call Xtest_qftextfunc('l')
+" Test for updating a location list for some other window and check that
+" 'qftextfunc' uses the correct location list.
+func Test_qftextfunc_other_loclist()
+ %bw!
+ call setloclist(0, [], 'f')
+ " create a window and a location list for it and open the location list
+ " window
+ lexpr ['F1:10:12:one', 'F1:20:14:two']
+ let w1_id = win_getid()
+ call setloclist(0, [], ' ',
+ \ {'lines': ['F1:10:12:one', 'F1:20:14:two'],
+ \ 'quickfixtextfunc':
+ \ {d -> map(getloclist(d.winid, {'id' :,
+ \ 'items' : 1}).items[d.start_idx-1:d.end_idx-1],
+ \ "'Line ' .. v:val.lnum .. ', Col ' .. v:val.col")}})
+ lwindow
+ let w2_id = win_getid()
+ " create another window and a location list for it and open the location
+ " list window
+ topleft new
+ let w3_id = win_getid()
+ call setloclist(0, [], ' ',
+ \ {'lines': ['F2:30:32:eleven', 'F2:40:34:twelve'],
+ \ 'quickfixtextfunc':
+ \ {d -> map(getloclist(d.winid, {'id' :,
+ \ 'items' : 1}).items[d.start_idx-1:d.end_idx-1],
+ \ "'Ligne ' .. v:val.lnum .. ', Colonne ' .. v:val.col")}})
+ lwindow
+ let w4_id = win_getid()
+ topleft new
+ lexpr ['F3:50:52:green', 'F3:60:54:blue']
+ let w5_id = win_getid()
+ " change the location list for some other window
+ call setloclist(0, [], 'r', {'lines': ['F3:55:56:aaa', 'F3:57:58:bbb']})
+ call setloclist(w1_id, [], 'r', {'lines': ['F1:62:63:bbb', 'F1:64:65:ccc']})
+ call setloclist(w3_id, [], 'r', {'lines': ['F2:76:77:ddd', 'F2:78:79:eee']})
+ call assert_equal(['Line 62, Col 63', 'Line 64, Col 65'],
+ \ getbufline(winbufnr(w2_id), 1, '$'))
+ call assert_equal(['Ligne 76, Colonne 77', 'Ligne 78, Colonne 79'],
+ \ getbufline(winbufnr(w4_id), 1, '$'))
+ call setloclist(w2_id, [], 'r', {'lines': ['F1:32:33:fff', 'F1:34:35:ggg']})
+ call setloclist(w4_id, [], 'r', {'lines': ['F2:46:47:hhh', 'F2:48:49:jjj']})
+ call assert_equal(['Line 32, Col 33', 'Line 34, Col 35'],
+ \ getbufline(winbufnr(w2_id), 1, '$'))
+ call assert_equal(['Ligne 46, Colonne 47', 'Ligne 48, Colonne 49'],
+ \ getbufline(winbufnr(w4_id), 1, '$'))
+ call win_gotoid(w5_id)
+ lwindow
+ call assert_equal(['F3|55 col 56| aaa', 'F3|57 col 58| bbb'],
+ \ getline(1, '$'))
+ %bw!
" Running :lhelpgrep command more than once in a help window, doesn't jump to
" the help topic
func Test_lhelpgrep_from_help_window()