Warning: The magic method a::__toString() must have public visibility and cannot be static in %s on line %d
-Fatal error: Method a::__tostring() cannot take arguments in %s on line %d
+Fatal error: Method a::__toString() cannot take arguments in %s on line %d
} else if (name_len == sizeof(ZEND_TOSTRING_FUNC_NAME) - 1 &&
!memcmp(lcname, ZEND_TOSTRING_FUNC_NAME, sizeof(ZEND_TOSTRING_FUNC_NAME)-1) && fptr->common.num_args != 0
) {
- zend_error(error_type, "Method %s::%s() cannot take arguments", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZEND_TOSTRING_FUNC_NAME);
+ zend_error(error_type, "Method %s::__toString() cannot take arguments", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name));
} else if (name_len == sizeof(ZEND_DEBUGINFO_FUNC_NAME) - 1 &&
!memcmp(lcname, ZEND_DEBUGINFO_FUNC_NAME, sizeof(ZEND_DEBUGINFO_FUNC_NAME)-1) && fptr->common.num_args != 0) {
- zend_error(error_type, "Method %s::%s() cannot take arguments", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZEND_DEBUGINFO_FUNC_NAME);
+ zend_error(error_type, "Method %s::__debugInfo() cannot take arguments", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name));
/* }}} */