columns based on:
-# - Column is int or bigint
-# - Column has a nextval() default
-# - The sequence name includes the tablename, column name, and ends in _seq
-# or includes the tablename and is 40 or more characters in length.
-sub findSerials
- my $sql = qq{
- SELECT nspname AS nspname
- , relname AS relname
- , attname AS attname
- , adsrc
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class as c
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute as a
- ON (c.oid = a.attrelid)
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef as ad
- ON (a.attrelid = ad.adrelid
- AND a.attnum = ad.adnum)
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type as t
- ON (t.typname IN ('int4', 'int8')
- AND t.oid = a.atttypid)
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace as n
- ON (c.relnamespace = n.oid)
- WHERE n.nspname = 'public'
- AND adsrc LIKE 'nextval%'
- AND adsrc LIKE '%'|| relname ||'_'|| attname ||'_seq%'
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_depend as sd
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class as sc
- ON (sc.oid = sd.objid)
- WHERE sd.refobjid = a.attrelid
- AND sd.refobjsubid = a.attnum
- AND sd.objsubid = 0
- AND deptype = 'i'
- AND sc.relkind = 'S'
- AND sc.relname = c.relname ||'_'|| a.attname || '_seq'
- );
- };
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) || triggerError($!);
- $sth->execute();
- while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
- {
- # Fetch vars
- my $table = $row->{'relname'};
- my $column = $row->{'attname'};
- my $seq = $row->{'adsrc'};
- # Extract the sequence name from the default
- $seq =~ s|^nextval\(["']+([^'"\)]+)["']+.*\)$|$1|g;
- # Does the user want to upgrade this sequence?
- print <<MSG
-Do you wish to upgrade Sequence '$seq' to SERIAL?
-Found on column $table.$column
- if (userConfirm())
- {
- # Add the pg_depend entry for the serial column. Should be enough
- # to fool pg_dump into recreating it properly next time. The default
- # is still slightly different than a fresh serial, but close enough.
- my $upsql = qq{
- INSERT INTO pg_catalog.pg_depend
- ( classid
- , objid
- , objsubid
- , refclassid
- , refobjid
- , refobjsubid
- , deptype
- ) VALUES ( (SELECT c.oid -- classid
- FROM pg_class as c
- JOIN pg_namespace as n
- ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
- WHERE n.nspname = 'pg_catalog'
- AND c.relname = 'pg_class')
- , (SELECT c.oid -- objid
- FROM pg_class as c
- JOIN pg_namespace as n
- ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
- WHERE n.nspname = 'public'
- AND c.relname = '$seq')
- , 0 -- objsubid
- , (SELECT c.oid -- refclassid
- FROM pg_class as c
- JOIN pg_namespace as n
- ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
- WHERE n.nspname = 'pg_catalog'
- AND c.relname = 'pg_class')
- , (SELECT c.oid -- refobjid
- FROM pg_class as c
- JOIN pg_namespace as n
- ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
- WHERE n.nspname = 'public'
- AND c.relname = '$table')
- , (SELECT a.attnum -- refobjsubid
- FROM pg_class as c
- JOIN pg_namespace as n
- ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
- JOIN pg_attribute as a
- ON (a.attrelid = c.oid)
- WHERE n.nspname = 'public'
- AND c.relname = '$table'
- AND a.attname = '$column')
- , 'i' -- deptype
- );
- };
- my $upsth = $dbh->prepare($upsql);
- $upsth->execute() || $dbh->rollback();
- $dbh->commit() || $dbh->rollback();
- }
- }
-# userConfirm
-# Wait for a key press
-sub userConfirm
- my $ret = 0;
- my $key = "";
- # Sleep for key unless -Y was used
- if ($yes == 1)
- {
- $ret = 1;
- $key = 'Y';
- }
- # Wait for a keypress
- while ($key eq "")
- {
- print "\n << 'Y'es or 'N'o >> : ";
- $key = <STDIN>;
- chomp $key;
- # If it's not a Y or N, then ask again
- $key =~ s/[^YyNn]//g;
- }
- if ($key =~ /[Yy]/)
- {
- $ret = 1;
- }
- return $ret;
-# triggerError
-# Exit nicely, but print a message as we go about an error
-sub triggerError
- my $msg = shift;
- # Set a default message if one wasn't supplied
- if (!defined($msg))
- {
- $msg = "Unknown error";
- }
- print $msg;
- exit 1;
-# usage
-# Script usage
-sub usage
- print <<USAGE
- $basename [options] [dbname [username]]
- -d <dbname> Specify database name to connect to (default: $database)
- -h <host> Specify database server host (default: localhost)
- -p <port> Specify database server port (default: 5432)
- -u <username> Specify database username (default: $dbuser)
- --password=<pw> Specify database password (default: blank)
- -Y The script normally asks whether the user wishes to apply
- the conversion for each item found. This forces YES to all
- questions.
- exit 0;
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbase/Makefile,v 1.8 2005/09/27 17:13:01 tgl Exp $
-PROGRAM = dbf2pg
-OBJS = dbf.o dbf2pg.o endian.o
-PG_CPPFLAGS = -I$(libpq_srcdir)
-PG_LIBS = $(libpq_pgport)
-# Uncomment this to provide charset translation
-# You might need to uncomment this too, if libiconv is a separate
-# library on your platform
-#PG_LIBS += -liconv
-DOCS = README.dbf2pg
-MAN = dbf2pg.1 # XXX not implemented
-ifdef USE_PGXS
-PGXS := $(shell pg_config --pgxs)
-include $(PGXS)
-subdir = contrib/dbase
-top_builddir = ../..
-include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
-include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+++ /dev/null
-dbf2sql(1L) dbf2sql(1L)
- dbf2sql - Insert xBase-style .dbf-files into a Post-
- greSQL-table
- "dbf2pg [options] dbf-file"
- Options:
- [-v[v]] [-f] [-u | -l] [-c | -D] [-d database] [-t table]
- [-h host] [-s oldname=[newname][,oldname=[newname]]] [-b
- start] [-e end] [-W] [-U username] [-B transaction_size]
- [-F charset_from [-T charset_to]]
- This manual page documents the program dbf2pg. It takes
- an xBase-style .dbf-file, and inserts it into the speci-
- fied database and table.
- -v Display some status-messages.
- -vv Also display progress.
- -f Convert all field-names from the .dbf-file to low-
- ercase.
- -u Convert the contents of all fields to uppercase.
- -l Convert the contents of all fields to lowercase.
- -c Create the table specified with -t. If this table
- already exists, first DROP it.
- -D Delete the contents of the table specified with -t.
- Note that this table has to exists. An error is
- returned if this is not the case.
- -W Ask for password.
- -d database
- Specify the database to use. An error is returned
- if this database does not exists. Default is
- "test".
- -t table
- Specify the table to insert in. An error is
- returned if this table does not exists. Default is
- "test".
- -h host
- Specify the host to which to connect. Default is
- "localhost".
- 1
-dbf2sql(1L) dbf2sql(1L)
- -s oldname=[newname][,oldname=[newname]]
- Change the name of a field from oldname to newname.
- This is mainly used to avoid using reserved SQL-
- keywords. When the new fieldname is empty, the field
- is skipped in both the CREATE-clause and the
- INSERT-clauses, in common words: it will not be present
- in the SQL-table.
- Example:
- -s SELECT=SEL,remark=,COMMIT=doit
- This is done before the -f operator has taken
- effect!
- -b start
- Specify the first record-number in the xBase-file
- we will insert.
- -e end Specify the last record-number in the xBase-file we
- will insert.
- -B transaction_size
- Specify the number of records per transaction,
- default is all records.
- -U username
- Log as the specified user in the database.
- -F charset_from
- If specified, it converts the data from the speci-
- fied charset. Example:
- -F IBM437
- Consult your system documentation to see the con-
- versions available. This requires iconv to be enabled
- in the compile.
- -T charset_to
- Together with -F charset_from , it converts the
- data to the specified charset. Default is
- "ISO-8859-1". This requires iconv to be enabled
- in the compile.
- This program is affected by the environment-variables as
- used by "PostgresSQL." See the documentation of Post-
- gresSQL for more info. This program can optionally use iconv
- character set conversion routines.
- Fields larger than 8192 characters are not supported and
- could break the program.
- Some charset convertions could cause the output to be
- larger than the input and could break the program.
- 2
+++ /dev/null
-/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbase/dbf.c,v 1.11 2006/06/08 03:28:01 momjian Exp $ */
-/* Routines to read and write xBase-files (.dbf)
- By Maarten Boekhold, 29th of oktober 1995
- Modified by Frank Koormann (fkoorman@usf.uni-osnabrueck.de), Jun 10 1996
- prepare dataarea with memset
- get systemtime and set filedate
- set formatstring for real numbers
-#include "postgres_fe.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "dbf.h"
-/* open a dbf-file, get it's field-info and store this information */
-dbhead *
-dbf_open(char *file, int flags)
- int file_no;
- dbhead *dbh;
- f_descr *fields;
- dbf_header *head;
- dbf_field *fieldc;
- int t;
- if ((dbh = (dbhead *) malloc(sizeof(dbhead))) == NULL)
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- if ((head = (dbf_header *) malloc(sizeof(dbf_header))) == NULL)
- {
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- if ((fieldc = (dbf_field *) malloc(sizeof(dbf_field))) == NULL)
- {
- free(head);
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- if ((file_no = open(file, flags, 0)) == -1)
- {
- free(fieldc);
- free(head);
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
-/* read in the disk-header */
- if (read(file_no, head, sizeof(dbf_header)) == -1)
- {
- close(file_no);
- free(fieldc);
- free(head);
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- if (!(head->dbh_dbt & DBH_NORMAL))
- {
- close(file_no);
- free(fieldc);
- free(head);
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- dbh->db_fd = file_no;
- if (head->dbh_dbt & DBH_MEMO)
- dbh->db_memo = 1;
- else
- dbh->db_memo = 0;
- dbh->db_year = head->dbh_year;
- dbh->db_month = head->dbh_month;
- dbh->db_day = head->dbh_day;
- dbh->db_hlen = get_short((u_char *) &head->dbh_hlen);
- dbh->db_records = get_long((u_char *) &head->dbh_records);
- dbh->db_currec = 0;
- dbh->db_rlen = get_short((u_char *) &head->dbh_rlen);
- dbh->db_nfields = (dbh->db_hlen - sizeof(dbf_header)) / sizeof(dbf_field);
- /*
- * dbh->db_hlen - sizeof(dbf_header) isn't the correct size, cos dbh->hlen
- * is in fact a little more cos of the 0x0D (and possibly another byte,
- * 0x4E, I have seen this somewhere). Because of rounding everything turns
- * out right :)
- */
- if ((fields = (f_descr *) calloc(dbh->db_nfields, sizeof(f_descr)))
- == NULL)
- {
- close(file_no);
- free(fieldc);
- free(head);
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- {
-/* Maybe I have calculated the number of fields incorrectly. This can happen
- when programs reserve lots of space at the end of the header for future
- expansion. This will catch this situation */
- if (fields[t].db_name[0] == 0x0D)
- {
- dbh->db_nfields = t;
- break;
- }
- read(file_no, fieldc, sizeof(dbf_field));
- strncpy(fields[t].db_name, fieldc->dbf_name, DBF_NAMELEN);
- fields[t].db_type = fieldc->dbf_type;
- fields[t].db_flen = fieldc->dbf_flen;
- fields[t].db_dec = fieldc->dbf_dec;
- }
- dbh->db_offset = dbh->db_hlen;
- dbh->db_fields = fields;
- if ((dbh->db_buff = (u_char *) malloc(dbh->db_rlen)) == NULL)
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- free(fieldc);
- free(head);
- return dbh;
-dbf_write_head(dbhead * dbh)
- dbf_header head;
- time_t now;
- struct tm *dbf_time;
- if (lseek(dbh->db_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return DBF_ERROR;
-/* fill up the diskheader */
-/* Set dataarea of head to '\0' */
- memset(&head, '\0', sizeof(dbf_header));
- head.dbh_dbt = DBH_NORMAL;
- if (dbh->db_memo)
- head.dbh_dbt = DBH_MEMO;
- now = time((time_t *) NULL);
- dbf_time = localtime(&now);
- head.dbh_year = dbf_time->tm_year;
- head.dbh_month = dbf_time->tm_mon + 1; /* Months since January + 1 */
- head.dbh_day = dbf_time->tm_mday;
- put_long(head.dbh_records, dbh->db_records);
- put_short(head.dbh_hlen, dbh->db_hlen);
- put_short(head.dbh_rlen, dbh->db_rlen);
- if (write(dbh->db_fd, &head, sizeof(dbf_header)) != sizeof(dbf_header))
- return DBF_ERROR;
- return 0;
-dbf_put_fields(dbhead * dbh)
- dbf_field field;
- u_long t;
- u_char end = 0x0D;
- if (lseek(dbh->db_fd, sizeof(dbf_header), SEEK_SET) == -1)
- return DBF_ERROR;
-/* Set dataarea of field to '\0' */
- memset(&field, '\0', sizeof(dbf_field));
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- {
- strncpy(field.dbf_name, dbh->db_fields[t].db_name, DBF_NAMELEN - 1);
- field.dbf_type = dbh->db_fields[t].db_type;
- field.dbf_flen = dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen;
- field.dbf_dec = dbh->db_fields[t].db_dec;
- if (write(dbh->db_fd, &field, sizeof(dbf_field)) != sizeof(dbf_field))
- return DBF_ERROR;
- }
- if (write(dbh->db_fd, &end, 1) != 1)
- return DBF_ERROR;
- return 0;
-dbf_add_field(dbhead * dbh, char *name, u_char type,
- u_char length, u_char dec)
- f_descr *ptr;
- u_char *foo;
- u_long size,
- field_no;
- size = (dbh->db_nfields + 1) * sizeof(f_descr);
- if (!(ptr = (f_descr *) realloc(dbh->db_fields, size)))
- return DBF_ERROR;
- dbh->db_fields = ptr;
- field_no = dbh->db_nfields;
- strncpy(dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_name, name, DBF_NAMELEN);
- dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_type = type;
- dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_flen = length;
- dbh->db_fields[field_no].db_dec = dec;
- dbh->db_nfields++;
- dbh->db_hlen += sizeof(dbf_field);
- dbh->db_rlen += length;
- if (!(foo = (u_char *) realloc(dbh->db_buff, dbh->db_rlen)))
- return DBF_ERROR;
- dbh->db_buff = foo;
- return 0;
-dbhead *
-dbf_open_new(char *name, int flags)
- dbhead *dbh;
- if (!(dbh = (dbhead *) malloc(sizeof(dbhead))))
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- if (flags & O_CREAT)
- {
- if ((dbh->db_fd = open(name, flags, DBF_FILE_MODE)) == -1)
- {
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ((dbh->db_fd = open(name, flags, 0)) == -1)
- {
- free(dbh);
- return (dbhead *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- }
- dbh->db_offset = 0;
- dbh->db_memo = 0;
- dbh->db_year = 0;
- dbh->db_month = 0;
- dbh->db_day = 0;
- dbh->db_hlen = sizeof(dbf_header) + 1;
- dbh->db_records = 0;
- dbh->db_currec = 0;
- dbh->db_rlen = 1;
- dbh->db_nfields = 0;
- dbh->db_buff = NULL;
- dbh->db_fields = (f_descr *) NULL;
- return dbh;
-dbf_close(dbhead * dbh)
- int t;
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- free(&dbh->db_fields[t]);
- if (dbh->db_buff != NULL)
- free(dbh->db_buff);
- free(dbh);
-dbf_get_record(dbhead * dbh, field * fields, u_long rec)
- u_char *data;
- int t,
- i,
- offset;
- u_char *dbffield,
- *end;
-/* calculate at which offset we have to read. *DON'T* forget the
- 0x0D which seperates field-descriptions from records!
- Note (april 5 1996): This turns out to be included in db_hlen
- offset = dbh->db_hlen + (rec * dbh->db_rlen);
- if (lseek(dbh->db_fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
- {
- lseek(dbh->db_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
- dbh->db_offset = 0;
- return DBF_ERROR;
- }
- dbh->db_offset = offset;
- dbh->db_currec = rec;
- data = dbh->db_buff;
- read(dbh->db_fd, data, dbh->db_rlen);
- if (data[0] == DBF_DELETED)
- return DBF_DELETED;
- dbffield = &data[1];
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- {
- strncpy(fields[t].db_name, dbh->db_fields[t].db_name, DBF_NAMELEN);
- fields[t].db_type = dbh->db_fields[t].db_type;
- fields[t].db_flen = dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen;
- fields[t].db_dec = dbh->db_fields[t].db_dec;
- if (fields[t].db_type == 'C')
- {
- end = &dbffield[fields[t].db_flen - 1];
- i = fields[t].db_flen;
- while (i > 0 && !isprint(*end))
- {
- end--;
- i--;
- }
- strncpy((char *) fields[t].db_contents, (char *) dbffield, i);
- fields[t].db_contents[i] = '\0';
- }
- else
- {
- end = dbffield;
- i = fields[t].db_flen;
- while (i > 0 && !isprint(*end))
- {
- end++;
- i--;
- }
- strncpy((char *) fields[t].db_contents, (char *) end, i);
- fields[t].db_contents[i] = '\0';
- }
- dbffield += fields[t].db_flen;
- }
- dbh->db_offset += dbh->db_rlen;
- return DBF_VALID;
-field *
-dbf_build_record(dbhead * dbh)
- int t;
- field *fields;
- if (!(fields = (field *) calloc(dbh->db_nfields, sizeof(field))))
- return (field *) DBF_ERROR;
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- {
- if (!(fields[t].db_contents =
- (u_char *) malloc(dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen + 1)))
- {
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- {
- if (fields[t].db_contents != 0)
- {
- free(fields[t].db_contents);
- free(fields);
- }
- return (field *) DBF_ERROR;
- }
- }
- strncpy(fields[t].db_name, dbh->db_fields[t].db_name, DBF_NAMELEN);
- fields[t].db_type = dbh->db_fields[t].db_type;
- fields[t].db_flen = dbh->db_fields[t].db_flen;
- fields[t].db_dec = dbh->db_fields[t].db_dec;
- }
- return fields;
-dbf_free_record(dbhead * dbh, field * rec)
- int t;
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- free(rec[t].db_contents);
- free(rec);
-dbf_put_record(dbhead * dbh, field * rec, u_long where)
- u_long offset,
- new,
- idx,
- t,
- h,
- length;
- u_char *data,
- end = 0x1a;
- double fl;
- char foo[128],
- format[32];
-/* offset: offset in file for this record
- new: real offset after lseek
- idx: index to which place we are inside the 'hardcore'-data for this
- record
- t: field-counter
- data: the hardcore-data that is put on disk
- h: index into the field-part in the hardcore-data
- length: length of the data to copy
- fl: a float used to get the right precision with real numbers
- foo: copy of db_contents when field is not 'C'
- format: sprintf format-string to get the right precision with real numbers
- NOTE: this declaration of 'foo' can cause overflow when the contents-field
- is longer the 127 chars (which is highly unlikely, because it is not used
- in text-fields).
- DO A SEEK_END WITH 0!!!!!! USE -1 !!!!!!!!!!
- if (where > dbh->db_records)
- {
- if ((new = lseek(dbh->db_fd, -1, SEEK_END)) == -1)
- return DBF_ERROR;
- dbh->db_records++;
- }
- else
- {
- offset = dbh->db_hlen + (where * dbh->db_rlen);
- if ((new = lseek(dbh->db_fd, offset, SEEK_SET)) == -1)
- return DBF_ERROR;
- }
- dbh->db_offset = new;
- data = dbh->db_buff;
-/* Set dataarea of data to ' ' (space) */
- memset(data, ' ', dbh->db_rlen);
-/* data[0] = DBF_VALID; */
- idx = 1;
- for (t = 0; t < dbh->db_nfields; t++)
- {
-/* if field is empty, don't do a thing */
- if (rec[t].db_contents[0] != '\0')
- {
-/* Handle text */
- if (rec[t].db_type == 'C')
- {
- if (strlen((char *) rec[t].db_contents) > rec[t].db_flen)
- length = rec[t].db_flen;
- else
- length = strlen((char *) rec[t].db_contents);
- strncpy((char *) data + idx, (char *) rec[t].db_contents,
- length);
- }
- else
- {
-/* Handle the rest */
-/* Numeric is special, because of real numbers */
- if ((rec[t].db_type == 'N') && (rec[t].db_dec != 0))
- {
- fl = atof((char *) rec[t].db_contents);
- snprintf(format, 32, "%%.%df", rec[t].db_dec);
- snprintf(foo, 128, format, fl);
- }
- else
- strncpy(foo, (char *) rec[t].db_contents, 128);
- if (strlen(foo) > rec[t].db_flen)
- length = rec[t].db_flen;
- else
- length = strlen(foo);
- h = rec[t].db_flen - length;
- strncpy((char *) (data + idx + h), foo, length);
- }
- }
- idx += rec[t].db_flen;
- }
- if (write(dbh->db_fd, data, dbh->db_rlen) != dbh->db_rlen)
- return DBF_ERROR;
- /* There's a 0x1A at the end of a dbf-file */
- if (where == dbh->db_records)
- {
- if (write(dbh->db_fd, &end, 1) != 1)
- return DBF_ERROR;
- }
- dbh->db_offset += dbh->db_rlen;
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbase/dbf.h,v 1.9 2006/03/11 04:38:28 momjian Exp $ */
-/* header-file for dbf.c
- declares routines for reading and writing xBase-files (.dbf), and
- associated structures
- Maarten Boekhold (maarten.boekhold@reuters.com) 29 oktober 1995
-#ifndef _DBF_H
-#define _DBF_H
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <gmon.h> /* we need it to define u_char type */
-#include <sys/types.h>
- The DBF-part
-#define DBF_FILE_MODE 0644
-/* byte offsets for date in dbh_date */
-#define DBH_DATE_YEAR 0
-#define DBH_DATE_MONTH 1
-#define DBH_DATE_DAY 2
-/* maximum fieldname-length */
-#define DBF_NAMELEN 11
-/* magic-cookies for the file */
-#define DBH_NORMAL 0x03
-#define DBH_MEMO 0x83
-/* magic-cookies for the fields */
-#define DBF_ERROR -1
-#define DBF_VALID 0x20
-#define DBF_DELETED 0x2A
-/* diskheader */
-typedef struct
- u_char dbh_dbt; /* indentification field */
- u_char dbh_year; /* last modification-date */
- u_char dbh_month;
- u_char dbh_day;
- u_char dbh_records[4]; /* number of records */
- u_char dbh_hlen[2]; /* length of this header */
- u_char dbh_rlen[2]; /* length of a record */
- u_char dbh_stub[20]; /* misc stuff we don't need */
-} dbf_header;
-/* disk field-description */
-typedef struct
- char dbf_name[DBF_NAMELEN]; /* field-name terminated with \0 */
- u_char dbf_type; /* field-type */
- u_char dbf_reserved[4]; /* some reserved stuff */
- u_char dbf_flen; /* field-length */
- u_char dbf_dec; /* number of decimal positions if type is 'N' */
- u_char dbf_stub[14]; /* stuff we don't need */
-} dbf_field;
-/* memory field-description */
-typedef struct
- char db_name[DBF_NAMELEN]; /* field-name terminated with \0 */
- u_char db_type; /* field-type */
- u_char db_flen; /* field-length */
- u_char db_dec; /* number of decimal positions */
-} f_descr;
-/* memory dfb-header */
-typedef struct
- int db_fd; /* file-descriptor */
- u_long db_offset; /* current offset in file */
- u_char db_memo; /* memo-file present */
- u_char db_year; /* last update as YYMMDD */
- u_char db_month;
- u_char db_day;
- u_long db_hlen; /* length of the diskheader, for calculating
- * the offsets */
- u_long db_records; /* number of records */
- u_long db_currec; /* current record-number starting at 0 */
- u_short db_rlen; /* length of the record */
- u_char db_nfields; /* number of fields */
- u_char *db_buff; /* record-buffer to save malloc()'s */
- f_descr *db_fields; /* pointer to an array of field- descriptions */
-} dbhead;
-/* structure that contains everything a user wants from a field, including
- the contents (in ASCII). Warning! db_flen may be bigger than the actual
- length of db_name! This is because a field doesn't have to be completely
- filled */
-typedef struct
- char db_name[DBF_NAMELEN]; /* field-name terminated with \0 */
- u_char db_type; /* field-type */
- u_char db_flen; /* field-length */
- u_char db_dec; /* number of decimal positions */
- u_char *db_contents; /* contents of the field in ASCII */
-} field;
-/* prototypes for functions */
-extern dbhead *dbf_open(char *file, int flags);
-extern int dbf_write_head(dbhead * dbh);
-extern int dbf_put_fields(dbhead * dbh);
-extern int dbf_add_field(dbhead * dbh, char *name, u_char type,
- u_char length, u_char dec);
-extern dbhead *dbf_open_new(char *name, int flags);
-extern void dbf_close(dbhead * dbh);
-extern int dbf_get_record(dbhead * dbh, field * fields, u_long rec);
-extern field *dbf_build_record(dbhead * dbh);
-extern void dbf_free_record(dbhead * dbh, field * fields);
-extern int dbf_put_record(dbhead * dbh, field * rec, u_long where);
- The endian-part
-extern long get_long(u_char *cp);
-extern void put_long(u_char *cp, long lval);
-extern short get_short(u_char *cp);
-extern void put_short(u_char *cp, short lval);
-#endif /* _DBF_H */
+++ /dev/null
-.\" $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.1,v 1.3 2006/03/11 04:38:28 momjian Exp $
-.TH dbf2sql 1L \" -*- nroff -*-
-dbf2sql \- Insert xBase\-style .dbf\-files into a PostgreSQL\-table
-.B dbf2pg [options] dbf-file
-[-v[v]] [-f] [-u | -l] [-c | -D] [-d database] [-t table]
-[-h host] [-s oldname=[newname][,oldname=[newname]]]
-[-b start] [-e end] [-W] [-U username] [-B transaction_size]
-[-F charset_from [-T charset_to]]
-This manual page documents the program
-.BR dbf2pg.
-It takes an xBase-style .dbf-file, and inserts it into the specified
-database and table.
-.I "\-v"
-Display some status-messages.
-.I "-vv"
-Also display progress.
-.I "-f"
-Convert all field-names from the .dbf-file to lowercase.
-.I "-u"
-Convert the contents of all fields to uppercase.
-.I "-l"
-Convert the contents of all fields to lowercase.
-.I "-c"
-Create the table specified with
-.IR \-t .
-If this table already exists, first
-.I "-D"
-Delete the contents of the table specified with
-.IR \-t .
-Note that this table has to exists. An error is returned if this is not the
-.I "-W"
-Ask for password.
-.I "-d database"
-Specify the database to use. An error is returned if this database does not
-exists. Default is "test".
-.I "-t table"
-Specify the table to insert in. An error is returned if this table does not
-exists. Default is "test".
-.I "-h host"
-Specify the host to which to connect. Default is "localhost".
-.I "-s oldname=newname[,oldname=newname]"
-Change the name of a field from
-.BR oldname
-.BR newname .
-This is mainly used to avoid using reserved SQL-keywords. Example:
-This is done
-.BR before
-.IR -f
-operator has taken effect!
-.I "-b start"
-Specify the first record-number in the xBase-file we will insert.
-.I "-e end"
-Specify the last record-number in the xBase-file we will insert.
-.I "-B transaction_size"
-Specify the number of records per transaction, default is all records.
-.I "-U username"
-Log as the specified user in the database.
-.I "-F charset_from"
-If specified, it converts the data from the specified charset. Example:
--F IBM437
-Consult your system documentation to see the convertions available.
-.I "-T charset_to"
-Together with
-.I "-F charset_from"
-, it converts the data to the specified charset. Default is "ISO-8859-1".
-This program is affected by the environment-variables as used
-.B PostgresSQL.
-See the documentation of PostgresSQL for more info.
-Fields larger than 8192 characters are not supported and could break the
-Some charset convertions could cause the output to be larger than the input
-and could break the program.
+++ /dev/null
-/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbase/dbf2pg.c,v 1.27 2006/03/11 04:38:28 momjian Exp $ */
-/* This program reads in an xbase-dbf file and sends 'inserts' to an
- PostgreSQL-server with the records in the xbase-file
- M. Boekhold (maarten.boekhold@reuters.com) okt. 1995
- oktober 1996: merged sources of dbf2msql.c and dbf2pg.c
- oktober 1997: removed msql support
-#include "postgres_fe.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <termios.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
-#include <iconv.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include "libpq-fe.h"
-#include "dbf.h"
-int verbose = 0,
- upper = 0,
- lower = 0,
- create = 0,
- fieldlow = 0;
-int del = 0;
-unsigned int begin = 0,
- end = 0;
-unsigned int t_block = 0;
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
-char *charset_from = NULL;
-char *charset_to = "ISO-8859-1";
-iconv_t iconv_d;
-char convert_charset_buff[8192];
-char *host = NULL;
-char *dbase = "test";
-char *table = "test";
-char *username = NULL;
-char *password = NULL;
-char *subarg = NULL;
-char escape_buff[8192];
-void do_substitute(char *subarg, dbhead * dbh);
-static inline void strtoupper(char *string);
-static inline void strtolower(char *string);
-void do_create(PGconn *, char *, dbhead *);
-void do_inserts(PGconn *, char *, dbhead *);
-int check_table(PGconn *, char *);
-char *Escape_db(char *);
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
-char *convert_charset(char *string);
-void usage(void);
-static inline void
-strtoupper(char *string)
- while (*string != '\0')
- {
- *string = toupper((unsigned char) *string);
- string++;
- }
-static inline void
-strtolower(char *string)
- while (*string != '\0')
- {
- *string = tolower((unsigned char) *string);
- string++;
- }
-/* FIXME: should this check for overflow? */
-char *
-Escape_db(char *string)
- char *foo,
- *bar;
- foo = escape_buff;
- bar = string;
- while (*bar != '\0')
- {
- if ((*bar == '\t') ||
- (*bar == '\n') ||
- (*bar == '\\'))
- *foo++ = '\\';
- *foo++ = *bar++;
- }
- *foo = '\0';
- return escape_buff;
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
-char *
-convert_charset(char *string)
- size_t in_size,
- out_size,
- nconv;
- char *in_ptr,
- *out_ptr;
- in_size = strlen(string) + 1;
- out_size = sizeof(convert_charset_buff);
- in_ptr = string;
- out_ptr = convert_charset_buff;
- iconv(iconv_d, NULL, &in_size, &out_ptr, &out_size); /* necessary to reset
- * state information */
- while (in_size > 0)
- {
- nconv = iconv(iconv_d, &in_ptr, &in_size, &out_ptr, &out_size);
- if (nconv == (size_t) -1)
- {
- printf("WARNING: cannot convert charset of string \"%s\".\n",
- string);
- strcpy(convert_charset_buff, string);
- return convert_charset_buff;
- }
- }
- *out_ptr = 0; /* terminate output string */
- return convert_charset_buff;
-check_table(PGconn *conn, char *table)
- char *q = "select relname from pg_class where "
- "relkind='r' and relname !~* '^pg'";
- PGresult *res;
- int i = 0;
- if (!(res = PQexec(conn, q)))
- {
- printf("%s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- return 0;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < PQntuples(res); i++)
- {
- if (!strcmp(table, PQgetvalue(res, i, PQfnumber(res, "relname"))))
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- printf("dbf2pg\n"
- "usage: dbf2pg [-u | -l] [-h hostname] [-W] [-U username]\n"
- " [-B transaction_size] [-F charset_from [-T charset_to]]\n"
- " [-s oldname=[newname][,oldname=[newname][...]]] [-d dbase]\n"
- " [-t table] [-c | -D] [-f] [-v[v]] dbf-file\n");
-/* patch submitted by Jeffrey Y. Sue <jysue@aloha.net> */
-/* Provides functionality for substituting dBase-fieldnames for others */
-/* Mainly for avoiding conflicts between fieldnames and SQL-reserved */
-/* keywords */
-do_substitute(char *subarg, dbhead * dbh)
- /* NOTE: subarg is modified in this function */
- int i,
- bad;
- char *p,
- *oldname,
- *newname;
- if (!subarg)
- return;
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Substituting new field names\n");
- /* use strstr instead of strtok because of possible empty tokens */
- oldname = subarg;
- while (oldname && strlen(oldname) && (p = strstr(oldname, "=")))
- {
- *p = '\0'; /* mark end of oldname */
- newname = ++p; /* point past \0 of oldname */
- if (strlen(newname))
- { /* if not an empty string */
- p = strstr(newname, ",");
- if (p)
- {
- *p = '\0'; /* mark end of newname */
- p++; /* point past where the comma was */
- }
- }
- if (strlen(newname) >= DBF_NAMELEN)
- {
- printf("Truncating new field name %s to %d chars\n",
- newname, DBF_NAMELEN - 1);
- newname[DBF_NAMELEN - 1] = '\0';
- }
- bad = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < dbh->db_nfields; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name, oldname) == 0)
- {
- bad = 0;
- strcpy(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name, newname);
- if (verbose > 1)
- {
- printf("Substitute old:%s new:%s\n",
- oldname, newname);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (bad)
- {
- printf("Warning: old field name %s not found\n",
- oldname);
- }
- oldname = p;
- }
-} /* do_substitute */
-do_create(PGconn *conn, char *table, dbhead * dbh)
- char *query;
- char t[20];
- int i,
- length;
- PGresult *res;
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Building CREATE-clause\n");
- if (!(query = (char *) malloc(
- (dbh->db_nfields * 40) + 29 + strlen(table))))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error in function do_create\n");
- PQfinish(conn);
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- free(dbh);
- exit(1);
- }
- sprintf(query, "CREATE TABLE %s (", table);
- length = strlen(query);
- for (i = 0; i < dbh->db_nfields; i++)
- {
- if (!strlen(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name))
- {
- continue;
- /* skip field if length of name == 0 */
- }
- if ((strlen(query) != length))
- strcat(query, ",");
- if (fieldlow)
- strtolower(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name);
- strcat(query, dbh->db_fields[i].db_name);
- switch (dbh->db_fields[i].db_type)
- {
- case 'D':
- strcat(query, " date");
- break;
- case 'C':
- if (dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen > 1)
- {
- strcat(query, " varchar");
- snprintf(t, 20, "(%d)",
- dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen);
- strcat(query, t);
- }
- else
- strcat(query, " char");
- break;
- case 'N':
- if (dbh->db_fields[i].db_dec != 0)
- strcat(query, " real");
- else
- strcat(query, " int");
- break;
- case 'L':
- strcat(query, " char");
- break;
- case 'M':
- strcat(query, " text");
- break;
- }
- }
- strcat(query, ")");
- if (verbose > 1)
- {
- printf("Sending create-clause\n");
- printf("%s\n", query);
- }
- if ((res = PQexec(conn, query)) == NULL ||
- PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error creating table!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- free(dbh);
- free(query);
- PQfinish(conn);
- exit(1);
- }
- PQclear(res);
- free(query);
-/* FIXME: can be optimized to not use strcat, but it is worth the effort? */
-do_inserts(PGconn *conn, char *table, dbhead * dbh)
- PGresult *res;
- field *fields;
- int i,
- h,
- j,
- result;
- char *query,
- *foo;
- char pgdate[11];
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Inserting records\n");
- h = 2; /* 2 because of terminating \n\0 */
- for (i = 0; i < dbh->db_nfields; i++)
- {
- h += dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen > 2 ?
- dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen :
- 2; /* account for possible NULL values (\N) */
- h += 1; /* the delimiter */
- }
- /*
- * make sure we can build the COPY query, note that we don't need to just
- * add this value, since the COPY query is a separate query (see below)
- */
- if (h < 17 + strlen(table))
- h = 17 + strlen(table);
- if (!(query = (char *) malloc(h)))
- {
- PQfinish(conn);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Memory allocation error in function do_inserts (query)\n");
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- free(dbh);
- exit(1);
- }
- if ((fields = dbf_build_record(dbh)) == (field *) DBF_ERROR)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Couldn't allocate memory for record in do_insert\n");
- PQfinish(conn);
- free(query);
- dbf_close(dbh);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (end == 0) /* "end" is a user option, if not specified, */
- end = dbh->db_records; /* then all records are processed. */
- if (t_block == 0) /* user not specified transaction block size */
- t_block = end - begin; /* then we set it to be the full data */
- for (i = begin; i < end; i++)
- {
- /* we need to start a new transaction and COPY statement */
- if (((i - begin) % t_block) == 0)
- {
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "Transaction: START\n");
- res = PQexec(conn, "BEGIN");
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error starting transaction!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- exit(1);
- }
- sprintf(query, "COPY %s FROM stdin", table);
- res = PQexec(conn, query);
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error starting COPY!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* build line and submit */
- result = dbf_get_record(dbh, fields, i);
- if (result == DBF_VALID)
- {
- query[0] = '\0';
- j = 0; /* counter for fields in the output */
- for (h = 0; h < dbh->db_nfields; h++)
- {
- if (!strlen(fields[h].db_name)) /* When the new fieldname is
- * empty, the field is skipped */
- continue;
- else
- j++;
- if (j > 1) /* not for the first field! */
- strcat(query, "\t"); /* COPY statement field
- * separator */
- if (upper)
- strtoupper((char *) fields[h].db_contents);
- if (lower)
- strtolower((char *) fields[h].db_contents);
- foo = (char *) fields[h].db_contents;
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- foo = convert_charset(foo);
- foo = Escape_db(foo);
- /* handle the date first - liuk */
- if (fields[h].db_type == 'D')
- {
- if (strlen(foo) == 0)
- {
- /* assume empty string means a NULL */
- strcat(query, "\\N");
- }
- else if (strlen(foo) == 8 &&
- strspn(foo, "0123456789") == 8)
- {
- /* transform YYYYMMDD to Postgres style */
- snprintf(pgdate, 11, "%c%c%c%c-%c%c-%c%c",
- foo[0], foo[1], foo[2], foo[3],
- foo[4], foo[5], foo[6], foo[7]);
- strcat(query, pgdate);
- }
- else
- {
- /* try to insert it as-is */
- strcat(query, foo);
- }
- }
- else if (fields[h].db_type == 'N')
- {
- if (strlen(foo) == 0)
- {
- /* assume empty string means a NULL */
- strcat(query, "\\N");
- }
- else
- strcat(query, foo);
- }
- else
- {
- strcat(query, foo); /* must be character */
- }
- }
- strcat(query, "\n");
- if ((verbose > 1) && ((i % 100) == 0))
- { /* Only show every 100 */
- printf("Inserting record %d\n", i); /* records. */
- }
- PQputline(conn, query);
- }
- /* we need to end this copy and transaction */
- if (((i - begin) % t_block) == t_block - 1)
- {
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "Transaction: END\n");
- PQputline(conn, "\\.\n");
- if (PQendcopy(conn) != 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong while copying. Check "
- "your tables!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- res = PQexec(conn, "END");
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error committing work!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* last row copied in, end copy and transaction */
- /* remember, i is now 1 greater then when we left the loop */
- if (((i - begin) % t_block) != 0)
- {
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "Transaction: END\n");
- PQputline(conn, "\\.\n");
- if (PQendcopy(conn) != 0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong while copying. Check "
- "your tables!\n");
- }
- res = PQexec(conn, "END");
- if (res == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error committing work!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- dbf_free_record(dbh, fields);
- free(query);
-main(int argc, char **argv)
- PGconn *conn;
- int i;
- extern int optind;
- extern char *optarg;
- char *query;
- dbhead *dbh;
- while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "DWflucvh:b:e:d:t:s:B:U:F:T:")) != -1)
- {
- switch (i)
- {
- case 'D':
- if (create)
- {
- usage();
- printf("Can't use -c and -D at the same time!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- del = 1;
- break;
- case 'W':
- password = simple_prompt("Password: ", 100, 0);
- break;
- case 'f':
- fieldlow = 1;
- break;
- case 'v':
- verbose++;
- break;
- case 'c':
- if (del)
- {
- usage();
- printf("Can't use -c and -D at the same time!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- create = 1;
- break;
- case 'l':
- lower = 1;
- break;
- case 'u':
- if (lower)
- {
- usage();
- printf("Can't use -u and -l at the same time!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- upper = 1;
- break;
- case 'b':
- begin = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'e':
- end = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'h':
- host = (char *) strdup(optarg);
- break;
- case 'd':
- dbase = (char *) strdup(optarg);
- break;
- case 't':
- table = (char *) strdup(optarg);
- break;
- case 's':
- subarg = (char *) strdup(optarg);
- break;
- case 'B':
- t_block = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'U':
- username = (char *) strdup(optarg);
- break;
- case 'F':
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- charset_from = (char *) strdup(optarg);
- printf("WARNING: dbf2pg was compiled without iconv support, ignoring -F option\n");
- break;
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- case 'T':
- charset_to = (char *) strdup(optarg);
- break;
- case ':':
- usage();
- printf("missing argument!\n");
- exit(1);
- break;
- case '?':
- usage();
- /*
- * FIXME: Ivan thinks this is bad: printf("unknown argument:
- * %s\n", argv[0]);
- */
- exit(1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- argc -= optind;
- argv = &argv[optind];
- if (argc != 1)
- {
- usage();
- if (username)
- free(username);
- if (password)
- free(password);
- exit(1);
- }
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- {
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Setting conversion from charset \"%s\" to \"%s\".\n",
- charset_from, charset_to);
- iconv_d = iconv_open(charset_to, charset_from);
- if (iconv_d == (iconv_t) - 1)
- {
- printf("Cannot convert from charset \"%s\" to charset \"%s\".\n",
- charset_from, charset_to);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Opening dbf-file\n");
- setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* fix for isprint() */
- if ((dbh = dbf_open(argv[0], O_RDONLY)) == (dbhead *) - 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open xbase-file %s\n", argv[0]);
- if (username)
- free(username);
- if (password)
- free(password);
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- iconv_close(iconv_d);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (fieldlow)
- for (i = 0; i < dbh->db_nfields; i++)
- strtolower(dbh->db_fields[i].db_name);
- if (verbose)
- {
- printf("dbf-file: %s, PG-dbase: %s, PG-table: %s\n", argv[0],
- dbase,
- table);
- printf("Number of records: %ld\n", dbh->db_records);
- printf("NAME:\t\tLENGTH:\t\tTYPE:\n");
- printf("-------------------------------------\n");
- for (i = 0; i < dbh->db_nfields; i++)
- {
- printf("%-12s\t%7d\t\t%5c\n", dbh->db_fields[i].db_name,
- dbh->db_fields[i].db_flen,
- dbh->db_fields[i].db_type);
- }
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Making connection to PG-server\n");
- conn = PQsetdbLogin(host, NULL, NULL, NULL, dbase, username, password);
- if (PQstatus(conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get a connection with the ");
- fprintf(stderr, "designated host!\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Detailed report: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- free(dbh);
- if (username)
- free(username);
- if (password)
- free(password);
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- iconv_close(iconv_d);
- exit(1);
- }
- PQexec(conn, "SET search_path = public");
-/* Substitute field names */
- do_substitute(subarg, dbh);
-/* create table if specified, else check if target table exists */
- if (!create)
- {
- if (!check_table(conn, table))
- {
- printf("Table does not exist!\n");
- if (username)
- free(username);
- if (password)
- free(password);
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- iconv_close(iconv_d);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (del)
- {
- if (!(query = (char *) malloc(13 + strlen(table))))
- {
- printf("Memory-allocation error in main (delete)!\n");
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- free(dbh);
- PQfinish(conn);
- if (username)
- free(username);
- if (password)
- free(password);
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- iconv_close(iconv_d);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Deleting from original table\n");
- sprintf(query, "DELETE FROM %s", table);
- PQexec(conn, query);
- free(query);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(query = (char *) malloc(12 + strlen(table))))
- {
- printf("Memory-allocation error in main (drop)!\n");
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- free(dbh);
- PQfinish(conn);
- if (username)
- free(username);
- if (password)
- free(password);
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- iconv_close(iconv_d);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Dropping original table (if one exists)\n");
- sprintf(query, "DROP TABLE %s", table);
- PQexec(conn, query);
- free(query);
-/* Build a CREATE-clause
- do_create(conn, table, dbh);
- }
-/* Build an INSERT-clause
- PQexec(conn, "SET DATESTYLE TO 'ISO';");
- do_inserts(conn, table, dbh);
- if (verbose > 1)
- printf("Closing up....\n");
- close(dbh->db_fd);
- free(dbh);
- PQfinish(conn);
- if (username)
- free(username);
- if (password)
- free(password);
-#ifdef HAVE_ICONV_H
- if (charset_from)
- iconv_close(iconv_d);
- exit(0);
+++ /dev/null
-/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbase/endian.c,v 1.4 2006/03/11 04:38:28 momjian Exp $ */
-/* Maarten Boekhold (maarten.boekhold@reuters.com) oktober 1995 */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "dbf.h"
- * routine to change little endian long to host long
- */
-get_long(u_char *cp)
- long ret;
- ret = *cp++;
- ret += ((*cp++) << 8);
- ret += ((*cp++) << 16);
- ret += ((*cp++) << 24);
- return ret;
-put_long(u_char *cp, long lval)
- cp[0] = lval & 0xff;
- cp[1] = (lval >> 8) & 0xff;
- cp[2] = (lval >> 16) & 0xff;
- cp[3] = (lval >> 24) & 0xff;
- * routine to change little endian short to host short
- */
-get_short(u_char *cp)
- short ret;
- ret = *cp++;
- ret += ((*cp++) << 8);
- return ret;
-put_short(u_char *cp, short sval)
- cp[0] = sval & 0xff;
- cp[1] = (sval >> 8) & 0xff;
+++ /dev/null
--- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
-SET search_path = public;
-CREATE TRIGGER "MyTableName_Trig"
+++ /dev/null
-# DBMirror.pl
-# Contains the Database mirroring script.
-# This script queries the pending table off the database specified
-# (along with the associated schema) for updates that are pending on a
-# specific host. The database on that host is then updated with the changes.
-# Written by Steven Singer (ssinger@navtechinc.com)
-# (c) 2001-2002 Navtech Systems Support Inc.
-# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-# documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
-# is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
-# paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbmirror/DBMirror.pl,v 1.12 2006/07/06 01:57:25 momjian Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-DBMirror.pl - A Perl module to mirror database changes from a master database
-to a slave.
-=head1 SYNPOSIS
-DBMirror.pl slaveConfigfile.conf
-This Perl script will connect to the master database and query its pending
-table for a list of pending changes.
-The transactions of the original changes to the master will be preserved
-when sending things to the slave.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
- # add in a global path to files
- # Pg should be included.
-use strict;
-use Pg;
-use IO::Handle;
-sub mirrorCommand($$$$$$);
-sub mirrorInsert($$$$$);
-sub mirrorDelete($$$$$);
-sub mirrorUpdate($$$$$);
-sub logErrorMessage($);
-sub setupSlave($);
-sub updateMirrorHostTable($$);
-sub extractData($$);
-local $::masterHost;
-local $::masterDb;
-local $::masterUser;
-local $::masterPassword;
-local $::errorThreshold=5;
-local $::errorEmailAddr=undef;
-local $::sleepInterval=60;
-my %slaveInfoHash;
-local $::slaveInfo = \%slaveInfoHash;
-my $lastErrorMsg;
-my $repeatErrorCount=0;
-my $lastXID;
-my $commandCount=0;
-my $masterConn;
-sub Main() {
-#run the configuration file.
- if ($#ARGV != 0) {
- die "usage: DBMirror.pl configFile\n";
- }
- if( ! defined do $ARGV[0]) {
- logErrorMessage("Invalid Configuration file $ARGV[0]");
- die;
- }
- if (defined($::syslog))
- {
- # log with syslog
- require Sys::Syslog;
- import Sys::Syslog qw(openlog syslog);
- openlog($0, 'cons,pid', 'user');
- syslog("info", '%s', "starting $0 script with $ARGV[0]");
- }
- my $connectString;
- if(defined($::masterHost))
- {
- $connectString .= "host=$::masterHost ";
- }
- if(defined($::masterPort))
- {
- $connectString .= "port=$::masterPort ";
- }
- $connectString .= "dbname=$::masterDb user=$::masterUser password=$::masterPassword";
- $masterConn = Pg::connectdb($connectString);
- unless($masterConn->status == PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) {
- logErrorMessage("Can't connect to master database\n" .
- $masterConn->errorMessage);
- die;
- }
- my $setQuery;
- $setQuery = "SET search_path = public";
- my $setResult = $masterConn->exec($setQuery);
- if($setResult->resultStatus!=PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- logErrorMessage($masterConn->errorMessage . "\n" .
- $setQuery);
- die;
- }
- my $firstTime = 1;
- while(1) {
- if($firstTime == 0) {
- sleep $::sleepInterval;
- }
- $firstTime = 0;
- setupSlave($::slaveInfo);
- #Obtain a list of pending transactions using ordering by our approximation
- #to the commit time. The commit time approximation is taken to be the
- #SeqId of the last row edit in the transaction.
- my $pendingTransQuery = "SELECT pd.XID,MAX(SeqId) FROM dbmirror_Pending pd";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " LEFT JOIN dbmirror_MirroredTransaction mt INNER JOIN";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " dbmirror_MirrorHost mh ON mt.MirrorHostId = ";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " mh.MirrorHostId AND mh.SlaveName=";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " '$::slaveInfo->{\"slaveName\"}' ";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " ON pd.XID";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " = mt.XID WHERE mt.XID is null ";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " GROUP BY pd.XID";
- $pendingTransQuery .= " ORDER BY MAX(pd.SeqId)";
- my $pendingTransResults = $masterConn->exec($pendingTransQuery);
- unless($pendingTransResults->resultStatus==PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
- logErrorMessage("Can't query pending table\n" . $masterConn->errorMessage);
- die;
- }
- my $numPendingTrans = $pendingTransResults->ntuples;
- my $curTransTuple = 0;
- #
- # This loop loops through each pending transaction in the proper order.
- # The Pending row edits for that transaction will be queried from the
- # master and sent + committed to the slaves.
- while($curTransTuple < $numPendingTrans) {
- my $XID = $pendingTransResults->getvalue($curTransTuple,0);
- my $maxSeqId = $pendingTransResults->getvalue($curTransTuple,1);
- my $seqId;
- if($::slaveInfo->{'status'} eq 'FileClosed')
- {
- openTransactionFile($::slaveInfo,$XID);
- }
- my $pendingQuery = "SELECT pnd.SeqId,pnd.TableName,";
- $pendingQuery .= " pnd.Op,pnddata.IsKey, pnddata.Data AS Data ";
- $pendingQuery .= " FROM dbmirror_Pending pnd, dbmirror_PendingData pnddata ";
- $pendingQuery .= " WHERE pnd.SeqId = pnddata.SeqId ";
- $pendingQuery .= " AND pnd.XID=$XID ORDER BY SeqId, IsKey DESC";
- my $pendingResults = $masterConn->exec($pendingQuery);
- unless($pendingResults->resultStatus==PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
- logErrorMessage("Can't query pending table\n" . $masterConn->errorMessage);
- die;
- }
- sendQueryToSlaves($XID,"BEGIN");
- my $numPending = $pendingResults->ntuples;
- my $curTuple = 0;
- while ($curTuple < $numPending) {
- $seqId = $pendingResults->getvalue($curTuple,0);
- my $tableName = $pendingResults->getvalue($curTuple,1);
- my $op = $pendingResults->getvalue($curTuple,2);
- $curTuple = mirrorCommand($seqId,$tableName,$op,$XID,
- $pendingResults,$curTuple) +1;
- }
- if($::slaveInfo->{'status'} ne 'DBOpen' &&
- $::slaveInfo->{'status'} ne 'FileOpen')
- {
- last;
- }
- sendQueryToSlaves(undef,"COMMIT");
- #Now commit the transaction.
- updateMirrorHostTable($XID,$seqId);
- $pendingResults = undef;
- $curTransTuple = $curTransTuple +1;
- if($::slaveInfo->{'status'} eq 'FileOpen')
- {
- close ($::slaveInfo->{'TransactionFile'});
- $::slaveInfo->{"status"} = 'FileClosed';
- }
- elsif($::slaveInfo->{'status'} eq 'DBOpen')
- {
- if($commandCount > 5000) {
- $commandCount = 0;
- $::slaveInfo->{"status"} = 'DBClosed';
- $::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->reset;
- #Open the connection right away.
- openSlaveConnection($::slaveInfo);
- }
- }
- }#while transactions left.
- $pendingTransResults = undef;
- }#while(1)
-=item mirrorCommand(SeqId,tableName,op,transId,pendingResults,curTuple)
-Mirrors a single SQL Command(change to a single row) to the slave.
-=over 4
-=item * SeqId
-The id number of the change to mirror. This is the
-primary key of the pending table.
-=item * tableName
-The name of the table the transaction takes place on.
-=item * op
-The type of operation this transaction is. 'i' for insert, 'u' for update or
-'d' for delete.
-=item * transId
-The Transaction of of the Transaction that this command is part of.
-=item * pendingResults
-A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the
-join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row
-edits in this transaction.
-=item * currentTuple
-The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about
-to be edited. If the command is an update then this points to the row
-with IsKey equal to true. The next row, curTuple+1 is the contains the
-PendingData with IsKey false for the update.
-=item returns
-The tuple number of last tuple for this command. This might be equal to
-currentTuple or it might be larger (+1 in the case of an Update).
-sub mirrorCommand($$$$$$) {
- my $seqId = $_[0];
- my $tableName = $_[1];
- my $op = $_[2];
- my $transId = $_[3];
- my $pendingResults = $_[4];
- my $currentTuple = $_[5];
- if($op eq 'i') {
- $currentTuple = mirrorInsert($seqId,$tableName,$transId,$pendingResults
- ,$currentTuple);
- }
- if($op eq 'd') {
- $currentTuple = mirrorDelete($seqId,$tableName,$transId,$pendingResults,
- $currentTuple);
- }
- if($op eq 'u') {
- $currentTuple = mirrorUpdate($seqId,$tableName,$transId,$pendingResults,
- $currentTuple);
- }
- if($op eq 's') {
- $currentTuple = mirrorSequence($seqId,$tableName,$transId,$pendingResults,
- $currentTuple);
- }
- $commandCount = $commandCount +1;
- if($commandCount % 100 == 0) {
- # print "Sent 100 commmands on SeqId $seqId \n";
- # flush STDOUT;
- }
- return $currentTuple
- }
-=item mirrorInsert(transId,tableName,transId,pendingResults,currentTuple)
-Mirrors an INSERT operation to the slave database. A new row is placed
-in the slave database containing the primary key from pendingKeys along with
-the data fields contained in the row identified by sourceOid.
-=over 4
-=item * transId
-The sequence id of the INSERT operation being mirrored. This is the primary
-key of the pending table.
-=item * tableName
-The name of the table the transaction takes place on.
-=item * sourceOid
-The OID of the row in the master database for which this transaction effects.
-If the transaction is a delete then the operation is not valid.
-=item * transId
-The Transaction Id of transaction that this insert is part of.
-=item * pendingResults
-A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the
-join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row
-edits in this transaction.
-=item * currentTuple
-The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about
-to be edited. In the case of an insert this should point to the one
-row for the row edit.
-=item returns
-The tuple number of the last tuple for the row edit. This should be
-sub mirrorInsert($$$$$) {
- my $seqId = $_[0];
- my $tableName = $_[1];
- my $transId = $_[2];
- my $pendingResults = $_[3];
- my $currentTuple = $_[4];
- my $counter;
- my $column;
- my $firstIteration=1;
- my %recordValues = extractData($pendingResults,$currentTuple);
- #Now build the insert query.
- my $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO $tableName (";
- my $valuesQuery = ") VALUES (";
- foreach $column (keys (%recordValues)) {
- if($firstIteration==0) {
- $insertQuery .= " ,";
- $valuesQuery .= " ,";
- }
- $insertQuery .= "\"$column\"";
- if(defined $recordValues{$column}) {
- my $quotedValue = $recordValues{$column};
- $quotedValue =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $quotedValue =~ s/'/''/g;
- $valuesQuery .= "'$quotedValue'";
- }
- else {
- $valuesQuery .= "null";
- }
- $firstIteration=0;
- }
- $valuesQuery .= ")";
- sendQueryToSlaves($transId,$insertQuery . $valuesQuery);
- return $currentTuple;
-=item mirrorDelete(SeqId,tableName,transId,pendingResult,currentTuple)
-Deletes a single row from the slave database. The row is identified by the
-primary key for the transaction in the pendingKeys table.
-=over 4
-=item * SeqId
-The Sequence id for this delete request.
-=item * tableName
-The name of the table to delete the row from.
-=item * transId
-The Transaction Id of the transaction that this command is part of.
-=item * pendingResults
-A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the
-join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row
-edits in this transaction.
-=item * currentTuple
-The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about
-to be edited. In the case of a delete this should point to the one
-row for the row edit.
-=item returns
-The tuple number of the last tuple for the row edit. This should be
-sub mirrorDelete($$$$$) {
- my $seqId = $_[0];
- my $tableName = $_[1];
- my $transId = $_[2];
- my $pendingResult = $_[3];
- my $currentTuple = $_[4];
- my %dataHash;
- my $currentField;
- my $firstField=1;
- %dataHash = extractData($pendingResult,$currentTuple);
- my $counter=0;
- my $deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM $tableName WHERE ";
- foreach $currentField (keys %dataHash) {
- if($firstField==0) {
- $deleteQuery .= " AND ";
- }
- my $currentValue = $dataHash{$currentField};
- $deleteQuery .= "\"";
- $deleteQuery .= $currentField;
- if(defined $currentValue) {
- $deleteQuery .= "\"='";
- $deleteQuery .= $currentValue;
- $deleteQuery .= "'";
- }
- else {
- $deleteQuery .= " is null ";
- }
- $counter++;
- $firstField=0;
- }
- sendQueryToSlaves($transId,$deleteQuery);
- return $currentTuple;
-=item mirrorUpdate(seqId,tableName,transId,pendingResult,currentTuple)
-Mirrors over an edit request to a single row of the database.
-The primary key from before the edit is used to determine which row in the
-slave should be changed.
-After the edit takes place on the slave its primary key will match the primary
-key the master had immediatly following the edit. All other fields will be set
-to the current values.
-Data integrity is maintained because the mirroring is performed in an
-SQL transcation so either all pending changes are made or none are.
-=over 4
-=item * seqId
-The Sequence id of the update.
-=item * tableName
-The name of the table to perform the update on.
-=item * transId
-The transaction Id for the transaction that this command is part of.
-=item * pendingResults
-A Results set structure returned from Pg::execute that contains the
-join of the Pending and PendingData tables for all of the pending row
-edits in this transaction.
-=item * currentTuple
-The tuple(or row) number of the pendingRow for the command that is about
-to be edited. In the case of a delete this should point to the one
-row for the row edit.
-=item returns
-The tuple number of the last tuple for the row edit. This should be
-currentTuple +1. Which points to the non key row of the update.
-sub mirrorUpdate($$$$$) {
- my $seqId = $_[0];
- my $tableName = $_[1];
- my $transId = $_[2];
- my $pendingResult = $_[3];
- my $currentTuple = $_[4];
- my $counter;
- my $quotedValue;
- my $updateQuery = "UPDATE $tableName SET ";
- my $currentField;
- my %keyValueHash;
- my %dataValueHash;
- my $firstIteration=1;
- #Extract the Key values. This row contains the values of the
- # key fields before the update occours(the WHERE clause)
- %keyValueHash = extractData($pendingResult,$currentTuple);
- #Extract the data values. This is a SET clause that contains
- #values for the entire row AFTER the update.
- %dataValueHash = extractData($pendingResult,$currentTuple+1);
- $firstIteration=1;
- foreach $currentField (keys (%dataValueHash)) {
- if($firstIteration==0) {
- $updateQuery .= ", ";
- }
- $updateQuery .= " \"$currentField\"=";
- my $currentValue = $dataValueHash{$currentField};
- if(defined $currentValue ) {
- $quotedValue = $currentValue;
- $quotedValue =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $quotedValue =~ s/'/''/g;
- $updateQuery .= "'$quotedValue'";
- }
- else {
- $updateQuery .= "null ";
- }
- $firstIteration=0;
- }
- $updateQuery .= " WHERE ";
- $firstIteration=1;
- foreach $currentField (keys (%keyValueHash)) {
- my $currentValue;
- if($firstIteration==0) {
- $updateQuery .= " AND ";
- }
- $updateQuery .= "\"$currentField\"=";
- $currentValue = $keyValueHash{$currentField};
- if(defined $currentValue) {
- $quotedValue = $currentValue;
- $quotedValue =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $quotedValue =~ s/'/''/g;
- $updateQuery .= "'$quotedValue'";
- }
- else {
- $updateQuery .= " null ";
- }
- $firstIteration=0;
- }
- sendQueryToSlaves($transId,$updateQuery);
- return $currentTuple+1;
-sub mirrorSequence($$$$$) {
- my $seqId = $_[0];
- my $sequenceName = $_[1];
- my $transId = $_[2];
- my $pendingResult = $_[3];
- my $currentTuple = $_[4];
- my $query;
- my $sequenceValue = $pendingResult->getvalue($currentTuple,4);
- $query = sprintf("select setval('%s',%s)",$sequenceName,$sequenceValue);
- sendQueryToSlaves($transId,$query);
- return $currentTuple;
-=item sendQueryToSlaves(seqId,sqlQuery)
-Sends an SQL query to the slave.
-=over 4
-=item * seqId
-The sequence Id of the command being sent. Undef if no command is associated
-with the query being sent.
-=item * sqlQuery
-SQL operation to perform on the slave.
-sub sendQueryToSlaves($$) {
- my $seqId = $_[0];
- my $sqlQuery = $_[1];
- if($::slaveInfo->{"status"} eq 'DBOpen') {
- my $queryResult = $::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->exec($sqlQuery);
- unless($queryResult->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- my $errorMessage;
- $errorMessage = "Error sending query $seqId to " ;
- $errorMessage .= $::slaveInfo->{"slaveHost"};
- $errorMessage .=$::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->errorMessage;
- $errorMessage .= "\n" . $sqlQuery;
- logErrorMessage($errorMessage);
- $::slaveInfo->{"slaveConn"}->exec("ROLLBACK");
- $::slaveInfo->{"status"} = -1;
- }
- }
- elsif($::slaveInfo->{"status"} eq 'FileOpen' ) {
- my $xfile = $::slaveInfo->{'TransactionFile'};
- print $xfile $sqlQuery . ";\n";
- }
-=item logErrorMessage(error)
-Mails an error message to the users specified $errorEmailAddr
-The error message is also printed to STDERR.
-=over 4
-=item * error
-The error message to log.
-sub logErrorMessage($) {
- my $error = $_[0];
- if(defined $lastErrorMsg and $error eq $lastErrorMsg) {
- if($repeatErrorCount<$::errorThreshold) {
- $repeatErrorCount++;
- warn($error);
- return;
- }
- }
- $repeatErrorCount=0;
- if(defined $::errorEmailAddr) {
- my $mailPipe;
- open (mailPipe, "|/bin/mail -s DBMirror.pl $::errorEmailAddr");
- print mailPipe "=====================================================\n";
- print mailPipe " DBMirror.pl \n";
- print mailPipe "\n";
- print mailPipe " The DBMirror.pl script has encountred an error. \n";
- print mailPipe " It might indicate that either the master database has\n";
- print mailPipe " gone down or that the connection to a slave database can\n";
- print mailPipe " not be made. \n";
- print mailPipe " Process-Id: $$ on $::masterHost database $::masterDb\n";
- print mailPipe "\n";
- print mailPipe $error;
- print mailPipe "\n\n\n=================================================\n";
- close mailPipe;
- }
- if (defined($::syslog))
- {
- syslog('err', '%s (%m)', $error);
- }
- warn($error);
- $lastErrorMsg = $error;
-sub setupSlave($) {
- my $slavePtr = $_[0];
- $slavePtr->{"status"} = 0;
- #Determine the MirrorHostId for the slave from the master's database
- my $resultSet = $masterConn->exec('SELECT MirrorHostId FROM '
- . ' dbmirror_MirrorHost WHERE SlaveName'
- . '=\'' . $slavePtr->{"slaveName"}
- . '\'');
- if($resultSet->ntuples !=1) {
- my $errorMessage .= $slavePtr->{"slaveName"} ."\n";
- $errorMessage .= "Has no MirrorHost entry on master\n";
- logErrorMessage($errorMessage);
- $slavePtr->{"status"}=-1;
- return;
- }
- $slavePtr->{"MirrorHostId"} = $resultSet->getvalue(0,0);
- if(defined($::slaveInfo->{'slaveDb'})) {
- # We talk directly to a slave database.
- #
- if($::slaveInfo->{"status"} ne 'DBOpen')
- {
- openSlaveConnection($::slaveInfo);
- }
- sendQueryToSlaves(undef,"SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED");
- }
- else {
- $::slaveInfo->{"status"} = 'FileClosed';
- }
-=item updateMirrorHostTable(lastTransId,lastSeqId)
-Updates the MirroredTransaction table to reflect the fact that
-this transaction has been sent to the current slave.
-=over 4
-=item * lastTransId
-The Transaction id for the last transaction that has been succesfully mirrored to
-the currently open slaves.
-=item * lastSeqId
-The Sequence Id of the last command that has been succefully mirrored
-sub updateMirrorHostTable($$) {
- my $lastTransId = shift;
- my $lastSeqId = shift;
- my $deleteTransactionQuery;
- my $deleteResult;
- my $updateMasterQuery = "INSERT INTO dbmirror_MirroredTransaction ";
- $updateMasterQuery .= " (XID,LastSeqId,MirrorHostId)";
- $updateMasterQuery .= " VALUES ($lastTransId,$lastSeqId,$::slaveInfo->{\"MirrorHostId\"}) ";
- my $updateResult = $masterConn->exec($updateMasterQuery);
- unless($updateResult->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- my $errorMessage = $masterConn->errorMessage . "\n";
- $errorMessage .= $updateMasterQuery;
- logErrorMessage($errorMessage);
- die;
- }
-# print "Updated slaves to transaction $lastTransId\n" ;
-# flush STDOUT;
- #If this transaction has now been mirrored to all mirror hosts
- #then it can be deleted.
- $deleteTransactionQuery = 'DELETE FROM dbmirror_Pending WHERE XID='
- . $lastTransId . ' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbmirror_MirroredTransaction'
- . ' WHERE XID=' . $lastTransId . ')=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM'
- . ' dbmirror_MirrorHost)';
- $deleteResult = $masterConn->exec($deleteTransactionQuery);
- if($deleteResult->resultStatus!=PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- logErrorMessage($masterConn->errorMessage . "\n" .
- $deleteTransactionQuery);
- die;
- }
-sub extractData($$) {
- my $pendingResult = $_[0];
- my $currentTuple = $_[1];
- my $fnumber;
- my %valuesHash;
- $fnumber = 4;
- my $dataField = $pendingResult->getvalue($currentTuple,$fnumber);
- while(length($dataField)>0) {
- # Extract the field name that is surronded by double quotes
- $dataField =~ m/(\".*?\")/s;
- my $fieldName = $1;
- $dataField = substr $dataField ,length($fieldName);
- $fieldName =~ s/\"//g; #Remove the surronding " signs.
- if($dataField =~ m/(^= )/s) {
- #Matched null
- $dataField = substr $dataField , length($1);
- $valuesHash{$fieldName}=undef;
- }
- elsif ($dataField =~ m/(^=\')/s) {
- #Has data.
- my $value;
- $dataField = substr $dataField ,2; #Skip the ='
- LOOP: { #This is to allow us to use last from a do loop.
- #Recommended in perlsyn manpage.
- do {
- my $matchString;
- #Find the substring ending with the first ' or first \
- $dataField =~ m/(.*?[\'\\])?/s;
- $matchString = $1;
- $value .= substr $matchString,0,length($matchString)-1;
- if($matchString =~ m/(\'$)/s and (substr $dataField,length($matchString),1) ne "'") {
- # $1 runs to the end of the field value.
- $dataField = substr $dataField,length($matchString)+1;
- last;
- }
- else {
- #deal with the escape character.
- #It The character following the escape gets appended.
- $dataField = substr $dataField,length($matchString);
- $dataField =~ s/(^.)//s;
- $value .= $1;
- }
- } until(length($dataField)==0);
- }
- $valuesHash{$fieldName} = $value;
- }#else if
- else {
- logErrorMessage "Error in PendingData Sequence Id " .
- $pendingResult->getvalue($currentTuple,0);
- die;
- }
- } #while
- return %valuesHash;
-sub openTransactionFile($$)
- my $slaveInfo = shift;
- my $XID =shift;
-# my $now_str = localtime;
- my $nowsec;
- my $nowmin;
- my $nowhour;
- my $nowmday;
- my $nowmon;
- my $nowyear;
- my $nowwday;
- my $nowyday;
- my $nowisdst;
- ($nowsec,$nowmin,$nowhour,$nowmday,$nowmon,$nowyear,$nowwday,$nowyday,$nowisdst) =
- localtime;
- my $fileName=sprintf(">%s/%s_%02d-%02d-%02d_%02d:%02d:%dXID%d.sql", $::slaveInfo->{'TransactionFileDirectory'},
- $::slaveInfo->{"MirrorHostId"},($nowyear+1900),($nowmon+1),$nowmday,$nowhour,$nowmin,
- $nowsec,$XID);
- my $xfile;
- open($xfile,$fileName) or die "Can't open $fileName : $!";
- $slaveInfo->{'TransactionFile'} = $xfile;
- $slaveInfo->{'status'} = 'FileOpen';
-sub openSlaveConnection($) {
- my $slavePtr = $_[0];
- my $slaveConn;
- my $slaveConnString;
- if(defined($slavePtr->{"slaveHost"}))
- {
- $slaveConnString .= "host=" . $slavePtr->{"slaveHost"} . " ";
- }
- if(defined($slavePtr->{"slavePort"}))
- {
- $slaveConnString .= "port=" . $slavePtr->{"slavePort"} . " ";
- }
- $slaveConnString .= " dbname=" . $slavePtr->{"slaveDb"};
- $slaveConnString .= " user=" . $slavePtr->{"slaveUser"};
- $slaveConnString .= " password=" . $slavePtr->{"slavePassword"};
- $slaveConn = Pg::connectdb($slaveConnString);
- if($slaveConn->status != PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) {
- my $errorMessage = "Can't connect to slave database " ;
- $errorMessage .= $slavePtr->{"slaveHost"} . "\n";
- $errorMessage .= $slaveConn->errorMessage;
- logErrorMessage($errorMessage);
- $slavePtr->{"status"} = 'DBFailed';
- }
- else {
- $slavePtr->{"slaveConn"} = $slaveConn;
- $slavePtr->{"status"} = 'DBOpen';
- }
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbmirror/Makefile,v 1.5 2005/09/27 17:13:01 tgl Exp $
-MODULES = pending
-SCRIPTS = clean_pending.pl DBMirror.pl
-DATA = AddTrigger.sql MirrorSetup.sql slaveDatabase.conf
-DOCS = README.dbmirror
-ifdef USE_PGXS
-PGXS := $(shell pg_config --pgxs)
-include $(PGXS)
-subdir = contrib/dbmirror
-top_builddir = ../..
-include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
-include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+++ /dev/null
-CREATE FUNCTION "recordchange" () RETURNS trigger
- AS '$libdir/pending', 'recordchange'
-CREATE TABLE dbmirror_MirrorHost (
- MirrorHostId serial PRIMARY KEY,
- SlaveName varchar NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE dbmirror_Pending (
- SeqId serial PRIMARY KEY,
- TableName name NOT NULL,
- Op character,
- XID integer NOT NULL
-CREATE INDEX dbmirror_Pending_XID_Index ON dbmirror_Pending (XID);
-CREATE TABLE dbmirror_PendingData (
- SeqId integer NOT NULL,
- IsKey boolean NOT NULL,
- Data varchar,
- PRIMARY KEY (SeqId, IsKey) ,
-CREATE TABLE dbmirror_MirroredTransaction (
- XID integer NOT NULL,
- LastSeqId integer NOT NULL,
- MirrorHostId integer NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (XID, MirrorHostId),
-UPDATE pg_proc SET proname='nextval_pg' WHERE proname='nextval';
-CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.nextval(regclass) RETURNS bigint
- AS '$libdir/pending', 'nextval_mirror'
-UPDATE pg_proc set proname='setval_pg' WHERE proname='setval';
-CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.setval(regclass, bigint, boolean) RETURNS bigint
- AS '$libdir/pending', 'setval3_mirror'
-CREATE FUNCTION pg_catalog.setval(regclass, bigint) RETURNS bigint
- AS '$libdir/pending', 'setval_mirror'
+++ /dev/null
-DBMirror - PostgreSQL Database Mirroring
-DBMirror is a database mirroring system developed for the PostgreSQL
-database Written and maintained by Steven Singer(ssinger@navtechinc.com)
-(c) 2001-2004 Navtech Systems Support Inc.
- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
- is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
- paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
-The mirroring system is trigger based and provides the following key features:
--Support for multiple mirror slaves
--Transactions are maintained
--Per table selection of what gets mirrored.
-The system is based on the idea that a master database exists where all
-edits are made to the tables being mirrored. A trigger attached to the
-tables being mirrored runs logging information about the edit to
-the Pending table and PendingData table.
-A perl script(DBMirror.pl) runs continuously for each slave database(A database
-that the change is supposed to be mirrored to) examining the Pending
-table; searching for transactions that need to be sent to that particular slave
-database. Those transactions are then mirrored to the slave database and
-the MirroredTransaction table is updated to reflect that the transaction has
-been sent.
-If the transaction has been sent to all know slave hosts (All entries
-in the MirrorHost table) then all records of it are purged from the
-Pending tables.
--PostgreSQL-8.1 (Older versions are no longer supported)
--Perl 5.6 or 5.8 (Other versions might work)
--PgPerl (http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgperl/projdisplay.php)
-Upgrading from versions prior to 8.0
-Users upgrading from a version of dbmirror prior to the one shipped with
-Postgresql 8.0 will need to perform the following steps
-1. Dump the database then drop it (dropdb no not use the -C option)
-2. Create database with createdb.
-3. Run psql databasename -f MirrorSetup.sql
-4. Restore the database(do not use the -C option of pg_dump/pg_restore)
-5. run the SQL commands: DROP "Pending";DROP "PendingData"; DROP "MirrorHost";
- DROP "MirroredTransaction";
-The above steps are needed A) Because the names of the tables used by dbmirror
-to store data have changed and B) In order for sequences to be mirrored properly
-all serial types must be recreated.
-Installation Instructions
-1) Compile pending.c
-The file pending.c contains the recordchange trigger. This runs every
-time a row inside of a table being mirrored changes.
-To build the trigger run make on the "Makefile" in the DBMirror directory.
-PostgreSQL-8.0 Make Instructions:
- If you have already run "configure" in the top (pgsql) directory
- then run "make" in the dbmirror directory to compile the trigger.
-You should now have a file named pending.so that contains the trigger.
-Install this file in your Postgresql lib directory (/usr/local/pgsql/lib)
-2) Run MirrorSetup.sql
-This file contains SQL commands to setup the Mirroring environment.
-This includes
--Telling PostgreSQL about the "recordchange" trigger function.
--Creating the dbmirror_Pending,dbmirror_PendingData,dbmirror_MirrorHost,
-dbmirror_MirroredTransaction tables
-To execute the script use psql as follows
-"psql -f MirrorSetup.sql MyDatabaseName"
-where MyDatabaseName is the name of the database you wish to install mirroring
-on(Your master).
-3) Create slaveDatabase.conf files.
-Each slave database needs its own configuration file for the
-DBMirror.pl script. See slaveDatabase.conf for a sample.
-The master settings refer to the master database(The one that is
-being mirrored).
-The slave settings refer to the database that the data is being
-mirrored to.
-The slaveName setting in the configuration file must match the slave
-name specified in the dbmirror_MirrorHost table.
-DBMirror.pl can be run in two modes of operation:
- A) It can connect directly to the slave database. To do this specify
- a slave database name and optional host and port along with a username
- and password. See slaveDatabase.conf for details.
- The master user must have sufficient permissions to modify the Pending
- tables and to read all of the tables being mirrored.
- The slave user must have enough permissions on the slave database to
- modify(INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) any tables on the slave system that are being
- mirrored.
- B) The SQL statements that should be executed on the slave can be
- written to files which can then be executed slave database through
- psql. This would be suitable for setups where their is no direct
- connection between the slave database and the master. A file is
- generated for each transaction in the directory specified by
- TransactionFileDirectory. The file name contains the date/time the
- file was created along with the transaction id.
-4) Add the trigger to tables.
-Execute the SQL code in AddTrigger.sql once for each table that should
-be mirrored. Replace MyTableName with the name of the table that should
-be mirrored.
-NOTE: DBMirror requires that every table being mirrored have a primary key
-5) Create the slave database.
-The DBMirror system keeps the contents of mirrored tables identical on the
-master and slave databases. When you first install the mirror triggers the
-master and slave databases must be the same.
-If you are starting with an empty master database then the slave should
-be empty as well. Otherwise use pg_dump to ensure that the slave database
-tables are initially identical to the master.
-6) Add entries in the dbmirror_MirrorHost table.
-Each slave database must have an entry in the dbmirror_MirrorHost table.
-The name of the host in the dbmirror_MirrorHost table must exactly match the
-slaveHost variable for that slave in the configuration file.
-For example
-INSERT INTO dbmirror_MirrorHost (SlaveName) VALUES ('backup_system');
-6) Start DBMirror.pl
-DBMirror.pl is the perl script that handles the mirroring.
-It requires the Perl library Pg(See http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgperl/projdisplay.php)
-It takes its configuration file as an argument(The one from step 3)
-One instance of DBMirror.pl runs for each slave machine that is receiving
-mirrored data.
-Any errors are printed to standard out and emailed to the address specified in
-the configuration file.
-DBMirror can be run from the master, the slave, or a third machine as long
-as it is able to access both the master and slave databases(not
-required if SQL files are being generated)
-7) Periodically run clean_pending.pl
-clean_pending.pl cleans out any entries from the Pending tables that
-have already been mirrored to all hosts in the MirrorHost table.
-It uses the same configuration file as DBMirror.pl.
-Normally DBMirror.pl will clean these tables as it goes but in some
-circumstances this will not happen.
-For example if a transaction has been mirrored to all slaves except for
-one, then that host is removed from the MirrorHost table(It stops being
-a mirror slave) the transactions that had already been mirrored to
-all the other hosts will not be deleted from the Pending tables by
-DBMirror.pl since DBMirror.pl will run against these transactions again
-since they have already been sent to all the other hosts.
-clean_pending.pl will remove these transactions.
-TODO(Current Limitations)
--Support for selective mirroring based on the content of data.
--Support for BLOB's.
--Support for multi-master mirroring with conflict resolution.
--Better support for dealing with Schema changes.
-Significant Changes Since 7.4
--Support for mirroring SEQUENCE's
--Support for unix domain sockets
--Support for outputting slave SQL statements to a file
--Changed the names of replication tables are now named
-dbmirror_pending etc..
-Achilleus Mantzios <achill@matrix.gatewaynet.com>
-Steven Singer
-Navtech Systems Support Inc.
+++ /dev/null
-# clean_pending.pl
-# This perl script removes entries from the pending,pendingKeys,
-# pendingDeleteData tables that have already been mirrored to all hosts.
-# Written by Steven Singer (ssinger@navtechinc.com)
-# (c) 2001-2002 Navtech Systems Support Inc.
-# Released under the GNU Public License version 2. See COPYING.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbmirror/clean_pending.pl,v 1.5 2004/09/10 04:31:06 neilc Exp $
-=head1 NAME
-clean_pending.pl - A Perl script to remove old entries from the
-pending, pendingKeys, and pendingDeleteData tables.
-=head1 SYNPOSIS
-clean_pending.pl databasename
-This Perl script connects to the database specified as a command line argument
-on the local system. It uses a hard-coded username and password.
-It then removes any entries from the pending, pendingDeleteData, and
-pendingKeys tables that have already been sent to all hosts in mirrorHosts.
- # add in a global path to files
- #Ensure that Pg is in the path.
-use strict;
-use Pg;
-if ($#ARGV != 0) {
- die "usage: clean_pending.pl configFile\n";
-if( ! defined do $ARGV[0]) {
- die("Invalid Configuration file $ARGV[0]");
-#connect to the database.
-my $connectString = "host=$::masterHost dbname=$::masterDb user=$::masterUser password=$::masterPassword";
-my $dbConn = Pg::connectdb($connectString);
-unless($dbConn->status == PGRES_CONNECTION_OK) {
- printf("Can't connect to database\n");
- die;
-my $result = $dbConn->exec("BEGIN");
-unless($result->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- die $dbConn->errorMessage;
-#delete all transactions that have been sent to all mirrorhosts
-#or delete everything if no mirror hosts are defined.
-# Postgres takes the "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbmirror_MirrorHost and makes it into
-# an InitPlan. EXPLAIN show's this.
-my $deletePendingQuery = 'DELETE FROM dbmirror_Pending WHERE (SELECT ';
-$deletePendingQuery .= ' COUNT(*) FROM dbmirror_MirroredTransaction WHERE ';
-$deletePendingQuery .= ' XID=dbmirror_Pending.XID) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ';
-$deletePendingQuery .= ' dbmirror_MirrorHost) OR (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ';
-$deletePendingQuery .= ' dbmirror_MirrorHost) = 0';
-my $result = $dbConn->exec($deletePendingQuery);
-unless ($result->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK ) {
- printf($dbConn->errorMessage);
- die;
-$result = $dbConn->exec('VACUUM dbmirror_Pending');
-unless ($result->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- printf($dbConn->errorMessage);
-$result = $dbConn->exec('VACUUM dbmirror_PendingData');
-unless($result->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- printf($dbConn->errorMessage);
-$result = $dbConn->exec('VACUUM dbmirror_MirroredTransaction');
-unless($result->resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK) {
- printf($dbConn->errorMessage);
+++ /dev/null
- * pending.c
- * $Id: pending.c,v 1.26 2006/07/11 17:26:58 momjian Exp $
- * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbmirror/pending.c,v 1.26 2006/07/11 17:26:58 momjian Exp $
- *
- * This file contains a trigger for Postgresql-7.x to record changes to tables
- * to a pending table for mirroring.
- * All tables that should be mirrored should have this trigger hooked up to it.
- *
- * Written by Steven Singer (ssinger@navtechinc.com)
- * (c) 2001-2002 Navtech Systems Support Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement
- * is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
- * paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "postgres.h"
-#include "executor/spi.h"
-#include "commands/sequence.h"
-#include "commands/trigger.h"
-#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
-#include "utils/array.h"
-enum FieldUsage
-int storePending(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tBeforeTuple,
- HeapTuple tAfterTuple,
- TupleDesc tTupdesc,
- Oid tableOid,
- char cOp);
-int storeKeyInfo(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTuplDesc,
- Oid tableOid);
-int storeData(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData,
- TupleDesc tTupleDesc, Oid tableOid, int iIncludeKeyData);
-int2vector *getPrimaryKey(Oid tblOid);
-char *packageData(HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTupleDecs, Oid tableOid,
- enum FieldUsage eKeyUsage);
-#define BUFFER_SIZE 256
-#define MAX_OID_LEN 10
-/*#define DEBUG_OUTPUT 1 */
-extern Datum recordchange(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-#if defined DEBUG_OUTPUT
-#define debug_msg2(x,y) elog(NOTICE,x,y)
-#define debug_msg(x) elog(NOTICE,x)
-#define debug_msg3(x,y,z) elog(NOTICE,x,y,z)
-#define debug_msg2(x,y)
-#define debug_msg(x)
-#define debug_msg3(x,y,z)
-extern Datum setval_mirror(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-extern Datum setval3_mirror(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-extern Datum nextval_mirror(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-static void saveSequenceUpdate(Oid relid, int64 nextValue, bool iscalled);
- * The entry point for the trigger function.
- * The Trigger takes a single SQL 'text' argument indicating the name of the
- * table the trigger was applied to. If this name is incorrect so will the
- * mirroring.
- ****************************************************************************/
- TriggerData *trigdata;
- TupleDesc tupdesc;
- HeapTuple beforeTuple = NULL;
- HeapTuple afterTuple = NULL;
- HeapTuple retTuple = NULL;
- char *tblname;
- char op = 0;
- char *schemaname;
- char *fullyqualtblname;
- char *pkxpress = NULL;
- if (fcinfo->context != NULL)
- {
- if (SPI_connect() < 0)
- {
- errmsg("dbmirror:recordchange could not connect to SPI")));
- return -1;
- }
- trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
- /* Extract the table name */
- tblname = SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation);
-#ifndef NOSCHEMAS
- schemaname = get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(trigdata->tg_relation));
- fullyqualtblname = SPI_palloc(strlen(tblname) +
- strlen(schemaname) + 6);
- sprintf(fullyqualtblname, "\"%s\".\"%s\"",
- schemaname, tblname);
- fullyqualtblname = SPI_palloc(strlen(tblname) + 3);
- sprintf(fullyqualtblname, "\"%s\"", tblname);
- tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att;
- if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
- {
- retTuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;
- beforeTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
- afterTuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;
- op = 'u';
- }
- else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event))
- {
- retTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
- afterTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
- op = 'i';
- }
- else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event))
- {
- retTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
- beforeTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
- op = 'd';
- }
- else
- {
- errmsg("dbmirror:recordchange Unknown operation")));
- }
- if (storePending(fullyqualtblname, beforeTuple, afterTuple,
- tupdesc, retTuple->t_tableOid, op))
- {
- /* An error occoured. Skip the operation. */
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("operation could not be mirrored")));
- return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
- }
- debug_msg("dbmirror:recordchange returning on success");
- SPI_pfree(fullyqualtblname);
- if (pkxpress != NULL)
- SPI_pfree(pkxpress);
- SPI_finish();
- return PointerGetDatum(retTuple);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Not being called as a trigger.
- */
- return PointerGetDatum(NULL);
- }
- * Constructs and executes an SQL query to write a record of this tuple change
- * to the pending table.
- *****************************************************************************/
-storePending(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tBeforeTuple,
- HeapTuple tAfterTuple,
- TupleDesc tTupDesc,
- Oid tableOid,
- char cOp)
- char *cpQueryBase = "INSERT INTO dbmirror_pending (TableName,Op,XID) VALUES ($1,$2,$3)";
- int iResult = 0;
- HeapTuple tCurTuple;
- char nulls[3] = " ";
- /* Points the current tuple(before or after) */
- Datum saPlanData[3];
- Oid taPlanArgTypes[4] = {NAMEOID,
- void *vpPlan;
- tCurTuple = tBeforeTuple ? tBeforeTuple : tAfterTuple;
- vpPlan = SPI_prepare(cpQueryBase, 3, taPlanArgTypes);
- if (vpPlan == NULL)
- errmsg("dbmirror:storePending error creating plan")));
- saPlanData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpTableName);
- saPlanData[1] = CharGetDatum(cOp);
- saPlanData[2] = Int32GetDatum(GetCurrentTransactionId());
- iResult = SPI_execp(vpPlan, saPlanData, nulls, 1);
- if (iResult < 0)
- elog(NOTICE, "storedPending fired (%s) returned %d",
- cpQueryBase, iResult);
- debug_msg("dbmirror:storePending row successfully stored in pending table");
- if (cOp == 'd')
- {
- /**
- * This is a record of a delete operation.
- * Just store the key data.
- */
- iResult = storeKeyInfo(cpTableName,
- tBeforeTuple, tTupDesc, tableOid);
- }
- else if (cOp == 'i')
- {
- /**
- * An Insert operation.
- * Store all data
- */
- iResult = storeData(cpTableName, tAfterTuple,
- tTupDesc, tableOid, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- /* op must be an update. */
- iResult = storeKeyInfo(cpTableName, tBeforeTuple,
- tTupDesc, tableOid);
- iResult = iResult ? iResult :
- storeData(cpTableName, tAfterTuple, tTupDesc,
- tableOid, TRUE);
- }
- debug_msg("dbmirror:storePending done storing keyinfo");
- return iResult;
-storeKeyInfo(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData,
- TupleDesc tTupleDesc, Oid tableOid)
- Oid saPlanArgTypes[1] = {NAMEOID};
- char *insQuery = "INSERT INTO dbmirror_pendingdata (SeqId,IsKey,Data) VALUES(currval('dbmirror_pending_seqid_seq'),'t',$1)";
- void *pplan;
- Datum saPlanData[1];
- char *cpKeyData;
- int iRetCode;
- pplan = SPI_prepare(insQuery, 1, saPlanArgTypes);
- if (pplan == NULL)
- {
- elog(NOTICE, "could not prepare INSERT plan");
- return -1;
- }
- /* pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan); */
- cpKeyData = packageData(tTupleData, tTupleDesc, tableOid, PRIMARY);
- if (cpKeyData == NULL)
- ereport(ERROR,
- /* cpTableName already contains quotes... */
- errmsg("there is no PRIMARY KEY for table %s",
- cpTableName)));
- debug_msg2("dbmirror:storeKeyInfo key data: %s", cpKeyData);
- saPlanData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpKeyData);
- iRetCode = SPI_execp(pplan, saPlanData, NULL, 1);
- if (cpKeyData != NULL)
- SPI_pfree(cpKeyData);
- if (iRetCode != SPI_OK_INSERT)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("error inserting row in pendingDelete")));
- debug_msg("insert successful");
- return 0;
-int2vector *
-getPrimaryKey(Oid tblOid)
- char *queryBase;
- char *query;
- bool isNull;
- int2vector *resultKey;
- int2vector *tpResultKey;
- HeapTuple resTuple;
- Datum resDatum;
- int ret;
- queryBase = "SELECT indkey FROM pg_index WHERE indisprimary='t' AND indrelid=";
- query = SPI_palloc(strlen(queryBase) + MAX_OID_LEN + 1);
- sprintf(query, "%s%d", queryBase, tblOid);
- ret = SPI_exec(query, 1);
- SPI_pfree(query);
- if (ret != SPI_OK_SELECT || SPI_processed != 1)
- return NULL;
- resTuple = SPI_tuptable->vals[0];
- resDatum = SPI_getbinval(resTuple, SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isNull);
- tpResultKey = (int2vector *) DatumGetPointer(resDatum);
- resultKey = SPI_palloc(VARSIZE(tpResultKey));
- memcpy(resultKey, tpResultKey, VARSIZE(tpResultKey));
- return resultKey;
- * Stores a copy of the non-key data for the row.
- *****************************************************************************/
-storeData(char *cpTableName, HeapTuple tTupleData,
- TupleDesc tTupleDesc, Oid tableOid, int iIncludeKeyData)
- Oid planArgTypes[1] = {NAMEOID};
- char *insQuery = "INSERT INTO dbmirror_pendingdata (SeqId,IsKey,Data) VALUES(currval('dbmirror_pending_seqid_seq'),'f',$1)";
- void *pplan;
- Datum planData[1];
- char *cpKeyData;
- int iRetValue;
- pplan = SPI_prepare(insQuery, 1, planArgTypes);
- if (pplan == NULL)
- {
- elog(NOTICE, "could not prepare INSERT plan");
- return -1;
- }
- /* pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan); */
- if (iIncludeKeyData == 0)
- cpKeyData = packageData(tTupleData, tTupleDesc,
- tableOid, NONPRIMARY);
- else
- cpKeyData = packageData(tTupleData, tTupleDesc, tableOid, ALL);
- planData[0] = PointerGetDatum(cpKeyData);
- iRetValue = SPI_execp(pplan, planData, NULL, 1);
- if (cpKeyData != 0)
- SPI_pfree(cpKeyData);
- if (iRetValue != SPI_OK_INSERT)
- {
- elog(NOTICE, "error inserting row in pendingDelete");
- return -1;
- }
- debug_msg("dbmirror:storeKeyData insert successful");
- return 0;
- * Packages the data in tTupleData into a string of the format
- * FieldName='value text' where any quotes inside of value text
- * are escaped with a backslash and any backslashes in value text
- * are esacped by a second back slash.
- *
- * tTupleDesc should be a description of the tuple stored in
- * tTupleData.
- *
- * eFieldUsage specifies which fields to use.
- * PRIMARY implies include only primary key fields.
- * NONPRIMARY implies include only non-primary key fields.
- * ALL implies include all fields.
- */
-char *
-packageData(HeapTuple tTupleData, TupleDesc tTupleDesc, Oid tableOid,
- enum FieldUsage eKeyUsage)
- int iNumCols;
- int2vector *tpPKeys = NULL;
- int iColumnCounter;
- char *cpDataBlock;
- int iDataBlockSize;
- int iUsedDataBlock;
- iNumCols = tTupleDesc->natts;
- if (eKeyUsage != ALL)
- {
- tpPKeys = getPrimaryKey(tableOid);
- if (tpPKeys == NULL)
- return NULL;
- }
- if (tpPKeys != NULL)
- debug_msg("dbmirror:packageData have primary keys");
- cpDataBlock = SPI_palloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
- iDataBlockSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
- iUsedDataBlock = 0; /* To account for the null */
- for (iColumnCounter = 1; iColumnCounter <= iNumCols; iColumnCounter++)
- {
- int iIsPrimaryKey;
- int iPrimaryKeyIndex;
- char *cpUnFormatedPtr;
- char *cpFormatedPtr;
- char *cpFieldName;
- char *cpFieldData;
- if (eKeyUsage != ALL)
- {
- /* Determine if this is a primary key or not. */
- iIsPrimaryKey = 0;
- for (iPrimaryKeyIndex = 0;
- iPrimaryKeyIndex < tpPKeys->dim1;
- iPrimaryKeyIndex++)
- {
- if (tpPKeys->values[iPrimaryKeyIndex] == iColumnCounter)
- {
- iIsPrimaryKey = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (iIsPrimaryKey ? (eKeyUsage != PRIMARY) :
- (eKeyUsage != NONPRIMARY))
- {
- /**
- * Don't use.
- */
- debug_msg("dbmirror:packageData skipping column");
- continue;
- }
- } /* KeyUsage!=ALL */
- if (tTupleDesc->attrs[iColumnCounter - 1]->attisdropped)
- {
- /**
- * This column has been dropped.
- * Do not mirror it.
- */
- continue;
- }
- cpFieldName = DatumGetPointer(NameGetDatum
- (&tTupleDesc->attrs
- [iColumnCounter - 1]->attname));
- debug_msg2("dbmirror:packageData field name: %s", cpFieldName);
- while (iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock <
- strlen(cpFieldName) + 6)
- {
- cpDataBlock = SPI_repalloc(cpDataBlock,
- iDataBlockSize +
- iDataBlockSize = iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE;
- }
- sprintf(cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock, "\"%s\"=", cpFieldName);
- iUsedDataBlock = iUsedDataBlock + strlen(cpFieldName) + 3;
- cpFieldData = SPI_getvalue(tTupleData, tTupleDesc,
- iColumnCounter);
- cpUnFormatedPtr = cpFieldData;
- cpFormatedPtr = cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock;
- if (cpFieldData != NULL)
- {
- *cpFormatedPtr = '\'';
- iUsedDataBlock++;
- cpFormatedPtr++;
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(cpFormatedPtr, " ");
- iUsedDataBlock++;
- cpFormatedPtr++;
- continue;
- }
- debug_msg2("dbmirror:packageData field data: \"%s\"",
- cpFieldData);
- debug_msg("dbmirror:packageData starting format loop");
- while (*cpUnFormatedPtr != 0)
- {
- while (iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock < 2)
- {
- cpDataBlock = SPI_repalloc(cpDataBlock,
- iDataBlockSize
- iDataBlockSize = iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE;
- cpFormatedPtr = cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock;
- }
- if (*cpUnFormatedPtr == '\\' || *cpUnFormatedPtr == '\'')
- {
- *cpFormatedPtr = *cpUnFormatedPtr;
- cpFormatedPtr++;
- iUsedDataBlock++;
- }
- *cpFormatedPtr = *cpUnFormatedPtr;
- cpFormatedPtr++;
- cpUnFormatedPtr++;
- iUsedDataBlock++;
- }
- SPI_pfree(cpFieldData);
- while (iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock < 3)
- {
- cpDataBlock = SPI_repalloc(cpDataBlock,
- iDataBlockSize +
- iDataBlockSize = iDataBlockSize + BUFFER_SIZE;
- cpFormatedPtr = cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock;
- }
- sprintf(cpFormatedPtr, "' ");
- iUsedDataBlock = iUsedDataBlock + 2;
- debug_msg2("dbmirror:packageData data block: \"%s\"",
- cpDataBlock);
- } /* for iColumnCounter */
- if (tpPKeys != NULL)
- SPI_pfree(tpPKeys);
- debug_msg3("dbmirror:packageData returning DataBlockSize:%d iUsedDataBlock:%d",
- iDataBlockSize,
- iUsedDataBlock);
- memset(cpDataBlock + iUsedDataBlock, 0, iDataBlockSize - iUsedDataBlock);
- return cpDataBlock;
- * Support for mirroring sequence objects.
- */
- Oid relid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
- int64 next = PG_GETARG_INT64(1);
- int64 result;
- result = DatumGetInt64(DirectFunctionCall2(setval_oid,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(relid),
- Int64GetDatum(next)));
- saveSequenceUpdate(relid, result, true);
- PG_RETURN_INT64(result);
- Oid relid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
- int64 next = PG_GETARG_INT64(1);
- bool iscalled = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2);
- int64 result;
- result = DatumGetInt64(DirectFunctionCall3(setval3_oid,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(relid),
- Int64GetDatum(next),
- BoolGetDatum(iscalled)));
- saveSequenceUpdate(relid, result, iscalled);
- PG_RETURN_INT64(result);
- Oid relid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
- int64 result;
- result = DatumGetInt64(DirectFunctionCall1(nextval_oid,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(relid)));
- saveSequenceUpdate(relid, result, true);
- PG_RETURN_INT64(result);
-static void
-saveSequenceUpdate(Oid relid, int64 nextValue, bool iscalled)
- Oid insertArgTypes[2] = {NAMEOID, INT4OID};
- Oid insertDataArgTypes[1] = {NAMEOID};
- void *insertPlan;
- void *insertDataPlan;
- Datum insertDatum[2];
- Datum insertDataDatum[1];
- char nextSequenceText[64];
- const char *insertQuery =
- "INSERT INTO dbmirror_Pending (TableName,Op,XID) VALUES" \
- "($1,'s',$2)";
- const char *insertDataQuery =
- "INSERT INTO dbmirror_PendingData(SeqId,IsKey,Data) VALUES " \
- "(currval('dbmirror_pending_seqid_seq'),'t',$1)";
- if (SPI_connect() < 0)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("dbmirror:savesequenceupdate could not connect to SPI")));
- insertPlan = SPI_prepare(insertQuery, 2, insertArgTypes);
- insertDataPlan = SPI_prepare(insertDataQuery, 1, insertDataArgTypes);
- if (insertPlan == NULL || insertDataPlan == NULL)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("dbmirror:savesequenceupdate error creating plan")));
- insertDatum[0] = PointerGetDatum(get_rel_name(relid));
- insertDatum[1] = Int32GetDatum(GetCurrentTransactionId());
- snprintf(nextSequenceText, sizeof(nextSequenceText),
- INT64_FORMAT ",'%c'",
- nextValue, iscalled ? 't' : 'f');
- /*
- * note type cheat here: we prepare a C string and then claim it is a
- * NAME, which the system will coerce to varchar for us.
- */
- insertDataDatum[0] = PointerGetDatum(nextSequenceText);
- debug_msg2("dbmirror:savesequenceupdate: Setting value as %s",
- nextSequenceText);
- debug_msg("dbmirror:About to execute insert query");
- if (SPI_execp(insertPlan, insertDatum, NULL, 1) != SPI_OK_INSERT)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("error inserting row in dbmirror_Pending")));
- if (SPI_execp(insertDataPlan, insertDataDatum, NULL, 1) != SPI_OK_INSERT)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("error inserting row in dbmirror_PendingData")));
- debug_msg("dbmirror:Insert query finished");
- SPI_pfree(insertPlan);
- SPI_pfree(insertDataPlan);
- SPI_finish();
+++ /dev/null
-# Config file for DBMirror.pl
-# This file contains a sample configuration file for DBMirror.pl
-# It contains configuration information to mirror data from
-# the master database to a single slave system.
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/dbmirror/slaveDatabase.conf,v 1.3 2004/09/10 04:31:06 neilc Exp $
-$masterHost = "masterMachine.mydomain.com";
-$masterDb = "myDatabase";
-$masterUser = "postgres";
-$masterPassword = "postgrespassword";
-# Where to email Error messages to
-# $errorEmailAddr = "me@mydomain.com";
-$slaveInfo->{"slaveName"} = "backupMachine";
-$slaveInfo->{"slaveHost"} = "backupMachine.mydomain.com";
-$slaveInfo->{"slaveDb"} = "myDatabase";
-$slaveInfo->{"slavePort"} = 5432;
-$slaveInfo->{"slaveUser"} = "postgres";
-$slaveInfo->{"slavePassword"} = "postgrespassword";
-# If uncommented then text files with SQL statements are generated instead
-# of connecting to the slave database directly.
-# slaveDb should then be commented out.
-# $slaveInfo{"TransactionFileDirectory"} = '/tmp';
-# The number of seconds dbmirror should sleep for between checking to see
-# if more data is ready to be mirrored.
-$sleepInterval = 60;
-#If you want to use syslog
-# $syslog = 1;
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/fulltextindex/Makefile,v 1.14 2005/09/27 17:13:02 tgl Exp $
-MODULES = fti
-DATA_built = fti.sql
-SCRIPTS = fti.pl
-ifdef USE_PGXS
-PGXS := $(shell pg_config --pgxs)
-include $(PGXS)
-subdir = contrib/fulltextindex
-top_builddir = ../..
-include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
-include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+++ /dev/null
-An attempt at some sort of Full Text Indexing for PostgreSQL.
-The included software is an attempt to add some sort of Full Text Indexing
-support to PostgreSQL. I mean by this that we can ask questions like:
- Give me all rows that have 'still' and 'nash' in the 'artist' or 'title'
- fields.
-Ofcourse we can write this as:
- select * from cds where (artist ~* 'stills' or title ~* 'stills') and
- (artist ~* 'nash' or title ~* 'nash');
-But this does not use any indices, and therefore, if your database
-gets very large, it will not have very high performance (the above query
-requires a sequential scan of the table).
-The approach used by this add-on is to define a trigger on the table and
-columns you want to do these queries on. On every insert to the table, it
-takes the value in the specified columns, breaks the text in these columns
-up into pieces, and stores all sub-strings into another table, together
-with a reference to the row in the original table that contained this
-sub-string (it uses the oid of that row).
-By now creating an index over the 'fti-table', we can search for
-substrings that occur in the original table. By making a join between
-the fti-table and the orig-table, we can get the actual rows we want
-(this can also be done by using subselects - but subselects are currently
-inefficient in PostgreSQL, and maybe there're other ways too).
-The trigger code also allows an array called StopWords, that prevents
-certain words from being indexed.
-As an example we take the previous query, where we assume we have all
-sub-strings in the table 'cds-fti':
- select c.*
- from cds c, cds-fti f1, cds-fti f2
- where f1.string ~ '^stills' and
- f2.string ~ '^nash' and
- f1.id = c.oid and
- f2.id = c.oid ;
-We can use the ~ (case-sensitive regular expression) here, because of
-the way sub-strings are built: from right to left, ie. house -> 'se' +
-'use' + 'ouse' + 'house'. If a ~ search starts with a ^ (match start of
-string), btree indices can be used by PostgreSQL.
-Now, how do we create the trigger that maintains the fti-table? First: the
-fti-table should have the following schema:
- create cds-fti ( string varchar(N), id oid ) without oids;
-Don't change the *names* of the columns, the varchar() can in fact also
-be of text-type. If you do use varchar, make sure the largest possible
-sub-string will fit.
-The create the function that contains the trigger::
- create function fti() returns trigger as
- '/path/to/fti.so' language C;
-And finally define the trigger on the 'cds' table:
- create trigger cds-fti-trigger after update or insert or delete on cds
- for each row execute procedure fti(cds-fti, artist, title);
-Here, the trigger will be defined on table 'cds', it will create
-sub-strings from the fields 'artist' and 'title', and it will place
-those sub-strings in the table 'cds-fti'.
-Now populate the table 'cds'. This will also populate the table 'cds-fti'.
-It's fastest to populate the table *before* you create the indices. Use the
-supplied 'fti.pl' to assist you with this.
-Before you start using the system, you should at least have the following
- create index cds-fti-idx on cds-fti (string); -- String matching
- create index cds-fti-idx on cds-fti (id); -- For deleting a cds row
- create index cds-oid-idx on cds (oid); -- For joining cds to cds-fti
-To get the most performance out of this, you should have 'cds-fti'
-clustered on disk, ie. all rows with the same sub-strings should be
-close to each other. There are 3 ways of doing this:
-1. After you have created the indices, execute 'cluster cds-fti-idx on cds-fti'.
-2. Do a 'select * into tmp-table from cds-fti order by string' *before*
- you create the indices, then 'drop table cds-fti' and
- 'alter table tmp-table rename to cds-fti'
-3. *Before* creating indices, dump the contents of the cds-fti table using
- 'pg_dump -a -t cds-fti dbase-name', remove the \connect
- from the beginning and the \. from the end, and sort it using the
- UNIX 'sort' program, and reload the data.
-Method 1 is very slow, 2 a lot faster, and for very large tables, 3 is
-Maarten Boekhold <maartenb@dutepp0.et.tudelft.nl>
-The following data was generated by the 'timings.sh' script included
-in this directory. It uses a very large table with music-related
-articles as a source for the fti-table. The tables used are:
-product : contains product information : 540.429 rows
-artist_fti : fti table for product : 4.501.321 rows
-clustered : same as above, only clustered : 4.501.321 rows
-A sequential scan of the artist_fti table (and thus also the clustered table)
-takes around 6:16 minutes....
-Unfortunately I cannot provide anybody else with this test-data, since I
-am not allowed to redistribute the data (it's a database being sold by
-a couple of wholesale companies). Anyways, it's megabytes, so you probably
-wouldn't want it in this distribution anyways.
-I haven't tested this with less data.
-The test-machine is a Pentium 133, 64 MB, Linux 2.0.32 with the database
-on a 'QUANTUM BIGFOOT_CY4320A, 4134MB w/67kB Cache, CHS=8960/15/63'. This
-is a very slow disk.
-The postmaster was running with:
- postmaster -i -b /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -S 1024 -B 256 \
- -o -o /usr/local/pgsql/debug-output -F -d 1
-('trashing' means a 'select count(*) from artist_fti' to completely trash
-any disk-caches and buffers....)
-1: ^lapton and ^ric : 0.050u 0.000s 5m37.484s 0.01%
-2: ^lapton and ^ric : 0.050u 0.030s 5m32.447s 0.02%
-3: ^lapton and ^ric : 0.030u 0.020s 5m28.822s 0.01%
-1: ^lling and ^tones : 0.020u 0.030s 0m54.313s 0.09%
-2: ^lling and ^tones : 0.040u 0.030s 0m5.057s 1.38%
-3: ^lling and ^tones : 0.010u 0.050s 0m2.072s 2.89%
-1: ^aughan and ^evie : 0.020u 0.030s 0m26.241s 0.19%
-2: ^aughan and ^evie : 0.050u 0.010s 0m1.316s 4.55%
-3: ^aughan and ^evie : 0.030u 0.020s 0m1.029s 4.85%
-1: ^lling : 0.040u 0.010s 0m55.104s 0.09%
-2: ^lling : 0.030u 0.030s 0m4.716s 1.27%
-3: ^lling : 0.040u 0.010s 0m2.157s 2.31%
-1: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : 0.040u 0.000s 1m5.630s 0.06%
-2: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : 0.050u 0.020s 1m3.561s 0.11%
-3: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : 0.050u 0.010s 1m5.923s 0.09%
-1: ^lling (no join) : 0.050u 0.020s 0m24.139s 0.28%
-2: ^lling (no join) : 0.040u 0.040s 0m1.087s 7.35%
-3: ^lling (no join) : 0.020u 0.030s 0m0.772s 6.48%
-1: ^vaughan (no join) : 0.040u 0.030s 0m9.075s 0.77%
-2: ^vaughan (no join) : 0.030u 0.010s 0m0.609s 6.56%
-3: ^vaughan (no join) : 0.040u 0.010s 0m0.503s 9.94%
-1: ^rol (no join) : 0.020u 0.030s 0m49.898s 0.10%
-2: ^rol (no join) : 0.030u 0.020s 0m3.136s 1.59%
-3: ^rol (no join) : 0.030u 0.020s 0m1.231s 4.06%
-1: ^lapton and ^ric : 0.020u 0.020s 2m17.120s 0.02%
-2: ^lapton and ^ric : 0.030u 0.020s 2m11.767s 0.03%
-3: ^lapton and ^ric : 0.040u 0.010s 2m8.128s 0.03%
-1: ^lling and ^tones : 0.020u 0.030s 0m18.179s 0.27%
-2: ^lling and ^tones : 0.030u 0.010s 0m1.897s 2.10%
-3: ^lling and ^tones : 0.040u 0.010s 0m1.619s 3.08%
-1: ^aughan and ^evie : 0.070u 0.010s 0m11.765s 0.67%
-2: ^aughan and ^evie : 0.040u 0.010s 0m1.198s 4.17%
-3: ^aughan and ^evie : 0.030u 0.020s 0m0.872s 5.73%
-1: ^lling : 0.040u 0.000s 0m28.623s 0.13%
-2: ^lling : 0.030u 0.010s 0m2.339s 1.70%
-3: ^lling : 0.030u 0.010s 0m1.975s 2.02%
-1: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : 0.020u 0.010s 0m17.667s 0.16%
-2: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : 0.030u 0.010s 0m3.745s 1.06%
-3: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : 0.030u 0.020s 0m3.439s 1.45%
-1: ^lling (no join) : 0.020u 0.040s 0m2.218s 2.70%
-2: ^lling (no join) : 0.020u 0.020s 0m0.506s 7.90%
-3: ^lling (no join) : 0.030u 0.030s 0m0.510s 11.76%
-1: ^vaughan (no join) : 0.040u 0.050s 0m2.048s 4.39%
-2: ^vaughan (no join) : 0.030u 0.020s 0m0.332s 15.04%
-3: ^vaughan (no join) : 0.040u 0.010s 0m0.318s 15.72%
-1: ^rol (no join) : 0.020u 0.030s 0m2.384s 2.09%
-2: ^rol (no join) : 0.020u 0.030s 0m0.676s 7.39%
-3: ^rol (no join) : 0.020u 0.030s 0m0.697s 7.17%
+++ /dev/null
-Place "stop" words in lookup table
+++ /dev/null
-This implementation of full text indexing is very slow and inefficient. It is
-STRONGLY recommended that you switch to using contrib/tsearch which offers these
-* Actively developed and improved
-* Tight integration with OpenFTS (openfts.sourceforge.net)
-* Orders of magnitude faster (eg. 300 times faster for two keyword search)
-* No extra tables or multi-way joins required
-* Select syntax allows easy 'and'ing, 'or'ing and 'not'ing of keywords
-* Built-in stemmer with customisable dictionaries (ie. searching for 'jellies' will find 'jelly')
-* Stop words automatically ignored
-* Supports non-C locales
-* Only indexes full words - substring searches on words won't work.
- eg. Searching for 'burg' won't find 'burger'
-Due to the deficiencies in this module, it is quite likely that it will be removed from the standard PostgreSQL distribution in the future.
+++ /dev/null
-#include "postgres.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "executor/spi.h"
-#include "commands/trigger.h"
- * Trigger function accepts variable number of arguments:
- *
- * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/fulltextindex/fti.c,v 1.27 2006/05/30 22:12:12 tgl Exp $
- *
- * 1. relation in which to store the substrings
- * 2. fields to extract substrings from
- *
- * The relation in which to insert *must* have the following layout:
- *
- * string varchar(#)
- * id oid
- *
- * where # is the largest size of the varchar columns being indexed
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * -- Create the SQL function based on the compiled shared object
- * create function fti() returns trigger as
- * '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/contrib/fti.so' language C;
- *
- * -- Create the FTI table
- * create table product_fti (string varchar(255), id oid) without oids;
- *
- * -- Create an index to assist string matches
- * create index product_fti_string_idx on product_fti (string);
- *
- * -- Create an index to assist trigger'd deletes
- * create index product_fti_id_idx on product_fti (id);
- *
- * -- Create an index on the product oid column to assist joins
- * -- between the fti table and the product table
- * create index product_oid_idx on product (oid);
- *
- * -- Create the trigger to perform incremental changes to the full text index.
- * create trigger product_fti_trig after update or insert or delete on product
- * for each row execute procedure fti(product_fti, title, artist);
- * ^^^^^^^^^^^
- * table where full text index is stored
- * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- * columns to index in the base table
- *
- * After populating 'product', try something like:
- *
- * SELECT DISTINCT(p.*) FROM product p, product_fti f1, product_fti f2 WHERE
- * f1.string ~ '^slippery' AND f2.string ~ '^wet' AND p.oid=f1.id AND p.oid=f2.id;
- *
- * To check that your indicies are being used correctly, make sure you
- * EXPLAIN SELECT ... your test query above.
- *
- * ---------
- *
- * august 3 2001
- * Extended fti function to accept more than one column as a
- * parameter and all specified columns are indexed. Changed
- * all uses of sprintf to snprintf. Made error messages more
- * consistent.
- *
- * march 4 1998 Changed breakup() to return less substrings. Only breakup
- * in word parts which are in turn shortened from the start
- * of the word (ie. word, ord, rd)
- * Did allocation of substring buffer outside of breakup()
- *
- * oct. 5 1997, fixed a bug in string breakup (where there are more nonalpha
- * characters between words then 1).
- *
- * oct 4-5 1997 implemented the thing, at least the basic functionallity
- * of it all....
- *
- * TODO
- * ----
- *
- * prevent generating duplicate words for an oid in the fti table
- * save a plan for deletes
- * create a function that will make the index *after* we have populated
- * the main table (probably first delete all contents to be sure there's
- * nothing in it, then re-populate the fti-table)
- *
- * can we do something with operator overloading or a seperate function
- * that can build the final query automagically?
- */
-#define MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH 8192
-extern Datum fti(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-static char *breakup(char *, char *);
-static bool is_stopword(char *);
-static bool new_tuple = false;
-char *StopWords[] = { /* list of words to skip in indexing */
- "no",
- "the",
- "yes"
-#endif /* USE_STOP_WORDS */
-/* stuff for caching query-plans, stolen from contrib/spi/\*.c */
-typedef struct
- char *ident;
- int nplans;
- void **splan;
-} EPlan;
-static EPlan *InsertPlans = NULL;
-static EPlan *DeletePlans = NULL;
-static int nInsertPlans = 0;
-static int nDeletePlans = 0;
-static EPlan *find_plan(char *ident, EPlan ** eplan, int *nplans);
- TriggerData *trigdata;
- Trigger *trigger; /* to get trigger name */
- int nargs; /* # of arguments */
- char **args; /* arguments */
- char *relname; /* triggered relation name */
- Relation rel; /* triggered relation */
- char *indexname; /* name of table for substrings */
- HeapTuple rettuple = NULL;
- TupleDesc tupdesc; /* tuple description */
- bool isinsert = false;
- bool isdelete = false;
- int ret;
- char query[MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH];
- Oid oid;
- /*
- * FILE *debug;
- */
- /*
- * debug = fopen("/dev/xconsole", "w"); fprintf(debug, "FTI: entered
- * function\n"); fflush(debug);
- */
- if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo))
- /* internal error */
- elog(ERROR, "not fired by trigger manager");
- /* It's safe to cast now that we've checked */
- trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context;
- if (TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(trigdata->tg_event))
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("can't process STATEMENT events")));
- if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event))
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("must be fired AFTER event")));
- if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event))
- isinsert = true;
- if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event))
- {
- isdelete = true;
- isinsert = true;
- }
- if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event))
- isdelete = true;
- trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger;
- rel = trigdata->tg_relation;
- relname = SPI_getrelname(rel);
- rettuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple;
- if (isdelete && isinsert) /* is an UPDATE */
- rettuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple;
- if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0)
- /* internal error */
- elog(ERROR, "SPI_connect failed, returned %d", ret);
- nargs = trigger->tgnargs;
- if (nargs < 2)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("fti trigger must have at least 2 arguments")));
- args = trigger->tgargs;
- indexname = args[0];
- tupdesc = rel->rd_att; /* what the tuple looks like (?) */
- /* get oid of current tuple, needed by all, so place here */
- oid = HeapTupleGetOid(rettuple);
- if (!OidIsValid(oid))
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("OID is not present"),
- errhint("Full Text Index requires indexed tables be created WITH OIDS.")));
- if (isdelete)
- {
- void *pplan;
- Oid *argtypes;
- Datum values[1];
- EPlan *plan;
- int i;
- snprintf(query, MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH, "D%s", indexname);
- for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
- snprintf(query, MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH, "%s$%s", query, args[i]);
- plan = find_plan(query, &DeletePlans, &nDeletePlans);
- if (plan->nplans <= 0)
- {
- argtypes = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid));
- argtypes[0] = OIDOID;
- snprintf(query, MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH, "DELETE FROM %s WHERE id = $1", indexname);
- pplan = SPI_prepare(query, 1, argtypes);
- if (!pplan)
- /* internal error */
- elog(ERROR, "SPI_prepare returned NULL in delete");
- pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan);
- if (pplan == NULL)
- /* internal error */
- elog(ERROR, "SPI_saveplan returned NULL in delete");
- plan->splan = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *));
- *(plan->splan) = pplan;
- plan->nplans = 1;
- }
- values[0] = oid;
- ret = SPI_execp(*(plan->splan), values, NULL, 0);
- if (ret != SPI_OK_DELETE)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("error executing delete")));
- }
- if (isinsert)
- {
- char *substring;
- char *column;
- void *pplan;
- Oid *argtypes;
- Datum values[2];
- int colnum;
- struct varlena *data;
- EPlan *plan;
- int i;
- char *buff;
- char *string;
- snprintf(query, MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH, "I%s", indexname);
- for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
- snprintf(query, MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH, "%s$%s", query, args[i]);
- plan = find_plan(query, &InsertPlans, &nInsertPlans);
- /* no plan yet, so allocate mem for argtypes */
- if (plan->nplans <= 0)
- {
- argtypes = (Oid *) palloc(2 * sizeof(Oid));
- argtypes[0] = VARCHAROID; /* create table t_name (string
- * varchar, */
- argtypes[1] = OIDOID; /* id oid); */
- /* prepare plan to gain speed */
- snprintf(query, MAX_FTI_QUERY_LENGTH, "INSERT INTO %s (string, id) VALUES ($1, $2)",
- indexname);
- pplan = SPI_prepare(query, 2, argtypes);
- if (!pplan)
- /* internal error */
- elog(ERROR, "SPI_prepare returned NULL in insert");
- pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan);
- if (pplan == NULL)
- /* internal error */
- elog(ERROR, "SPI_saveplan returned NULL in insert");
- plan->splan = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *));
- *(plan->splan) = pplan;
- plan->nplans = 1;
- }
- /* prepare plan for query */
- for (i = 0; i < nargs - 1; i++)
- {
- colnum = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[i + 1]);
- if (colnum == SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("column \"%s\" of \"%s\" does not exist",
- args[i + 1], indexname)));
- /* Get the char* representation of the column */
- column = SPI_getvalue(rettuple, tupdesc, colnum);
- /* make sure we don't try to index NULL's */
- if (column)
- {
- string = column;
- while (*string != '\0')
- {
- *string = tolower((unsigned char) *string);
- string++;
- }
- data = (struct varlena *) palloc(sizeof(int32) + strlen(column) +1);
- buff = palloc(strlen(column) + 1);
- /* saves lots of calls in while-loop and in breakup() */
- new_tuple = true;
- while ((substring = breakup(column, buff)))
- {
- int l;
- l = strlen(substring);
- data->vl_len = l + sizeof(int32);
- memcpy(VARDATA(data), substring, l);
- values[0] = PointerGetDatum(data);
- values[1] = oid;
- ret = SPI_execp(*(plan->splan), values, NULL, 0);
- if (ret != SPI_OK_INSERT)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("error executing insert")));
- }
- pfree(buff);
- pfree(data);
- }
- }
- }
- SPI_finish();
- return PointerGetDatum(rettuple);
-static char *
-breakup(char *string, char *substring)
- static char *last_start;
- static char *cur_pos;
- if (new_tuple)
- {
- cur_pos = last_start = &string[strlen(string) - 1];
- new_tuple = false; /* don't initialize this next time */
- }
- while (cur_pos > string) /* don't read before start of 'string' */
- {
- /*
- * skip pieces at the end of a string that are not alfa-numeric (ie.
- * 'string$%^&', last_start first points to '&', and after this to 'g'
- */
- if (!isalnum((unsigned char) *last_start))
- {
- while (!isalnum((unsigned char) *last_start) &&
- last_start > string)
- last_start--;
- cur_pos = last_start;
- }
- cur_pos--; /* substrings are at minimum 2 characters long */
- if (isalnum((unsigned char) *cur_pos))
- {
- /* Houston, we have a substring! :) */
- memcpy(substring, cur_pos, last_start - cur_pos + 1);
- substring[last_start - cur_pos + 1] = '\0';
- if (!is_stopword(substring))
- return substring;
- }
- else
- {
- last_start = cur_pos - 1;
- cur_pos = last_start;
- }
- }
- return NULL; /* we've processed all of 'string' */
-/* copied from src/backend/parser/keywords.c and adjusted for our situation*/
-static bool
-is_stopword(char *text)
- char **StopLow; /* for list of stop-words */
- char **StopHigh;
- char **StopMiddle;
- int difference;
- StopLow = &StopWords[0]; /* initialize stuff for binary search */
- StopHigh = endof(StopWords);
- /* Loop invariant: *StopLow <= text < *StopHigh */
- while (StopLow < StopHigh)
- {
- StopMiddle = StopLow + (StopHigh - StopLow) / 2;
- difference = strcmp(*StopMiddle, text);
- if (difference == 0)
- return (true);
- else if (difference < 0)
- StopLow = StopMiddle + 1;
- else
- StopHigh = StopMiddle;
- }
-#endif /* USE_STOP_WORDS */
- return (false);
-/* for caching of query plans, stolen from contrib/spi/\*.c */
-static EPlan *
-find_plan(char *ident, EPlan ** eplan, int *nplans)
- EPlan *newp;
- int i;
- if (*nplans > 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < *nplans; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp((*eplan)[i].ident, ident) == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (i != *nplans)
- return (*eplan + i);
- *eplan = (EPlan *) realloc(*eplan, (i + 1) * sizeof(EPlan));
- newp = *eplan + i;
- }
- else
- {
- newp = *eplan = (EPlan *) malloc(sizeof(EPlan));
- (*nplans) = i = 0;
- }
- newp->ident = (char *) malloc(strlen(ident) + 1);
- strcpy(newp->ident, ident);
- newp->nplans = 0;
- newp->splan = NULL;
- (*nplans)++;
- return (newp);
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/fulltextindex/fti.pl,v 1.9 2006/03/11 04:38:29 momjian Exp $
-# This script substracts all suffixes of all words in a specific column in a table
-# and generates output that can be loaded into a new table with the
-# psql '\copy' command. The new table should have the following structure:
-# create table tab (
-# string text,
-# id oid
-# );
-# Note that you cannot use 'copy' (the SQL-command) directly, because
-# there's no '\.' included at the end of the output.
-# The output can be fed through the UNIX commands 'uniq' and 'sort'
-# to generate the smallest and sorted output to populate the fti-table.
-# Example:
-# fti.pl -u -d mydb -t mytable -c mycolumn,mycolumn2 -f myfile
-# sort -o myoutfile myfile
-# uniq myoutfile sorted-file
-# psql -u mydb
-# \copy my_fti_table from myfile
-# create index fti_idx on my_fti_table (string,id);
-# create function fti() returns trigger as
-# '/path/to/fti/file/fti.so'
-# language C;
-# create trigger my_fti_trigger after update or insert or delete
-# on mytable
-# for each row execute procedure fti(my_fti_table, mycolumn);
-# Make sure you have an index on mytable(oid) to be able to do somewhat
-# efficient substring searches.
-#use lib '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/perl5/';
-use lib '/mnt/web/guide/postgres/lib/perl5/site_perl';
-use Pg;
-use Getopt::Std;
-# the minimum length of word to include in the full text index
-# the minimum length of the substrings in the full text index
-$[ = 0; # make sure string offsets start at 0
-sub break_up {
- my $string = pop @_;
- # convert strings to lower case
- $string = lc($string);
- @strings = split(/\W+/, $string);
- @subs = ();
- foreach $s (@strings) {
- $len = length($s);
- next if ($len <= $MIN_WORD_LENGTH);
- for ($i = 0; $i <= $len - $MIN_SUBSTRING_LENGTH; $i++) {
- $tmp = substr($s, $i);
- push(@subs, $tmp);
- }
- }
- return @subs;
-sub connect_db {
- my $dbname = shift @_;
- my $user = shift @_;
- my $passwd = shift @_;
- if (!defined($dbname) || $dbname eq "") {
- return 1;
- }
- $connect_string = "dbname=$dbname";
- if ($user ne "") {
- if ($passwd eq "") {
- return 0;
- }
- $connect_string = "$connect_string user=$user password=$passwd ".
- "authtype=password";
- }
- $PG_CONN = PQconnectdb($connect_string);
- if (PQstatus($PG_CONN)) {
- print STDERR "Couldn't make connection with database!\n";
- print STDERR PQerrorMessage($PG_CONN), "\n";
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-sub quit_prog {
- close(OUT);
- unlink $opt_f;
- if (defined($PG_CONN)) {
- PQfinish($PG_CONN);
- }
- exit 1;
-sub get_username {
- print "Username: ";
- chop($n = <STDIN>);
- return $n;;
-sub get_password {
- print "Password: ";
- system("stty -echo < /dev/tty");
- chop($pwd = <STDIN>);
- print "\n";
- system("stty echo < /dev/tty");
- return $pwd;
-sub main {
- getopts('d:t:c:f:u');
- if (!$opt_d || !$opt_t || !$opt_c || !$opt_f) {
- print STDERR "usage: $0 [-u] -d database -t table -c column[,column...] ".
- "-f output-file\n";
- return 1;
- }
- @cols = split(/,/, $opt_c);
- if (defined($opt_u)) {
- $uname = get_username();
- $pwd = get_password();
- } else {
- $uname = "";
- $pwd = "";
- }
- $SIG{'INT'} = 'quit_prog';
- if (!connect_db($opt_d, $uname, $pwd)) {
- print STDERR "Connecting to database failed!\n";
- return 1;
- }
- if (!open(OUT, ">$opt_f")) {
- print STDERR "Couldnt' open file '$opt_f' for output!\n";
- return 1;
- }
- PQexec($PG_CONN, "SET search_path = public");
- PQexec($PG_CONN, "begin");
- $query = "declare C cursor for select (\"";
- $query .= join("\" || ' ' || \"", @cols);
- $query .= "\") as string, oid from $opt_t";
- $res = PQexec($PG_CONN, $query);
- if (!$res || (PQresultStatus($res) != $PGRES_COMMAND_OK)) {
- print STDERR "Error declaring cursor!\n";
- print STDERR PQerrorMessage($PG_CONN), "\n";
- PQfinish($PG_CONN);
- return 1;
- }
- PQclear($res);
- $query = "fetch in C";
- while (($res = PQexec($PG_CONN, $query)) &&
- (PQresultStatus($res) == $PGRES_TUPLES_OK) &&
- (PQntuples($res) == 1)) {
- $col = PQgetvalue($res, 0, 0);
- $oid = PQgetvalue($res, 0, 1);
- @subs = break_up($col);
- foreach $i (@subs) {
- print OUT "$i\t$oid\n";
- }
- }
- if (!$res || (PQresultStatus($res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)) {
- print STDERR "Error retrieving data from backend!\n";
- print STDERR PQerrorMEssage($PG_CONN), "\n";
- PQfinish($PG_CONN);
- return 1;
- }
- PQclear($res);
- PQfinish($PG_CONN);
- return 0;
-exit main();
+++ /dev/null
--- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
-SET search_path = public;
+++ /dev/null
-TIMEFORMAT="%3Uu %3Ss %lR %P%%"
-case "$1" in
- -n)
- trashing=0
- ;;
- *)
- trashing=1
- ;;
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, artist_fti f1, artist_fti f2
- where
- f1.string ~ '^lapton' and f2.string ~ '^ric' and
- f1.id=p.oid and f2.id=p.oid;"
-echo -n "1: ^lapton and ^ric : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lapton and ^ric : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lapton and ^ric : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, artist_fti f1, artist_fti f2
- where
- f1.string ~ '^lling' and f2.string ~ '^tones' and
- f1.id=p.oid and f2.id=p.oid;"
-echo -n "1: ^lling and ^tones : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lling and ^tones : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lling and ^tones : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, artist_fti f1, artist_fti f2
- where
- f1.string ~ '^aughan' and f2.string ~ '^evie' and
- f1.id=p.oid and f2.id=p.oid;"
-echo -n "1: ^aughan and ^evie : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^aughan and ^evie : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^aughan and ^evie : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, artist_fti f1
- where
- f1.string ~ '^lling' and
- p.oid=f1.id;"
-echo -n "1: ^lling : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lling : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lling : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, artist_fti f1, artist_fti f2, artist_fti f3
- where
- f1.string ~ '^stev' and
- f2.string ~ '^ray' and
- f3.string ~ '^vaugh' and
- p.oid=f1.id and p.oid=f2.id and p.oid=f3.id;"
-echo -n "1: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(*) from artist_fti where string ~ '^lling';"
-echo -n "1: ^lling (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lling (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lling (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(*) from artist_fti where string ~ '^vaughan';"
-echo -n "1: ^vaughan (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^vaughan (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^vaughan (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(*) from artist_fti where string ~ '^rol';"
-echo -n "1: ^rol (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^rol (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^rol (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, clustered f1, clustered f2
- where
- f1.string ~ '^lapton' and f2.string ~ '^ric' and
- f1.id=p.oid and f2.id=p.oid;"
-echo -n "1: ^lapton and ^ric : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lapton and ^ric : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lapton and ^ric : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, clustered f1, clustered f2
- where
- f1.string ~ '^lling' and f2.string ~ '^tones' and
- f1.id=p.oid and f2.id=p.oid;"
-echo -n "1: ^lling and ^tones : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lling and ^tones : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lling and ^tones : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, clustered f1, clustered f2
- where
- f1.string ~ '^aughan' and f2.string ~ '^evie' and
- f1.id=p.oid and f2.id=p.oid;"
-echo -n "1: ^aughan and ^evie : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^aughan and ^evie : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^aughan and ^evie : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, clustered f1
- where
- f1.string ~ '^lling' and
- p.oid=f1.id;"
-echo -n "1: ^lling : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lling : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lling : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(p.oid) from product p, clustered f1, clustered f2, clustered f3
- where
- f1.string ~ '^stev' and
- f2.string ~ '^ray' and
- f3.string ~ '^vaugh' and
- p.oid=f1.id and p.oid=f2.id and p.oid=f3.id;"
-echo -n "1: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^stev and ^ray and ^vaugh : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(*) from clustered where string ~ '^lling';"
-echo -n "1: ^lling (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^lling (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^lling (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(*) from clustered where string ~ '^vaughan';"
-echo -n "1: ^vaughan (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^vaughan (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^vaughan (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-# trash disk
-if [ $trashing = 1 ]
- echo "trashing"
- psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "select count(*) from product;" test
- echo
-Q="select count(*) from clustered where string ~ '^rol';"
-echo -n "1: ^rol (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "2: ^rol (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
-echo -n "3: ^rol (no join) : "
-time psql -q -n -o /dev/null -c "$Q" test
+++ /dev/null
--- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
-SET search_path = public;
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/mSQL-interface/Makefile,v 1.12 2006/07/15 03:33:14 tgl Exp $
-MODULE_big = mpgsql
-OBJS = mpgsql.o
-DOCS = README.mpgsql
-PG_CPPFLAGS = -I$(libpq_srcdir)
-ifdef USE_PGXS
-PGXS := $(shell pg_config --pgxs)
-include $(PGXS)
-subdir = contrib/mSQL-interface
-top_builddir = ../..
-include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
-include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+++ /dev/null
-Hello! :)
-(Sorry for my english. But if i wrote in portuguese, you wouldn't
- understand nothing. :])
- I found it's the right place to post this. I'm a newcomer in these
-lists. I hope i did it right. :]
- When i started using SQL, i started with mSQL. I developed a lot
-of useful apps for me and my job with C, mainly because i loved it's
-elegant, simple api. But for a large project i'm doing in these days, i
-thought is was not enough, because it felt a lot of features i started to
-need, like security and subselects. (and it's not free :))
- So after looking at the options, choose to start again with
-postgres. It offered everything that i needed, and the documentation is
-really good (remember me to thank the one who wrote'em).
- But for my little apps, i needed to start porting them to libpq.
-After looking at pq's syntax, i found it was better to write a bridge
-between the mSQL api and libpq. I found that rewriting the libmsql.a
-routines that calls libpq would made things much easier. I guess the
-results are quite good right now.
- Ok. Lets' summarize it:
- mpgsql.c is the bridge. Acting as a wrapper, it's really good,
-since i could run mSQL. But it's not accurate. Some highlights:
- * It's not well documented
- (this post is it's first documentation attempt, in fact);
- * It doesn't handle field types correctly. I plan to fix it,
- if people start doing feedbacks;
- * It's limited to 10 simultaneous connections. I plan to enhance
- this, i'm just figuring out;
- * I'd like to make it reentrant/thread safe, although i don't
- think this could be done without changing the API structure;
- * Error Management should be better. This is my first priority
- now;
- * Some calls are just empty implementations.
- * the mSQL Monitor runs Okay. :]
- * It's really cool. :)
- * Make mSQL-made applications compatible with postgresql just by
- changing link options.
- * Uses postgreSQL. :]
- * the mSQL API it's far easier to use and understand than libpq.
- Consider this example:
-#include "msql.h"
-void main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
- int sid;
- sid = msqlConnect(NULL); /* Connects via unix socket */
- if (sid >= 0) {
- m_result *rlt;
- m_row *row;
- msqlSelectDB(sid, "hosts");
- if (msqlQuery(sid, "select host_id from hosts")) {
- rlt = msqlStoreResult();
- while (row = (m_row*)msqlFetchRow(rlt))
- printf("hostid: %s\n", row[0]);
- msqlFreeResult(rlt);
- }
- msqlClose(sid);
- }
- I enclose mpgsql.c inside. I'd like to maintain it, and (maybe, am
-i dreaming) make it as part of the pgsql distribution. I guess it doesn't
-depends on me, but mainly on it's acceptance by its users.
- Hm... i forgot: you'll need a msql.h copy, since it's copyrighted
-by Hughes Technologies Pty Ltd. If you haven't it yes, fetch one
-from www.hughes.com.au.
- I would like to catch users ideas. My next goal is to add better
-error handling, and to make it better documented, and try to let relshow
-run through it. :)
- done. Aldrin Leal <aldrin@americasnet.com>
+++ /dev/null
-/* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/mSQL-interface/mpgsql.c,v 1.8 2006/03/11 04:38:29 momjian Exp $ */
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "msql.h"
-#include "libpq-fe.h"
-#define HNDMAX 10
-PGconn *PGh[HNDMAX] = {
-#define E_NOHANDLERS 0
-char *msqlErrors[] = {
- "Out of database handlers."
-char msqlErrMsg[BUFSIZ],
- *tfrom = "dunno";
-PGresult *queryres = NULL;
-msqlConnect(char *host)
- int count;
- for (count = 0; count < HNDMAX; count++)
- if (PGh[count] == NULL)
- break;
- if (count == HNDMAX)
- {
- strncpy(msqlErrMsg, msqlErrors[E_NOHANDLERS], BUFSIZ);
- return -1;
- }
- PGh[count] = malloc(sizeof(PGconn));
- PGh[count]->pghost = host ? strdup(host) : NULL;
- return count;
-msqlSelectDB(int handle, char *dbname)
- char *options = calloc(1, BUFSIZ);
- char *e = getenv("PG_OPTIONS");
- if (e == NULL)
- e = "";
- if (PGh[handle]->pghost)
- {
- strcat(options, "host=");
- strncat(options, PGh[handle]->pghost, BUFSIZ);
- strncat(options, " ", BUFSIZ);
- free(PGh[handle]->pghost);
- PGh[handle]->pghost = NULL;
- }
- strncat(options, "dbname=", BUFSIZ);
- strncat(options, dbname, BUFSIZ);
- strncat(options, " ", BUFSIZ);
- strncat(options, e, BUFSIZ);
- free(PGh[handle]);
- PGh[handle] = PQconnectdb(options);
- free(options);
- strncpy(msqlErrMsg, PQerrorMessage(PGh[handle]), BUFSIZ);
- return (PQstatus(PGh[handle]) == CONNECTION_BAD ? -1 : 0);
-msqlQuery(int handle, char *query)
- char *tq = strdup(query);
- char *p = tq;
- PGresult *res;
- PGconn *conn = PGh[handle];
- ExecStatusType rcode;
- res = PQexec(conn, p);
- rcode = PQresultStatus(res);
- if (rcode == PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
- {
- queryres = res;
- return PQntuples(res);
- }
- else if (rcode == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR || rcode == PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR)
- {
- PQclear(res);
- queryres = NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- PQclear(res);
- queryres = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
-msqlCreateDB(int a, char *b)
- char tbuf[BUFSIZ];
- snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ, "create database %s", b);
- return msqlQuery(a, tbuf) >= 0 ? 0 : -1;
-msqlDropDB(int a, char *b)
- char tbuf[BUFSIZ];
- snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ, "drop database %s", b);
- return msqlQuery(a, tbuf) >= 0 ? 0 : -1;
-msqlShutdown(int a)
-msqlReloadAcls(int a)
-char *
-char *
-char *
-msqlUnixTimeToDate(time_t date)
-char *
-msqlUnixTimeToTime(time_t time)
-msqlClose(int a)
- PQfinish(PGh[a]);
- PGh[a] = NULL;
- if (queryres)
- {
- free(queryres);
- queryres = NULL;
- }
-msqlDataSeek(m_result * result, int count)
- int c;
- result->cursor = result->queryData;
- for (c = 1; c < count; c++)
- if (result->cursor->next)
- result->cursor = result->cursor->next;
-msqlFieldSeek(m_result * result, int count)
- int c;
- result->fieldCursor = result->fieldData;
- for (c = 1; c < count; c++)
- if (result->fieldCursor->next)
- result->fieldCursor = result->fieldCursor->next;
-msqlFreeResult(m_result * result)
- if (result)
- {
- /* Clears fields */
- free(result->fieldData);
- result->cursor = result->queryData;
- while (result->cursor)
- {
- int c;
- m_row m = result->cursor->data;
- for (c = 0; m[c]; c++)
- free(m[c]);
- result->cursor = result->cursor->next;
- }
- free(result->queryData);
- free(result);
- }
-msqlFetchRow(m_result * row)
- m_data *r = row->cursor;
- if (r)
- {
- row->cursor = row->cursor->next;
- return (m_row) r->data;
- }
- return (m_row) NULL;
-m_seq *
-msqlGetSequenceInfo(int a, char *b)
-m_field *
-msqlFetchField(m_result * mr)
- m_field *m = (m_field *) mr->fieldCursor;
- if (m)
- {
- mr->fieldCursor = mr->fieldCursor->next;
- return m;
- }
- return NULL;
-m_result *
-msqlListDBs(int a)
- m_result *m;
- if (msqlQuery(a, "select datname from pg_database") > 0)
- {
- m = msqlStoreResult();
- return m;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
-m_result *
-msqlListTables(int a)
- m_result *m;
- char tbuf[BUFSIZ];
- snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ,
- "select relname from pg_class where relkind='r' and relowner=%d",
- geteuid());
- if (msqlQuery(a, tbuf) > 0)
- {
- m = msqlStoreResult();
- return m;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
-m_result *
-msqlListFields(int a, char *b)
-m_result *
-msqlListIndex(int a, char *b, char *c)
- m_result *m;
- char tbuf[BUFSIZ];
- snprintf(tbuf, BUFSIZ,
- "select relname from pg_class where relkind='i' and relowner=%d",
- geteuid());
- if (msqlQuery(a, tbuf) > 0)
- {
- m = msqlStoreResult();
- return m;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
-m_result *
- if (queryres)
- {
- m_result *mr = malloc(sizeof(m_result));
- m_fdata *mf;
- m_data *md;
- int count;
- mr->queryData = mr->cursor = NULL;
- mr->numRows = PQntuples(queryres);
- mr->numFields = PQnfields(queryres);
- mf = calloc(PQnfields(queryres), sizeof(m_fdata));
- for (count = 0; count < PQnfields(queryres); count++)
- {
- (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.name = strdup(PQfname(queryres, count));
- (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.table = tfrom;
- (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.type = CHAR_TYPE;
- (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->field.length = PQfsize(queryres, count);
- (m_fdata *) (mf + count)->next = (m_fdata *) (mf + count + 1);
- }
- (m_fdata *) (mf + count - 1)->next = NULL;
- md = calloc(PQntuples(queryres), sizeof(m_data));
- for (count = 0; count < PQntuples(queryres); count++)
- {
- m_row rows = calloc(PQnfields(queryres) * sizeof(m_row) + 1, 1);
- int c;
- for (c = 0; c < PQnfields(queryres); c++)
- rows[c] = strdup(PQgetvalue(queryres, count, c));
- (m_data *) (md + count)->data = rows;
- (m_data *) (md + count)->width = PQnfields(queryres);
- (m_data *) (md + count)->next = (m_data *) (md + count + 1);
- }
- (m_data *) (md + count - 1)->next = NULL;
- mr->queryData = mr->cursor = md;
- mr->fieldCursor = mr->fieldData = mf;
- return mr;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
-msqlDateToUnixTime(char *a)
-msqlTimeToUnixTime(char *b)
-char *
- return tmpnam("/tmp/msql.XXXXXX");
-msqlLoadConfigFile(char *a)
+++ /dev/null
-This directory contains tools to create a mapping table from MAC
-addresses (e.g., Ethernet hardware addresses) to human-readable
-manufacturer strings. The `createoui' script builds the table
-structure, `updateoui' obtains the current official mapping table
-from the web site of the IEEE, converts it, and stores it in the
-database, `dropoui' removes everything. Use the --help option to
-get more usage information from the respective script. All three
-use the psql program; any extra arguments will be passed to psql.
+++ /dev/null
-#! /bin/sh
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/mac/createoui,v 1.3 2006/03/11 04:38:30 momjian Exp $
-# Utility to create manufacturer's oui table
-# OUI is "Organizationally Unique Identifier" assigned by IEEE.
-# There are currently three duplicate listings, so we can not enforce
-# uniqueness in the OUI field.
-# - thomas 2000-08-21
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- case "$1" in
- --update)
- update=1
- ;;
- --noupdate)
- update=0
- ;;
- --help)
- echo "Usage: $0 --[no]update dbname"
- exit
- ;;
- *)
- args="$args $1"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-psql -e $args <<EOF
--- Table containing OUI portions of MAC address and manufacturer's name
-create table macoui (
- addr macaddr not null,
- name text not null
--- Create an index to help lookups
-create index macoui_idx on macoui (addr);
--- Function to return manufacturer's name given MAC address
-create function manuf (macaddr)
- returns text as '
- select name from macoui m where trunc(\$1) = m.addr;
-' language SQL;
-if [ $update -gt 0 ]; then
- updateoui $args
+++ /dev/null
-#! /bin/sh
-# Utility to remove manufacturer's oui table
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/mac/dropoui,v 1.2 2006/03/11 04:38:30 momjian Exp $
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- case "$1" in
- --help)
- echo "Usage: $0 dbname"
- exit
- ;;
- *)
- args="$args $1"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-psql $args <<EOF
-drop function manuf(macaddr);
-drop table macoui;
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/mac/ouiparse.awk,v 1.3 2003/11/29 22:39:24 pgsql Exp $
-# ouiparse.awk
-# Author: Lawrence E. Rosenman <ler@lerctr.org>
-# Original Date: 30 July 2000 (in this form).
-# This AWK script takes the IEEE's oui.txt file and creates insert
-# statements to populate a SQL table with the following attributes:
-# create table oui (
-# oui macaddr primary key,
-# manufacturer text);
-# the table name is set by setting the AWK variable TABLE
-# we translate the character apostrophe (') to double apostrophe ('') inside
-# the company name to avoid SQL errors.
- TABLE="macoui";
- printf "DELETE FROM %s;",TABLE;
- nrec=0;
-END {
-# if (nrec > 0)
-# match ONLY lines that begin with 2 hex numbers, -, and another hex number
-/^[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]-[0-9a-fA-F]/ {
-# if (nrec >= 100) {
-# nrec=0;
-# } else {
-# nrec++;
-# }
- # Get the OUI
- OUI=$1;
- # Skip the (hex) tag to get to Company Name
- Company=$3;
- # make the OUI look like a macaddr
- gsub("-",":",OUI);
- OUI=OUI ":00:00:00"
- # Pick up the rest of the company name
- for (i=4;i<=NF;i++)
- Company=Company " " $i;
- # Modify any apostrophes (') to avoid grief below.
- gsub("'","''",Company);
- # Print out for the SQL table insert
- printf "INSERT INTO %s (addr, name) VALUES (trunc(macaddr \'%s\'),\'%s\');\n",
- TABLE,OUI,Company;
+++ /dev/null
-#! /bin/sh
-# Utility to create manufacturer's OUI table
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]
- case "$1" in
- --refresh|--fetch|-r)
- refresh=1
- ;;
- --norefresh|--nofetch)
- refresh=0
- ;;
- --help)
- echo "Usage: $0 --[no]refresh dbname"
- exit
- ;;
- *)
- args="$args $1"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
-if [ $refresh -gt 0 ]; then
- [ -e oui.txt ] && rm -rf oui.txt
- wget -nd 'http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/oui.txt'
-awk -f ouiparse.awk < oui.txt | psql -e $args
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/tips/Makefile,v 1.8 2005/09/27 17:13:10 tgl Exp $
-DOCS = README.apachelog
-ifdef USE_PGXS
-PGXS := $(shell pg_config --pgxs)
-include $(PGXS)
-subdir = contrib/tips
-top_builddir = ../..
-include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
-include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+++ /dev/null
-HOW TO get Apache to log to PostgreSQL
- Note: contain of files 'httpconf.txt' and 'apachelog.sql' are below this
- text.
-First, this is intended mostly as a starting point, an example of how to do it.
-The file 'httpconf.txt' is commented and contains two example lines to make
-this work, a custom log format, and a line that sends the log data to psql.
-I think that the comments in this file should be sufficient.
-The file 'apachelog.sql' is a little SQL to create the table and grant
-permissions to it.
-You must:
-1. Already have 'nobody' (or what ever your web server runs as) as a valid
- PostgreSQL user.
-2. Create the database to hold the log, (example 'createdb www_log')
-3. Edit the file 'apachelog.sql' and change the name of the table to what
- ever you used in step 2. ALSO if need be, change the name 'nobody' in
- the grant statement.
-4. As an appropriate user (postgres is ok), do 'psql www_log < apachelog.sql'.
- This should have created the table and granted access to it.
-5. SAVE A COPY OF YOUR httpd.conf !!!
-6. Edit httpd.conf, add the two lines in the example file as appropriate,
- IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY APPEAR. This is simple for a single server,
- but a little more complex for virtual hosts, but if you set up virtual
- hosts, then you should know were to put these lines.
-7. Down and restart your httpd. I do it on Red Hat 4.1 like this:
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd.init stop
- then
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd.init start
- OR I understand you can send it a signal 16 like 'kill -16 <pid>' and do it.
-8. I should be working, query the web server about 30 or more times then look
- in the db and see what you have, if nothing then query the web server
- 30 or 50 more time and then check. If still nothing, look in the server's
- error log to see what is going on. But you should have data.
-The log data is cached some where, and so will not appear INSTANTLY in the
-database! I found that it took around 30 queries of the web server, then
-many rows are written to the db at once.
-ALSO, I leave it up to you to create any indexes on the table that you want.
-The error log can (*I think*) also be sent to PostgreSQL in the same fashion.
-At some point in the future, I will be writing some PHP to interface to this
-and generate statistical type reports, so check my site once and a while if
-you are interested it this.
-Terry Mackintosh <terry@terrym.com>
-Have fun ... and remember, this is mostly just intended as a stating point,
-not as a finished idea.
---- apachelog.sql : ---
-drop table access;
-CREATE TABLE access (host char(200), ident char(200), authuser char(200), accdate timestamp, request char(500), ttime int2, status int2, bytes int4) archive = none;
-grant all on access to nobody;
---- httpconf.txt: ---
-# This is mostly the same as the default, except for no square brakets around
-# the time or the extra timezone info, also added the download time, 3rd from
-# the end, number of seconds.
-LogFormat "insert into access values ( '%h', '%l', '%u', '%{%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S}t', '%r', %T, %s, %b );"
-# The above format ALMOST eleminates the need to use sed, except that I noticed
-# that when a frameset page is called, then the bytes transfered is '-', which
-# will choke the insert, so replaced it with '-1'.
-TransferLog '| su -c "sed \"s/, - );$/, -1 );/\" | /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql www_log" nobody'
+++ /dev/null
-# $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/userlock/Makefile,v 1.20 2006/02/27 12:54:39 petere Exp $
-MODULES = user_locks
-DATA_built = user_locks.sql
-DATA = uninstall_user_locks.sql
-DOCS = README.user_locks
-ifdef USE_PGXS
-PGXS := $(shell pg_config --pgxs)
-include $(PGXS)
-subdir = contrib/userlock
-top_builddir = ../..
-include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
-include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+++ /dev/null
-User locks, by Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
-Copyright (C) 1999, Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
-This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License
-either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
-This loadable module provides support for user-level long-term cooperative
-locks. For example one can write:
- select some_fields, user_write_lock_oid(oid) from table where id='key';
-Now if the returned user_write_lock_oid field is 1 you have acquired an
-user lock on the oid of the selected tuple and can now do some long operation
-on it, like let the data being edited by the user.
-If it is 0 it means that the lock has been already acquired by some other
-process and you should not use that item until the other has finished.
-Note that in this case the query returns 0 immediately without waiting on
-the lock. This is good if the lock is held for long time.
-After you have finished your work on that item you can do:
- update table set some_fields where id='key';
- select user_write_unlock_oid(oid) from table where id='key';
-You can also ignore the failure and go ahead but this could produce conflicts
-or inconsistent data in your application. User locks require a cooperative
-behavior between users. User locks don't interfere with the normal locks
-used by Postgres for transaction processing.
-This could also be done by setting a flag in the record itself but in
-this case you have the overhead of the updates to the records and there
-could be some locks not released if the backend or the application crashes
-before resetting the lock flag.
-It could also be done with a begin/end block but in this case the entire
-table would be locked by Postgres and it is not acceptable to do this for
-a long period because other transactions would block completely.
-The generic user locks use two values, group and id, to identify a lock.
-Each of these are 32-bit integers.
-The oid user lock functions, which take only an OID as argument, store the
-OID as "id" with a group equal to 0.
-The meaning of group and id is defined by the application. The user
-lock code just takes two numbers and tells you if the corresponding
-entity has been successfully locked. What this means is up to you.
-My suggestion is that you use the group to identify an area of your
-application and the id to identify an object in this area.
-In all cases, user locks are local to individual databases within an
-Note also that a process can acquire more than one lock on the same entity
-and it must release the lock the corresponding number of times. This can
-be done by calling the unlock function until it returns 0.
+++ /dev/null
-SET search_path = public;
-DROP FUNCTION user_unlock_all();
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_unlock_oid(int4);
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_lock_oid(int4);
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_unlock_oid(oid);
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_lock_oid(oid);
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_unlock(int4,oid);
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_lock(int4,oid);
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_unlock(int4,int4);
-DROP FUNCTION user_write_lock(int4,int4);
-DROP FUNCTION user_unlock(int4,int4,int4);
-DROP FUNCTION user_lock(int4,int4,int4);
+++ /dev/null
- * user_locks.c --
- *
- * This loadable module provides support for user-level long-term
- * cooperative locks.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999, Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
- *
- * This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License
- * either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
-#include "postgres.h"
-#include "miscadmin.h"
-#include "storage/lmgr.h"
-#include "storage/proc.h"
-#include "user_locks.h"
-#define SET_LOCKTAG_USERLOCK(locktag,id1,id2) \
- ((locktag).locktag_field1 = MyDatabaseId, \
- (locktag).locktag_field2 = (id1), \
- (locktag).locktag_field3 = (id2), \
- (locktag).locktag_field4 = 0, \
- (locktag).locktag_type = LOCKTAG_USERLOCK, \
- (locktag).locktag_lockmethodid = USER_LOCKMETHOD)
-user_lock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2, LOCKMODE lockmode)
- LOCKTAG tag;
- SET_LOCKTAG_USERLOCK(tag, id1, id2);
- return (LockAcquire(&tag, lockmode, true, true) != LOCKACQUIRE_NOT_AVAIL);
-user_unlock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2, LOCKMODE lockmode)
- LOCKTAG tag;
- SET_LOCKTAG_USERLOCK(tag, id1, id2);
- return LockRelease(&tag, lockmode, true);
-user_write_lock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2)
- return user_lock(id1, id2, ExclusiveLock);
-user_write_unlock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2)
- return user_unlock(id1, id2, ExclusiveLock);
-user_write_lock_oid(Oid oid)
- return user_lock(0, oid, ExclusiveLock);
-user_write_unlock_oid(Oid oid)
- return user_unlock(0, oid, ExclusiveLock);
- LockReleaseAll(USER_LOCKMETHOD, true);
- return true;
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef USER_LOCKS_H
-#define USER_LOCKS_H
-#include "storage/lock.h"
-extern int user_lock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2, LOCKMODE lockmode);
-extern int user_unlock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2, LOCKMODE lockmode);
-extern int user_write_lock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2);
-extern int user_write_unlock(uint32 id1, uint32 id2);
-extern int user_write_lock_oid(Oid oid);
-extern int user_write_unlock_oid(Oid oid);
-extern int user_unlock_all(void);
+++ /dev/null
--- user_locks.sql --
--- SQL code to define the user locks functions.
--- Copyright (c) 1998, Massimo Dal Zotto <dz@cs.unitn.it>
--- This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License
--- either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
--- select user_lock(group,id,mode);
--- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
-SET search_path = public;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_lock(int4,int4,int4)
--- SELECT user_unlock(group,id,mode);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_unlock(int4,int4,int4)
--- SELECT user_write_lock(group,id);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_lock(int4,int4)
--- SELECT user_write_unlock(group,id);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_unlock(int4,int4)
--- SELECT user_write_lock(group,oid);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_lock(int4,oid)
--- SELECT user_write_unlock(group,oid);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_unlock(int4,oid)
--- SELECT user_write_lock_oid(oid);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_lock_oid(oid)
--- SELECT user_write_unlock_oid(oid);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_unlock_oid(oid)
--- SELECT user_write_lock_oid(int4);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_lock_oid(int4)
--- SELECT user_write_unlock_oid(int4);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_write_unlock_oid(int4)
--- SELECT user_unlock_all();