@INC=(@INC, $ENV{'srcdir'}, ".");
- if($] > 5.006) {
- use Time::HiRes qw(time);
+ # run time statistics needs perl 5.7 or newer
+ if($] >= 5.007) {
+ use Time::HiRes qw( time );
my $defserverlogslocktimeout = 20; # timeout to await server logs lock removal
my $defpostcommanddelay = 0; # delay between command and postcheck sections
-my $timestats=1; # time stamping and stats generation
+my $timestats; # time stamping and stats generation
+my $fullstats; # show time stats for every single test
my %timeprepini; # timestamp for each test preparation start
my %timesrvrini; # timestamp for each test required servers verification start
my %timesrvrend; # timestamp for each test required servers verification end
my %timetoolini; # timestamp for each test command run starting
my %timetoolend; # timestamp for each test command run stopping
my %timesrvrlog; # timestamp for each test server logs lock removal
+my %timevrfyend; # timestamp for each test result verification end
my $testnumcheck; # test number, set in singletest sub.
-# perl newer than 5.6 required for time stamping and stats generation
-if(($] > 5.006) && $timestats) {
- keys(%timeprepini) = 1000;
- keys(%timesrvrini) = 1000;
- keys(%timesrvrend) = 1000;
- keys(%timetoolini) = 1000;
- keys(%timetoolend) = 1000;
- keys(%timesrvrlog) = 1000;
-else {
- $timestats = 0;
# get the name of the current user
my $USER = $ENV{USER}; # Linux
if (!$USER) {
return if((not defined($testnum)) || ($testnum < 1));
if($timestats) {
- if($timesrvrlog{$testnum}) {
+ if($timevrfyend{$testnum}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif($timesrvrlog{$testnum}) {
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = $timesrvrlog{$testnum};
elsif($timetoolend{$testnum}) {
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = $timetoolend{$testnum};
$timesrvrlog{$testnum} = $timetoolend{$testnum};
elsif($timetoolini{$testnum}) {
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = $timetoolini{$testnum};
$timesrvrlog{$testnum} = $timetoolini{$testnum};
$timetoolend{$testnum} = $timetoolini{$testnum};
elsif($timesrvrend{$testnum}) {
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = $timesrvrend{$testnum};
$timesrvrlog{$testnum} = $timesrvrend{$testnum};
$timetoolend{$testnum} = $timesrvrend{$testnum};
$timetoolini{$testnum} = $timesrvrend{$testnum};
elsif($timesrvrini{$testnum}) {
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = $timesrvrini{$testnum};
$timesrvrlog{$testnum} = $timesrvrini{$testnum};
$timetoolend{$testnum} = $timesrvrini{$testnum};
$timetoolini{$testnum} = $timesrvrini{$testnum};
$timesrvrend{$testnum} = $timesrvrini{$testnum};
elsif($timeprepini{$testnum}) {
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = $timeprepini{$testnum};
$timesrvrlog{$testnum} = $timeprepini{$testnum};
$timetoolend{$testnum} = $timeprepini{$testnum};
$timetoolini{$testnum} = $timeprepini{$testnum};
# of time until the server removes it, or the given time expires.
if($serverlogslocktimeout) {
- my $lockretry = $serverlogslocktimeout * 4;
+ my $lockretry = $serverlogslocktimeout * 8;
while((-f $SERVERLOGS_LOCK) && $lockretry--) {
- select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25);
+ select(undef, undef, undef, 0.125);
if(($lockretry < 0) &&
($serverlogslocktimeout >= $defserverlogslocktimeout)) {
# to clean up, but the result can't be relied upon.
if($rc != 0 && !$torture) {
logmsg " postcheck FAILED\n";
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
if(!$cmdres && !$keepoutfiles) {
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return $cmdres;
$res = compare("stdout", \@actual, \@validstdout);
if($res) {
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
$ok .= "s";
$res = compare("data", \@out, \@reply);
if ($res) {
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
$ok .= "d";
my @out = loadarray("$LOGDIR/upload.$testnum");
$res = compare("upload", \@out, \@upload);
if ($res) {
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
$ok .= "u";
$res = compare("protocol", \@out, \@protstrip);
if($res) {
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
if(!$filename) {
logmsg "ERROR: section verify=>file has no name attribute\n";
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return -1;
my @generated=loadarray($filename);
$res = compare("output", \@generated, \@outfile);
if($res) {
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
(!$tool)?"curl":$tool, $errorcode);
logmsg " exit FAILED\n";
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
if($leak) {
logmsg "\n** MEMORY FAILURE\n";
logmsg @memdata;
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
else {
# this is the valid protocol blurb curl should generate
if($usevalgrind) {
- opendir(DIR, "log") ||
+ if(!opendir(DIR, "log")) {
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 0; # can't open log dir
+ }
my @files = readdir(DIR);
my $f;
if($e[0]) {
logmsg " valgrind ERROR ";
logmsg @e;
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 1;
$ok .= "v";
unlink($FTPDCMD); # remove the instructions for this test
+ # timestamp test result verification end
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} = Time::HiRes::time() if($timestats);
return 0;
# keep stdout and stderr files after tests
+ elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-r") {
+ # run time statistics needs perl 5.7 or newer
+ if($] >= 5.007) {
+ keys(%timeprepini) = 1000;
+ keys(%timesrvrini) = 1000;
+ keys(%timesrvrend) = 1000;
+ keys(%timetoolini) = 1000;
+ keys(%timetoolend) = 1000;
+ keys(%timesrvrlog) = 1000;
+ keys(%timevrfyend) = 1000;
+ $timestats=1;
+ $fullstats=0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-rf") {
+ # run time statistics needs perl 5.7 or newer
+ if($] >= 5.007) {
+ keys(%timeprepini) = 1000;
+ keys(%timesrvrini) = 1000;
+ keys(%timesrvrend) = 1000;
+ keys(%timetoolini) = 1000;
+ keys(%timetoolend) = 1000;
+ keys(%timesrvrlog) = 1000;
+ keys(%timevrfyend) = 1000;
+ $timestats=1;
+ $fullstats=1;
+ }
+ }
elsif(($ARGV[0] eq "-h") || ($ARGV[0] eq "--help")) {
# show help text
print <<EOHELP
-l list all test case names/descriptions
-n no valgrind
-p print log file contents when a test fails
+ -r run time statistics
+ -rf full run time statistics
-s short output
-t[N] torture (simulate memory alloc failures); N means fail Nth alloc
-v verbose output
if($timestats) {
- logmsg "\nGenerating execution time stats...\n\n";
+ logmsg "\nTest suite total running time breakdown per task...\n\n";
my @timesrvr;
my @timeprep;
my @timetool;
my @timelock;
+ my @timevrfy;
my @timetest;
my $timesrvrtot = 0.0;
my $timepreptot = 0.0;
my $timetooltot = 0.0;
my $timelocktot = 0.0;
+ my $timevrfytot = 0.0;
my $timetesttot = 0.0;
+ my $counter;
for my $testnum (1 .. $lasttest) {
if($timesrvrini{$testnum}) {
($timesrvrend{$testnum} - $timesrvrini{$testnum}));
$timetooltot += $timetoolend{$testnum} - $timetoolini{$testnum};
$timelocktot += $timesrvrlog{$testnum} - $timetoolend{$testnum};
- $timetesttot += $timesrvrlog{$testnum} - $timeprepini{$testnum};
+ $timevrfytot += $timevrfyend{$testnum} - $timesrvrlog{$testnum};
+ $timetesttot += $timevrfyend{$testnum} - $timeprepini{$testnum};
push @timesrvr, sprintf("%06.3f %04d",
$timesrvrend{$testnum} - $timesrvrini{$testnum}, $testnum);
push @timeprep, sprintf("%06.3f %04d",
$timetoolend{$testnum} - $timetoolini{$testnum}, $testnum);
push @timelock, sprintf("%06.3f %04d",
$timesrvrlog{$testnum} - $timetoolend{$testnum}, $testnum);
+ push @timevrfy, sprintf("%06.3f %04d",
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} - $timesrvrlog{$testnum}, $testnum);
push @timetest, sprintf("%06.3f %04d",
- $timesrvrlog{$testnum} - $timeprepini{$testnum}, $testnum);
+ $timevrfyend{$testnum} - $timeprepini{$testnum}, $testnum);
@timesrvr = sort { $b <=> $a } @timesrvr;
@timeprep = sort { $b <=> $a } @timeprep;
@timetool = sort { $b <=> $a } @timetool;
@timelock = sort { $b <=> $a } @timelock;
+ @timevrfy = sort { $b <=> $a } @timevrfy;
@timetest = sort { $b <=> $a } @timetest;
- logmsg "Total srvr time: ". sprintf("%08.3f", $timesrvrtot) ." seconds\n";
- logmsg "Total prep time: ". sprintf("%08.3f", $timepreptot) ." seconds\n";
- logmsg "Total tool time: ". sprintf("%08.3f", $timetooltot) ." seconds\n";
- logmsg "Total lock time: ". sprintf("%08.3f", $timelocktot) ." seconds\n";
- logmsg "Total test time: ". sprintf("%08.3f", $timetesttot) ." seconds\n";
- logmsg "\nServer start verification time per test...\n\n";
+ logmsg "Spent ". sprintf("%08.3f ", $timesrvrtot) .
+ "seconds starting and verifying test harness servers.\n";
+ logmsg "Spent ". sprintf("%08.3f ", $timepreptot) .
+ "seconds reading definitions and doing test preparations.\n";
+ logmsg "Spent ". sprintf("%08.3f ", $timetooltot) .
+ "seconds actually running test tools.\n";
+ logmsg "Spent ". sprintf("%08.3f ", $timelocktot) .
+ "seconds awaiting server logs lock removal.\n";
+ logmsg "Spent ". sprintf("%08.3f ", $timevrfytot) .
+ "seconds verifying test results.\n";
+ logmsg "Spent ". sprintf("%08.3f ", $timetesttot) .
+ "seconds doing all of the above.\n";
+ $counter = 25;
+ logmsg "\nTest server starting and verification time per test ".
+ sprintf("(%s)...\n\n", (not $fullstats)?"top $counter":"full");
logmsg "-time- test\n";
logmsg "------ ----\n";
foreach my $txt (@timesrvr) {
+ last if((not $fullstats) && (not $counter--));
logmsg "$txt\n";
- logmsg "\nTest preparation time per test...\n\n";
+ $counter = 25;
+ logmsg "\nTest definition reading and preparation time per test ".
+ sprintf("(%s)...\n\n", (not $fullstats)?"top $counter":"full");
logmsg "-time- test\n";
logmsg "------ ----\n";
foreach my $txt (@timeprep) {
+ last if((not $fullstats) && (not $counter--));
logmsg "$txt\n";
- logmsg "\nTool execution time per test...\n\n";
+ $counter = 25;
+ logmsg "\nTest tool execution time per test ".
+ sprintf("(%s)...\n\n", (not $fullstats)?"top $counter":"full");
logmsg "-time- test\n";
logmsg "------ ----\n";
foreach my $txt (@timetool) {
+ last if((not $fullstats) && (not $counter--));
logmsg "$txt\n";
- logmsg "\nServer logs lock removal time per test...\n\n";
+ $counter = 25;
+ logmsg "\nTest server logs lock removal time per test ".
+ sprintf("(%s)...\n\n", (not $fullstats)?"top $counter":"full");
logmsg "-time- test\n";
logmsg "------ ----\n";
foreach my $txt (@timelock) {
+ last if((not $fullstats) && (not $counter--));
logmsg "$txt\n";
- logmsg "\nAggregated time per test...\n\n";
+ $counter = 25;
+ logmsg "\nTest results verification time per test ".
+ sprintf("(%s)...\n\n", (not $fullstats)?"top $counter":"full");
+ logmsg "-time- test\n";
+ logmsg "------ ----\n";
+ foreach my $txt (@timevrfy) {
+ last if((not $fullstats) && (not $counter--));
+ logmsg "$txt\n";
+ }
+ $counter = 50;
+ logmsg "\nAggregated time per test ".
+ sprintf("(%s)...\n\n", (not $fullstats)?"top $counter":"full");
logmsg "-time- test\n";
logmsg "------ ----\n";
foreach my $txt (@timetest) {
+ last if((not $fullstats) && (not $counter--));
logmsg "$txt\n";
+ logmsg "\n";
if($total && ($ok != $total)) {