The two task watchdog timer bugs are as follows...
1) If only a single task existed on the wdt task list, and esp_task_wdt_feed()
was only called once, the watchdog triggers but fails to print task name
2) If a single task already exists on the task wdt list, and another task calls
esp_task_wdt_feed() once, the watchdog fails to trigger
Problem stemmed from the loop responsible for resetting the watchdog timer
having incorrect loop parameters. The loop failed to traverse the full length
of the task wdt list
//Reset fed_watchdog status
- for (wdttask=wdt_task_list; wdttask->next!=NULL; wdttask=wdttask->next) wdttask->fed_watchdog=false;
+ for (wdttask=wdt_task_list; wdttask!=NULL; wdttask=wdttask->next) wdttask->fed_watchdog=false;