The frontend must now send a PasswordMessage containing the
- password encrypted via MD5, using the 4-character salt
- specified in the AuthenticationMD5Password message. If
- this is the correct password, the server responds with an
- AuthenticationOk, otherwise it responds with an ErrorResponse.
+ password (with username) encrypted via MD5, then encrypted
+ again using the 4-byte random salt specified in the
+ AuthenticationMD5Password message. If this is the correct
+ password, the server responds with an AuthenticationOk,
+ otherwise it responds with an ErrorResponse. The actual
+ PasswordMessage can be computed in SQL as <literal>concat('md5',
+ md5(concat(md5(concat(password, username)), random-salt)))</>.
+ (Keep in mind the <function>md5()</> function returns its
+ result as a hex string.)