Problem: Using "which" to check for an executable is not reliable.
Solution: Use "command -v" instead. Also exit with error code when
generating tags has an error. (closes #5174)
# Use Vim to generate the tags file. Can only be used when Vim has been
# compiled and installed. Supports multiple languages.
vimtags: $(DOCS)
- @if which $(VIMEXE) >/dev/null; then \
- $(VIMEXE) --clean -eX -u doctags.vim >/dev/null; \
- echo "help tags updated"; \
+ @if command -v $(VIMEXE); then \
+ $(VIMEXE) --clean -eX -u doctags.vim >/dev/null && \
+ echo "help tags updated"; \
else echo "vim executable $(VIMEXE) not found; help tags not updated"; fi
# Use "doctags" to generate the tags file. Only works for English!
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2253,