FSO.FolderExists("tmp\\src") ? "" : FSO.CreateFolder("tmp\\src");
var src = FSO.CreateTextFile("tmp\\src\\" + fname, true);
var out = get_define("BUILD_DIR");
+ var libpath = "";
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].length > 1) {
arr[i].match(/zend_(ini|language)_scanner_defs\.h/)) {
+ libpath = arr[i].substr(2, arr[i].lastIndexOf("\\") - 2);
+ if (libpath) {
+ libpath = "\\" + libpath;
+ }
src.WriteLine("# Begin Source File");
src.WriteLine("SOURCE=" + arr[i]);
- src.WriteLine('# PROP Intermediate_Dir "' + intpath + out + '\\' + path + '"');
+ src.WriteLine('# PROP Intermediate_Dir "' + intpath + out + '\\' + path + libpath + '"');
src.WriteLine("# End Source File");
return headers;
-/* generate php5dll[ts].dsp */
+/* generate php5[ts].dsp */
function generate_core_dsp(core_headers, core_sources, headers, sources, cflags, ldflags, libs)
var ts = (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "");
- var extname = "php5dll" + ts;
+ var extname = "php5" + ts;
var tmpl = generate_dsp_file(extname, ".", false, false);
- cflags += (get_define("CFLAGS_PHP") ? get_define("CFLAGS_PHP").replace("/D _USRDLL", "") : "");
+ cflags += get_define("CFLAGS_PHP").replace("/D _USRDLL", "");
cflags = cflags.replace(/\/(I|D)(\S)/g, "/$1 $2");
- ldflags += (get_define("LDFLAGS_PHP") ? get_define("LDFLAGS_PHP") : "");
- libs += (get_define("LIBS_PHP") ? " " + get_define("LIBS_PHP") : "");
+ ldflags += get_define("LDFLAGS_PHP");
+ libs += get_define("LIBS_PHP");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(/ LOCALCPP/, cflags.replace(/\"ext/g, '"../ext') + " /c");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(/ LOCALLIBS/, libs.substr(1));
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(/ LOCALLDFLAGS/, ldflags);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/LOCALCPP/, cflags.replace(/\"ext/g, '"../ext') + " /c");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/LOCALLIBS/, libs);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/LOCALLDFLAGS/, ldflags);
tmpl = tmpl.replace(extname + ".dll", get_define("PHPDLL"));
wsyslog = (core_headers.match("wsyslog.h") ? "" : generate_wsyslog(core_headers));
defs = generate_php_defs();
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/DEFS/, defs);
- dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile("win32\\php5dll" + ts + ".dsp", true);
- STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating win32\\php5dll" + ts + ".dsp");
+ dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile("win32\\php5" + ts + ".dsp", true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating win32\\php5" + ts + ".dsp");
/* pick up local flags and libs */
- cflags = (get_define("CFLAGS_" + EXT) ? get_define("CFLAGS_" + EXT) : "");
+ cflags = get_define("CFLAGS_" + EXT);
cflags += (ext.match(/(TSRM|Zend)/) ? "/D TSRM_EXPORTS " : "");
cflags += (ext.match(/Zend/) ? "/D LIBZEND_EXPORTS " : "");
libs = get_define("LIBS_" + EXT);
ldflags = get_define("LDFLAGS_" + EXT);
- ldflags = (ldflags ? ldflags.replace(/(\.\.\\)/g, rel + "$1") : "");
+ ldflags = ldflags.replace(/(\.\.\\)/g, rel + "$1");
contents = contents.replace(/LOCALCPP/, cflags + " /c");
- contents = contents.replace(/LOCALLIBS\s/, (libs ? libs + " " : ""));
- contents = contents.replace(/LOCALLDFLAGS\s/, ldflags);
+ contents = contents.replace(/LOCALLIBS/, libs);
+ contents = contents.replace(/LOCALLDFLAGS/, ldflags);
if (ext.match("Zend")) {
arr = new Array("ini", "language");
if (ext == "cli") {
- /* change of address: php5ts.dsp */
- newext = "php5" + (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "");
- address = "win32\\" + newext + ".dsp";
+ /* change of address: php.dsp */
+ newext = "cli";
+ address = "win32\\php.dsp";
srcpath = "..\\" + path;
- contents = contents.replace(/\"cli/g, '"' + newext);
contents = contents.replace(/cli\.exe/g, "php.exe");
} else if (ext == "cgi") {
- /* change of address: php5ts_cgi.dsp */
- newext = "php5" + (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "") + "_cgi";
- address = "win32\\" + newext + ".dsp";
+ /* change of address: php-cgi.dsp */
+ newext = "cgi";
+ address = "win32\\php-cgi.dsp";
srcpath = "..\\" + path;
- contents = contents.replace(/\"cgi/g, '"' + newext);
contents = contents.replace(/cgi\.exe/g, "php-cgi.exe");
} else {
oldext = new RegExp(('[^=\\\\]'+ext), "g");
contents = contents.replace(oldext, newext);
contents = contents.replace(ext + ".dll", newext + ".dll");
+ contents = contents.replace("CFG=" + ext, "CFG=" + newext);
- contents = contents.replace("CFG=" + ext, "CFG=" + newext);
contents = read_src_files(ext, contents, (srcpath ? srcpath : false));
dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile(address, true);
STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating " + address);
} else {
- /* bound for php5dll[ts].dsp */
+ /* bound for php5[ts].dsp */
cflags = get_define("CFLAGS_" + EXT);
cflags = cflags ? cflags.replace(/-(I|D)/g, " /$1") : "";
cflags = cflags? cflags.replace(/\/(I|D)\s+/g, "/$1") : "";
var baseflags = "";
/* store the final path and value of shared in the tmp file */
- if (!ext.match("php5dll")) {
+ if (!ext.match("php5")) {
tmpl = ext_dir + "\\" + ext + ".dsp#" + shared + tmpl;
path += "..\\";
type = ".lib";
- } else if (ext.match("php5dll")) {
+ } else if (ext.match("php5")) {
path = "..\\";
type = ".dll";
} else {
incs = incs.replace('"' + path + '."', '".."');
lcflags = cflags.replace(/\$\(BASE_INCLUDES\)/, incs + (type == ".exe" ? '/I "..\\sapi" ' : "") + '/I "' + path + '..\\bindlib_w32"');
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASECPP/, (type == ".dll" ? lcflags : lcflags.replace(ld + " ", "")));
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELIBS/, "/nologo " + get_define("LIBS") + " " + (ext.match("php5dll") ? "" : get_define("PHPLIB")));
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELIBS/, "/nologo " + get_define("LIBS") + " " + (ext.match("php5") ? "" : get_define("PHPLIB")));
ldflags = get_define("LDFLAGS").replace(/\s?(\/nologo|\/libpath:\S+)\s?/g, "");
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELDFLAGS/, ldflags + (type == ".dll" ? " " + get_define("DLL_LDFLAGS") : "") + (debug ? ' /nodefaultlib:"msvcrt"' : ""));
out = '/out:"' + outpath + "\\" + ext + type + '"' + ' /libpath:"' + outpath + '"' + ' /libpath:"..\\' + path + 'bindlib_w32\\' + status + '"';
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/TEXTFILES/, txt);
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/RESOURCEFILES/, res);
- if (ext.match("php5dll")) {
+ if (ext.match("php5")) {
return tmpl;