* will be extracted from it
-extern void ptarray_set_point4d(POINTARRAY *pa, int n, POINT4D *p4d);
+extern void ptarray_set_point4d(POINTARRAY *pa, int n, const POINT4D *p4d);
* get a pointer to nth point of a POINTARRAY
* If allow_duplicate is LW_TRUE, then a duplicate point will
* not be added.
-extern int ptarray_append_point(POINTARRAY *pa, POINT4D *pt, int allow_duplicates);
+extern int ptarray_append_point(POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *pt, int allow_duplicates);
* Append a #POINTARRAY, pa2 to the end of an existing #POINTARRAY, pa1.
* Insert a point into an existing #POINTARRAY. Zero
* is the index of the start of the array.
-extern int ptarray_insert_point(POINTARRAY *pa, POINT4D *p, int where);
+extern int ptarray_insert_point(POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *p, int where);
* Remove a point from an existing #POINTARRAY. Zero
* from underneath the geometries.
extern LWPOINT* lwpoint_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, POINTARRAY *point);
+extern LWMPOINT *lwmpoint_construct(int srid, const POINTARRAY *pa);
extern LWLINE* lwline_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, POINTARRAY *points);
extern LWCIRCSTRING* lwcircstring_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, POINTARRAY *points);
extern LWPOLY* lwpoly_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, uint32_t nrings, POINTARRAY **points);
extern LWPOINT *lwpoint_make3dz(int srid, double x, double y, double z);
extern LWPOINT *lwpoint_make3dm(int srid, double x, double y, double m);
extern LWPOINT *lwpoint_make4d(int srid, double x, double y, double z, double m);
-extern LWLINE *lwline_from_lwpointarray(int srid, uint32_t npoints, LWPOINT **points);
+extern LWPOINT *lwpoint_make(int srid, int hasz, int hasm, const POINT4D *p);
+extern LWLINE *lwline_from_ptarray(int srid, uint32_t npoints, LWPOINT **points);
extern LWLINE *lwline_from_lwmpoint(int srid, LWMPOINT *mpoint);
extern LWLINE *lwline_addpoint(LWLINE *line, LWPOINT *point, uint32_t where);
extern LWLINE *lwline_removepoint(LWLINE *line, uint32_t which);
extern double ptarray_locate_point(POINTARRAY *, POINT2D *, double *);
+* Add a measure dimension to a line, interpolating linearly from the start
+* to the end value.
extern LWLINE *lwline_measured_from_lwline(const LWLINE *lwline, double m_start, double m_end);
extern LWMLINE* lwmline_measured_from_lwmline(const LWMLINE *lwmline, double m_start, double m_end);
+* Determine the location(s) along a measured line where m occurs and
+* return as a multipoint. Offset to left (negative) or right (positive).
+extern LWGEOM* lwgeom_locate_along(const LWGEOM *lwin, double m, double offset);
* Ensure every segment is at most 'dist' long.
* Returned LWGEOM might is unchanged if a POINT.
* PointArray
char ptarray_isccw(const POINTARRAY *pa);
+int ptarray_has_z(const POINTARRAY *pa);
+int ptarray_has_m(const POINTARRAY *pa);
* Clone support
-ptarray_set_point4d(POINTARRAY *pa, int n, POINT4D *p4d)
+ptarray_set_point4d(POINTARRAY *pa, int n, const POINT4D *p4d)
uint8_t *ptr=getPoint_internal(pa, n);
switch ( FLAGS_GET_ZM(pa->flags) )
GEOSGeometry *g1, *g3;
LWGEOM *lwgeom_result;
+ LWGEOM *lwgeom_in = lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline);
initGEOS(lwnotice, lwgeom_geos_error);
- g1 = (GEOSGeometry *)LWGEOM2GEOS(lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline));
+ g1 = (GEOSGeometry *)LWGEOM2GEOS(lwgeom_in);
if ( ! g1 )
lwerror("lwgeom_offsetcurve: Geometry could not be converted to GEOS: %s", lwgeom_geos_errmsg);
LWDEBUGF(3, "result: %s", GEOSGeomToWKT(g3));
- GEOSSetSRID(g3, lwgeom_get_srid(lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline)));
- lwgeom_result = GEOS2LWGEOM(g3, lwgeom_has_z(lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline)));
+ GEOSSetSRID(g3, lwgeom_get_srid(lwgeom_in));
+ lwgeom_result = GEOS2LWGEOM(g3, lwgeom_has_z(lwgeom_in));
if (lwgeom_result == NULL)
* LWLINE dimensions are large enough to host all input dimensions.
-lwline_from_lwpointarray(int srid, uint32_t npoints, LWPOINT **points)
+lwline_from_ptarray(int srid, uint32_t npoints, LWPOINT **points)
int i;
int hasz = LW_FALSE;
if ( points[i]->type != POINTTYPE )
- lwerror("lwline_from_lwpointarray: invalid input type: %s", lwtype_name(points[i]->type));
+ lwerror("lwline_from_ptarray: invalid input type: %s", lwtype_name(points[i]->type));
return NULL;
if ( FLAGS_GET_Z(points[i]->flags) ) hasz = LW_TRUE;
#include "lwgeom_log.h"
+static int
+segment_locate_along(const POINT4D *p1, const POINT4D *p2, double m, double offset, POINT4D *pn)
+ double m1 = p1->m;
+ double m2 = p2->m;
+ double mprop;
+ /* M is out of range, no new point generated. */
+ if ( (m < FP_MIN(m1,m2)) || (m > FP_MAX(m1,m2)) )
+ {
+ return LW_FALSE;
+ }
+ /* We'll just can out on this degenerate case for now.
+ Correct behavior is probably an mprop of 0.5?
+ Still would have to deal with case of true p1==p2. */
+ if( m1 == m2 )
+ {
+ lwerror("Zero measure-length line encountered!");
+ }
+ /* M is in range, new point to be generated. */
+ mprop = (m - m1) / (m2 - m1);
+ pn->x = p1->x + (p2->x - p1->x) * mprop;
+ pn->y = p1->y + (p2->y - p1->y) * mprop;
+ pn->z = p1->z + (p2->z - p1->z) * mprop;
+ pn->m = m;
+ /* Offset to the left or right, if necessary. */
+ if ( offset != 0.0 )
+ {
+ double theta = atan2(p2->y - p1->y, p2->x - p1->x);
+ pn->x -= sin(theta) * offset;
+ pn->y += cos(theta) * offset;
+ }
+ return LW_TRUE;
+ptarray_locate_along(const POINTARRAY *pa, double m, double offset)
+ int i;
+ POINT4D p1, p2, pn;
+ /* Can't do anything with degenerate point arrays */
+ if ( ! pa || pa->npoints < 2 ) return NULL;
+ /* Walk through each segment in the point array */
+ for ( i = 1; i < pa->npoints; i++ )
+ {
+ getPoint4d_p(pa, i-1, &p1);
+ getPoint4d_p(pa, i, &p2);
+ /* No derived point? Move to next segment. */
+ if ( segment_locate_along(&p1, &p2, m, offset, &pn) == LW_FALSE )
+ continue;
+ /* No pointarray, make a fresh one */
+ if ( dpa == NULL )
+ dpa = ptarray_construct_empty(ptarray_has_z(pa), ptarray_has_m(pa), 8);
+ /* Add our new point to the array */
+ ptarray_append_point(dpa, &pn, 0);
+ }
+ return dpa;
+static LWMPOINT*
+lwline_locate_along(const LWLINE *lwline, double m, double offset)
+ LWGEOM *lwg = lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline);
+ int hasz, hasm, srid;
+ /* Return degenerates upwards */
+ if ( ! lwline ) return NULL;
+ /* Create empty return shell */
+ srid = lwgeom_get_srid(lwg);
+ hasz = lwgeom_has_z(lwg);
+ hasm = lwgeom_has_m(lwg);
+ if ( hasm )
+ {
+ /* Find points along */
+ opa = ptarray_locate_along(lwline->points, m, offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LWLINE *lwline_measured = lwline_measured_from_lwline(lwline, 0.0, 1.0);
+ opa = ptarray_locate_along(lwline_measured->points, m, offset);
+ lwline_free(lwline_measured);
+ }
+ /* Return NULL as EMPTY */
+ if ( ! opa )
+ return lwmpoint_construct_empty(srid, hasz, hasm);
+ /* Convert pointarray into a multipoint */
+ mp = lwmpoint_construct(srid, opa);
+ ptarray_free(opa);
+ return mp;
+static LWMPOINT*
+lwmline_locate_along(const LWMLINE *lwmline, double m, double offset)
+ LWMPOINT *lwmpoint = NULL;
+ LWGEOM *lwg = lwmline_as_lwgeom(lwmline);
+ int i, j;
+ /* Return degenerates upwards */
+ if ( (!lwmline) || (lwmline->ngeoms < 1) ) return NULL;
+ /* Construct return */
+ lwmpoint = lwmpoint_construct_empty(lwgeom_get_srid(lwg), lwgeom_has_z(lwg), lwgeom_has_m(lwg));
+ /* Locate along each sub-line */
+ for ( i = 0; i < lwmline->ngeoms; i++ )
+ {
+ LWMPOINT *along = lwline_locate_along(lwmline->geoms[i], m, offset);
+ if ( along != NULL )
+ {
+ for ( j = 0; j < along->ngeoms; j++ )
+ {
+ lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(lwmpoint, along->geoms[i]);
+ }
+ /* Free the containing geometry, but leave the sub-geometries around */
+ if ( along->bbox ) lwfree(along->bbox);
+ lwfree(along);
+ }
+ }
+ return lwmpoint;
+lwgeom_locate_along(const LWGEOM *lwin, double m, double offset)
+ if ( ! lwin ) return NULL;
+ switch (lwin->type)
+ {
+ case LINETYPE:
+ return (LWGEOM*)lwline_locate_along((LWLINE*)lwin, m, offset);
+ return (LWGEOM*)lwmline_locate_along((LWMLINE*)lwin, m, offset);
+ /* Only line types supported right now */
+ /* TO DO: CurveString, CompoundCurve, MultiCurve */
+ /* TO DO: Point, MultiPoint */
+ default:
+ lwerror("Only linear geometries are supported, %s provided.",lwtype_name(lwin->type));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return NULL;
* Given a POINT4D and an ordinate number, return
* the value of the ordinate.
return ret;
LWMPOINT* lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(LWMPOINT *mobj, const LWPOINT *obj)
LWDEBUG(4, "Called");
return (LWMPOINT*)lwcollection_add_lwgeom((LWCOLLECTION*)mobj, (LWGEOM*)obj);
+lwmpoint_construct(int srid, const POINTARRAY *pa)
+ int i;
+ int hasz = ptarray_has_z(pa);
+ int hasm = ptarray_has_m(pa);
+ LWMPOINT *ret = (LWMPOINT*)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOINTTYPE, srid, hasz, hasm);
+ for ( i = 0; i < pa->npoints; i++ )
+ {
+ LWPOINT *lwp;
+ POINT4D p;
+ getPoint4d_p(pa, i, &p);
+ lwp = lwpoint_make(srid, hasz, hasm, &p);
+ lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(ret, lwp);
+ }
+ return ret;
void lwmpoint_free(LWMPOINT *mpt)
int i;
return lwpoint_construct(srid, NULL, pa);
+lwpoint_make(int srid, int hasz, int hasm, const POINT4D *p)
+ POINTARRAY *pa = ptarray_construct_empty(hasz, hasm, 1);
+ ptarray_append_point(pa, p, LW_TRUE);
+ return lwpoint_construct(srid, NULL, pa);
void lwpoint_free(LWPOINT *pt)
if ( pt->bbox )
lwpoints[0] = lwpoint_make2d(srid, x1, y1);
lwpoints[1] = lwpoint_make2d(srid, x2, y2);
- result = (LWGEOM *)lwline_from_lwpointarray(srid, 2, lwpoints);
+ result = (LWGEOM *)lwline_from_ptarray(srid, 2, lwpoints);
return result;
lwpoints[0] = lwpoint_make3dz(srid, x1, y1, z1);\r
lwpoints[1] = lwpoint_make3dz(srid, x2, y2, z2);\r
- result = (LWGEOM *)lwline_from_lwpointarray(srid, 2, lwpoints);\r
+ result = (LWGEOM *)lwline_from_ptarray(srid, 2, lwpoints);\r
return result;\r
#include "lwgeom_log.h"
+ptarray_has_z(const POINTARRAY *pa)
+ if ( ! pa ) return LW_FALSE;
+ return FLAGS_GET_Z(pa->flags);
+ptarray_has_m(const POINTARRAY *pa)
+ if ( ! pa ) return LW_FALSE;
+ return FLAGS_GET_M(pa->flags);
* Size of point represeneted in the POINTARRAY
* 16 for 2d, 24 for 3d, 32 for 4d
* pointarray supports.
-ptarray_insert_point(POINTARRAY *pa, POINT4D *p, int where)
+ptarray_insert_point(POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *p, int where)
size_t point_size = ptarray_point_size(pa);
LWDEBUGF(5,"pa = %p; p = %p; where = %d", pa, p, where);
-ptarray_append_point(POINTARRAY *pa, POINT4D *pt, int repeated_points)
+ptarray_append_point(POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *pt, int repeated_points)
/* Check for pathology */
POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "LWGEOM_makeline_garray: point elements: %d", npoints);
- outlwg = (LWGEOM *)lwline_from_lwpointarray(srid, npoints, lwpoints);
+ outlwg = (LWGEOM *)lwline_from_ptarray(srid, npoints, lwpoints);
result = geometry_serialize(outlwg);
lwpoints[0] = lwgeom_as_lwpoint(lwgeom_from_gserialized(pglwg1));
lwpoints[1] = lwgeom_as_lwpoint(lwgeom_from_gserialized(pglwg2));
- outline = lwline_from_lwpointarray(lwpoints[0]->srid, 2, lwpoints);
+ outline = lwline_from_ptarray(lwpoints[0]->srid, 2, lwpoints);
result = geometry_serialize((LWGEOM *)outline);
pfree(paramstr); /* alloc'ed in text2cstring */
- lwgeom_result = lwline_as_lwgeom(lwgeom_offsetcurve(lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_input), size, quadsegs, joinStyle, mitreLimit));
+ lwgeom_result = lwgeom_offsetcurve(lwgeom_as_lwline(lwgeom_input), size, quadsegs, joinStyle, mitreLimit);
if (lwgeom_result == NULL)
lwerror("ST_OffsetCurve: lwgeom_offsetcurve returned NULL");