if (!vqtype && two_pass)
- XPRINT("<big><b>%s</b></big> "
+ XPRINT(_("<big><b>%s</b></big> "
"<small>(Title %d, %s %d through %d, 2 Video Passes)"
- " --> %s</small>",
+ " --> %s</small>"),
escape2, title, points, start_point, end_point, escape
- XPRINT("<big><b>%s</b></big> "
+ XPRINT(_("<big><b>%s</b></big> "
"<small>(Title %d, %s %d through %d)"
- " --> %s</small>",
+ " --> %s</small>"),
escape2, title, points, start_point, end_point, escape
if (preset_modified)
- XPRINT("<b>Modified Preset Based On:</b> <small>%s</small>\n", preset);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Modified Preset Based On:</b> <small>%s</small>\n"), preset);
- XPRINT("<b>Preset:</b> <small>%s</small>\n", preset);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Preset:</b> <small>%s</small>\n"), preset);
// Next line in the display (Container type)
// Format: XXX Container
- XPRINT("<b>Format:</b> <small>%s Container</small>\n", mux->name);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Format:</b> <small>%s Container</small>\n"), mux->name);
// Next line in the display (Container options)
// Container Options: - Chapter Markers
if (http || ipod || large || markers)
const char *prefix = " ";
- XPRINT("<b>Container Options:</b><small>");
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Container Options:</b><small>"));
if (markers)
- XPRINT("%sChapter Markers", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%sChapter Markers"), prefix);
prefix = " - ";
if (ipod)
- XPRINT("%siPod 5G Support", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%siPod 5G Support"), prefix);
prefix = " - ";
if (http)
- XPRINT("%sWeb Optimized", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%sWeb Optimized"), prefix);
prefix = " - ";
if (large)
- XPRINT("%sLarge File Size (>4GB)", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%sLarge File Size (>4GB)"), prefix);
prefix = " - ";
// Next line in the display (Destination)
// Destination: /Full/Destination/Path.mkv
escape = g_markup_escape_text(dest, -1);
- XPRINT("<b>Destination:</b> <small>%s</small>\n", escape);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Destination:</b> <small>%s</small>\n"), escape);
// Next line in the display (Picture settings)
if (keep_aspect)
- aspect_desc = "(Aspect Preserved)";
+ aspect_desc = _("(Aspect Preserved)");
- aspect_desc = "(Aspect Lost)";
+ aspect_desc = _("(Aspect Lost)");
} break;
case 1:
- aspect_desc = "(Anamorphic)";
+ aspect_desc = _("(Anamorphic)");
} break;
case 2:
- aspect_desc = "(Anamorphic)";
+ aspect_desc = _("(Anamorphic)");
} break;
case 3:
- aspect_desc = "(Custom Anamorphic)";
+ aspect_desc = _("(Custom Anamorphic)");
} break;
gint source_width, source_height;
source_width = ghb_settings_get_int(settings, "source_width");
source_height = ghb_settings_get_int(settings, "source_height");
- XPRINT("<b>Picture:</b> <small>");
- XPRINT("Source: %d x %d, Output %d x %d %s, Crop %d:%d:%d:%d",
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Picture:</b> <small>"));
+ XPRINT(_("Source: %d x %d, Output %d x %d %s, Crop %d:%d:%d:%d"),
source_width, source_height, width, height, aspect_desc,
crop[0], crop[1], crop[2], crop[3]);
if (pic_par)
int display_width, display_height;
display_width = ghb_settings_get_int(settings, "PictureDisplayWidth");
display_height = ghb_settings_get_int(settings, "PictureDisplayHeight");
- XPRINT(", Display %d x %d",
+ XPRINT(_(", Display %d x %d"),
display_width, display_height);
if (filters)
const char *prefix = " ";
- XPRINT("<b>Filters:</b><small>");
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Filters:</b><small>"));
if (detel)
- XPRINT("%sDetelecine", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%sDetelecine"), prefix);
if (detel == 1)
XPRINT(": %s", detel_cust);
if (decomb_deint && decomb)
- XPRINT("%sDecomb", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%sDecomb"), prefix);
if (decomb == 1)
XPRINT(": %s", decomb_cust);
else if (!decomb_deint && deint)
- XPRINT("%sDeinterlace", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%sDeinterlace"), prefix);
if (deint == 1)
XPRINT(": %s", deint_cust);
if (denoise)
- XPRINT("%sDenoise Filter %s:", prefix, denoise_opt);
+ XPRINT(_("%sDenoise Filter %s:"), prefix, denoise_opt);
if (ghb_settings_combo_int(settings, "PictureDenoisePreset") == 1)
XPRINT(" %s", denoise_cust);
if (deblock >= 5)
- XPRINT("%sDeblock: %d", prefix, deblock);
+ XPRINT(_("%sDeblock: %d"), prefix, deblock);
prefix = " - ";
if (grayscale)
- XPRINT("%sGrayscale", prefix);
+ XPRINT(_("%sGrayscale"), prefix);
prefix = " - ";
const hb_encoder_t *video_encoder;
video_encoder = ghb_settings_video_encoder(settings, "VideoEncoder");
- XPRINT("<b>Video:</b> <small>%s", video_encoder->name);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Video:</b> <small>%s"), video_encoder->name);
const hb_rate_t *fps;
fps = ghb_settings_video_framerate(settings, "VideoFramerate");
const char *rate_mode;
if (ghb_settings_get_boolean(settings, "VideoFramerateCFR"))
- rate_mode = "(constant)";
+ rate_mode = _("(constant)");
- rate_mode = "(variable)";
- XPRINT(", Framerate: %s %s", fps->name, rate_mode);
+ rate_mode = _("(variable)");
+ XPRINT(_(", Framerate: %s %s"), fps->name, rate_mode);
if (ghb_settings_get_boolean(settings, "VideoFrameratePFR"))
- XPRINT(", Framerate: Peak %s (may be lower)", fps->name);
+ XPRINT(_(", Framerate: Peak %s (may be lower)"), fps->name);
- XPRINT(", Framerate: %s (constant frame rate)", fps->name);
+ XPRINT(_(", Framerate: %s (constant frame rate)"), fps->name);
- const gchar *vq_desc = "Error";
+ const gchar *vq_desc = _("Error");
const gchar *vq_units = "";
gdouble vqvalue;
if (!vqtype)
// Has to be bitrate
vqvalue = ghb_settings_get_int(settings, "VideoAvgBitrate");
- vq_desc = "Bitrate:";
- vq_units = "kbps";
+ vq_desc = _("Bitrate:");
+ vq_units = _("kbps");
XPRINT(", %s %d%s",
vq_desc, (int)vqvalue, vq_units);
// Constant quality
vqvalue = ghb_settings_get_double(settings, "VideoQualitySlider");
- vq_desc = "Constant Quality:";
+ vq_desc = _("Constant Quality:");
vq_units = hb_video_quality_get_name(video_encoder->codec);
XPRINT(", %s %.4g(%s)",
vq_desc, vqvalue, vq_units);
turbo = ghb_settings_get_boolean(settings, "VideoTurboTwoPass");
if (!vqtype && two_pass && turbo)
- XPRINT("<b>Turbo 1st Pass:</b> <small>On</small>\n");
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Turbo 1st Pass:</b> <small>On</small>\n"));
// Next line in the display (Video Encoder Options)
level_opt = ghb_settings_get_const_string(settings, "VideoLevel");
extra_opt = ghb_settings_get_const_string(settings, "VideoOptionExtra");
- XPRINT("<b>Video Options:</b> <small>Preset: %s</small>", preset_opt);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Video Options:</b> <small>Preset: %s</small>"), preset_opt);
if ((tune_opt != NULL && tune_opt[0] != 0) || zerolatency || fastdecode)
const char *prefix = "";
- XPRINT("<small> - Tune: ");
+ XPRINT(_("<small> - Tune: "));
if (tune_opt != NULL && tune_opt[0] != 0)
XPRINT("%s%s", prefix, tune_opt);
if (profile_opt != NULL && profile_opt[0] != 0)
- XPRINT("<small> - Profile: %s</small>", profile_opt);
+ XPRINT(_("<small> - Profile: %s</small>"), profile_opt);
if (level_opt != NULL && level_opt[0] != 0)
- XPRINT("<small> - Level: %s</small>", level_opt);
+ XPRINT(_("<small> - Level: %s</small>"), level_opt);
// Video Advanced Options: detailed settings
if (extra_opt != NULL && extra_opt[0] != 0)
- XPRINT("<b>Advanced Options:</b> <small>%s</small>\n", extra_opt);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Advanced Options:</b> <small>%s</small>\n"), extra_opt);
else if (video_encoder->codec == HB_VCODEC_X264)
gchar *opts = ghb_build_advanced_opts_string(settings);
if (opts != NULL && opts[0] != 0)
- XPRINT("<b>Advanced Options:</b> <small>%s</small>\n", opts);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Advanced Options:</b> <small>%s</small>\n"), opts);
count = ghb_array_len(audio_list);
if (count == 1)
- XPRINT("<b>Audio:</b> <small>");
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Audio:</b> <small>"));
else if (count > 1)
- XPRINT("<b>Audio Tracks: %d</b><small>", count);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Audio Tracks: %d</b><small>"), count);
for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
if (ghb_settings_get_boolean(asettings, "AudioTrackQualityEnable") &&
- quality = ghb_format_quality("Quality: ", audio_encoder->codec, q);
+ quality = ghb_format_quality(_("Quality: "), audio_encoder->codec, q);
int br = ghb_settings_audio_bitrate_rate(asettings, "AudioBitrate");
- quality = g_strdup_printf("Bitrate: %d", br);
+ quality = g_strdup_printf(_("Bitrate: %d"), br);
const hb_rate_t *sr;
sr = ghb_settings_audio_samplerate(asettings, "AudioSamplerate");
if (audio_encoder->codec & HB_ACODEC_PASS_FLAG)
- XPRINT("%s --> Encoder: %s", track, audio_encoder->name);
+ XPRINT(_("%s --> Encoder: %s"), track, audio_encoder->name);
- XPRINT("%s --> Encoder: %s, Mixdown: %s, SampleRate: %s, %s",
+ XPRINT(_("%s --> Encoder: %s, Mixdown: %s, SampleRate: %s, %s"),
track, audio_encoder->name, mix->name, sr->name, quality);
count = ghb_array_len(sub_list);
if (count == 1)
- XPRINT("<b>Subtitle:</b> ");
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Subtitle:</b> "));
else if (count > 1)
- XPRINT("<b>Subtitle Tracks: %d</b>\n", count);
+ XPRINT(_("<b>Subtitle Tracks: %d</b>\n"), count);
for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
if (source != SRTSUB)
XPRINT("<small>%s%s%s%s</small>\n", track,
- force ? " (Force)":"",
- burn ? " (Burn)":"",
- def ? " (Default)":""
+ force ? _(" (Force)"):"",
+ burn ? _(" (Burn)"):"",
+ def ? _(" (Default)"):""
basename = g_path_get_basename(filename);
code = ghb_settings_get_string(settings, "SrtCodeset");
- XPRINT("<small> %s (%s), %s, Offset (ms) %d%s</small>\n",
+ XPRINT(_("<small> %s (%s), %s, Offset (ms) %d%s</small>\n"),
track, code, basename, offset, def ? " (Default)":"");
// Select checkbox
selected = GTK_CHECK_BUTTON(gtk_check_button_new());
- "Select this title for adding to the queue.\n");
+ _("Select this title for adding to the queue.\n"));
gtk_widget_set_valign(GTK_WIDGET(selected), GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
gtk_widget_set_name(GTK_WIDGET(selected), "title_selected");
gtk_box_pack_start(hbox, GTK_WIDGET(selected), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
// Title label
- title = GTK_LABEL(gtk_label_new("No Title"));
+ title = GTK_LABEL(gtk_label_new(_("No Title")));
gtk_label_set_width_chars(title, 12);
gtk_widget_set_halign(GTK_WIDGET(title), GTK_ALIGN_START);
gtk_widget_set_valign(GTK_WIDGET(title), GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
default_title_attrs = gtk_label_get_attributes(title);
- "There is another title with the same destination file name.\n"
+ _("There is another title with the same destination file name.\n"
"This title will not be added to the queue unless you change\n"
- "the output file name.\n");
+ "the output file name.\n"));
gtk_widget_set_has_tooltip(GTK_WIDGET(title), FALSE);
// Destination entry and file chooser
g_signal_connect(dest_file, "changed", (GCallback)title_dest_file_cb, ud);
gtk_box_pack_start(vbox_dest, GTK_WIDGET(dest_file), FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- gtk_file_chooser_button_new("Destination Directory",
+ gtk_file_chooser_button_new(_("Destination Directory"),
g_signal_connect(dest_dir, "selection-changed",
(GCallback)title_dest_dir_cb, ud);