Python and have libaries in ``/usr/local`` that don't contain the required
architectures. Temporarily move ``/usr/local`` aside to finish the build.
+Uninstalling a framework install, including the binary installer
+Uninstalling a framework can be done by manually removing all bits that got installed,
+that's true for both installations from source and installations using the binary installer.
+Sadly enough OSX does not have a central uninstaller.
+The main bit of a framework install is the framework itself, installed in
+``/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework``. This can contain multiple versions
+of Python, if you want to remove just one version you have to remove the
+version-specific subdirectory: ``/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/X.Y``.
+If you do that, ensure that ``/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current``
+is a symlink that points to an installed version of Python.
+A framework install also installs some applications in ``/Applications/Python X.Y``,
+And lastly a framework installation installs files in ``/usr/local/bin``, all of
+them symbolic links to files in ``/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/X.Y/bin``.
Odds and ends
Jack Jansen,, 15-Jul-2004.
- Ronald Oussoren,, 26-May-2006
+ Ronald Oussoren,, 30-April-2010