return Result.first->getValue();
+TypeSerializer::insertRecordBytesWithCopy(CVType &Record,
+ MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Data) {
+ assert(Data.size() % 4 == 0 && "Record is not aligned to 4 bytes!");
+ StringRef S(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(, Data.size());
+ // Do a two state lookup / insert so that we don't have to allocate unless
+ // we're going
+ // to do an insert. This is a big memory savings.
+ auto Iter = HashedRecords.find(S);
+ if (Iter != HashedRecords.end())
+ return Iter->second;
+ LastTypeIndex = calcNextTypeIndex();
+ uint8_t *Copy = RecordStorage.Allocate<uint8_t>(Data.size());
+ ::memcpy(Copy,, Data.size());
+ Data = MutableArrayRef<uint8_t>(Copy, Data.size());
+ S = StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(, Data.size());
+ HashedRecords.insert(std::make_pair(S, LastTypeIndex));
+ SeenRecords.push_back(Data);
+ Record.RecordData = Data;
+ return LastTypeIndex;
TypeSerializer::addPadding(MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Record) {
uint32_t Align = Record.size() % 4;
reinterpret_cast<RecordPrefix *>(;
Prefix->RecordLen = ThisRecordData.size() - sizeof(uint16_t);
- uint8_t *Copy = RecordStorage.Allocate<uint8_t>(ThisRecordData.size());
- ::memcpy(Copy,, ThisRecordData.size());
- ThisRecordData = MutableArrayRef<uint8_t>(Copy, ThisRecordData.size());
- Record = CVType(*TypeKind, ThisRecordData);
- TypeIndex InsertedTypeIndex = insertRecordBytesPrivate(ThisRecordData);
+ Record.Type = *TypeKind;
+ TypeIndex InsertedTypeIndex =
+ insertRecordBytesWithCopy(Record, ThisRecordData);
// Write out each additional segment in reverse order, and update each
// record's continuation index to point to the previous one.