extraArguments += " --scan ";\r
- // Quick fix for "F:\\" style paths. Just get rid of the \\ so the CLI doesn't fall over.\r
- // Sould probably clean up the escaping of the strings later.\r
- string source = sourcePath.ToString().EndsWith("\\")\r
- ? "\"" + sourcePath.ToString().TrimEnd('\\') + "\""\r
- : "\"" + sourcePath + "\"";\r
+ // Quick fix for "F:\\" style paths. We need \\\\ (Escaped \ twice)\r
+ string source = sourcePath.ToString().EndsWith("\\") ? string.Format("\"{0}\\\\\"", sourcePath.ToString().TrimEnd('\\'))\r
+ : "\"" + sourcePath + "\"";\r
string query = string.Format(@" -i {0} -t{1} {2} -v ", source, title, extraArguments);\r
this.hbProc = new Process\r