-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.5.0
- *) mod_ssl: for all ssl_engine_vars.c lookups, fall back to master connection
- if conn_rec itself holds no valid SSLConnRec*. Fixes PR58666.
+ *) mod_http2: fixed bug in input window size calculation by moving chunked
+ request body encoding into later stage of processing.
[Stefan Eissing]
*) mod_proxy_fdpass: Fix AH01153 error when using the default configuration.
+ /* What do install instead? */
+ ap_remove_input_filter_byhandle(c->input_filters, "reqtimeout");
ap_update_child_status_from_conn(c->sbh, SERVER_BUSY_READ, c);
status = h2_session_start(session, &rv);
#include "h2_config.h"
#include "h2_ctx.h"
#include "h2_conn.h"
+#include "h2_session.h"
+#include "h2_util.h"
#include "h2_h2.h"
const char *h2_tls_protos[] = {
* - process_conn take over connection in case of h2
static int h2_h2_process_conn(conn_rec* c);
-static int h2_h2_remove_timeout(conn_rec* c);
static int h2_h2_post_read_req(request_rec *r);
* Register various hooks
-static const char *const mod_reqtimeout[] = { "reqtimeout.c", NULL};
static const char* const mod_ssl[] = {"mod_ssl.c", NULL};
void h2_h2_register_hooks(void)
- /* Perform connection cleanup before the actual processing happens.
- */
- ap_hook_process_connection(h2_h2_remove_timeout,
- mod_reqtimeout, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST);
/* With "H2SerializeHeaders On", we install the filter in this hook
* that parses the response. This needs to happen before any other post
* read function terminates the request with an error. Otherwise we will
ap_hook_post_read_request(h2_h2_post_read_req, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST);
-static int h2_h2_remove_timeout(conn_rec* c)
- h2_ctx *ctx = h2_ctx_get(c);
- if (h2_ctx_is_active(ctx) && !h2_ctx_is_task(ctx)) {
- /* cleanup on master h2 connections */
- ap_remove_input_filter_byhandle(c->input_filters, "reqtimeout");
- }
- return DECLINED;
int h2_h2_process_conn(conn_rec* c)
h2_ctx *ctx = h2_ctx_get(c);
static int h2_h2_post_read_req(request_rec *r)
- h2_ctx *ctx = h2_ctx_rget(r);
- struct h2_task *task = h2_ctx_get_task(ctx);
- if (task) {
- /* FIXME: sometimes, this hook gets called twice for a single request.
- * This should not be, right? */
- /* h2_task connection for a stream, not for h2c */
- ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE3, 0, r,
- "adding h1_to_h2_resp output filter");
- if (task->serialize_headers) {
- ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "H1_TO_H2_RESP");
- ap_add_output_filter("H1_TO_H2_RESP", task, r, r->connection);
- }
- else {
- /* replace the core http filter that formats response headers
- * in HTTP/1 with our own that collects status and headers */
- ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "HTTP_HEADER");
- ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "H2_RESPONSE");
- ap_add_output_filter("H2_RESPONSE", task, r, r->connection);
+ /* slave connection? */
+ if (r->connection->master) {
+ h2_ctx *ctx = h2_ctx_rget(r);
+ struct h2_task *task = h2_ctx_get_task(ctx);
+ /* This hook will get called twice on internal redirects. Take care
+ * that we manipulate filters only once. */
+ /* our slave connection? */
+ if (task && !task->filters_set) {
+ /* setup the correct output filters to process the response
+ * on the proper mod_http2 way. */
+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE3, 0, r, "adding task output filter");
+ if (task->serialize_headers) {
+ ap_add_output_filter("H1_TO_H2_RESP", task, r, r->connection);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* replace the core http filter that formats response headers
+ * in HTTP/1 with our own that collects status and headers */
+ ap_remove_output_filter_byhandle(r->output_filters, "HTTP_HEADER");
+ ap_add_output_filter("H2_RESPONSE", task, r, r->connection);
+ }
+ ap_add_output_filter("H2_TRAILERS", task, r, r->connection);
+ task->filters_set = 1;
- ap_add_output_filter("H2_TRAILERS", task, r, r->connection);
return DECLINED;
#include "h2_private.h"
#include "h2_io.h"
#include "h2_response.h"
+#include "h2_request.h"
#include "h2_task.h"
#include "h2_util.h"
io->id = id;
io->pool = pool;
io->bucket_alloc = bucket_alloc;
- io->bbin = NULL;
- io->bbout = NULL;
return io;
return h2_io_in_close(io);
+static int add_trailer(void *ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
+ apr_bucket_brigade *bb = ctx;
+ apr_status_t status;
+ status = apr_brigade_printf(bb, NULL, NULL, "%s: %s\r\n",
+ key, value);
+ return (status == APR_SUCCESS);
+static apr_status_t append_eos(h2_io *io, apr_bucket_brigade *bb)
+ apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS;
+ if (io->request->chunked) {
+ apr_table_t *trailers = io->request->trailers;
+ if (trailers && !apr_is_empty_table(trailers)) {
+ status = apr_brigade_puts(bb, NULL, NULL, "0\r\n");
+ apr_table_do(add_trailer, bb, trailers, NULL);
+ status = apr_brigade_puts(bb, NULL, NULL, "\r\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ status = apr_brigade_puts(bb, NULL, NULL, "0\r\n\r\n");
+ }
+ }
+ APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, apr_bucket_eos_create(io->bbin->bucket_alloc));
+ return status;
apr_status_t h2_io_in_read(h2_io *io, apr_bucket_brigade *bb,
apr_size_t maxlen)
apr_off_t start_len = 0;
- apr_bucket *last;
apr_status_t status;
if (io->rst_error) {
if (!io->bbin || APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(io->bbin)) {
- return io->eos_in? APR_EOF : APR_EAGAIN;
+ if (io->eos_in) {
+ if (!io->eos_in_written) {
+ status = append_eos(io, bb);
+ io->eos_in_written = 1;
+ return status;
+ }
+ return APR_EOF;
+ }
+ return APR_EAGAIN;
- apr_brigade_length(bb, 1, &start_len);
- last = APR_BRIGADE_LAST(bb);
- status = h2_util_move(bb, io->bbin, maxlen, NULL, "h2_io_in_read");
- if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
- apr_bucket *nlast = APR_BRIGADE_LAST(bb);
- apr_off_t end_len = 0;
- apr_brigade_length(bb, 1, &end_len);
- if (last == nlast) {
- return APR_EAGAIN;
+ if (io->request->chunked) {
+ /* the reader expects HTTP/1.1 chunked encoding */
+ if (!io->tmp) {
+ io->tmp = apr_brigade_create(io->pool, io->bucket_alloc);
+ }
+ apr_brigade_cleanup(io->tmp);
+ status = h2_util_move(io->tmp, io->bbin, maxlen, NULL, "h2_io_in_read_chunk");
+ if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
+ apr_off_t tmp_len = 0;
+ apr_brigade_length(io->tmp, 1, &tmp_len);
+ if (tmp_len > 0) {
+ io->input_consumed += tmp_len;
+ status = apr_brigade_printf(bb, NULL, NULL, "%lx\r\n",
+ (unsigned long)tmp_len);
+ if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
+ status = h2_util_move(bb, io->tmp, -1, NULL, "h2_io_in_read_tmp1");
+ if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
+ status = apr_brigade_puts(bb, NULL, NULL, "\r\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ status = h2_util_move(bb, io->tmp, -1, NULL, "h2_io_in_read_tmp2");
+ }
- io->input_consumed += (end_len - start_len);
+ else {
+ apr_brigade_length(bb, 1, &start_len);
+ status = h2_util_move(bb, io->bbin, maxlen, NULL, "h2_io_in_read");
+ if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
+ apr_off_t end_len = 0;
+ apr_brigade_length(bb, 1, &end_len);
+ io->input_consumed += (end_len - start_len);
+ }
+ }
return status;
- if (io->bbin) {
- apr_bucket_eos_create(io->bbin->bucket_alloc));
- }
io->eos_in = 1;
int rst_error;
int eos_in;
+ int eos_in_written;
apr_bucket_brigade *bbin; /* input data for stream */
struct apr_thread_cond_t *input_arrived; /* block on reading */
apr_size_t input_consumed; /* how many bytes have been read */
struct apr_thread_cond_t *output_drained; /* block on writing */
int files_handles_owned;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *tmp; /* temporary data for chunking */
while (APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(status)
&& !is_aborted(m, &status)
&& block == APR_BLOCK_READ) {
+ ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE2, status, m->c,
+ "h2_mplx(%ld-%d): wait on in data (BLOCK_READ)",
+ m->id, stream_id);
apr_thread_cond_wait(io->input_arrived, m->lock);
status = h2_io_in_read(io, bb, -1);
static apr_status_t input_add_data(h2_stream *stream,
- const char *data, size_t len, int chunked)
+ const char *data, size_t len)
- apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS;
- if (chunked) {
- status = apr_brigade_printf(stream->bbin, input_flush, stream,
- "%lx\r\n", (unsigned long)len);
- if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
- status = apr_brigade_write(stream->bbin, input_flush, stream, data, len);
- if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
- status = apr_brigade_puts(stream->bbin, input_flush, stream, "\r\n");
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- status = apr_brigade_write(stream->bbin, input_flush, stream, data, len);
- }
- return status;
-static int input_add_header(void *str, const char *key, const char *value)
- h2_stream *stream = str;
- apr_status_t status = input_add_data(stream, key, strlen(key), 0);
- if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
- status = input_add_data(stream, ": ", 2, 0);
- if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
- status = input_add_data(stream, value, strlen(value), 0);
- if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
- status = input_add_data(stream, "\r\n", 2, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- return (status == APR_SUCCESS);
+ return apr_brigade_write(stream->bbin, input_flush, stream, data, len);
apr_status_t h2_stream_close_input(h2_stream *stream)
H2_STREAM_IN(APLOG_TRACE2, stream, "close_pre");
if (close_input(stream) && stream->bbin) {
- if (stream->request->chunked) {
- apr_table_t *trailers = stream->request->trailers;
- if (trailers && !apr_is_empty_table(trailers)) {
- status = input_add_data(stream, "0\r\n", 3, 0);
- apr_table_do(input_add_header, stream, trailers, NULL);
- status = input_add_data(stream, "\r\n", 2, 0);
- }
- else {
- status = input_add_data(stream, "0\r\n\r\n", 5, 0);
- }
- }
- if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
- status = h2_stream_input_flush(stream);
- }
+ status = h2_stream_input_flush(stream);
if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
status = h2_mplx_in_close(stream->session->mplx, stream->id);
stream->session->id, stream->id, (long)len);
H2_STREAM_IN(APLOG_TRACE2, stream, "write_data_pre");
- if (stream->request->chunked) {
- /* if input may have a body and we have not seen any
- * content-length header, we need to chunk the input data.
- */
- status = input_add_data(stream, data, len, 1);
- }
- else {
+ if (!stream->request->chunked) {
stream->input_remaining -= len;
if (stream->input_remaining < 0) {
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, 0, stream->session->c,
h2_stream_rst(stream, H2_ERR_PROTOCOL_ERROR);
- status = input_add_data(stream, data, len, 0);
+ status = input_add_data(stream, data, len);
if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
status = h2_stream_input_flush(stream);
struct h2_mplx *mplx;
const struct h2_request *request;
+ int filters_set;
int input_eos;
int serialize_headers;
struct conn_rec *c;
- apr_pool_t *pool; /* pool for task lifetime things */
+ apr_pool_t *pool;
apr_bucket_alloc_t *bucket_alloc;
struct h2_task_input *input;
struct h2_task_output *output;
if ((bblen == 0) && input->task->input_eos) {
+ ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE1, 0, f->c,
+ "h2_task_input(%s): eos", input->task->id);
return APR_EOF;
if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(input->bb)) {
if (mode == AP_MODE_EXHAUSTIVE) {
/* return all we have */
- return h2_util_move(bb, input->bb, readbytes, NULL,
- "task_input_read(exhaustive)");
+ status = h2_util_move(bb, input->bb, readbytes, NULL,
+ "task_input_read(exhaustive)");
else if (mode == AP_MODE_READBYTES) {
- return h2_util_move(bb, input->bb, readbytes, NULL,
- "task_input_read(readbytes)");
+ status = h2_util_move(bb, input->bb, readbytes, NULL,
+ "task_input_read(readbytes)");
else if (mode == AP_MODE_SPECULATIVE) {
/* return not more than was asked for */
- return h2_util_copy(bb, input->bb, readbytes,
- "task_input_read(speculative)");
+ status = h2_util_copy(bb, input->bb, readbytes,
+ "task_input_read(speculative)");
else if (mode == AP_MODE_GETLINE) {
/* we are reading a single LF line, e.g. the HTTP headers */
"h2_task_input(%s): getline: %s",
input->task->id, buffer);
- return status;
else {
/* Hmm, well. There is mode AP_MODE_EATCRLF, but we chose not
ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_ENOTIMPL, f->c,
"h2_task_input, unsupported READ mode %d", mode);
- return APR_ENOTIMPL;
+ status = APR_ENOTIMPL;
+ if (APLOGctrace1(f->c)) {
+ apr_brigade_length(bb, 0, &bblen);
+ ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE1, status, f->c,
+ "h2_task_input(%s): return %ld data bytes",
+ input->task->id, (long)bblen);
+ }
+ return status;
if (is_aborted(f)) {
- return (block == APR_NONBLOCK_READ)? APR_EAGAIN : APR_EOF;
+ status = (block == APR_NONBLOCK_READ)? APR_EAGAIN : APR_EOF;
+ ap_log_cerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_TRACE1, status, f->c,
+ "h2_task_input(%s): no data", input->task->id);
+ return status;