gserialized_estimate.o \
geography_inout.o \
geography_btree.o \
- geography_estimate.o \
geography_measurement.o \
geography_measurement_trees.o \
- geometry_estimate.o \
# Objects to build using PGXS
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' ,'gserialized_gist_decompress'
--- Availability: 1.5.0
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geography_gist_selectivity (internal, oid, internal, int4)
- RETURNS float8
- AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'geography_gist_selectivity'
--- Availability: 1.5.0
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geography_gist_join_selectivity(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
- RETURNS float8
- AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'geography_gist_selectivity'
-- Availability: 1.5.0
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geography_overlaps(geography, geography)
RETURNS boolean
+++ /dev/null
- * $Id: geography_estimate.c 4211 2009-06-25 03:32:43Z robe $
- *
- * PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
- *
- * Copyright 2001-2006 Refractions Research Inc.
- * Copyright 2009 Mark Cave-Ayland
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
-#include "postgres.h"
-#include "commands/vacuum.h"
-#include "nodes/relation.h"
-#include "parser/parsetree.h"
-#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
-#include "utils/syscache.h"
-#include "../postgis_config.h"
-#include "liblwgeom.h"
-#include "lwgeom_pg.h"
-/* Prototypes */
-Datum geography_gist_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-Datum geography_gist_join_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-Datum geography_analyze(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-* Place holder selectivity calculations to make the index work in
-* the absence of real selectivity calculations.
-#define DEFAULT_GEOGRAPHY_SEL 0.000005
- * Assign a number to the postgis statistics kind
- *
- * tgl suggested:
- *
- * 1-100: reserved for assignment by the core Postgres project
- * 100-199: reserved for assignment by PostGIS
- * 200-9999: reserved for other globally-known stats kinds
- * 10000-32767: reserved for private site-local use
- *
- */
- * Define this if you want to use standard deviation based
- * histogram extent computation. If you do, you can also
- * tweak the deviation factor used in computation with
- */
-#define SDFACTOR 3.25
-/* Information about the dimensions stored in the sample */
-struct dimensions
- char axis;
- double min;
- double max;
-/* Main geography statistics structure, stored in pg_statistics */
-typedef struct GEOG_STATS_T
- /* Dimensionality of this column */
- float4 dims;
- /* x . y . z = total boxes in grid */
- float4 unitsx;
- float4 unitsy;
- float4 unitsz;
- /* average feature coverage of not-null features:
- this is either an area for the case of a 2D column
- or a volume in the case of a 3D column */
- float4 avgFeatureCoverage;
- /*
- * average number of histogram cells
- * covered by the sample not-null features
- */
- float4 avgFeatureCells;
- /* histogram extent */
- float4 xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax;
- /* No. of geometries within this column (approx) */
- float4 totalrows;
- /*
- * variable length # of floats for histogram
- */
- float4 value[1];
- * This function returns an estimate of the selectivity
- * of a search_box looking at data in the GEOG_STATS
- * structure.
- * */
-static float8
-estimate_selectivity(GBOX *box, GEOG_STATS *geogstats)
- int x, y, z;
- int x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min, y_idx_max, z_idx_min, z_idx_max;
- double intersect_x, intersect_y, intersect_z;
- double AOI = 1.0;
- double cell_coverage = 1.0;
- double sizex, sizey, sizez; /* dimensions of histogram */
- int unitsx, unitsy, unitsz; /* histogram grid size */
- double value;
- float overlapping_cells;
- float avg_feat_cells;
- double gain;
- float8 selectivity;
- /*
- * Search box completely miss histogram extent
- */
- if ( box->xmax < geogstats->xmin || box->xmin > geogstats->xmax ||
- box->ymax < geogstats->ymin || box->ymin > geogstats->ymax ||
- box->zmax < geogstats->zmin || box->zmin > geogstats->zmax)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search_box does not overlaps histogram, returning 0");
- return 0.0;
- }
- /*
- * Search box completely contains histogram extent
- */
- if ( box->xmax >= geogstats->xmax && box->xmin <= geogstats->xmin &&
- box->ymax >= geogstats->ymax && box->ymin <= geogstats->ymin &&
- box->zmax >= geogstats->zmax && box->zmin <= geogstats->zmin)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search_box contains histogram, returning 1");
- return 1.0;
- }
- sizex = geogstats->xmax - geogstats->xmin;
- sizey = geogstats->ymax - geogstats->ymin;
- sizez = geogstats->zmax - geogstats->zmin;
- unitsx = geogstats->unitsx;
- unitsy = geogstats->unitsy;
- unitsz = geogstats->unitsz;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram has %d unitsx, %d unitsy, %d unitsz", unitsx, unitsy, unitsz);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram geosize is %fx%fx%f", sizex, sizey, sizez);
- /* Work out the coverage depending upon the number of dimensions */
- switch ((int)geogstats->dims)
- {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- /* Non-existent or multiple single points */
- cell_coverage = 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- /* Work in areas for 2 dimensions: we have to work slightly
- harder here to work out which 2 dimensions are valid */
- if (sizez == 0)
- /* X and Y */
- cell_coverage = (sizex * sizey) / (unitsx * unitsy);
- else if (sizey == 0)
- /* X and Z */
- cell_coverage = (sizex * sizez) / (unitsx * unitsz);
- else if (sizex == 0)
- /* Y and Z */
- cell_coverage = (sizey * sizez) / (unitsy * unitsz);
- break;
- case 3:
- /* Work in volumes for 3 dimensions */
- cell_coverage = (sizex * sizey * sizey) / (unitsx * unitsy * unitsz);
- break;
- }
- value = 0;
- /* Find first overlapping x unit */
- x_idx_min = (box->xmin-geogstats->xmin) / sizex * unitsx;
- if (x_idx_min < 0)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d x units outside (low) of histogram grid", -x_idx_min);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_min = 0;
- }
- if (x_idx_min >= unitsx)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d x units outside (high) of histogram grid", x_idx_min-unitsx+1);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_min = unitsx-1;
- }
- /* Find first overlapping y unit */
- y_idx_min = (box->ymin-geogstats->ymin) / sizey * unitsy;
- if (y_idx_min <0)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d y units outside (low) of histogram grid", -y_idx_min);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_min = 0;
- }
- if (y_idx_min >= unitsy)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d y units outside (high) of histogram grid", y_idx_min-unitsy+1);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_min = unitsy-1;
- }
- /* Find first overlapping z unit */
- z_idx_min = (box->zmin-geogstats->zmin) / sizez * unitsz;
- if (z_idx_min <0)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d z units outside (low) of histogram grid", -z_idx_min);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- z_idx_min = 0;
- }
- if (z_idx_min >= unitsz)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d z units outside (high) of histogram grid", z_idx_min-unitsz+1);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- z_idx_min = unitsz-1;
- }
- /* Find last overlapping x unit */
- x_idx_max = (box->xmax-geogstats->xmin) / sizex * unitsx;
- if (x_idx_max <0)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_max = 0;
- }
- if (x_idx_max >= unitsx )
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_max = unitsx-1;
- }
- /* Find last overlapping y unit */
- y_idx_max = (box->ymax-geogstats->ymin) / sizey * unitsy;
- if (y_idx_max <0)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_max = 0;
- }
- if (y_idx_max >= unitsy)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_max = unitsy-1;
- }
- /* Find last overlapping z unit */
- z_idx_max = (box->zmax-geogstats->zmin) / sizez * unitsz;
- if (z_idx_max <0)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- z_idx_max = 0;
- }
- if (z_idx_max >= unitsz)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- z_idx_max = unitsz-1;
- }
- /*
- * the {x,y,z}_idx_{min,max}
- * define the grid squares that the box intersects
- */
- for (z=z_idx_min; z<=z_idx_max; z++)
- {
- for (y=y_idx_min; y<=y_idx_max; y++)
- {
- for (x=x_idx_min; x<=x_idx_max; x++)
- {
- double val;
- double gain;
- val = geogstats->value[x + y * unitsx + z * unitsx * unitsy];
- /*
- * Of the cell value we get
- * only the overlap fraction.
- */
- intersect_x = Min(box->xmax, geogstats->xmin + (x+1) * sizex / unitsx) - Max(box->xmin, geogstats->xmin + x * sizex / unitsx);
- intersect_y = Min(box->ymax, geogstats->ymin + (y+1) * sizey / unitsy) - Max(box->ymin, geogstats->ymin + y * sizey / unitsy);
- intersect_z = Min(box->zmax, geogstats->zmin + (z+1) * sizez / unitsz) - Max(box->zmin, geogstats->zmin + z * sizez / unitsz);
- switch ((int)geogstats->dims)
- {
- case 0:
- AOI = 1;
- case 1:
- /* Working in 1 dimension: work out the value we need
- for AOI */
- if (sizex == 0 && sizey == 0)
- AOI = intersect_z;
- else if (sizex == 0 && sizez == 0)
- AOI = intersect_y;
- else if (sizey == 0 && sizez == 0)
- AOI = intersect_x;
- break;
- case 2:
- /* Working in 2 dimensions: work out which 2 values we
- need for AOI */
- if (sizex == 0)
- AOI = intersect_y * intersect_z;
- else if (sizey == 0)
- AOI = intersect_x * intersect_z;
- else if (sizez == 0)
- AOI = intersect_x * intersect_y;
- break;
- case 3:
- /* Working in 3 dimensions: use all 3 values */
- AOI = intersect_x * intersect_y * intersect_z;
- break;
- }
- gain = AOI/cell_coverage;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d,%d] cell val %.15f",
- x, y, z, val);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d,%d] AOI %.15f",
- x, y, z, AOI);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d,%d] gain %.15f",
- x, y, z, gain);
- val *= gain;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d,%d] adding %.15f to value",
- x, y, z, val);
- value += val;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the search_box is a point, it will
- * overlap a single cell and thus get
- * it's value, which is the fraction of
- * samples (we can presume of row set also)
- * which bumped to that cell.
- *
- * If the table features are points, each
- * of them will overlap a single histogram cell.
- * Our search_box value would then be correctly
- * computed as the sum of the bumped cells values.
- *
- * If both our search_box AND the sample features
- * overlap more then a single histogram cell we
- * need to consider the fact that our sum computation
- * will have many duplicated included. E.g. each
- * single sample feature would have contributed to
- * raise the search_box value by as many times as
- * many cells in the histogram are commonly overlapped
- * by both searc_box and feature. We should then
- * divide our value by the number of cells in the virtual
- * 'intersection' between average feature cell occupation
- * and occupation of the search_box. This is as
- * fuzzy as you understand it :)
- *
- * Consistency check: whenever the number of cells is
- * one of whichever part (search_box_occupation,
- * avg_feature_occupation) the 'intersection' must be 1.
- * If sounds that our 'intersaction' is actually the
- * minimun number between search_box_occupation and
- * avg_feat_occupation.
- *
- */
- overlapping_cells = (x_idx_max-x_idx_min+1) * (y_idx_max-y_idx_min+1) * (z_idx_max-z_idx_min+1);
- avg_feat_cells = geogstats->avgFeatureCells;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %f cells", overlapping_cells);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " avg feat overlaps %f cells", avg_feat_cells);
- if ( ! overlapping_cells )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no overlapping cells, returning 0.0");
- return 0.0;
- }
- gain = 1 / Min(overlapping_cells, avg_feat_cells);
- selectivity = value * gain;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " SUM(ov_histo_cells)=%f", value);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " gain=%f", gain);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " selectivity=%f", selectivity);
- /* prevent rounding overflows */
- if (selectivity > 1.0) selectivity = 1.0;
- else if (selectivity < 0) selectivity = 0.0;
- return selectivity;
- * This function should return an estimation of the number of
- * rows returned by a query involving an overlap check
- * ( it's the restrict function for the && operator )
- *
- * It can make use (if available) of the statistics collected
- * by the geometry analyzer function.
- *
- * Note that the good work is done by estimate_selectivity() above.
- * This function just tries to find the search_box, loads the statistics
- * and invoke the work-horse.
- *
- */
-Datum geography_gist_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
- /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */
- List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
- /* int varRelid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3); */
- Oid relid;
- HeapTuple stats_tuple;
- GEOG_STATS *geogstats;
- /*
- * This is to avoid casting the corresponding
- * "type-punned" pointer, which would break
- * "strict-aliasing rules".
- */
- GEOG_STATS **gsptr=&geogstats;
- int geogstats_nvalues = 0;
- Node *other;
- Var *self;
- GBOX search_box;
- float8 selectivity = 0;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "geography_gist_selectivity called");
- /* Fail if not a binary opclause (probably shouldn't happen) */
- if (list_length(args) != 2)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "geography_gist_selectivity: not a binary opclause");
- }
- /*
- * This selectivity function is invoked by a clause of the form <arg> && <arg>
- *
- * In typical usage, one argument will be a column reference, while the other will
- * be a geography constant; set self to point to the column argument and other
- * to point to the constant argument.
- */
- other = (Node *) linitial(args);
- if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
- {
- self = (Var *)other;
- other = (Node *) lsecond(args);
- }
- else
- {
- self = (Var *) lsecond(args);
- }
- if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no constant arguments - returning default selectivity");
- }
- /*
- * We don't have a nice <const> && <var> or <var> && <const>
- * situation here. <const> && <const> would probably get evaluated
- * away by PgSQL earlier on. <func> && <const> is harder, and the
- * case we get often is <const> && ST_Expand(<var>), which does
- * actually have a subtly different selectivity than a bae
- * <const> && <var> call. It's calculatable though, by expanding
- * every cell in the histgram appropriately.
- *
- * Discussion:
- *
- * To do? Do variable selectivity based on the <func> node.
- */
- if ( ! IsA(self, Var) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no bare variable argument ? - returning a moderate selectivity");
- PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.33333);
- }
- /* Convert coordinates to 3D geodesic */
- FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(search_box.flags, 1);
- if ( ! gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(((Const*)other)->constvalue, &search_box) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search box cannot be calculated");
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " requested search box is : %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g",
- search_box.xmin, search_box.ymin, search_box.zmin,
- search_box.xmax, search_box.ymax, search_box.zmax);
- /*
- * Get pg_statistic row
- */
- relid = getrelid(self->varno, root->parse->rtable);
- stats_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), Int16GetDatum(self->varattno));
- if ( ! stats_tuple )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default estimate");
- }
- if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL,
- (float4 **)gsptr, &geogstats_nvalues) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY stats not found - returning default geography selectivity");
- ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " %d read from stats", geogstats_nvalues);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmin,ymin,zmin: %f,%f,%f", geogstats->xmin, geogstats->ymin, geogstats->zmin);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmax,ymax: %f,%f,%f", geogstats->xmax, geogstats->ymax, geogstats->zmax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: unitsx: %f", geogstats->unitsx);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: unitsy: %f", geogstats->unitsy);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: unitsz: %f", geogstats->unitsz);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureCoverage: %f", geogstats->avgFeatureCoverage);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geogstats->avgFeatureCells);
- /*
- * Do the estimation
- */
- selectivity = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geogstats);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " returning computed value: %f", selectivity);
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats, geogstats_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
- PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity);
-* JOIN selectivity in the GiST && operator
-* for all PG versions
-Datum geography_gist_join_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
- /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */
- List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
- JoinType jointype = (JoinType) PG_GETARG_INT16(3);
- Node *arg1, *arg2;
- Var *var1, *var2;
- Oid relid1, relid2;
- HeapTuple stats1_tuple, stats2_tuple;
- GEOG_STATS *geogstats1, *geogstats2;
- /*
- * These are to avoid casting the corresponding
- * "type-punned" pointers, which would break
- * "strict-aliasing rules".
- */
- GEOG_STATS **gs1ptr=&geogstats1, **gs2ptr=&geogstats2;
- int geogstats1_nvalues = 0, geogstats2_nvalues = 0;
- float8 selectivity1 = 0.0, selectivity2 = 0.0;
- float4 num1_tuples = 0.0, num2_tuples = 0.0;
- float4 total_tuples = 0.0, rows_returned = 0.0;
- GBOX search_box;
- /**
- * Join selectivity algorithm. To calculation the selectivity we
- * calculate the intersection of the two column sample extents,
- * sum the results, and then multiply by two since for each
- * geometry in col 1 that intersects a geometry in col 2, the same
- * will also be true.
- */
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "geography_gist_join_selectivity called with jointype %d", jointype);
- /*
- * We'll only respond to an inner join/unknown context join
- */
- if (jointype != JOIN_INNER)
- {
- elog(NOTICE, "geography_gist_join_selectivity called with incorrect join type");
- }
- /*
- * Determine the oids of the geometry columns we are working with
- */
- arg1 = (Node *) linitial(args);
- arg2 = (Node *) lsecond(args);
- if (!IsA(arg1, Var) || !IsA(arg2, Var))
- {
- elog(DEBUG1, "geography_gist_join_selectivity called with arguments that are not column references");
- }
- var1 = (Var *)arg1;
- var2 = (Var *)arg2;
- relid1 = getrelid(var1->varno, root->parse->rtable);
- relid2 = getrelid(var2->varno, root->parse->rtable);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Working with relations oids: %d %d", relid1, relid2);
- /* Read the stats tuple from the first column */
- stats1_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid1), Int16GetDatum(var1->varattno));
- if ( ! stats1_tuple )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default geometry join selectivity");
- }
- if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats1_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL,
- (float4 **)gs1ptr, &geogstats1_nvalues) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY stats not found - returning default geometry join selectivity");
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- }
- /* Read the stats tuple from the second column */
- stats2_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid2), Int16GetDatum(var2->varattno));
- if ( ! stats2_tuple )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default geometry join selectivity");
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats1, geogstats1_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- }
- if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats2_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL,
- (float4 **)gs2ptr, &geogstats2_nvalues) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY stats not found - returning default geometry join selectivity");
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats1, geogstats1_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats2_tuple);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- }
- /**
- * Setup the search box - this is the intersection of the two column
- * extents.
- */
- search_box.xmin = Max(geogstats1->xmin, geogstats2->xmin);
- search_box.ymin = Max(geogstats1->ymin, geogstats2->ymin);
- search_box.zmin = Max(geogstats1->zmin, geogstats2->zmin);
- search_box.xmax = Min(geogstats1->xmax, geogstats2->xmax);
- search_box.ymax = Min(geogstats1->ymax, geogstats2->ymax);
- search_box.zmax = Min(geogstats1->zmax, geogstats2->zmax);
- /* If the extents of the two columns don't intersect, return zero */
- if (search_box.xmin > search_box.xmax || search_box.ymin > search_box.ymax ||
- search_box.zmin > search_box.zmax)
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- geomstats1 box: %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g", geogstats1->xmin, geogstats1->ymin, geogstats1->zmin, geogstats1->xmax, geogstats1->ymax, geogstats1->zmax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- geomstats2 box: %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g", geogstats2->xmin, geogstats2->ymin, geogstats2->zmin, geogstats2->xmax, geogstats2->ymax, geogstats2->zmax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- calculated intersection box is : %.15g %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g %.15g", search_box.xmin, search_box.ymin, search_box.zmin, search_box.xmax, search_box.ymax, search_box.zmax);
- /* Do the selectivity */
- selectivity1 = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geogstats1);
- selectivity2 = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geogstats2);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "selectivity1: %.15g selectivity2: %.15g", selectivity1, selectivity2);
- /*
- * OK, so before we calculate the join selectivity we also need to
- * know the number of tuples in each of the columns since
- * estimate_selectivity returns the number of estimated tuples
- * divided by the total number of tuples.
- */
- num1_tuples = geogstats1->totalrows;
- num2_tuples = geogstats2->totalrows;
- /* Free the statistic tuples */
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats1, geogstats1_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geogstats2, geogstats2_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats2_tuple);
- /*
- * Finally calculate the estimate of the number of rows returned
- *
- * = 2 * (nrows from col1 + nrows from col2) /
- * total nrows in col1 x total nrows in col2
- *
- * The factor of 2 accounts for the fact that for each tuple in
- * col 1 matching col 2,
- * there will be another match in col 2 matching col 1
- */
- total_tuples = num1_tuples * num2_tuples;
- rows_returned = 2 * ((num1_tuples * selectivity1) + (num2_tuples * selectivity2));
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Rows from rel1: %f", num1_tuples * selectivity1);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Rows from rel2: %f", num2_tuples * selectivity2);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Estimated rows returned: %f", rows_returned);
- /*
- * One (or both) tuple count is zero...
- * We return default selectivity estimate.
- * We could probably attempt at an estimate
- * w/out looking at tables tuple count, with
- * a function of selectivity1, selectivity2.
- */
- if ( ! total_tuples )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "Total tuples == 0, returning default join selectivity");
- }
- if ( rows_returned > total_tuples )
- PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(rows_returned / total_tuples);
- * This function is called by the analyze function iff
- * the geography_analyze() function give it its pointer
- * (this is always the case so far).
- * The geography_analyze() function is also responsible
- * of deciding the number of "sample" rows we will receive
- * here. It is able to give use other 'custom' data, but we
- * won't use them so far.
- *
- * Our job is to build some statistics on the sample data
- * for use by operator estimators.
- *
- * Currently we only need statistics to estimate the number of rows
- * overlapping a given extent (estimation function bound
- * to the && operator).
- *
- */
-static void
-compute_geography_stats(VacAttrStats *stats, AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
- int samplerows, double totalrows)
- MemoryContext old_context;
- GEOG_STATS *geogstats;
- GBOX gbox;
- GBOX *sample_extent = NULL;
- GBOX **sampleboxes;
- GBOX histobox;
- int histocells;
- double sizex, sizey, sizez, edgelength;
- int unitsx = 0, unitsy = 0, unitsz = 0;
- int geog_stats_size;
- struct dimensions histodims[3];
- int ndims;
- double total_width = 0;
- int notnull_cnt = 0, examinedsamples = 0, total_count_cells=0, total_cells_coverage = 0;
- /* for standard deviation */
- double avgLOWx, avgLOWy, avgLOWz, avgHIGx, avgHIGy, avgHIGz;
- double sumLOWx = 0, sumLOWy = 0, sumLOWz = 0, sumHIGx = 0, sumHIGy = 0, sumHIGz = 0;
- double sdLOWx = 0, sdLOWy = 0, sdLOWz = 0, sdHIGx = 0, sdHIGy = 0, sdHIGz = 0;
- GBOX *newhistobox = NULL;
- bool isnull;
- int i;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "compute_geography_stats called");
- /*
- * We'll build an histogram having from 40 to 400 boxesPerSide
- * Total number of cells is determined by attribute stat
- * target. It can go from 1600 to 160000 (stat target: 10,1000)
- */
- histocells = 160 * stats->attr->attstattarget;
- /*
- * Memory to store the bounding boxes from all of the sampled rows
- */
- sampleboxes = palloc(sizeof(GBOX *) * samplerows);
- /* Mark the GBOX as being geodetic */
- FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(gbox.flags, 1);
- /*
- * First scan:
- * o find extent of the sample rows
- * o count null-infinite/not-null values
- * o compute total_width
- * o compute total features's box area (for avgFeatureArea)
- * o sum features box coordinates (for standard deviation)
- */
- for (i = 0; i < samplerows; i++)
- {
- Datum datum;
- GSERIALIZED *serialized;
- LWGEOM *geometry;
- /* Fetch the datum and cast it into a geography */
- datum = fetchfunc(stats, i, &isnull);
- /* Skip nulls */
- if (isnull)
- continue;
- serialized = (GSERIALIZED*)PG_DETOAST_DATUM(datum);
- geometry = lwgeom_from_gserialized(serialized);
- /* Convert coordinates to 3D geodesic */
- if ( ! lwgeom_calculate_gbox_geodetic(geometry, &gbox) )
- {
- /* Unable to obtain or calculate a bounding box */
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "skipping geometry at position %d", i);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Skip infinite geoms
- */
- if ( ! finite(gbox.xmin) || ! finite(gbox.xmax) ||
- ! finite(gbox.ymin) || ! finite(gbox.ymax) ||
- ! finite(gbox.zmin) || ! finite(gbox.zmax) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " skipped infinite geometry at position %d", i);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Store bounding box in array
- */
- sampleboxes[notnull_cnt] = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- memcpy(sampleboxes[notnull_cnt], &gbox, sizeof(GBOX));
- /*
- * Add to sample extent union
- */
- if ( ! sample_extent )
- {
- sample_extent = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- memcpy(sample_extent, &gbox, sizeof(GBOX));
- }
- else
- {
- sample_extent->xmax = Max(sample_extent->xmax, gbox.xmax);
- sample_extent->ymax = Max(sample_extent->ymax, gbox.ymax);
- sample_extent->zmax = Max(sample_extent->zmax, gbox.zmax);
- sample_extent->xmin = Min(sample_extent->xmin, gbox.xmin);
- sample_extent->ymin = Min(sample_extent->ymin, gbox.ymin);
- sample_extent->zmin = Min(sample_extent->zmin, gbox.zmin);
- }
- /** TODO: ask if we need geom or bvol size for stawidth */
- total_width += VARSIZE(serialized);
- /*
- * Add bvol coordinates to sum for standard deviation
- * computation.
- */
- sumLOWx += gbox.xmin;
- sumLOWy += gbox.ymin;
- sumLOWz += gbox.zmin;
- sumHIGx += gbox.xmax;
- sumHIGy += gbox.ymax;
- sumHIGz += gbox.zmax;
- notnull_cnt++;
- /* give backend a chance of interrupting us */
- vacuum_delay_point();
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "End of 1st scan:");
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " Sample extent (min, max): (%g %g %g), (%g %g %g)", sample_extent->xmin, sample_extent->ymin,
- sample_extent->zmin, sample_extent->xmax, sample_extent->ymax, sample_extent->zmax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " No. of geometries sampled: %d", samplerows);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " No. of non-null geometries sampled: %d", notnull_cnt);
- if ( ! notnull_cnt )
- {
- elog(NOTICE, " no notnull values, invalid stats");
- stats->stats_valid = false;
- return;
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "Standard deviation filter enabled");
- /*
- * Second scan:
- * o compute standard deviation
- */
- avgLOWx = sumLOWx / notnull_cnt;
- avgLOWy = sumLOWy / notnull_cnt;
- avgLOWz = sumLOWz / notnull_cnt;
- avgHIGx = sumHIGx / notnull_cnt;
- avgHIGy = sumHIGy / notnull_cnt;
- avgHIGz = sumHIGz / notnull_cnt;
- for (i = 0; i < notnull_cnt; i++)
- {
- GBOX *box;
- box = (GBOX *)sampleboxes[i];
- sdLOWx += (box->xmin - avgLOWx) * (box->xmin - avgLOWx);
- sdLOWy += (box->ymin - avgLOWy) * (box->ymin - avgLOWy);
- sdLOWz += (box->zmin - avgLOWz) * (box->zmin - avgLOWz);
- sdHIGx += (box->xmax - avgHIGx) * (box->xmax - avgHIGx);
- sdHIGy += (box->ymax - avgHIGy) * (box->ymax - avgHIGy);
- sdHIGz += (box->zmax - avgHIGz) * (box->zmax - avgHIGz);
- }
- sdLOWx = sqrt(sdLOWx / notnull_cnt);
- sdLOWy = sqrt(sdLOWy / notnull_cnt);
- sdLOWz = sqrt(sdLOWz / notnull_cnt);
- sdHIGx = sqrt(sdHIGx / notnull_cnt);
- sdHIGy = sqrt(sdHIGy / notnull_cnt);
- sdHIGz = sqrt(sdHIGz / notnull_cnt);
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " standard deviations:");
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " LOWx - avg:%f sd:%f", avgLOWx, sdLOWx);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " LOWy - avg:%f sd:%f", avgLOWy, sdLOWy);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " LOWz - avg:%f sd:%f", avgLOWz, sdLOWz);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " HIGx - avg:%f sd:%f", avgHIGx, sdHIGx);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " HIGy - avg:%f sd:%f", avgHIGy, sdHIGy);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " HIGz - avg:%f sd:%f", avgHIGz, sdHIGz);
- histobox.xmin = Max((avgLOWx - SDFACTOR * sdLOWx), sample_extent->xmin);
- histobox.ymin = Max((avgLOWy - SDFACTOR * sdLOWy), sample_extent->ymin);
- histobox.zmin = Max((avgLOWz - SDFACTOR * sdLOWz), sample_extent->zmin);
- histobox.xmax = Min((avgHIGx + SDFACTOR * sdHIGx), sample_extent->xmax);
- histobox.ymax = Min((avgHIGy + SDFACTOR * sdHIGy), sample_extent->ymax);
- histobox.zmax = Min((avgHIGz + SDFACTOR * sdHIGz), sample_extent->zmax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sd_extent: xmin, ymin, zmin: %f, %f, %f",
- histobox.xmin, histobox.ymin, histobox.zmin);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sd_extent: xmax, ymax, zmax: %f, %f, %f",
- histobox.xmax, histobox.ymax, histobox.zmax);
- /*
- * Third scan:
- * o skip hard deviants
- * o compute new histogram box
- */
- for (i = 0; i < notnull_cnt; i++)
- {
- GBOX *box;
- box = (GBOX *)sampleboxes[i];
- if ( box->xmin > histobox.xmax || box->xmax < histobox.xmin ||
- box->ymin > histobox.ymax || box->ymax < histobox.ymin ||
- box->zmin > histobox.zmax || box->zmax < histobox.zmin)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " feat %d is an hard deviant, skipped", i);
- sampleboxes[i] = NULL;
- continue;
- }
- if ( ! newhistobox )
- {
- newhistobox = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- memcpy(newhistobox, box, sizeof(GBOX));
- }
- else
- {
- if ( box->xmin < newhistobox->xmin )
- newhistobox->xmin = box->xmin;
- if ( box->ymin < newhistobox->ymin )
- newhistobox->ymin = box->ymin;
- if ( box->zmin < newhistobox->zmin )
- newhistobox->zmin = box->zmin;
- if ( box->xmax > newhistobox->xmax )
- newhistobox->xmax = box->xmax;
- if ( box->ymax > newhistobox->ymax )
- newhistobox->ymax = box->ymax;
- if ( box->zmax > newhistobox->zmax )
- newhistobox->zmax = box->zmax;
- }
- }
- /* If everything was a deviant, the new histobox is the same as the old histobox */
- if ( ! newhistobox )
- {
- newhistobox = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- memcpy(newhistobox, &histobox, sizeof(GBOX));
- }
- /*
- * Set histogram extent as the intersection between
- * standard deviation based histogram extent
- * and computed sample extent after removal of
- * hard deviants (there might be no hard deviants).
- */
- if ( histobox.xmin < newhistobox->xmin )
- histobox.xmin = newhistobox->xmin;
- if ( histobox.ymin < newhistobox->ymin )
- histobox.ymin = newhistobox->ymin;
- if ( histobox.zmin < newhistobox->zmin )
- histobox.zmin = newhistobox->zmin;
- if ( histobox.xmax > newhistobox->xmax )
- histobox.xmax = newhistobox->xmax;
- if ( histobox.ymax > newhistobox->ymax )
- histobox.ymax = newhistobox->ymax;
- if ( histobox.zmax > newhistobox->zmax )
- histobox.zmax = newhistobox->zmax;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram_extent: xmin, ymin, zmin: %f, %f, %f",
- histobox.xmin, histobox.ymin, histobox.zmin);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram_extent: xmax, ymax, zmax: %f, %f, %f",
- histobox.xmax, histobox.ymax, histobox.zmax);
- /* Calculate the size of each dimension */
- sizex = histobox.xmax - histobox.xmin;
- sizey = histobox.ymax - histobox.ymin;
- sizez = histobox.zmax - histobox.zmin;
- /* In order to calculate a suitable aspect ratio for the histogram, we need
- to work out how many dimensions exist within our sample data (which we
- assume is representative of the whole data) */
- ndims = 0;
- if (sizex != 0)
- {
- histodims[ndims].axis = 'X';
- histodims[ndims].min = histobox.xmin;
- histodims[ndims].max = histobox.xmax;
- ndims++;
- }
- if (sizey != 0)
- {
- histodims[ndims].axis = 'Y';
- histodims[ndims].min = histobox.ymin;
- histodims[ndims].max = histobox.ymax;
- ndims++;
- }
- if (sizez != 0)
- {
- histodims[ndims].axis = 'Z';
- histodims[ndims].min = histobox.zmin;
- histodims[ndims].max = histobox.zmax;
- ndims++;
- }
- /* Based upon the number of dimensions, we now work out the number of units in each dimension.
- The number of units is defined as the number of cell blocks in each dimension which make
- up the total number of histocells; i.e. unitsx * unitsy * unitsz = histocells */
- /* Note: geodetic data is currently indexed in 3 dimensions; however code for remaining dimensions
- is also included to allow for indexing 3D cartesian data at a later date */
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Number of dimensions in sample set: %d", ndims);
- switch (ndims)
- {
- case 0:
- /* An empty column, or multiple points in exactly the same
- position in space */
- unitsx = 1;
- unitsy = 1;
- unitsz = 1;
- histocells = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- /* Sample data all lies on a single line, so set the correct
- units variables depending upon which axis is in use */
- for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
- {
- if ( (histodims[i].max - histodims[i].min) != 0)
- {
- /* We've found the non-zero dimension, so set the
- units variables accordingly */
- switch (histodims[i].axis)
- {
- case 'X':
- unitsx = histocells;
- unitsy = 1;
- unitsz = 1;
- break;
- case 'Y':
- unitsx = 1;
- unitsy = histocells;
- unitsz = 1;
- break;
- case 'Z':
- unitsx = 1;
- unitsy = 1;
- unitsz = histocells;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- /* Sample data lies within 2D space: divide the total area by the total
- number of cells, and thus work out the edge size of the unit block */
- edgelength = sqrt(
- Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) *
- Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / (double)histocells
- );
- /* The calculation is easy; the harder part is to work out which dimensions
- we actually have to set the units variables appropriately */
- if (histodims[0].axis == 'X' && histodims[1].axis == 'Y')
- {
- /* X and Y */
- unitsx = Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) / edgelength;
- unitsy = Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / edgelength;
- unitsz = 1;
- }
- else if (histodims[0].axis == 'Y' && histodims[1].axis == 'X')
- {
- /* Y and X */
- unitsx = Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / edgelength;
- unitsy = Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) / edgelength;
- unitsz = 1;
- }
- else if (histodims[0].axis == 'X' && histodims[1].axis == 'Z')
- {
- /* X and Z */
- unitsx = Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) / edgelength;
- unitsy = 1;
- unitsz = Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / edgelength;
- }
- else if (histodims[0].axis == 'Z' && histodims[1].axis == 'X')
- {
- /* Z and X */
- unitsx = Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / edgelength;
- unitsy = 1;
- unitsz = Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) / edgelength;
- }
- else if (histodims[0].axis == 'Y' && histodims[1].axis == 'Z')
- {
- /* Y and Z */
- unitsx = 1;
- unitsy = Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) / edgelength;
- unitsz = Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / edgelength;
- }
- else if (histodims[0].axis == 'Z' && histodims[1].axis == 'Y')
- {
- /* Z and Y */
- unitsx = 1;
- unitsy = Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / edgelength;
- unitsz = Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) / edgelength;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- /* Sample data lies within 3D space: divide the total volume by the total
- number of cells, and thus work out the edge size of the unit block */
- edgelength = pow(
- Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) *
- Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) *
- Abs(histodims[2].max - histodims[2].min) / (double)histocells,
- (double)1/3);
- /* Units are simple in 3 dimensions */
- unitsx = Abs(histodims[0].max - histodims[0].min) / edgelength;
- unitsy = Abs(histodims[1].max - histodims[1].min) / edgelength;
- unitsz = Abs(histodims[2].max - histodims[2].min) / edgelength;
- break;
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " computed histogram grid size (X,Y,Z): %d x %d x %d (%d out of %d cells)", unitsx, unitsy, unitsz, unitsx * unitsy * unitsz, histocells);
- /*
- * Create the histogram (GEOG_STATS)
- */
- old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(stats->anl_context);
- geog_stats_size = sizeof(GEOG_STATS) + (histocells - 1) * sizeof(float4);
- geogstats = palloc(geog_stats_size);
- MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
- geogstats->dims = ndims;
- geogstats->xmin = histobox.xmin;
- geogstats->ymin = histobox.ymin;
- geogstats->zmin = histobox.zmin;
- geogstats->xmax = histobox.xmax;
- geogstats->ymax = histobox.ymax;
- geogstats->zmax = histobox.zmax;
- geogstats->unitsx = unitsx;
- geogstats->unitsy = unitsy;
- geogstats->unitsz = unitsz;
- geogstats->totalrows = totalrows;
- /* Initialize all values to 0 */
- for (i = 0; i < histocells; i++)
- geogstats->value[i] = 0;
- /*
- * Fourth scan:
- * o fill histogram values with the number of
- * features' bbox overlaps: a feature's bvol
- * can fully overlap (1) or partially overlap
- * (fraction of 1) an histogram cell.
- *
- * o compute total cells occupation
- *
- */
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "Beginning histogram intersection calculations");
- for (i = 0; i < notnull_cnt; i++)
- {
- GBOX *box;
- /* Note these array index variables are zero-based */
- int x_idx_min, x_idx_max, x;
- int y_idx_min, y_idx_max, y;
- int z_idx_min, z_idx_max, z;
- int numcells = 0;
- box = (GBOX *)sampleboxes[i];
- if ( ! box ) continue; /* hard deviant.. */
- /* give backend a chance of interrupting us */
- vacuum_delay_point();
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " feat %d box is %f %f %f, %f %f %f",
- i, box->xmax, box->ymax, box->zmax, box->xmin, box->ymin, box->zmin);
- /* Find first overlapping unitsx cell */
- x_idx_min = (box->xmin - geogstats->xmin) / sizex * unitsx;
- if (x_idx_min <0) x_idx_min = 0;
- if (x_idx_min >= unitsx) x_idx_min = unitsx - 1;
- /* Find first overlapping unitsy cell */
- y_idx_min = (box->ymin - geogstats->ymin) / sizey * unitsy;
- if (y_idx_min <0) y_idx_min = 0;
- if (y_idx_min >= unitsy) y_idx_min = unitsy - 1;
- /* Find first overlapping unitsz cell */
- z_idx_min = (box->zmin - geogstats->zmin) / sizez * unitsz;
- if (z_idx_min <0) z_idx_min = 0;
- if (z_idx_min >= unitsz) z_idx_min = unitsz - 1;
- /* Find last overlapping unitsx cell */
- x_idx_max = (box->xmax - geogstats->xmin) / sizex * unitsx;
- if (x_idx_max <0) x_idx_max = 0;
- if (x_idx_max >= unitsx ) x_idx_max = unitsx - 1;
- /* Find last overlapping unitsy cell */
- y_idx_max = (box->ymax - geogstats->ymin) / sizey * unitsy;
- if (y_idx_max <0) y_idx_max = 0;
- if (y_idx_max >= unitsy) y_idx_max = unitsy - 1;
- /* Find last overlapping unitsz cell */
- z_idx_max = (box->zmax - geogstats->zmin) / sizez * unitsz;
- if (z_idx_max <0) z_idx_max = 0;
- if (z_idx_max >= unitsz) z_idx_max = unitsz - 1;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " feat %d overlaps unitsx %d-%d, unitsy %d-%d, unitsz %d-%d",
- i, x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min, y_idx_max, z_idx_min, z_idx_max);
- /* Calculate the feature coverage - this of course depends upon the number of dims */
- switch (ndims)
- {
- case 1:
- total_cells_coverage++;
- break;
- case 2:
- total_cells_coverage += (box->xmax - box->xmin) * (box->ymax - box->ymin);
- break;
- case 3:
- total_cells_coverage += (box->xmax - box->xmin) * (box->ymax - box->ymin) *
- (box->zmax - box->zmin);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * the {x,y,z}_idx_{min,max}
- * define the grid squares that the box intersects
- */
- for (z = z_idx_min; z <= z_idx_max; z++)
- {
- for (y = y_idx_min; y <= y_idx_max; y++)
- {
- for (x = x_idx_min; x <= x_idx_max; x++)
- {
- geogstats->value[x + y * unitsx + z * unitsx * unitsy] += 1;
- numcells++;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * before adding to the total cells
- * we could decide if we really
- * want this feature to count
- */
- total_count_cells += numcells;
- examinedsamples++;
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " examined_samples: %d/%d", examinedsamples, samplerows);
- if ( ! examinedsamples )
- {
- elog(NOTICE, " no examined values, invalid stats");
- stats->stats_valid = false;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no stats have been gathered");
- return;
- }
- /** TODO: what about null features (TODO) */
- geogstats->avgFeatureCells = (float4)total_count_cells / examinedsamples;
- geogstats->avgFeatureCoverage = total_cells_coverage / examinedsamples;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo: total_boxes_cells: %d", total_count_cells);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geogstats->avgFeatureCells);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo: avgFeatureCoverage: %f", geogstats->avgFeatureCoverage);
- /*
- * Normalize histogram
- *
- * We divide each histogram cell value
- * by the number of samples examined.
- *
- */
- for (i = 0; i < histocells; i++)
- geogstats->value[i] /= examinedsamples;
- /* Dump the resulting histogram for analysis */
- {
- int x, y, z;
- for (x = 0; x < unitsx; x++)
- {
- for (y = 0; y < unitsy; y++)
- {
- for (z = 0; z < unitsz; z++)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo[%d,%d,%d] = %.15f", x, y, z,
- geogstats->value[x + y * unitsx + z * unitsx * unitsy]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write the statistics data
- */
- stats->stakind[0] = STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY;
- stats->staop[0] = InvalidOid;
- stats->stanumbers[0] = (float4 *)geogstats;
- stats->numnumbers[0] = geog_stats_size/sizeof(float4);
- stats->stanullfrac = (float4)(samplerows - notnull_cnt)/samplerows;
- stats->stawidth = total_width/notnull_cnt;
- stats->stadistinct = -1.0;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: kind %d (STATISTIC_KIND_GEOGRAPHY)",
- stats->stakind[0]);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: op %d (InvalidOid)", stats->staop[0]);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: numnumbers %d", stats->numnumbers[0]);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: null fraction: %d/%d=%g", (samplerows - notnull_cnt), samplerows, stats->stanullfrac);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: average width: %d bytes", stats->stawidth);
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " out: distinct values: all (no check done)");
- stats->stats_valid = true;
- * This function will be called when the ANALYZE command is run
- * on a column of the "geography" type.
- *
- * It will need to return a stats builder function reference
- * and a "minimum" sample rows to feed it.
- * If we want analysis to be completely skipped we can return
- * FALSE and leave output vals untouched.
- *
- * What we know from this call is:
- *
- * o The pg_attribute row referring to the specific column.
- * Could be used to get reltuples from pg_class (which
- * might quite inexact though...) and use them to set an
- * appropriate minimum number of sample rows to feed to
- * the stats builder. The stats builder will also receive
- * a more accurate "estimation" of the number or rows.
- *
- * o The pg_type row for the specific column.
- * Could be used to set stat builder / sample rows
- * based on domain type (when postgis will be implemented
- * that way).
- *
- * Being this experimental we'll stick to a static stat_builder/sample_rows
- * value for now.
- *
- */
-Datum geography_analyze(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- VacAttrStats *stats = (VacAttrStats *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
- Form_pg_attribute attr = stats->attr;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "geography_analyze called");
- /* If the attstattarget column is negative, use the default value */
- /* NB: it is okay to scribble on stats->attr since it's a copy */
- if (attr->attstattarget < 0)
- attr->attstattarget = default_statistics_target;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " attribute stat target: %d", attr->attstattarget);
- /* Setup the minimum rows and the algorithm function */
- stats->minrows = 300 * stats->attr->attstattarget;
- stats->compute_stats = compute_geography_stats;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " minrows: %d", stats->minrows);
- /* Indicate we are done successfully */
Datum geography_send(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum geography_recv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-/* Datum geography_gist_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); TBD */
-/* Datum geography_gist_join_selectivity(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); TBD */
GSERIALIZED* gserialized_geography_from_lwgeom(LWGEOM *lwgeom, int32 geog_typmod);
+++ /dev/null
- * $Id: geometry_gist_selectivity.c 6385 2010-12-15 00:57:35Z pramsey $
- *
- * PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2010 (C) Paul Ramsey <>
- * Copyright 2004 (C) Sandro Santilli <>
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
-#include "postgres.h"
-#include "executor/spi.h"
-#include "fmgr.h"
-#include "commands/vacuum.h"
-#include "nodes/relation.h"
-#include "parser/parsetree.h"
-#include "utils/array.h"
-#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
-#include "utils/syscache.h"
-#include "utils/rel.h"
-#include "../postgis_config.h"
- #include "access/htup_details.h"
-#include "liblwgeom.h"
-#include "lwgeom_pg.h" /* For debugging macros. */
-#include "gserialized_gist.h" /* For index common functions */
-#include <math.h>
-#include <ieeefp.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
- * Assign a number to the postgis statistics kind
- *
- * tgl suggested:
- *
- * 1-100: reserved for assignment by the core Postgres project
- * 100-199: reserved for assignment by PostGIS
- * 200-9999: reserved for other globally-known stats kinds
- * 10000-32767: reserved for private site-local use
- *
- */
- * Define this if you want to use standard deviation based
- * histogram extent computation. If you do, you can also
- * tweak the deviation factor used in computation with
- */
-#define SDFACTOR 3.25
-typedef struct GEOM_STATS_T
- /* cols * rows = total boxes in grid */
- float4 cols;
- float4 rows;
- /* average bounding box area of not-null features */
- float4 avgFeatureArea;
- /*
- * average number of histogram cells
- * covered by the sample not-null features
- */
- float4 avgFeatureCells;
- /* BOX of area */
- float4 xmin,ymin, xmax, ymax;
- /*
- * variable length # of floats for histogram
- */
- float4 value[1];
-static float8 estimate_selectivity(GBOX *box, GEOM_STATS *geomstats);
-#define SHOW_DIGS_DOUBLE 15
-#define MAX_DIGS_DOUBLE (SHOW_DIGS_DOUBLE + 6 + 1 + 3 +1)
- * Default geometry selectivity factor
- */
-#define DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_SEL 0.000005
- * Default geometry join selectivity factor
- */
-Datum geometry_gist_sel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-Datum geometry_gist_joinsel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-Datum geometry_analyze_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-Datum geometry_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-Datum _postgis_geometry_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
-static int
-calculate_column_intersection(GBOX *search_box, GEOM_STATS *geomstats1, GEOM_STATS *geomstats2)
- /**
- * Calculate the intersection of two columns from their geomstats extents - return true
- * if a valid intersection was found, false if there is no overlap
- */
- float8 i_xmin = Max(geomstats1->xmin, geomstats2->xmin);
- float8 i_ymin = Max(geomstats1->ymin, geomstats2->ymin);
- float8 i_xmax = Min(geomstats1->xmax, geomstats2->xmax);
- float8 i_ymax = Min(geomstats1->ymax, geomstats2->ymax);
- /* If the rectangles don't intersect, return false */
- if (i_xmin > i_xmax || i_ymin > i_ymax)
- return FALSE;
- /* Otherwise return the rectangle in search_box */
- search_box->xmin = i_xmin;
- search_box->ymin = i_ymin;
- search_box->xmax = i_xmax;
- search_box->ymax = i_ymax;
- return TRUE;
-* Join selectivity of the && operator. The selectivity
-* is the ratio of the number of rows we think will be
-* returned divided the maximum number of rows the join
-* could possibly return (the full combinatoric join).
-* selectivity = estimated_nrows / (totalrows1 * totalrows2)
-Datum geometry_gist_joinsel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
- /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */
- List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
- JoinType jointype = (JoinType) PG_GETARG_INT16(3);
- Node *arg1, *arg2;
- Var *var1, *var2;
- Oid relid1, relid2;
- HeapTuple stats1_tuple, stats2_tuple, class_tuple;
- GEOM_STATS *geomstats1, *geomstats2;
- /*
- * These are to avoid casting the corresponding
- * "type-punned" pointers, which would break
- * "strict-aliasing rules".
- */
- GEOM_STATS **gs1ptr=&geomstats1, **gs2ptr=&geomstats2;
- int geomstats1_nvalues = 0, geomstats2_nvalues = 0;
- float8 selectivity1 = 0.0, selectivity2 = 0.0;
- float4 num1_tuples = 0.0, num2_tuples = 0.0;
- float4 total_tuples = 0.0, rows_returned = 0.0;
- GBOX search_box;
- /**
- * Join selectivity algorithm. To calculation the selectivity we
- * calculate the intersection of the two column sample extents,
- * sum the results, and then multiply by two since for each
- * geometry in col 1 that intersects a geometry in col 2, the same
- * will also be true.
- */
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "geometry_gist_joinsel called with jointype %d", jointype);
- /*
- * We'll only respond to an inner join/unknown context join
- */
- if (jointype != JOIN_INNER)
- {
- elog(NOTICE, "geometry_gist_joinsel called with incorrect join type");
- }
- /*
- * Determine the oids of the geometry columns we are working with
- */
- arg1 = (Node *) linitial(args);
- arg2 = (Node *) lsecond(args);
- if (!IsA(arg1, Var) || !IsA(arg2, Var))
- {
- elog(DEBUG1, "geometry_gist_joinsel called with arguments that are not column references");
- }
- var1 = (Var *)arg1;
- var2 = (Var *)arg2;
- relid1 = getrelid(var1->varno, root->parse->rtable);
- relid2 = getrelid(var2->varno, root->parse->rtable);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Working with relations oids: %d %d", relid1, relid2);
- /* Read the stats tuple from the first column */
- stats1_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid1), Int16GetDatum(var1->varattno));
- if ( ! stats1_tuple )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default geometry join selectivity");
- }
- if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats1_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL,
- (float4 **)gs1ptr, &geomstats1_nvalues) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY stats not found - returning default geometry join selectivity");
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- }
- /* Read the stats tuple from the second column */
- stats2_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid2), Int16GetDatum(var2->varattno));
- if ( ! stats2_tuple )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default geometry join selectivity");
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geomstats1,
- geomstats1_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- }
- if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats2_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL,
- (float4 **)gs2ptr, &geomstats2_nvalues) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY stats not found - returning default geometry join selectivity");
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geomstats1,
- geomstats1_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats2_tuple);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- }
- /**
- * Setup the search box - this is the intersection of the two column
- * extents.
- */
- calculate_column_intersection(&search_box, geomstats1, geomstats2);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- geomstats1 box: %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g",geomstats1->xmin,geomstats1->ymin,geomstats1->xmax,geomstats1->ymax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- geomstats2 box: %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g",geomstats2->xmin,geomstats2->ymin,geomstats2->xmax,geomstats2->ymax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " -- calculated intersection box is : %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g",search_box.xmin,search_box.ymin,search_box.xmax,search_box.ymax);
- /* Do the selectivity */
- selectivity1 = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geomstats1);
- selectivity2 = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geomstats2);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "selectivity1: %.15g selectivity2: %.15g", selectivity1, selectivity2);
- /* Free the statistic tuples */
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geomstats1, geomstats1_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats1_tuple);
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geomstats2, geomstats2_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats2_tuple);
- /*
- * OK, so before we calculate the join selectivity we also need to
- * know the number of tuples in each of the columns since
- * estimate_selectivity returns the number of estimated tuples
- * divided by the total number of tuples - hence we need to
- * multiply out the returned selectivity by the total number of rows.
- */
- class_tuple = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid1));
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(class_tuple))
- {
- Form_pg_class reltup = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(class_tuple);
- num1_tuples = reltup->reltuples;
- }
- ReleaseSysCache(class_tuple);
- class_tuple = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid2));
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(class_tuple))
- {
- Form_pg_class reltup = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(class_tuple);
- num2_tuples = reltup->reltuples;
- }
- ReleaseSysCache(class_tuple);
- /*
- * Finally calculate the estimate of the number of rows returned
- *
- * = 2 * (nrows from col1 + nrows from col2) /
- * total nrows in col1 x total nrows in col2
- *
- * The factor of 2 accounts for the fact that for each tuple in
- * col 1 matching col 2,
- * there will be another match in col 2 matching col 1
- */
- total_tuples = num1_tuples * num2_tuples;
- rows_returned = 2 * ((num1_tuples * selectivity1) +
- (num2_tuples * selectivity2));
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Rows from rel1: %g", num1_tuples * selectivity1);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Rows from rel2: %g", num2_tuples * selectivity2);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "Estimated rows returned: %g", rows_returned);
- /*
- * One (or both) tuple count is zero...
- * We return default selectivity estimate.
- * We could probably attempt at an estimate
- * w/out looking at tables tuple count, with
- * a function of selectivity1, selectivity2.
- */
- if ( ! total_tuples )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "Total tuples == 0, returning default join selectivity");
- }
- if ( rows_returned > total_tuples )
- PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(rows_returned / total_tuples);
-* This function returns an estimate of the selectivity
-* of a search GBOX by looking at data in the GEOM_STATS
-* structure. The selectivity is a float from 0-1, that estimates
-* the proportion of the rows in the table that will be returned
-* as a result of the search box.
-* TODO: handle box dimension collapses (probably should be handled
-* by the statistic generator, avoiding GEOM_STATS with collapsed
-* dimensions)
-static float8
-estimate_selectivity(GBOX *box, GEOM_STATS *geomstats)
- int x, y;
- int x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min, y_idx_max;
- double intersect_x, intersect_y, AOI;
- double cell_area, box_area;
- double geow, geoh; /* width and height of histogram */
- int histocols, historows; /* histogram grid size */
- double value;
- float overlapping_cells;
- float avg_feat_cells;
- double gain;
- float8 selectivity;
- /*
- * Search box completely miss histogram extent
- */
- if ( box->xmax < geomstats->xmin ||
- box->xmin > geomstats->xmax ||
- box->ymax < geomstats->ymin ||
- box->ymin > geomstats->ymax )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search_box does not overlaps histogram, returning 0");
- return 0.0;
- }
- /*
- * Search box completely contains histogram extent
- */
- if ( box->xmax >= geomstats->xmax &&
- box->xmin <= geomstats->xmin &&
- box->ymax >= geomstats->ymax &&
- box->ymin <= geomstats->ymin )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " search_box contains histogram, returning 1");
- return 1.0;
- }
- geow = geomstats->xmax-geomstats->xmin;
- geoh = geomstats->ymax-geomstats->ymin;
- histocols = geomstats->cols;
- historows = geomstats->rows;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram has %d cols, %d rows", histocols, historows);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram geosize is %fx%f", geow, geoh);
- cell_area = (geow*geoh) / (histocols*historows);
- box_area = (box->xmax-box->xmin)*(box->ymax-box->ymin);
- value = 0;
- /* Find first overlapping column */
- x_idx_min = (box->xmin-geomstats->xmin) / geow * histocols;
- if (x_idx_min < 0)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the left of histogram grid", -x_idx_min);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_min = 0;
- }
- if (x_idx_min >= histocols)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the right of histogram grid", x_idx_min-histocols+1);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_min = histocols-1;
- }
- /* Find first overlapping row */
- y_idx_min = (box->ymin-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * historows;
- if (y_idx_min <0)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the bottom of histogram grid", -y_idx_min);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_min = 0;
- }
- if (y_idx_min >= historows)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %d columns on the top of histogram grid", y_idx_min-historows+1);
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_min = historows-1;
- }
- /* Find last overlapping column */
- x_idx_max = (box->xmax-geomstats->xmin) / geow * histocols;
- if (x_idx_max <0)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_max = 0;
- }
- if (x_idx_max >= histocols )
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- x_idx_max = histocols-1;
- }
- /* Find last overlapping row */
- y_idx_max = (box->ymax-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * historows;
- if (y_idx_max <0)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_max = 0;
- }
- if (y_idx_max >= historows)
- {
- /* should increment the value somehow */
- y_idx_max = historows-1;
- }
- /*
- * the {x,y}_idx_{min,max}
- * define the grid squares that the box intersects
- */
- for (y=y_idx_min; y<=y_idx_max; y++)
- {
- for (x=x_idx_min; x<=x_idx_max; x++)
- {
- double val;
- double gain;
- val = geomstats->value[x+y*histocols];
- /*
- * Of the cell value we get
- * only the overlap fraction.
- */
- intersect_x = Min(box->xmax, geomstats->xmin + (x+1) * geow / histocols) - Max(box->xmin, geomstats->xmin + x * geow / histocols );
- intersect_y = Min(box->ymax, geomstats->ymin + (y+1) * geoh / historows) - Max(box->ymin, geomstats->ymin+ y * geoh / historows) ;
- AOI = intersect_x*intersect_y;
- gain = AOI/cell_area;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d] cell val %.15f",
- x, y, val);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d] AOI %.15f",
- x, y, AOI);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d] gain %.15f",
- x, y, gain);
- val *= gain;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " [%d,%d] adding %.15f to value",
- x, y, val);
- value += val;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If the search_box is a point, it will
- * overlap a single cell and thus get
- * it's value, which is the fraction of
- * samples (we can presume of row set also)
- * which bumped to that cell.
- *
- * If the table features are points, each
- * of them will overlap a single histogram cell.
- * Our search_box value would then be correctly
- * computed as the sum of the bumped cells values.
- *
- * If both our search_box AND the sample features
- * overlap more then a single histogram cell we
- * need to consider the fact that our sum computation
- * will have many duplicated included. E.g. each
- * single sample feature would have contributed to
- * raise the search_box value by as many times as
- * many cells in the histogram are commonly overlapped
- * by both search_box and feature. We should then
- * divide our value by the number of cells in the virtual
- * 'intersection' between average feature cell occupation
- * and occupation of the search_box. This is as
- * fuzzy as you understand it :)
- *
- * Consistency check: whenever the number of cells is
- * one of whichever part (search_box_occupation,
- * avg_feature_occupation) the 'intersection' must be 1.
- * If sounds that our 'intersaction' is actually the
- * minimun number between search_box_occupation and
- * avg_feat_occupation.
- *
- */
- overlapping_cells = (x_idx_max-x_idx_min+1) *
- (y_idx_max-y_idx_min+1);
- avg_feat_cells = geomstats->avgFeatureCells;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " search_box overlaps %f cells", overlapping_cells);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " avg feat overlaps %f cells", avg_feat_cells);
- if ( ! overlapping_cells )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no overlapping cells, returning 0.0");
- return 0.0;
- }
- gain = 1/Min(overlapping_cells, avg_feat_cells);
- selectivity = value*gain;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " SUM(ov_histo_cells)=%f", value);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " gain=%f", gain);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " selectivity=%f", selectivity);
- /* prevent rounding overflows */
- if (selectivity > 1.0) selectivity = 1.0;
- else if (selectivity < 0) selectivity = 0.0;
- return selectivity;
-* Utility function to read the calculated selectivity for a given search
-* box and table/column. Used for debugging the selectivity code.
-Datum _postgis_geometry_sel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- HeapTuple stats_tuple;
- float4 *floatptr;
- Oid table_oid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
- Datum geom_datum = PG_GETARG_DATUM(2);
- text *att_text = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
- const char *att_name = text2cstring(att_text);
- int rv;
- GBOX gbox;
- int32 nvalues = 0;
- float8 selectivity = 0;
- AttrNumber att_num;
- /* Calculate the gbox */
- if ( ! gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(geom_datum, &gbox) )
- elog(ERROR, "unable to calculate bounding box from geometry");
- /* Get the attribute number */
- att_num = get_attnum(table_oid, att_name);
- if ( ! att_num )
- elog(ERROR, "attribute \"%s\" does not exist", att_name);
- /* First pull the stats tuple */
- stats_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, table_oid, att_num);
- if ( ! stats_tuple )
- elog(ERROR, "stats for \"%s.%s\" do not exist", get_rel_name(table_oid), att_name);
- /* Then read the geom status histogram from that */
- rv = get_attstatsslot(stats_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL, NULL, &floatptr, &nvalues);
- if ( ! rv )
- {
- ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
- elog(ERROR, "unable to retreive geomstats, hmmm");
- }
- /* Do the estimation */
- selectivity = estimate_selectivity(&gbox, (GEOM_STATS*)floatptr);
- /* Clean up */
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, floatptr, nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
- PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity);
- * This function should return an estimation of the number of
- * rows returned by a query involving an overlap check
- * ( it's the restrict function for the && operator )
- *
- * It can make use (if available) of the statistics collected
- * by the geometry analyzer function.
- *
- * Note that the good work is done by estimate_selectivity() above.
- * This function just tries to find the search_box, loads the statistics
- * and invoke the work-horse.
- *
- */
-Datum geometry_gist_sel_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- PlannerInfo *root = (PlannerInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
- /* Oid operator = PG_GETARG_OID(1); */
- List *args = (List *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
- /* int varRelid = PG_GETARG_INT32(3); */
- Oid relid;
- HeapTuple stats_tuple;
- GEOM_STATS *geomstats;
- /*
- * This is to avoid casting the corresponding
- * "type-punned" pointer, which would break
- * "strict-aliasing rules".
- */
- GEOM_STATS **gsptr=&geomstats;
- int geomstats_nvalues=0;
- Node *other;
- Var *self;
- GBOX search_box;
- float8 selectivity=0;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "geometry_gist_sel called");
- /* Fail if not a binary opclause (probably shouldn't happen) */
- if (list_length(args) != 2)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "geometry_gist_sel: not a binary opclause");
- }
- /*
- * Find the constant part
- */
- other = (Node *) linitial(args);
- if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
- {
- self = (Var *)other;
- other = (Node *) lsecond(args);
- }
- else
- {
- self = (Var *) lsecond(args);
- }
- if ( ! IsA(other, Const) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no constant arguments - returning a default selectivity");
-// PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.33333);
- }
- /*
- * We don't have a nice <const> && <var> or <var> && <const>
- * situation here. <const> && <const> would probably get evaluated
- * away by PgSQL earlier on. <func> && <const> is harder, and the
- * case we get often is <const> && ST_Expand(<var>), which does
- * actually have a subtly different selectivity than a bae
- * <const> && <var> call. It's calculatable though, by expanding
- * every cell in the histgram appropriately.
- *
- * Discussion:
- *
- * To do? Do variable selectivity based on the <func> node.
- */
- if ( ! IsA(self, Var) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no bare variable argument ? - returning a moderate selectivity");
- PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(0.33333);
- }
- /*
- * Convert the constant to a BOX
- */
- if( ! gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(((Const*)other)->constvalue, &search_box) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "search box is EMPTY");
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " requested search box is : %.15g %.15g, %.15g %.15g",search_box.xmin,search_box.ymin,search_box.xmax,search_box.ymax);
- /*
- * Get pg_statistic row
- */
- relid = getrelid(self->varno, root->parse->rtable);
- stats_tuple = SearchSysCache2(STATRELATT, ObjectIdGetDatum(relid), Int16GetDatum(self->varattno));
- if ( ! stats_tuple )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " No statistics, returning default estimate");
- }
- if ( ! get_attstatsslot(stats_tuple, 0, 0, STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY, InvalidOid, NULL, NULL,
- (float4 **)gsptr, &geomstats_nvalues) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY stats not found - returning default geometry selectivity");
- ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " %d read from stats", geomstats_nvalues);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmin,ymin: %f,%f",
- geomstats->xmin, geomstats->ymin);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: xmax,ymax: %f,%f",
- geomstats->xmax, geomstats->ymax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: cols: %f", geomstats->rows);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: rows: %f", geomstats->cols);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureArea: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureArea);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureCells);
- /*
- * Do the estimation
- */
- selectivity = estimate_selectivity(&search_box, geomstats);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " returning computed value: %f", selectivity);
- free_attstatsslot(0, NULL, 0, (float *)geomstats, geomstats_nvalues);
- ReleaseSysCache(stats_tuple);
- PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(selectivity);
- * This function is called by the analyze function iff
- * the geometry_analyze() function give it its pointer
- * (this is always the case so far).
- * The geometry_analyze() function is also responsible
- * of deciding the number of "sample" rows we will receive
- * here. It is able to give use other 'custom' data, but we
- * won't use them so far.
- *
- * Our job is to build some statistics on the sample data
- * for use by operator estimators.
- *
- * Currently we only need statistics to estimate the number of rows
- * overlapping a given extent (estimation function bound
- * to the && operator).
- *
- */
-static void
-compute_geometry_stats(VacAttrStats *stats, AnalyzeAttrFetchFunc fetchfunc,
- int samplerows, double totalrows)
- MemoryContext old_context;
- int i;
- int geom_stats_size;
- GBOX **sampleboxes;
- GEOM_STATS *geomstats;
- bool isnull;
- int null_cnt=0, notnull_cnt=0, examinedsamples=0;
- GBOX *sample_extent=NULL;
- double total_width=0;
- double total_boxes_area=0;
- int total_boxes_cells=0;
- double cell_area;
- double cell_width;
- double cell_height;
- /* for standard deviation */
- double avgLOWx, avgLOWy, avgHIGx, avgHIGy;
- double sumLOWx=0, sumLOWy=0, sumHIGx=0, sumHIGy=0;
- double sdLOWx=0, sdLOWy=0, sdHIGx=0, sdHIGy=0;
- GBOX *newhistobox=NULL;
- double geow, geoh; /* width and height of histogram */
- int histocells;
- int cols, rows; /* histogram grid size */
- GBOX histobox;
- /*
- * This is where geometry_analyze
- * should put its' custom parameters.
- */
- /* void *mystats = stats->extra_data; */
- /*
- * We'll build an histogram having from 40 to 400 boxesPerSide
- * Total number of cells is determined by attribute stat
- * target. It can go from 1600 to 160000 (stat target: 10,1000)
- */
- histocells = 160*stats->attr->attstattarget;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "compute_geometry_stats called");
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " samplerows: %d", samplerows);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram cells: %d", histocells);
- /*
- * We might need less space, but don't think
- * its worth saving...
- */
- sampleboxes = palloc(sizeof(GBOX *)*samplerows);
- /*
- * First scan:
- * o find extent of the sample rows
- * o count null-infinite/not-null values
- * o compute total_width
- * o compute total features's box area (for avgFeatureArea)
- * o sum features box coordinates (for standard deviation)
- */
- for (i=0; i<samplerows; i++)
- {
- Datum datum;
- GBOX box;
- datum = fetchfunc(stats, i, &isnull);
- /*
- * Skip nulls
- */
- if ( isnull )
- {
- null_cnt++;
- continue;
- }
- /** NOTE: we use the toasted width for stawidth */
- total_width += VARSIZE_ANY(DatumGetPointer(datum));
- if ( LW_FAILURE == gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p(datum, &box) )
- {
- /* Skip empty geometry */
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " skipped empty geometry %d", i);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Skip infinite geoms
- */
- if ( ! finite(box.xmin) ||
- ! finite(box.xmax) ||
- ! finite(box.ymin) ||
- ! finite(box.ymax) )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " skipped infinite geometry %d", i);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- * Cache bounding box
- * TODO: reduce BOX2DFLOAT4 copies
- */
- sampleboxes[notnull_cnt] = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- memcpy(sampleboxes[notnull_cnt], &box, sizeof(GBOX));
- /*
- * Add to sample extent union
- */
- if ( ! sample_extent )
- {
- sample_extent = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- memcpy(sample_extent, &box, sizeof(GBOX));
- }
- else
- {
- sample_extent->xmax = Max(sample_extent->xmax,
- box.xmax);
- sample_extent->ymax = Max(sample_extent->ymax,
- box.ymax);
- sample_extent->xmin = Min(sample_extent->xmin,
- box.xmin);
- sample_extent->ymin = Min(sample_extent->ymin,
- box.ymin);
- }
- total_boxes_area += (box.xmax-box.xmin)*(box.ymax-box.ymin);
- /*
- * Add bvol coordinates to sum for standard deviation
- * computation.
- */
- sumLOWx += box.xmin;
- sumLOWy += box.ymin;
- sumHIGx += box.xmax;
- sumHIGy += box.ymax;
- notnull_cnt++;
- /* give backend a chance of interrupting us */
- vacuum_delay_point();
- }
- if ( ! notnull_cnt )
- {
- elog(NOTICE, " no notnull values, invalid stats");
- stats->stats_valid = false;
- return;
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sample_extent: xmin,ymin: %f,%f",
- sample_extent->xmin, sample_extent->ymin);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sample_extent: xmax,ymax: %f,%f",
- sample_extent->xmax, sample_extent->ymax);
- /*
- * Second scan:
- * o compute standard deviation
- */
- avgLOWx = sumLOWx/notnull_cnt;
- avgLOWy = sumLOWy/notnull_cnt;
- avgHIGx = sumHIGx/notnull_cnt;
- avgHIGy = sumHIGy/notnull_cnt;
- for (i=0; i<notnull_cnt; i++)
- {
- GBOX *box;
- box = (GBOX *)sampleboxes[i];
- sdLOWx += (box->xmin - avgLOWx) * (box->xmin - avgLOWx);
- sdLOWy += (box->ymin - avgLOWy) * (box->ymin - avgLOWy);
- sdHIGx += (box->xmax - avgHIGx) * (box->xmax - avgHIGx);
- sdHIGy += (box->ymax - avgHIGy) * (box->ymax - avgHIGy);
- }
- sdLOWx = sqrt(sdLOWx/notnull_cnt);
- sdLOWy = sqrt(sdLOWy/notnull_cnt);
- sdHIGx = sqrt(sdHIGx/notnull_cnt);
- sdHIGy = sqrt(sdHIGy/notnull_cnt);
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " standard deviations:");
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " LOWx - avg:%f sd:%f", avgLOWx, sdLOWx);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " LOWy - avg:%f sd:%f", avgLOWy, sdLOWy);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " HIGx - avg:%f sd:%f", avgHIGx, sdHIGx);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " HIGy - avg:%f sd:%f", avgHIGy, sdHIGy);
- histobox.xmin = Max((avgLOWx - SDFACTOR * sdLOWx),
- sample_extent->xmin);
- histobox.ymin = Max((avgLOWy - SDFACTOR * sdLOWy),
- sample_extent->ymin);
- histobox.xmax = Min((avgHIGx + SDFACTOR * sdHIGx),
- sample_extent->xmax);
- histobox.ymax = Min((avgHIGy + SDFACTOR * sdHIGy),
- sample_extent->ymax);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sd_extent: xmin,ymin: %f,%f",
- histobox.xmin, histobox.ymin);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " sd_extent: xmax,ymax: %f,%f",
- histobox.xmin, histobox.ymax);
- /*
- * Third scan:
- * o skip hard deviants
- * o compute new histogram box
- */
- for (i=0; i<notnull_cnt; i++)
- {
- GBOX *box;
- box = (GBOX *)sampleboxes[i];
- if ( box->xmin > histobox.xmax ||
- box->xmax < histobox.xmin ||
- box->ymin > histobox.ymax ||
- box->ymax < histobox.ymin )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " feat %d is an hard deviant, skipped", i);
- sampleboxes[i] = NULL;
- continue;
- }
- if ( ! newhistobox )
- {
- newhistobox = palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- memcpy(newhistobox, box, sizeof(GBOX));
- }
- else
- {
- if ( box->xmin < newhistobox->xmin )
- newhistobox->xmin = box->xmin;
- if ( box->ymin < newhistobox->ymin )
- newhistobox->ymin = box->ymin;
- if ( box->xmax > newhistobox->xmax )
- newhistobox->xmax = box->xmax;
- if ( box->ymax > newhistobox->ymax )
- newhistobox->ymax = box->ymax;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set histogram extent as the intersection between
- * standard deviation based histogram extent
- * and computed sample extent after removal of
- * hard deviants (there might be no hard deviants).
- */
- if ( histobox.xmin < newhistobox->xmin )
- histobox.xmin = newhistobox->xmin;
- if ( histobox.ymin < newhistobox->ymin )
- histobox.ymin = newhistobox->ymin;
- if ( histobox.xmax > newhistobox->xmax )
- histobox.xmax = newhistobox->xmax;
- if ( histobox.ymax > newhistobox->ymax )
- histobox.ymax = newhistobox->ymax;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram_extent: xmin,ymin: %f,%f",
- histobox.xmin, histobox.ymin);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram_extent: xmax,ymax: %f,%f",
- histobox.xmax, histobox.ymax);
- geow = histobox.xmax - histobox.xmin;
- geoh = histobox.ymax - histobox.ymin;
- /*
- * Compute histogram cols and rows based on aspect ratio
- * of histogram extent
- */
- if ( ! geow && ! geoh )
- {
- cols = 1;
- rows = 1;
- histocells = 1;
- }
- else if ( ! geow )
- {
- cols = 1;
- rows = histocells;
- }
- else if ( ! geoh )
- {
- cols = histocells;
- rows = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( geow<geoh)
- {
- cols = ceil(sqrt((double)histocells*(geow/geoh)));
- rows = ceil((double)histocells/cols);
- }
- else
- {
- rows = ceil(sqrt((double)histocells*(geoh/geow)));
- cols = ceil((double)histocells/rows);
- }
- histocells = cols*rows;
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " computed histogram grid size (CxR): %dx%d (%d cells)", cols, rows, histocells);
- /*
- * Create the histogram (GEOM_STATS)
- */
- old_context = MemoryContextSwitchTo(stats->anl_context);
- geom_stats_size=sizeof(GEOM_STATS)+(histocells-1)*sizeof(float4);
- geomstats = palloc(geom_stats_size);
- MemoryContextSwitchTo(old_context);
- geomstats->avgFeatureArea = total_boxes_area/notnull_cnt;
- geomstats->xmin = histobox.xmin;
- geomstats->ymin = histobox.ymin;
- geomstats->xmax = histobox.xmax;
- geomstats->ymax = histobox.ymax;
- geomstats->cols = cols;
- geomstats->rows = rows;
- /* Initialize all values to 0 */
- for (i=0; i<histocells; i++) geomstats->value[i] = 0;
- cell_width = geow/cols;
- cell_height = geoh/rows;
- cell_area = cell_width*cell_height;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "cell_width: %f", cell_width);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "cell_height: %f", cell_height);
- /*
- * Fourth scan:
- * o fill histogram values with the number of
- * features' bbox overlaps: a feature's bvol
- * can fully overlap (1) or partially overlap
- * (fraction of 1) an histogram cell.
- *
- * o compute total cells occupation
- *
- */
- for (i=0; i<notnull_cnt; i++)
- {
- GBOX *box;
- int x_idx_min, x_idx_max, x;
- int y_idx_min, y_idx_max, y;
- int numcells=0;
- box = (GBOX *)sampleboxes[i];
- if ( ! box ) continue; /* hard deviant.. */
- /* give backend a chance of interrupting us */
- vacuum_delay_point();
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " feat %d box is %f %f, %f %f",
- i, box->xmax, box->ymax,
- box->xmin, box->ymin);
- /* Find first overlapping column */
- x_idx_min = (box->xmin-geomstats->xmin) / geow * cols;
- if (x_idx_min <0) x_idx_min = 0;
- if (x_idx_min >= cols) x_idx_min = cols-1;
- /* Find first overlapping row */
- y_idx_min = (box->ymin-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * rows;
- if (y_idx_min <0) y_idx_min = 0;
- if (y_idx_min >= rows) y_idx_min = rows-1;
- /* Find last overlapping column */
- x_idx_max = (box->xmax-geomstats->xmin) / geow * cols;
- if (x_idx_max <0) x_idx_max = 0;
- if (x_idx_max >= cols ) x_idx_max = cols-1;
- /* Find last overlapping row */
- y_idx_max = (box->ymax-geomstats->ymin) / geoh * rows;
- if (y_idx_max <0) y_idx_max = 0;
- if (y_idx_max >= rows) y_idx_max = rows-1;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " feat %d overlaps columns %d-%d, rows %d-%d",
- i, x_idx_min, x_idx_max, y_idx_min, y_idx_max);
- /*
- * the {x,y}_idx_{min,max}
- * define the grid squares that the box intersects
- */
- for (y=y_idx_min; y<=y_idx_max; y++)
- {
- for (x=x_idx_min; x<=x_idx_max; x++)
- {
- geomstats->value[x+y*cols] += 1;
- numcells++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * before adding to the total cells
- * we could decide if we really
- * want this feature to count
- */
- total_boxes_cells += numcells;
- examinedsamples++;
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " examined_samples: %d/%d", examinedsamples, samplerows);
- if ( ! examinedsamples )
- {
- elog(NOTICE, " no examined values, invalid stats");
- stats->stats_valid = false;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " no stats have been gathered");
- return;
- }
- /** TODO: what about null features (TODO) */
- geomstats->avgFeatureCells = (float4)total_boxes_cells/examinedsamples;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo: total_boxes_cells: %d", total_boxes_cells);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo: avgFeatureArea: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureArea);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histo: avgFeatureCells: %f", geomstats->avgFeatureCells);
- /*
- * Normalize histogram
- *
- * We divide each histogram cell value
- * by the number of samples examined.
- *
- */
- for (i=0; i<histocells; i++)
- geomstats->value[i] /= examinedsamples;
- {
- int x, y;
- for (x=0; x<cols; x++)
- {
- for (y=0; y<rows; y++)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " histo[%d,%d] = %.15f", x, y, geomstats->value[x+y*cols]);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write the statistics data
- */
- stats->stakind[0] = STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY;
- stats->staop[0] = InvalidOid;
- stats->stanumbers[0] = (float4 *)geomstats;
- stats->numnumbers[0] = geom_stats_size/sizeof(float4);
- stats->stanullfrac = (float4)null_cnt/samplerows;
- stats->stawidth = total_width/notnull_cnt;
- stats->stadistinct = -1.0;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: kind %d (STATISTIC_KIND_GEOMETRY)",
- stats->stakind[0]);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: op %d (InvalidOid)", stats->staop[0]);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: slot 0: numnumbers %d", stats->numnumbers[0]);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: null fraction: %d/%d=%g", null_cnt, samplerows, stats->stanullfrac);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " out: average width: %d bytes", stats->stawidth);
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " out: distinct values: all (no check done)");
- stats->stats_valid = true;
- * This function will be called when the ANALYZE command is run
- * on a column of the "geometry" type.
- *
- * It will need to return a stats builder function reference
- * and a "minimum" sample rows to feed it.
- * If we want analisys to be completely skipped we can return
- * FALSE and leave output vals untouched.
- *
- * What we know from this call is:
- *
- * o The pg_attribute row referring to the specific column.
- * Could be used to get reltuples from pg_class (which
- * might quite inexact though...) and use them to set an
- * appropriate minimum number of sample rows to feed to
- * the stats builder. The stats builder will also receive
- * a more accurate "estimation" of the number or rows.
- *
- * o The pg_type row for the specific column.
- * Could be used to set stat builder / sample rows
- * based on domain type (when postgis will be implemented
- * that way).
- *
- * Being this experimental we'll stick to a static stat_builder/sample_rows
- * value for now.
- *
- */
-Datum geometry_analyze_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- VacAttrStats *stats = (VacAttrStats *)PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
- Form_pg_attribute attr = stats->attr;
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "geometry_analyze called");
- /* If the attstattarget column is negative, use the default value */
- /* NB: it is okay to scribble on stats->attr since it's a copy */
- if (attr->attstattarget < 0)
- attr->attstattarget = default_statistics_target;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " attribute stat target: %d", attr->attstattarget);
- /* Setup the minimum rows and the algorithm function */
- stats->minrows = 300 * stats->attr->attstattarget;
- stats->compute_stats = compute_geometry_stats;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " minrows: %d", stats->minrows);
- /* Indicate we are done successfully */
- * Return the estimated extent of the table
- * looking at gathered statistics (or NULL if
- * no statistics have been gathered).
- */
-Datum geometry_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- text *txnsp = NULL;
- text *txtbl = NULL;
- text *txcol = NULL;
- char *nsp = NULL;
- char *tbl = NULL;
- char *col = NULL;
- char *query;
- ArrayType *array = NULL;
- int SPIcode;
- SPITupleTable *tuptable;
- TupleDesc tupdesc ;
- HeapTuple tuple ;
- bool isnull;
- GBOX *box;
- size_t querysize;
- GEOM_STATS geomstats;
- float reltuples;
- Datum binval;
- if ( PG_NARGS() == 3 )
- {
- txnsp = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
- txtbl = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
- txcol = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2);
- }
- else if ( PG_NARGS() == 2 )
- {
- txtbl = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
- txcol = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1);
- }
- else
- {
- elog(ERROR, "estimated_extent() called with wrong number of arguments");
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "geomtery_estimated_extent called");
- /* Connect to SPI manager */
- SPIcode = SPI_connect();
- if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_CONNECT)
- {
- elog(ERROR, "geometry_estimated_extent: couldnt open a connection to SPI");
- }
- querysize = VARSIZE(txtbl)+VARSIZE(txcol)+516;
- if ( txnsp )
- {
- nsp = text2cstring(txnsp);
- querysize += VARSIZE(txnsp);
- }
- else
- {
- querysize += 32; /* current_schema() */
- }
- tbl = text2cstring(txtbl);
- col = text2cstring(txcol);
- if ( txnsp )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " schema:%s table:%s column:%s", nsp, tbl, col);
- }
- else
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " schema:current_schema() table:%s column:%s",
- tbl, col);
- }
- query = palloc(querysize);
- /* Security check: because we access information in the pg_statistic table, we must run as the database
- superuser (by marking the function as SECURITY DEFINER) and check permissions ourselves */
- if ( txnsp )
- {
- sprintf(query, "SELECT has_table_privilege((SELECT usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE usename = session_user), '\"%s\".\"%s\"', 'select')", nsp, tbl);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(query, "SELECT has_table_privilege((SELECT usesysid FROM pg_user WHERE usename = session_user), '\"%s\"', 'select')", tbl);
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "permission check sql query is: %s", query);
- SPIcode = SPI_exec(query, 1);
- if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_SELECT)
- {
- elog(ERROR, "geometry_estimated_extent: couldn't execute permission check sql via SPI");
- SPI_finish();
- }
- tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
- tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
- tuple = tuptable->vals[0];
- if (!DatumGetBool(SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull)))
- {
- elog(ERROR, "geometry_estimated_extent: permission denied for relation %s", tbl);
- SPI_finish();
- }
- /* Return the stats data */
- if ( txnsp )
- {
- sprintf(query,
- "SELECT s.stanumbers1[5:8], c.reltuples FROM pg_class c"
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)"
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid = c.oid )"
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_statistic s ON (s.starelid = c.oid AND "
- "s.staattnum = a.attnum )"
- " WHERE c.relname = '%s' AND a.attname = '%s' "
- " AND n.nspname = '%s';",
- tbl, col, nsp);
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(query,
- "SELECT s.stanumbers1[5:8], c.reltuples FROM pg_class c"
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)"
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid = c.oid )"
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_statistic s ON (s.starelid = c.oid AND "
- "s.staattnum = a.attnum )"
- " WHERE c.relname = '%s' AND a.attname = '%s' "
- " AND n.nspname = current_schema();",
- tbl, col);
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, " query: %s", query);
- SPIcode = SPI_exec(query, 1);
- if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_SELECT )
- {
- elog(ERROR,"geometry_estimated_extent: couldnt execute sql via SPI");
- SPI_finish();
- }
- if (SPI_processed != 1)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " %d stat rows", SPI_processed);
- elog(ERROR, "Unexistent field \"%s\".\"%s\".\"%s\"",
- ( nsp ? nsp : "<current>" ), tbl, col);
- SPI_finish();
- }
- tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
- tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
- tuple = tuptable->vals[0];
- /* Check if the table has zero rows first */
- binval = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, 2, &isnull);
- if (isnull)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " reltuples is NULL");
- elog(ERROR, "geometry_estimated_extent: null reltuples for table");
- SPI_finish();
- }
- reltuples = DatumGetFloat4(binval);
- if ( ! reltuples )
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "table has estimated zero rows");
- /*
- * TODO: distinguish between empty and not analyzed ?
- */
- elog(NOTICE, "\"%s\".\"%s\".\"%s\" is empty or not analyzed",
- ( nsp ? nsp : "<current>" ), tbl, col);
- SPI_finish();
- }
- binval = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
- if (isnull)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, " stats are NULL");
- elog(ERROR, "geometry_estimated_extent: null statistics for table");
- SPI_finish();
- }
- array = DatumGetArrayTypeP(binval);
- if ( ArrayGetNItems(ARR_NDIM(array), ARR_DIMS(array)) != 4 )
- {
- elog(ERROR, " corrupted histogram");
- }
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " stats array has %d elems", ArrayGetNItems(ARR_NDIM(array), ARR_DIMS(array)));
- /*
- * Construct GBOX.
- * Must allocate this in upper executor context
- * to keep it alive after SPI_finish().
- */
- box = SPI_palloc(sizeof(GBOX));
- FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(box->flags, 0);
- FLAGS_SET_Z(box->flags, 0);
- FLAGS_SET_M(box->flags, 0);
- /* Construct the box */
- memcpy(&(geomstats.xmin), ARR_DATA_PTR(array), sizeof(float)*4);
- box->xmin = geomstats.xmin;
- box->xmax = geomstats.xmax;
- box->ymin = geomstats.ymin;
- box->ymax = geomstats.ymax;
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, " histogram extent = %g %g, %g %g", box->xmin,
- box->ymin, box->xmax, box->ymax);
- SPIcode = SPI_finish();
- if (SPIcode != SPI_OK_FINISH )
- {
- elog(ERROR, "geometry_estimated_extent: couldn't disconnect from SPI");
- }
- /* TODO: enlarge the box by some factor */
Datum _postgis_gserialized_joinsel(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
Datum _postgis_gserialized_stats(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+/* Old Prototype */
+Datum geometry_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
* Assign a number to the n-dimensional statistics kind
+ * Return the estimated extent of the table
+ * looking at gathered statistics (or NULL if
+ * no statistics have been gathered).
+ */
+Datum geometry_estimated_extent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ if ( PG_NARGS() == 3 )
+ {
+ DirectFunctionCall3(gserialized_estimated_extent,
+ }
+ else if ( PG_NARGS() == 2 )
+ {
+ DirectFunctionCall2(gserialized_estimated_extent,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "geometry_estimated_extent() called with wrong number of arguments");
+ }
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' ,'gserialized_gist_decompress_2d'
--- Availability: 2.0.0
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geometry_gist_sel_2d (internal, oid, internal, int4)
- RETURNS float8
- AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'geometry_gist_sel_2d'
--- Availability: 2.0.0
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION geometry_gist_joinsel_2d(internal, oid, internal, smallint)
- RETURNS float8
- AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'geometry_gist_joinsel_2d'