except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise unittest.SkipTest("filename is not encodable to utf8")
SIMPLE_NS_XMLFILE = findfile("simple-ns.xml", subdir="xmltestdata")
+UTF8_BUG_XMLFILE = findfile("expat224_utf8_bug.xml", subdir="xmltestdata")
self.assertIsInstance(e[0].tag, str)
self.assertEqual(e[0].tag, 'changed')
+ def check_expat224_utf8_bug(self, text):
+ xml = b'<a b="%s"/>' % text
+ root = ET.XML(xml)
+ self.assertEqual(root.get('b'), text.decode('utf-8'))
+ def test_expat224_utf8_bug(self):
+ # bpo-31170: Expat 2.2.3 had a bug in its UTF-8 decoder.
+ # Check that Expat 2.2.4 fixed the bug.
+ #
+ # Test buffer bounds at odd and even positions.
+ text = b'\xc3\xa0' * 1024
+ self.check_expat224_utf8_bug(text)
+ text = b'x' + b'\xc3\xa0' * 1024
+ self.check_expat224_utf8_bug(text)
+ def test_expat224_utf8_bug_file(self):
+ with open(UTF8_BUG_XMLFILE, 'rb') as fp:
+ raw = fp.read()
+ root = ET.fromstring(raw)
+ xmlattr = root.get('b')
+ # "Parse" manually the XML file to extract the value of the 'b'
+ # attribute of the <a b='xxx' /> XML element
+ text = raw.decode('utf-8').strip()
+ text = text.replace('\r\n', ' ')
+ text = text[6:-4]
+ self.assertEqual(root.get('b'), text)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------